Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
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Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
8// W A R N I N G
9// -------------
11// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
12// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
13// version without notice, or even be removed.
15// We mean it.
18#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
19#include <qtqmlcompilerexports.h>
25class QQmlToolingSettings;
26class QCommandLineParser;
28namespace QQmlJS {
32class LoggerCategoryPrivate;
34class Q_QMLCOMPILER_EXPORT LoggerCategory
40 LoggerCategory(QString name, QString settingsName, QString description, QtMsgType level,
41 bool ignored = false, bool isDefault = false);
42 LoggerCategory(const LoggerCategory &);
44 LoggerCategory &operator=(const LoggerCategory &);
45 LoggerCategory &operator=(LoggerCategory &&) noexcept;
48 QString name() const;
49 QString settingsName() const;
50 QString description() const;
51 QtMsgType level() const;
52 bool isIgnored() const;
53 bool isDefault() const;
55 LoggerWarningId id() const;
57 void setLevel(QtMsgType);
58 void setIgnored(bool);
69 LoggerWarningId id() const { return LoggerWarningId(m_name); }
71 void setLevel(QtMsgType);
72 void setIgnored(bool);
74 QString name() const;
78 bool isIgnored() const;
79 bool isDefault() const;
80 bool hasChanged() const;
82 static LoggerCategoryPrivate *get(LoggerCategory *);
84 friend bool operator==(const LoggerCategoryPrivate &lhs, const LoggerCategoryPrivate &rhs)
85 {
86 return operatorEqualsImpl(lhs, rhs);
87 }
88 friend bool operator!=(const LoggerCategoryPrivate &lhs, const LoggerCategoryPrivate &rhs)
89 {
90 return !operatorEqualsImpl(lhs, rhs);
91 }
93 bool operator==(const LoggerWarningId warningId) const { return warningId.name() == m_name; }
96 static bool operatorEqualsImpl(const LoggerCategoryPrivate &, const LoggerCategoryPrivate &);
98 QString m_name;
99 QString m_settingsName;
100 QString m_description;
101 QtMsgType m_level = QtDebugMsg;
102 bool m_ignored = false;
103 bool m_isDefault = false; // Whether or not the category can be disabled
104 bool m_changed = false;
107namespace LoggingUtils {
108Q_QMLCOMPILER_EXPORT void updateLogLevels(QList<LoggerCategory> &categories,
109 const QQmlToolingSettings &settings,
110 QCommandLineParser *parser);
112Q_QMLCOMPILER_EXPORT QString levelToString(const QQmlJS::LoggerCategory &category);
113Q_QMLCOMPILER_EXPORT bool applyLevelToCategory(const QStringView level, LoggerCategory &category);
114} // namespace LoggingUtils
116} // namespace QQmlJS
[custom type definition]
std::optional< QQmlJSFixSuggestion > fixSuggestion
bool isCompileError
QAnyStringView id
friend bool operator==(const QByteArray::FromBase64Result &lhs, const QByteArray::FromBase64Result &rhs) noexcept
Returns true if lhs and rhs are equal, otherwise returns false.
Definition qbytearray.h:807
friend bool operator!=(const QByteArray::FromBase64Result &lhs, const QByteArray::FromBase64Result &rhs) noexcept
Returns true if lhs and rhs are different, otherwise returns false.
Definition qbytearray.h:818
bool isValid() const
QScopedPointer< QImageIOHandlerPrivate > d_ptr
QString fileName() const
If the currently assigned device is a QFile, or if setFileName() has been called, this function retur...
void setFileName(const QString &fileName)
Sets the file name of QImageReader to fileName.
virtual Type type() const =0
Reimplement this function to return the paint engine \l{Type}.
