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Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
This is the complete list of members for QRect, including all inherited members.
adjust(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) noexcept | QRect | inline |
adjusted(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
bottom() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
bottomLeft() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
bottomRight() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
center() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
comparesEqual(const QRect &r1, const QRect &r2) noexcept | QRect | friend |
contains(const QRect &r, bool proper=false) const noexcept | QRect | |
contains(const QPoint &p, bool proper=false) const noexcept | QRect | |
contains(int x, int y) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
contains(int x, int y, bool proper) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
getCoords(int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2) const | QRect | inline |
getRect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) const | QRect | inline |
height() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
intersected(const QRect &other) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
intersects(const QRect &r) const noexcept | QRect | |
isEmpty() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
isNull() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
isValid() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
left() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
marginsAdded(const QMargins &margins) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
marginsRemoved(const QMargins &margins) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveBottom(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveBottomLeft(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveBottomRight(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveCenter(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveLeft(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveRight(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveTo(int x, int t) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveTo(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveTop(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveTopLeft(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
moveTopRight(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
normalized() const noexcept | QRect | |
operator&(const QRect &r) const noexcept | QRect | |
operator&=(const QRect &r) noexcept | QRect | inline |
operator+(const QRect &rectangle, const QMargins &margins) | QRect | related |
operator+(const QMargins &margins, const QRect &rectangle) | QRect | related |
operator+=(const QMargins &margins) noexcept | QRect | inline |
operator-(const QRect &lhs, const QMargins &rhs) | QRect | related |
operator-=(const QMargins &margins) noexcept | QRect | inline |
operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QRect &rectangle) | QRect | related |
operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QRect &rectangle) | QRect | related |
operator|(const QRect &r) const noexcept | QRect | |
operator|=(const QRect &r) noexcept | QRect | inline |
qHash(const QRect &r, size_t seed=0) | QRect | friend |
QRect() noexcept | QRect | inline |
QRect(const QPoint &topleft, const QPoint &bottomright) noexcept | QRect | inline |
QRect(const QPoint &topleft, const QSize &size) noexcept | QRect | inline |
QRect(int left, int top, int width, int height) noexcept | QRect | inline |
right() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
setBottom(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setBottomLeft(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setBottomRight(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setCoords(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setHeight(int h) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setLeft(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setRect(int x, int y, int w, int h) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setRight(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setSize(const QSize &s) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setTop(int pos) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setTopLeft(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setTopRight(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setWidth(int w) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setX(int x) noexcept | QRect | inline |
setY(int y) noexcept | QRect | inline |
size() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
span(const QPoint &p1, const QPoint &p2) noexcept | QRect | inlinestatic |
top() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
topLeft() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
topRight() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
toRectF() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
translate(int dx, int dy) noexcept | QRect | inline |
translate(const QPoint &p) noexcept | QRect | inline |
translated(int dx, int dy) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
translated(const QPoint &p) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
transposed() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
united(const QRect &other) const noexcept | QRect | inline |
width() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
x() const noexcept | QRect | inline |
y() const noexcept | QRect | inline |