8#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
9#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
10#include <QtCore/qlocale.h>
20 friend class QCollator;
22 QCollatorSortKey(
const QCollatorSortKey &other);
23 QCollatorSortKey(QCollatorSortKey &&other)
noexcept =
25 QCollatorSortKey &operator=(
const QCollatorSortKey &other);
27 void swap(QCollatorSortKey &other)
30 int compare(
const QCollatorSortKey &key)
31 friend bool operator<(
const QCollatorSortKey &lhs,
const QCollatorSortKey &rhs)
32 {
return lhs.compare(rhs) < 0; }
35 QCollatorSortKey(QCollatorSortKeyPrivate*);
37 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QCollatorSortKeyPrivate> d;
47 explicit QCollator(
const QLocale &locale);
48 QCollator(
const QCollator &);
50 QCollator &operator=(
const QCollator &);
51 QCollator(QCollator &&other)
52 : d(other.d) { other.d =
nullptr; }
55 void swap(QCollator &other)
56 { qt_ptr_swap(d, other.d); }
58 void setLocale(
const QLocale &locale);
59 QLocale locale()
61 Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity()
62 void setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitivity cs);
64 void setNumericMode(
bool on);
65 bool numericMode()
67 void setIgnorePunctuation(
bool on);
68 bool ignorePunctuation()
70 int compare(
const QString &s1,
const QString &s2)
71 {
return compare(QStringView(s1), QStringView(s2)); }
, 4
73 int compare(
const QChar *s1,
int len1,
const QChar *s2,
int len2)
74 {
return compare(QStringView(s1, len1), QStringView(s2, len2)); }
76 int compare(
const QChar *s1, qsizetype len1,
const QChar *s2, qsizetype len2)
77 {
return compare(QStringView(s1, len1), QStringView(s2, len2)); }
79 bool operator()(
const QString &s1,
const QString &s2)
80 {
return compare(s1, s2) < 0; }
81 int compare(QStringView s1, QStringView s2)
83 bool operator()(QStringView s1, QStringView s2)
84 {
return compare(s1, s2) < 0; }
86 QCollatorSortKey sortKey(
const QString &string)
88 static int defaultCompare(QStringView s1, QStringView s2);
89 static QCollatorSortKey defaultSortKey(QStringView key);
The QAbstractFileEngineIterator class provides an iterator interface for custom file engines.
virtual ~QAbstractFileEnginePrivate()
QAbstractFileEnginePrivate(QAbstractFileEngine *q)
QFile::FileError fileError
QAbstractFileEngine *const q_ptr
\inmodule QtCore \reentrant
QDirPrivate(const QDirPrivate ©)
void clearCache(MetaDataClearing mode)
QString resolveAbsoluteEntry() const
bool operator()(const QDirSortItem &, const QDirSortItem &) const
QDirSortItemComparator(QDir::SortFlags flags, QCollator *coll=nullptr)
int compareStrings(const QString &a, const QString &b, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const
const_iterator & operator++() noexcept
The prefix ++ operator ({++i}) advances the iterator to the next item in the hash and returns an iter...
const_iterator(const iterator &o) noexcept
Constructs a copy of other.
constexpr const_iterator() noexcept=default
Constructs an uninitialized iterator.
const_iterator operator++(int) noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category
const T * operator->() const noexcept
Returns a pointer to the current item's value.
bool operator==(const const_iterator &o) const noexcept
Returns true if other points to the same item as this iterator; otherwise returns false.
const T & value() const noexcept
Returns the current item's value.
const Key & key() const noexcept
Returns the current item's key.
bool operator!=(const const_iterator &o) const noexcept
Returns true if other points to a different item than this iterator; otherwise returns false.
const T & operator*() const noexcept
Returns the current item's value.
key_iterator & operator++() noexcept
The prefix ++ operator ({++i}) advances the iterator to the next item in the hash and returns an iter...
key_iterator() noexcept=default
bool operator!=(key_iterator o) const noexcept
Returns true if other points to a different item than this iterator; otherwise returns false.
key_iterator operator++(int) noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
const Key & operator*() const noexcept
Returns the current item's key.
const Key * operator->() const noexcept
Returns a pointer to the current item's key.
key_iterator(const_iterator o) noexcept
bool operator==(key_iterator o) const noexcept
Returns true if other points to the same item as this iterator; otherwise returns false.
const_iterator::iterator_category iterator_category
const_iterator base() const noexcept
Returns the underlying const_iterator this key_iterator is based on.