virtual QString location() const
bool isDisabled() const
void setCategoryFatal(QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id, bool error)
QString code() const
bool isSilent() const
void finalizeFuction()
qsizetype numErrors() const
bool isCategoryIgnored(QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id) const
void setCode(const QString &code)
void setFilePath(const QString &filePath)
bool currentFunctionHasCompileError() const
bool hasWarnings() const
void logCompileError(const QString &message, const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &srcLocation)
void setSilent(bool silent)
void setCompileErrorLevel(QtMsgType level)
bool wasCategoryChanged(QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id) const
void startTransaction()
void setCategoryIgnored(QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id, bool error)
QString currentFunctionCompileErrorMessage() const
void processMessages(const QList< QQmlJS::DiagnosticMessage > &messages, const QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id, const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &sourceLocation=QQmlJS::SourceLocation{})
bool isCategoryFatal(QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id) const
void iterateCurrentFunctionMessages(F &&f) const
QString compileErrorPrefix() const
void setCategoryLevel(QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id, QtMsgType level)
QtMsgType compileErrorLevel() const
void iterateAllMessages(F &&f) const
qsizetype numWarnings() const
static const QList< QQmlJS::LoggerCategory > & defaultCategories()
void setIsDisabled(bool isDisabled)
void setCompileErrorPrefix(const QString &prefix)
void log(const QString &message, QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id, const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &srcLocation, bool showContext=true, bool showFileName=true, const std::optional< QQmlJSFixSuggestion > &suggestion={}, const QString overrideFileName=QString())
QtMsgType categoryLevel(QQmlJS::LoggerWarningId id) const
QString filePath() const
bool hasErrors() const
void registerCategory(const QQmlJS::LoggerCategory &category)
void ignoreWarnings(uint32_t line, const QSet< QString > &categories)
QString typeName() const
void setIsFlag(bool isFlag)
friend bool operator!=(const QQmlJSMetaEnum &a, const QQmlJSMetaEnum &b)
void setName(const QString &name)
friend size_t qHash(const QQmlJSMetaEnum &e, size_t seed=0)
friend bool operator==(const QQmlJSMetaEnum &a, const QQmlJSMetaEnum &b)
void setTypeName(const QString &typeName)
bool hasKey(const QString &key) const
void setIsScoped(bool v)
void setType(const QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > &type)
QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > type() const
int value(const QString &key) const
bool isQml() const
void setIsQml(bool v)
void addValue(int value)
bool isScoped() const
QList< int > values() const
bool isFlag() const
QString alias() const
QStringList keys() const
bool isValid() const
void addKey(const QString &key)
void setAlias(const QString &alias)
QString name() const
QQmlJSMetaEnum(QString name)
bool hasValues() const
QQmlJSMetaReturnType returnValue() const
void setReturnType(QWeakPointer< const QQmlJSScope > type)
void setSourceLocation(QQmlJS::SourceLocation location)
QQmlJS::SourceLocation sourceLocation() const
QString methodName() const
void setMethodName(const QString &name)
void setReturnTypeName(const QString &typeName)
QString returnTypeName() const
QQmlJSMetaMethod(QString name, QString returnType=QString())
QList< QQmlJSMetaParameter > parameters() const
void setReturnValue(const QQmlJSMetaReturnType returnValue)
QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > returnType() const
void setIsPointer(bool isPointer)
void setType(QWeakPointer< const QQmlJSScope > type)
void setIsList(bool isList)
friend bool operator!=(const QQmlJSMetaParameter &a, const QQmlJSMetaParameter &b)
friend size_t qHash(const QQmlJSMetaParameter &e, size_t seed=0)
void setName(const QString &name)
void setTypeName(const QString &typeName)
void setTypeQualifier(Constness typeQualifier)
Constness typeQualifier() const
QString typeName() const
QQmlJSMetaParameter(QString name=QString(), QString typeName=QString(), Constness typeQualifier=NonConst, QWeakPointer< const QQmlJSScope > type={})
friend bool operator==(const QQmlJSMetaParameter &a, const QQmlJSMetaParameter &b)
QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > type() const
friend bool operator!=(const QQmlJSMetaProperty &a, const QQmlJSMetaProperty &b)
QString notify() const
QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > aliasTargetScope() const
QString aliasExpression() const
friend bool operator==(const QQmlJSMetaProperty &a, const QQmlJSMetaProperty &b)
void setPropertyName(const QString &propertyName)
QString aliasTargetName() const
void setAnnotations(const QList< QQmlJSAnnotation > &annotation)
void setIsList(bool isList)
QString bindable() const
QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > type() const
void setPrivateClass(const QString &privateClass)
void setRead(const QString &read)
friend size_t qHash(const QQmlJSMetaProperty &prop, size_t seed=0)
void setBindable(const QString &bindable)
void setWrite(const QString &write)
void setIsPropertyConstant(bool isPropertyConstant)
QString reset() const
void setRevision(int revision)
void setIsFinal(bool isFinal)
QString typeName() const
void setAliasTargetScope(const QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > &scope)
void setSourceLocation(const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &newSourceLocation)
QString write() const
void setIsTypeConstant(bool isTypeConstant)
