Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
4#include "qlayout.h"
5#include "private/qlayoutengine_p.h"
7#include "qlist.h"
8#include "qwidget.h"
10#include <qvarlengtharray.h>
11#include <qdebug.h>
13#include <algorithm>
20static inline Fixed64 toFixed(int i) { return (Fixed64)i * 256; }
21static inline int fRound(Fixed64 i) {
22 return (i % 256 < 128) ? i / 256 : 1 + i / 256;
26 This is the main workhorse of the QGridLayout. It portions out
27 available space to the chain's children.
29 The calculation is done in fixed point: "fixed" variables are
30 scaled by a factor of 256.
32 If the layout runs "backwards" (i.e. RightToLeft or Up) the layout
33 is computed mirror-reversed, and it's the caller's responsibility
34 do reverse the values before use.
36 chain contains input and output parameters describing the geometry.
37 count is the count of items in the chain; pos and space give the
38 interval (relative to parentWidget topLeft).
40void qGeomCalc(QList<QLayoutStruct> &chain, int start, int count, int pos, int space, int spacer)
42 int cHint = 0;
43 int cMin = 0;
44 int sumStretch = 0;
45 int sumSpacing = 0;
46 int expandingCount = 0;
48 bool allEmptyNonstretch = true;
49 int pendingSpacing = -1;
50 int spacerCount = 0;
51 int i;
53 for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
54 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
56 data->done = false;
57 cHint += data->smartSizeHint();
58 cMin += data->minimumSize;
59 sumStretch += data->stretch;
60 if (!data->empty) {
61 /*
62 Using pendingSpacing, we ensure that the spacing for the last
63 (non-empty) item is ignored.
64 */
65 if (pendingSpacing >= 0) {
66 sumSpacing += pendingSpacing;
67 ++spacerCount;
68 }
69 pendingSpacing = data->effectiveSpacer(spacer);
70 }
71 if (data->expansive)
72 expandingCount++;
73 allEmptyNonstretch = allEmptyNonstretch && data->empty && !data->expansive && data->stretch <= 0;
74 }
76 int extraspace = 0;
78 if (space < cMin + sumSpacing) {
79 /*
80 Less space than minimumSize; take from the biggest first
81 */
83 int minSize = cMin + sumSpacing;
85 // shrink the spacers proportionally
86 if (spacer >= 0) {
87 spacer = minSize > 0 ? spacer * space / minSize : 0;
88 sumSpacing = spacer * spacerCount;
89 }
91 QVarLengthArray<int, 32> minimumSizes;
92 minimumSizes.reserve(count);
94 for (i = start; i < start + count; i++)
95 minimumSizes << chain.at(i).minimumSize;
97 std::sort(minimumSizes.begin(), minimumSizes.end());
99 int space_left = space - sumSpacing;
101 int sum = 0;
102 int idx = 0;
103 int space_used=0;
104 int current = 0;
105 while (idx < count && space_used < space_left) {
106 current = minimumSizes.at(idx);
107 space_used = sum + current * (count - idx);
108 sum += current;
109 ++idx;
110 }
111 --idx;
112 int deficit = space_used - space_left;
114 int items = count - idx;
115 /*
116 * If we truncate all items to "current", we would get "deficit" too many pixels. Therefore, we have to remove
117 * deficit/items from each item bigger than maxval. The actual value to remove is deficitPerItem + remainder/items
118 * "rest" is the accumulated error from using integer arithmetic.
119 */
120 int deficitPerItem = deficit/items;
121 int remainder = deficit % items;
122 int maxval = current - deficitPerItem;
124 int rest = 0;
125 for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
126 int maxv = maxval;
127 rest += remainder;
128 if (rest >= items) {
129 maxv--;
130 rest-=items;
131 }
132 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
133 data->size = qMin(data->minimumSize, maxv);
134 data->done = true;
135 }
136 } else if (space < cHint + sumSpacing) {
137 /*
138 Less space than smartSizeHint(), but more than minimumSize.
139 Currently take space equally from each, as in Qt 2.x.
140 Commented-out lines will give more space to stretchier
141 items.
142 */
143 int n = count;
144 int space_left = space - sumSpacing;
145 int overdraft = cHint - space_left;
147 // first give to the fixed ones:
148 for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
149 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
150 if (!data->done
151 && data->minimumSize >= data->smartSizeHint()) {
152 data->size = data->smartSizeHint();
153 data->done = true;
154 space_left -= data->smartSizeHint();
155 // sumStretch -= data->stretch;
156 n--;
157 }
158 }
159 bool finished = n == 0;
160 while (!finished) {
161 finished = true;
162 Fixed64 fp_over = toFixed(overdraft);
163 Fixed64 fp_w = 0;
165 for (i = start; i < start+count; i++) {
166 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
167 if (data->done)
168 continue;
169 // if (sumStretch <= 0)
170 fp_w += fp_over / n;
171 // else
172 // fp_w += (fp_over * data->stretch) / sumStretch;
173 int w = fRound(fp_w);
174 data->size = data->smartSizeHint() - w;
175 fp_w -= toFixed(w); // give the difference to the next
176 if (data->size < data->minimumSize) {
177 data->done = true;
178 data->size = data->minimumSize;
179 finished = false;
180 overdraft -= data->smartSizeHint() - data->minimumSize;
181 // sumStretch -= data->stretch;
182 n--;
183 break;
184 }
185 }
186 }
187 } else { // extra space
188 int n = count;
189 int space_left = space - sumSpacing;
190 // first give to the fixed ones, and handle non-expansiveness
191 for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
192 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
193 if (!data->done
194 && (data->maximumSize <= data->smartSizeHint()
195 || (!allEmptyNonstretch && data->empty &&
196 !data->expansive && data->stretch == 0))) {
197 data->size = data->smartSizeHint();
198 data->done = true;
199 space_left -= data->size;
200 sumStretch -= data->stretch;
201 if (data->expansive)
202 expandingCount--;
203 n--;
204 }
205 }
206 extraspace = space_left;