QHash & operator=(const QHash &other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_destructible< Node >::value)
Assigns other to this hash and returns a reference to this hash.
key_value_iterator try_emplace(const_iterator, K &&key, Args &&...args)
T & operator[](const K &key)
key_iterator keyEnd() const noexcept
const T operator[](const K &key) const noexcept
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range(const Key &key) const noexcept
TryEmplaceResult insertOrAssign(const Key &key, Value &&value)
float load_factor() const noexcept
Returns the current load factor of the QHash's internal hash table.
const_iterator constFind(const Key &key) const noexcept
std::pair< key_value_iterator, bool > insert_or_assign(Key &&key, Value &&value)
Destroys the hash.
iterator erase(const_iterator it)
std::pair< key_value_iterator, bool > try_emplace(K &&key, Args &&...args)
iterator emplace(const Key &key, Args &&... args)
key_value_iterator keyValueBegin()
const_iterator constFind(const K &key) const noexcept
T value(const K &key, const T &defaultValue) const noexcept
QHash(const QHash &other) noexcept
Constructs a copy of other.
auto asKeyValueRange() const &&
TryEmplaceResult tryEmplace(K &&key, Args &&...args)
TryEmplaceResult tryInsert(const Key &key, const T &value)
iterator emplace(Key &&key, Args &&... args)
Inserts a new element into the container.
friend bool comparesEqual(const QHash &lhs, const QHash &rhs) noexcept
TryEmplaceResult tryEmplace(const Key &key, Args &&...args)
\variable QHash::TryEmplaceResult::iterator
const_key_value_iterator constKeyValueEnd() const noexcept
bool empty() const noexcept
This function is provided for STL compatibility.
std::pair< key_value_iterator, bool > insert_or_assign(K &&key, Value &&value)
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
std::pair< key_value_iterator, bool > try_emplace(const Key &key, Args &&...args)
key_value_iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator, K &&key, Value &&value)
iterator begin()
Returns an \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the first item in the hash.
void insert(const QHash &hash)
const_iterator find(const Key &key) const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
std::pair< key_value_iterator, bool > try_emplace(Key &&key, Args &&...args)
static float max_load_factor() noexcept
QKeyValueIterator< const Key &, const T &, const_iterator > const_key_value_iterator
\inmodule QtCore
const_key_value_iterator keyValueBegin() const noexcept
TryEmplaceResult insertOrAssign(K &&key, Value &&value)
key_value_iterator keyValueEnd()
const_iterator end() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
iterator find(const K &key)
const_key_value_iterator constKeyValueBegin() const noexcept
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
qsizetype count(const K &key) const
std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range(const K &key)
key_iterator keyBegin() const noexcept
iterator Iterator
Qt-style synonym for QHash::iterator.
key_value_iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator, const Key &key, Value &&value)
bool contains(const K &key) const
TryEmplaceResult tryInsert(K &&key, const T &value)
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range(const K &key) const noexcept
size_t bucket_count() const noexcept
const_iterator ConstIterator
Qt-style synonym for QHash::const_iterator.
key_value_iterator try_emplace(const_iterator, Key &&key, Args &&...args)
auto asKeyValueRange() &&
auto asKeyValueRange() const &
const_iterator constBegin() const noexcept
Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the first item in the hash.
qsizetype count() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
QHash(std::initializer_list< std::pair< Key, T > > list)
T value(const K &key) const noexcept
const_iterator find(const K &key) const noexcept
iterator find(const Key &key)
Returns an iterator pointing to the item with the key in the hash.
iterator end() noexcept
Returns an \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the imaginary item after the last ...
QHash(QHash &&other) noexcept
Move-constructs a QHash instance, making it point at the same object that other was pointing to.
std::pair< key_value_iterator, bool > insert_or_assign(const Key &key, Value &&value)
std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range(const Key &key)
const_iterator cend() const noexcept
key_value_iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator, Key &&key, Value &&value)
static size_t max_bucket_count() noexcept
bool remove(const K &key)
QKeyValueIterator< const Key &, T &, iterator > key_value_iterator
\inmodule QtCore
TryEmplaceResult insertOrAssign(Key &&key, Value &&value)
QHash() noexcept=default
Constructs an empty hash.
TryEmplaceResult tryEmplace(Key &&key, Args &&...args)
key_value_iterator try_emplace(const_iterator, const Key &key, Args &&...args)
const_key_value_iterator keyValueEnd() const noexcept
const_iterator begin() const noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
const_iterator constEnd() const noexcept
Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the imaginary item after the ...