const QList< QQmlJSAnnotation > & annotations() const
QQmlJS::SourceLocation sourceLocation() const
void setTypeName(const QString &typeName)
void setReset(const QString &reset)
QString privateClass() const
void setIsWritable(bool isWritable)
void setAliasExpression(const QString &aliasString)
void setAliasTargetName(const QString &name)
void setIndex(int index)
void setNotify(const QString &notify)
bool isPropertyConstant() const
bool isTypeConstant() const
void setType(const QSharedPointer< const QQmlJSScope > &type)
QString propertyName() const
void setIsPointer(bool isPointer)
QQmlJSRegisterContent createMethod(const QList< QQmlJSMetaMethod > &methods, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &methodType, ContentVariant variant, QQmlJSRegisterContent scope)
QQmlJSRegisterContent createImportNamespace(uint importNamespaceStringId, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &importNamespaceType, ContentVariant variant, QQmlJSRegisterContent scope)
QQmlJSRegisterContent createProperty(const QQmlJSMetaProperty &property, int baseLookupIndex, int resultLookupIndex, ContentVariant variant, QQmlJSRegisterContent scope)
void adjustType(QQmlJSRegisterContent content, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &adjusted)
void generalizeType(QQmlJSRegisterContent content, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &generalized)
void storeType(QQmlJSRegisterContent content, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &stored)
QQmlJSRegisterContent castTo(QQmlJSRegisterContent content, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &newContainedType)
QQmlJSRegisterContent createEnumeration(const QQmlJSMetaEnum &enumeration, const QString &enumMember, ContentVariant variant, QQmlJSRegisterContent scope)
void setAllocationMode(AllocationMode mode)
QQmlJSRegisterContent storedIn(QQmlJSRegisterContent content, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &newStoredType)
QQmlJSRegisterContent clone(QQmlJSRegisterContent from)
QQmlJSRegisterContent createType(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &type, int resultLookupIndex, ContentVariant variant, QQmlJSRegisterContent scope={})
QQmlJSRegisterContent createConversion(const QList< QQmlJSRegisterContent > &origins, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &conversion, QQmlJSRegisterContent conversionScope, ContentVariant variant, QQmlJSRegisterContent scope)
QQmlJSRegisterContent createMethodCall(const QQmlJSMetaMethod &method, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &returnType, QQmlJSRegisterContent scope)
Tracks the types for the QmlCompiler.
ConstPtrWrapperIterator(QList< Ptr >::const_iterator iterator)
friend bool operator==(const ConstPtrWrapperIterator &a, const ConstPtrWrapperIterator &b)
ConstPtrWrapperIterator & operator++()
friend bool operator!=(const ConstPtrWrapperIterator &a, const ConstPtrWrapperIterator &b)
ConstPtrWrapperIterator operator++(int)
QTypeRevision revision() const
QString type() const
QTypeRevision version() const
bool isValid() const
QString package() const
Export(QString package, QString type, QTypeRevision version, QTypeRevision revision)
friend bool operator!=(const LoggerCategoryPrivate &lhs, const LoggerCategoryPrivate &rhs)
friend class QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QQmlJS::LoggerCategory)
bool operator==(const LoggerWarningId warningId) const
static LoggerCategoryPrivate * get(LoggerCategory *)
friend bool operator==(const LoggerCategoryPrivate &lhs, const LoggerCategoryPrivate &rhs)
LoggerCategory(const LoggerCategory &)
LoggerCategory & operator=(const LoggerCategory &)
LoggerCategory & operator=(LoggerCategory &&) noexcept
LoggerWarningId id() const
LoggerCategory(QString name, QString settingsName, QString description, QtMsgType level, bool ignored=false, bool isDefault=false)
virtual QQmlSourceLocation sourceLocation() const
static BindingPrivate * get(Binding *binding)
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:87
static QQmlJSMetaPropertyBinding binding(QQmlSA::Binding &binding)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:304
Element bindingScope() const
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:96
void setPropertyName(QString name)
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:94
static QQmlSA::Binding createBinding(const QQmlJSMetaPropertyBinding &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:297
static const QQmlJSMetaPropertyBinding binding(const QQmlSA::Binding &binding)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:309
bool isAttached() const
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:99
void setIsAttached(bool isAttached)
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:100
BindingPrivate(Binding *, const BindingPrivate &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:291
void setBindingScope(Element bindingScope)
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:97
static const BindingPrivate * get(const Binding *binding)
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:88
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:51
Element attachedType() const
Returns the attached type if the content type of this binding is AttachedProperty,...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:368
BindingType bindingType() const
Returns the type of this binding.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:334
Element bindingScope() const
Returns the Element scope in which the binding is defined.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:326
friend bool operator!=(const Binding &lhs, const Binding &rhs)
Returns true if lhs and rhs are not equal, and false otherwise.