208 /*
209 Do a trial distribution and calculate how much it is off.
210 If there are more deficit pixels than surplus pixels, give
211 the minimum size items what they need, and repeat.
212 Otherwise give to the maximum size items, and repeat.
214 Paul Olav Tvete has a wonderful mathematical proof of the
215 correctness of this principle, but unfortunately this
216 comment is too small to contain it.
217 */
218 int surplus, deficit;
219 do {
220 surplus = deficit = 0;
221 Fixed64 fp_space = toFixed(space_left);
222 Fixed64 fp_w = 0;
223 for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
224 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
225 if (data->done)
226 continue;
227 extraspace = 0;
228 if (sumStretch > 0) {
229 fp_w += (fp_space * data->stretch) / sumStretch;
230 } else if (expandingCount > 0) {
231 fp_w += (fp_space * (data->expansive ? 1 : 0)) / expandingCount;
232 } else {
233 fp_w += fp_space * 1 / n;
234 }
235 int w = fRound(fp_w);
236 data->size = w;
237 fp_w -= toFixed(w); // give the difference to the next
238 if (w < data->smartSizeHint()) {
239 deficit += data->smartSizeHint() - w;
240 } else if (w > data->maximumSize) {
241 surplus += w - data->maximumSize;
242 }
243 }
244 if (deficit > 0 && surplus <= deficit) {
245 // give to the ones that have too little
246 for (i = start; i < start+count; i++) {
247 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
248 if (!data->done && data->size < data->smartSizeHint()) {
249 data->size = data->smartSizeHint();
250 data->done = true;
251 space_left -= data->smartSizeHint();
252 sumStretch -= data->stretch;
253 if (data->expansive)
254 expandingCount--;
255 n--;
256 }
257 }
258 }
259 if (surplus > 0 && surplus >= deficit) {
260 // take from the ones that have too much
261 for (i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
262 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
263 if (!data->done && data->size > data->maximumSize) {
264 data->size = data->maximumSize;
265 data->done = true;
266 space_left -= data->maximumSize;
267 sumStretch -= data->stretch;
268 if (data->expansive)
269 expandingCount--;
270 n--;
271 }
272 }
273 }
274 } while (n > 0 && surplus != deficit);
275 if (n == 0)
276 extraspace = space_left;
277 }
279 /*
280 As a last resort, we distribute the unwanted space equally
281 among the spacers (counting the start and end of the chain). We
282 could, but don't, attempt a sub-pixel allocation of the extra
283 space.
284 */
285 int extra = extraspace / (spacerCount + 2);
286 int p = pos + extra;
287 for (i = start; i < start+count; i++) {
288 QLayoutStruct *data = &chain[i];
289 data->pos = p;
290 p += data->size;
291 if (!data->empty)
292 p += data->effectiveSpacer(spacer) + extra;
293 }
296 qDebug() << "qGeomCalc" << "start" << start << "count" << count << "pos" << pos
297 << "space" << space << "spacer" << spacer;
298 for (i = start; i < start + count; ++i) {
299 qDebug() << i << ':' << chain[i].minimumSize << chain[i].smartSizeHint()
300 << chain[i].maximumSize << "stretch" << chain[i].stretch
301 << "empty" << chain[i].empty << "expansive" << chain[i].expansive
302 << "spacing" << chain[i].spacing;
303 qDebug() << "result pos" << chain[i].pos << "size" << chain[i].size;
304 }
308Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMinSize(const QSize &sizeHint, const QSize &minSizeHint,
309 const QSize &minSize, const QSize &maxSize,
310 const QSizePolicy &sizePolicy)
312 QSize s(0, 0);
314 if (sizePolicy.horizontalPolicy() != QSizePolicy::Ignored) {
315 if (sizePolicy.horizontalPolicy() & QSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag)
316 s.setWidth(minSizeHint.width());
317 else
318 s.setWidth(qMax(sizeHint.width(), minSizeHint.width()));
319 }
321 if (sizePolicy.verticalPolicy() != QSizePolicy::Ignored) {
322 if (sizePolicy.verticalPolicy() & QSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag) {
323 s.setHeight(minSizeHint.height());
324 } else {
325 s.setHeight(qMax(sizeHint.height(), minSizeHint.height()));
326 }
327 }
329 s = s.boundedTo(maxSize);
330 if (minSize.width() > 0)
331 s.setWidth(minSize.width());
332 if (minSize.height() > 0)
333 s.setHeight(minSize.height());
335 return s.expandedTo(QSize(0,0));
338Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMinSize(const QWidgetItem *i)
340 QWidget *w = i->widget();
341 return qSmartMinSize(w->sizeHint(), w->minimumSizeHint(),
342 w->minimumSize(), w->maximumSize(),
343 w->sizePolicy());
346Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMinSize(const QWidget *w)
348 return qSmartMinSize(w->sizeHint(), w->minimumSizeHint(),
349 w->minimumSize(), w->maximumSize(),
350 w->sizePolicy());
353Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMaxSize(const QSize &sizeHint,
354 const QSize &minSize, const QSize &maxSize,
