Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
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1# Copyright 2021 The PDFium Authors
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import os
6import logging
7import shlex
8import shutil
10from . import pdfium_skia_gold_properties
11from . import pdfium_skia_gold_session_manager
13GS_BUCKET = 'skia-pdfium-gm'
17 """
18 Parses a string of the type 'key1 value1 key2 value2' into a dict.
19 """
20 kv_pairs = shlex.split(kv_str)
21 if len(kv_pairs) % 2:
22 raise ValueError('Uneven number of key/value pairs. Got %s' % kv_str)
23 return {kv_pairs[i]: kv_pairs[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(kv_pairs), 2)}
27 group = parser.add_argument_group('Skia Gold Arguments')
28 group.add_argument(
29 '--git-revision', help='Revision being tested.', default=None)
30 group.add_argument(
31 '--gerrit-issue',
32 help='For Skia Gold integration. Gerrit issue ID.',
33 default='')
34 group.add_argument(
35 '--gerrit-patchset',
36 help='For Skia Gold integration. Gerrit patch set number.',
37 default='')
38 group.add_argument(
39 '--buildbucket-id',
40 help='For Skia Gold integration. Buildbucket build ID.',
41 default='')
42 group.add_argument(
43 '--bypass-skia-gold-functionality',
44 action='store_true',
45 default=False,
46 help='Bypass all interaction with Skia Gold, effectively disabling the '
47 'image comparison portion of any tests that use Gold. Only meant to '
48 'be used in case a Gold outage occurs and cannot be fixed quickly.')
49 local_group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
50 local_group.add_argument(
51 '--local-pixel-tests',
52 action='store_true',
53 default=None,
54 help='Specifies to run the test harness in local run mode or not. When '
55 'run in local mode, uploading to Gold is disabled and links to '
56 'help with local debugging are output. Running in local mode also '
57 'implies --no-luci-auth. If both this and --no-local-pixel-tests are '
58 'left unset, the test harness will attempt to detect whether it is '
59 'running on a workstation or not and set this option accordingly.')
60 local_group.add_argument(
61 '--no-local-pixel-tests',
62 action='store_false',
63 dest='local_pixel_tests',
64 help='Specifies to run the test harness in non-local (bot) mode. When '
65 'run in this mode, data is actually uploaded to Gold and triage links '
66 'arge generated. If both this and --local-pixel-tests are left unset, '
67 'the test harness will attempt to detect whether it is running on a '
68 'workstation or not and set this option accordingly.')
69 group.add_argument(
70 '--no-luci-auth',
71 action='store_true',
72 default=False,
73 help='Don\'t use the service account provided by LUCI for '
74 'authentication for Skia Gold, instead relying on gsutil to be '
75 'pre-authenticated. Meant for testing locally instead of on the bots.')
77 group.add_argument(
78 '--gold_key',
79 default='',
80 dest="gold_key",
81 help='Key value pairs of config data such like the hardware/software '
82 'configuration the image was produced on.')
83 group.add_argument(
84 '--gold_output_dir',
85 default='',
86 dest="gold_output_dir",
87 help='Path to the dir where diff output image files are saved, '
88 'if running locally. If this is a tryjob run, will contain link to skia '
89 'gold CL triage link. Required with --run-skia-gold.')
92def clear_gold_output_dir(output_dir):
93 # make sure the output directory exists and is empty.
94 if os.path.exists(output_dir):
95 shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True)
96 os.makedirs(output_dir)
101 def __init__(self, source_type, skia_gold_args, process_name=None):
102 """
103 source_type: source_type (=corpus) field used for all results.
104 skia_gold_args: Parsed arguments from argparse.ArgumentParser.
105 process_name: Unique name of current process, if multiprocessing is on.