Definition qqmlsa.h:104
bool hasUndefinedScriptValue() const
Returns whether this binding has script value type undefined like when it is assigned undefined.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:435
Binding(const Binding &)
Creates a copy of other.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:238
Binding & operator=(const Binding &)
Assigns other to this Binding instance.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:250
bool isAttached() const
Returns true if this type is attached to another one, false otherwise.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:359
bool hasObject() const
Returns true if this binding has an objects, otherwise returns false.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:416
friend bool operator==(const Binding &lhs, const Binding &rhs)
Returns true if lhs and rhs are equal, and false otherwise.
Definition qqmlsa.h:100
static bool isLiteralBinding(BindingType)
Returns true if bindingType is a literal type, and false otherwise.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:446
QString propertyName() const
Returns the name of the property bound with this binding.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:351
Constructs a new Binding object.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:231
QString stringValue() const
Returns the associated string literal if the content type of this binding is StringLiteral,...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:343
Element objectType() const
Returns the type of the associated object if the content type of this binding is Object,...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:425
Binding & operator=(Binding &&) noexcept
Move-assigns other to this Binding instance.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:266
QQmlSA::SourceLocation sourceLocation() const
Returns the location in the QML code where this binding is defined.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:389
ScriptBindingKind scriptKind() const
Returns the kind of the associated script if the content type of this binding is Script,...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:408
double numberValue() const
Returns the associated number if the content type of this binding is NumberLiteral,...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:399
Element groupType() const
Returns the type of the property of this binding if it is a group property, otherwise returns an inva...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:318
QMultiHash< QString, Binding >::const_iterator constBegin() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:197
BindingsPrivate(QQmlSA::Binding::Bindings *, const BindingsPrivate &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:173
friend class QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QQmlJSMetaPropertyBinding)
QMultiHash< QString, Binding >::const_iterator constEnd() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:216
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:366
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:200
QQmlSA::SourceLocation location() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1986
FixSuggestionPrivate(FixSuggestion *, const QString &fixDescription, const QQmlSA::SourceLocation &location, const QString &replacement)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1961
void setHint(const QString &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2006
void setFileName(const QString &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1996
QString fixDescription() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1981
FixSuggestionPrivate(FixSuggestion *)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1959
void setAutoApplicable(bool autoApplicable=true)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2016
static const QQmlJSFixSuggestion & fixSuggestion(const QQmlSA::FixSuggestion &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2031
FixSuggestionPrivate(FixSuggestion *, FixSuggestionPrivate &&)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1976
QString replacement() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1991
static QQmlJSFixSuggestion & fixSuggestion(QQmlSA::FixSuggestion &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2026
FixSuggestionPrivate(FixSuggestion *, const FixSuggestionPrivate &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1970
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:395
void setHint(const QString &)
Sets hint as the hint for this fix suggestion.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2142
FixSuggestion(const FixSuggestion &)
Creates a copy of other.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2056
QString hint() const
Returns the hint for this fix suggestion.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2150
QString replacement() const
Returns the fix that will replace the problematic source code.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2118
QString fixDescription() const
Returns the description of the fix.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2101
bool isAutoApplicable() const
Returns whether this suggested fix can be applied automatically.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2167
void setAutoApplicable(bool autoApplicable=true)
Sets autoApplicable to determine whether this suggested fix can be applied automatically.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:2159
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:281
void emitWarning(QAnyStringView diagnostic, LoggerWarningId id)
Emits a warning message diagnostic about an issue of type id.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1235
Element resolveLiteralType(const Binding &binding)
Returns the element representing the type of literal in binding.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1347
void emitWarning(QAnyStringView diagnostic, LoggerWarningId id, QQmlSA::SourceLocation srcLocation, const QQmlSA::FixSuggestion &fix)
Emits a warning message diagnostic about an issue of type id located at srcLocation and with suggeste...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1258
void emitWarning(QAnyStringView diagnostic, LoggerWarningId id, QQmlSA::SourceLocation srcLocation)
Emits warning message diagnostic about an issue of type id located at srcLocation.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1244
Element resolveBuiltinType(QAnyStringView typeName) const
Returns the type of the built-in type identified by typeName.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1319