constexpr size_t bucketForHash(size_t nBuckets, size_t hash) noexcept
constexpr size_t bucketsForCapacity(size_t requestedCapacity) noexcept
constexpr bool isRelocatable()
constexpr bool HasStdHashSpecializationWithoutSeed
size_t calculateHash(const T &t, size_t seed=0)
constexpr bool HasQHashOverload
constexpr bool HasQHashOverload< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_convertible_v< decltype(qHash(std::declval< const T & >(), std::declval< size_t >())), size_t > > >
constexpr bool HasStdHashSpecializationWithSeed
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
std::unique_ptr< QAbstractFileEngine > qt_custom_file_engine_handler_create(const QString &path)
static qsizetype rootLength(QStringView name, QDirPrivate::PathNormalizations flags)
static bool qt_cleanPath(QString *path)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, QDir::Filters filters)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QDir &dir)
static QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, QDir::SortFlags sorting)
bool comparesEqual(const QDir &lhs, const QDir &rhs)
static bool treatAsAbsolute(const QString &path)
bool qt_normalizePathSegments(QString *path, QDirPrivate::PathNormalizations flags)
Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT bool qt_normalizePathSegments(QString *path, QDirPrivate::PathNormalizations flags)
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool qt_isCaseSensitive(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data)
bool qIsFilenameBroken(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
bool qIsFilenameBroken(const QString &name)
#define Q_RETURN_ON_INVALID_FILENAME(message, result)
bool qIsFilenameBroken(const QByteArray &name)
qsizetype erase_if(QMultiHash< Key, T > &hash, Predicate pred)
size_t qHash(const QMultiHash< Key, T > &key, size_t seed=0) noexcept(noexcept(qHash(std::declval< Key & >())) &&noexcept(qHash(std::declval< T & >())))
qsizetype erase_if(QHash< Key, T > &hash, Predicate pred)
QDirSortItem(const QFileInfo &fi, QDir::SortFlags sort)
friend bool operator==(Bucket lhs, Bucket rhs) noexcept
size_t offset() const noexcept
bool isUnused() const noexcept
Bucket(const Data *d, size_t bucket) noexcept
Bucket(Span *s, size_t i) noexcept
void advance(const Data *d) noexcept
Node & nodeAtOffset(size_t offset)
iterator toIterator(const Data *d) const noexcept
friend bool operator!=(Bucket lhs, Bucket rhs) noexcept
void advanceWrapped(const Data *d) noexcept
Bucket(iterator it) noexcept
size_t toBucketIndex(const Data *d) const noexcept
Bucket findBucketWithHash(const K &key, size_t hash) const noexcept
iterator begin() const noexcept
size_t nextBucket(size_t bucket) const noexcept
InsertionResult findOrInsert(const K &key) noexcept
Node * findNode(const K &key) const noexcept
static Data * detached(Data *d)
iterator detachedIterator(iterator other) const noexcept
constexpr iterator end() const noexcept
bool shouldGrow() const noexcept
void rehash(size_t sizeHint=0)
Q_ALWAYS_INLINE void reallocationHelper(const Data &other, size_t nSpans)
void erase(Bucket bucket) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_destructible< Node >::value)
static Data * detached(Data *d, size_t size)
float loadFactor() const noexcept
static auto allocateSpans(size_t numBuckets)
Data(const Data &other, size_t reserved)
static constexpr size_t maxNumBuckets() noexcept
Bucket findBucket(const K &key) const noexcept
qsizetype free() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_destructible_v< T >)
bool contains(const T &val) const noexcept
static qsizetype freeChain(MultiNode *n) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_destructible_v< T >)
MultiNode(MultiNode &&other)
void insertMulti(Args &&... args)
MultiNode(const MultiNode &other)
static void createInPlace(MultiNode *n, const Key &k, Args &&... args)
MultiNode(const Key &k, Chain *c)
static void createInPlace(MultiNode *n, Key &&k, Args &&... args)
MultiNode(Key &&k, Chain *c) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v< Key >)
void emplaceValue(Args &&... args)
static void createInPlace(Node *n, const Key &k, Args &&...)
void emplaceValue(Args &&...)
bool valuesEqual(const Node *) const
static void createInPlace(Node *n, Key &&k, Args &&...)
void emplaceValue(Args &&... args)
bool valuesEqual(const Node *other) const
static void createInPlace(Node *n, const Key &k, Args &&... args)
static void createInPlace(Node *n, Key &&k, Args &&... args)
T && takeValue() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v< T >)
static constexpr size_t SpanShift
static constexpr size_t LocalBucketMask
static constexpr size_t UnusedEntry
static constexpr size_t NEntries
unsigned char & nextFree()
unsigned char data[sizeof(Node)]
const Node & at(size_t i) const noexcept
void moveLocal(size_t from, size_t to) noexcept
void freeData() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_destructible< Node >::value)
void erase(size_t bucket) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_destructible< Node >::value)
unsigned char offsets[SpanConstants::NEntries]
Node & atOffset(size_t o) noexcept
size_t offset(size_t i) const noexcept
bool hasNode(size_t i) const noexcept
void moveFromSpan(Span &fromSpan, size_t fromIndex, size_t to) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Node >)
const Node & atOffset(size_t o) const noexcept
Node & at(size_t i) noexcept
Node * node() const noexcept
size_t span() const noexcept
iterator operator++() noexcept
size_t index() const noexcept
bool isUnused() const noexcept
bool operator!=(iterator other) const noexcept
bool atEnd() const noexcept
bool operator==(iterator other) const noexcept
TryEmplaceResult(QHash::iterator it, bool b)