106 """
107 self._source_type = source_type
108 self._output_dir = skia_gold_args.gold_output_dir
109 # goldctl is not thread safe, so each process needs its own directory
110 if process_name:
111 self._output_dir = os.path.join(skia_gold_args.gold_output_dir,
112 process_name)
114 self._keys = _ParseKeyValuePairs(skia_gold_args.gold_key)
115 self._skia_gold_args = skia_gold_args
119 def WriteCLTriageLink(self, link):
120 # pdfium recipe will read from this file and display the link in the step
121 # presentation
122 assert isinstance(link, str)
123 output_file_name = os.path.join(self._output_dir, 'cl_triage_link.txt')
124 if os.path.exists(output_file_name):
125 os.remove(output_file_name)
126 with open(output_file_name, 'wb') as outfile:
127 outfile.write(link.encode('utf8'))
130 if not self._skia_gold_properties:
131 if self._skia_gold_args.local_pixel_tests is None:
132 self._skia_gold_args.local_pixel_tests = 'SWARMING_SERVER' \
133 not in os.environ
135 self._skia_gold_properties = pdfium_skia_gold_properties\
136 .PDFiumSkiaGoldProperties(self._skia_gold_args)
137 return self._skia_gold_properties
140 if not self._skia_gold_session_manager:
141 self._skia_gold_session_manager = pdfium_skia_gold_session_manager\
142 .PDFiumSkiaGoldSessionManager(self._output_dir,
146 def IsTryjobRun(self):
147 return self.GetSkiaGoldProperties().IsTryjobRun()
150 return 'https://pdfium-gold.skia.org/search?issue={issue}&crs=gerrit&'\
151 'corpus={source_type}'.format(
152 issue=self.GetSkiaGoldProperties().issue, source_type=self._source_type)
154 def UploadTestResultToSkiaGold(self, image_name, image_path):
155 gold_properties = self.GetSkiaGoldProperties()
156 use_luci = not (gold_properties.local_pixel_tests or
157 gold_properties.no_luci_auth)
158 gold_session = self.GetSkiaGoldSessionManager()\
159 .GetSkiaGoldSession(self._keys, corpus=self._source_type,
160 bucket=GS_BUCKET)
162 status, error = gold_session.RunComparison(
163 name=image_name, png_file=image_path, use_luci=use_luci)
165 status_codes =\
166 self.GetSkiaGoldSessionManager().GetSessionClass().StatusCodes
167 if status == status_codes.SUCCESS:
168 return True
169 if status == status_codes.AUTH_FAILURE:
170 logging.error('Gold authentication failed with output %s', error)
171 elif status == status_codes.INIT_FAILURE:
172 logging.error('Gold initialization failed with output %s', error)
173 elif status == status_codes.COMPARISON_FAILURE_REMOTE:
174 logging.error('Remote comparison failed. See outputted triage links.')
175 elif status == status_codes.COMPARISON_FAILURE_LOCAL:
176 logging.error('Local comparison failed. Local diff files:')
177 _OutputLocalDiffFiles(gold_session, image_name)
178 print()
179 elif status == status_codes.LOCAL_DIFF_FAILURE:
180 logging.error(
181 'Local comparison failed and an error occurred during diff '
182 'generation: %s', error)
183 # There might be some files, so try outputting them.
184 logging.error('Local diff files:')
185 _OutputLocalDiffFiles(gold_session, image_name)
186 print()
187 else:
188 logging.error(
189 'Given unhandled SkiaGoldSession StatusCode %s with error %s', status,
190 error)
192 return False
195def _OutputLocalDiffFiles(gold_session, image_name):
196 """Logs the local diff image files from the given SkiaGoldSession.
198 Args:
199 gold_session: A skia_gold_session.SkiaGoldSession instance to pull files
200 from.
201 image_name: A string containing the name of the image/test that was
202 compared.
203 """
204 given_file = gold_session.GetGivenImageLink(image_name)
205 closest_file = gold_session.GetClosestImageLink(image_name)
206 diff_file = gold_session.GetDiffImageLink(image_name)
207 failure_message = 'Unable to retrieve link'
208 logging.error('Generated image for %s: %s', image_name, given_file or
209 failure_message)
210 logging.error('Closest image for %s: %s', image_name, closest_file or
211 failure_message)
212 logging.error('Diff image for %s: %s', image_name, diff_file or
213 failure_message)
UploadTestResultToSkiaGold(self, image_name, image_path)
Definition skia_gold.py:154
__init__(self, source_type, skia_gold_args, process_name=None)
Definition skia_gold.py:101
_OutputLocalDiffFiles(gold_session, image_name)
Definition skia_gold.py:195
QDebug print(QDebug debug, QSslError::SslError error)
file open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)