Element resolveAttached(QAnyStringView moduleName, QAnyStringView typeName)
Returns the attached type of typeName defined in module moduleName.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1337
QString resolveElementToId(const Element &element, const Element &context)
Returns the id of element in a given context.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1370
Element resolveTypeInFileScope(QAnyStringView typeName)
Returns the type corresponding to typeName inside the currently analysed file.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1273
QString sourceCode(QQmlSA::SourceLocation location)
Returns the source code located within location.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1381
Element resolveAttachedInFileScope(QAnyStringView typeName)
Returns the attached type corresponding to typeName used inside the currently analysed file.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1285
Element resolveIdToElement(QAnyStringView id, const Element &context)
Returns the element in context that has id id.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1358
Element resolveType(QAnyStringView moduleName, QAnyStringView typeName)
Returns the type of typeName defined in module moduleName.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1303
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:338
MethodPrivate(Method *, const MethodPrivate &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:534
QQmlSA::SourceLocation sourceLocation() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:544
static QQmlSA::Method createMethod(const QQmlJSMetaMethod &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:651
MethodType methodType() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:549
static QQmlJSMetaMethod method(const QQmlSA::Method &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:672
QString methodName() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:539
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:118
Method & operator=(Method &&) noexcept
Move-assigns other to this Method instance.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:595
MethodType methodType() const
Returns the type of this method.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:622
Method(const Method &)
Creates a copy of other.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:569
Constructs a new Method object.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:564
Method & operator=(const Method &)
Assigns other to this Method instance.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:582
QString methodName() const
Returns the name of the this method.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:613
MethodsPrivate(QQmlSA::Method::Methods *, MethodsPrivate &&)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:527
static QQmlSA::Method::Methods createMethods(const QMultiHash< QString, QQmlJSMetaMethod > &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:660
QMultiHash< QString, Method >::const_iterator constEnd() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:515
MethodsPrivate(QQmlSA::Method::Methods *, const MethodsPrivate &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:522
QMultiHash< QString, Method >::const_iterator constBegin() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:496
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:312
void analyze(const Element &root)
Runs the element passes over root and all its children.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1549
bool isCategoryEnabled(LoggerWarningId category) const
Returns true if warnings of category are enabled, false otherwise.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1660
std::unordered_map< quint32, Binding > bindingsByLocation() const
Returns bindings by their source location.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1953
bool hasImportedModule(QAnyStringView name) const
Returns true if the module named module has been imported by the QML to be analyzed,...
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:1652
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:349
static QQmlSA::Property createProperty(const QQmlJSMetaProperty &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:722
PropertyPrivate(Property *, const PropertyPrivate &)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:679
PropertyPrivate(Property *, PropertyPrivate &&)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:684
static QQmlJSMetaProperty property(const QQmlSA::Property &property)
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:717
QQmlSA::Element type() const
Returns the type that this property was defined with.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:712
bool isValid() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:694
QString typeName() const
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:689
bool isReadonly() const
Returns whether this property is readonly.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:704
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:167
Property(const Property &)
Creates a copy of other.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:745
QString typeName() const
Returns the name of the type of this property.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:790
bool isReadonly() const
Returns true if this property is read-only, false otherwise.
Definition qqmlsa.cpp:808
bool isValid() const
\inmodule QtQmlCompiler
Definition qqmlsa.h:47
Definition qqmlsa.h:48
@ HasBaseTypeError
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:41
@ InlineComponent
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:39
@ HasExtensionNamespace
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:42
@ WrappedInImplicitComponent
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:40
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
static auto getQQmlJSScopeFromSmartPtr(const From &p) -> From
Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(QNetworkAccessBackendFactory, QNetworkAccessBackendFactory_iid)
static QString toNumericString(double value)
static QString messageTypeForMethod(const QString &method)
#define INJECT_TRACE_INFO(function)
static QString minExpression(int argc)
static QString maxExpression(int argc)
static bool isTypeStorable(const QQmlJSTypeResolver *resolver, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &type)
@ ScriptValue_Unknown
@ ScriptValue_Undefined
#define QmlLintPluginInterface_iid
Definition qqmlsa.h:438
QList< Export > exports
std::shared_ptr< QQmlSA::PropertyPass > pass
Definition qqmlsa_p.h:49