355 const QSizePolicy &sizePolicy, Qt::Alignment align)
359 QSize s = maxSize;
360 QSize hint = sizeHint.expandedTo(minSize);
361 if (s.width() == QWIDGETSIZE_MAX && !(align & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask))
362 if (!(sizePolicy.horizontalPolicy() & QSizePolicy::GrowFlag))
363 s.setWidth(hint.width());
365 if (s.height() == QWIDGETSIZE_MAX && !(align & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask))
366 if (!(sizePolicy.verticalPolicy() & QSizePolicy::GrowFlag))
367 s.setHeight(hint.height());
369 if (align & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask)
370 s.setWidth(QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX);
371 if (align & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask)
372 s.setHeight(QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX);
373 return s;
376Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMaxSize(const QWidgetItem *i, Qt::Alignment align)
378 QWidget *w = i->widget();
379 return qSmartMaxSize(w->sizeHint().expandedTo(w->minimumSizeHint()), w->minimumSize(), w->maximumSize(),
380 w->sizePolicy(), align);
383Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMaxSize(const QWidget *w, Qt::Alignment align)
385 return qSmartMaxSize(w->sizeHint().expandedTo(w->minimumSizeHint()), w->minimumSize(), w->maximumSize(),
386 w->sizePolicy(), align);
389Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT int qSmartSpacing(const QLayout *layout, QStyle::PixelMetric pm)
391 QObject *parent = layout->parent();
392 if (!parent) {
393 return -1;
394 } else if (parent->isWidgetType()) {
395 QWidget *pw = static_cast<QWidget *>(parent);
396 return pw->style()->pixelMetric(pm, nullptr, pw);
397 } else {
398 return static_cast<QLayout *>(parent)->spacing();
399 }
The QLayout class is the base class of geometry managers.
Definition qlayout.h:26
\inmodule QtCore
Definition qobject.h:103
QObject * parent() const
Returns a pointer to the parent object.
Definition qobject.h:346
bool isWidgetType() const
Returns true if the object is a widget; otherwise returns false.
Definition qobject.h:131
The QSizePolicy class is a layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy.
Definition qsizepolicy.h:18
\inmodule QtCore
Definition qsize.h:25
constexpr int height() const noexcept
Returns the height.
Definition qsize.h:133
constexpr int width() const noexcept
Returns the width.
Definition qsize.h:130
constexpr QSize expandedTo(const QSize &) const noexcept
Returns a size holding the maximum width and height of this size and the given otherSize.
Definition qsize.h:192
This enum describes the various available pixel metrics.
Definition qstyle.h:413
virtual int pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption *option=nullptr, const QWidget *widget=nullptr) const =0
Returns the value of the given pixel metric.
The QWidgetItem class is a layout item that represents a widget.
Definition qlayoutitem.h:86
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition qwidget.h:99
QStyle * style() const
Definition qwidget.cpp:2614
qreal spacing
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
@ AlignHorizontal_Mask
Definition qnamespace.h:151
@ AlignVertical_Mask
Definition qnamespace.h:161
Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMinSize(const QSize &sizeHint, const QSize &minSizeHint, const QSize &minSize, const QSize &maxSize, const QSizePolicy &sizePolicy)
Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT int qSmartSpacing(const QLayout *layout, QStyle::PixelMetric pm)
void qGeomCalc(QList< QLayoutStruct > &chain, int start, int count, int pos, int space, int spacer)
Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSize qSmartMaxSize(const QSize &sizeHint, const QSize &minSize, const QSize &maxSize, const QSizePolicy &sizePolicy, Qt::Alignment align)
static int fRound(Fixed64 i)
static Fixed64 toFixed(int i)
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE typedef qint64 Fixed64
Definition qlayoutitem.h:16
#define qDebug
Definition qlogging.h:165
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE constexpr const T & qMin(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition qminmax.h:19
constexpr const T & qMax(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition qminmax.h:21
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat w
GLenum GLenum GLsizei count
GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLenum GLenum GLsizei void * data
GLuint start
GLfloat n
GLdouble s
Definition qopenglext.h:235
GLfloat GLfloat p
static QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QVariant hint(QPlatformIntegration::StyleHint h)
long long qint64
Definition qtypes.h:60
Definition qwidget.h:917
QVBoxLayout * layout
QList< QTreeWidgetItem * > items