Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
CPDF_TextRenderer Member List

This is the complete list of members for CPDF_TextRenderer, including all inherited members.

CPDF_TextRenderer(const CPDF_TextRenderer &)=deleteCPDF_TextRenderer
DrawNormalText(CFX_RenderDevice *pDevice, pdfium::span< const uint32_t > char_codes, pdfium::span< const float > char_pos, CPDF_Font *pFont, float font_size, const CFX_Matrix &mtText2Device, FX_ARGB fill_argb, const CPDF_RenderOptions &options)CPDF_TextRendererstatic
DrawTextPath(CFX_RenderDevice *pDevice, pdfium::span< const uint32_t > char_codes, pdfium::span< const float > char_pos, CPDF_Font *pFont, float font_size, const CFX_Matrix &mtText2User, const CFX_Matrix *pUser2Device, const CFX_GraphStateData *pGraphState, FX_ARGB fill_argb, FX_ARGB stroke_argb, CFX_Path *pClippingPath, const CFX_FillRenderOptions &fill_options)CPDF_TextRendererstatic
DrawTextString(CFX_RenderDevice *pDevice, float origin_x, float origin_y, CPDF_Font *pFont, float font_size, const CFX_Matrix &matrix, const ByteString &str, FX_ARGB fill_argb, const CPDF_RenderOptions &options)CPDF_TextRendererstatic
operator=(const CPDF_TextRenderer &)=deleteCPDF_TextRenderer