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1// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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5 \group helpsystem
6 \title Help System
7 \ingroup groups
9 \brief Classes used to provide online-help for applications.
11 \keyword help system
13 These classes provide online-help for your application,
14 with three levels of detail:
16 \list 1
17 \li Tool Tips and Status Bar message - flyweight help, extremely brief,
18 entirely integrated in the user interface, requiring little
19 or no user interaction to invoke.
20 \li What's This? - lightweight, but can be
21 a three-paragraph explanation.
22 \li Online Help - can encompass any amount of information,
23 but is typically slower to call up, somewhat separated
24 from the user's work, and often users feel that using online
25 help is a digression from their real task.
26 \endlist
31 \page qthelp-framework.html
32 \title The Qt Help Framework
33 \brief Integrating Documentation in Applications
34 \ingroup frameworks-technologies
36 \section1 Overview
37 The Qt help system includes tools for generating and viewing
38 Qt help files. In addition, it provides classes for accessing
39 help contents programmatically to be able to integrate online
40 help into Qt applications.
42 The actual help data, meaning the table of contents, index
43 keywords, or HTML documents, is contained in Qt compressed help
44 files. So, one such a help file represents usually one manual
45 or documentation set. Since most products are more comprehensive
46 and consist of a number of tools, one manual is rarely enough.
47 Instead, more manuals, which should be accessible at the same
48 time, exist. Ideally, it should also be possible to reference
49 certain points of interest of one manual to another.
50 Therefore, the Qt help system operates on help collection files,
51 which include any number of compressed help files.
53 However, having collection files to merge many documentation
54 sets may lead to some problems. For example, one index keyword
55 may be defined in different documentation sets. So, when only seeing
56 a keyword in the index and activating it, you cannot be sure that
57 the expected documentation will be shown. Therefore, the Qt
58 help system offers the possibility to filter the help contents
59 after certain attributes. This requires, however, that the
60 attributes have been assigned to the help contents before the
61 generation of the compressed help file.
63 As already mentioned, the Qt compressed help file contains all
64 data, so there is no need any longer to ship all the single HTML
65 files. Instead, only the compressed help file and, optionally, the
66 collection file have to be distributed. The collection file is
67 optional since any existing collection file, for example from an older
68 release, could be used.
70 So, in general, there are four files interacting with the help
71 system, two used for generating Qt help and two meant for
72 distribution:
74 \table
75 \header
76 \li Name
77 \li Extension
78 \li Brief Description
79 \row
80 \li \l {Qt Help Project}
81 \li .qhp
82 \li Contains the table of contents, indices, and references to the
83 actual documentation files (*.html). It also defines a unique
84 namespace for the documentation. This file is passed to the help
85 generator for creating a compressed help file.
87 \row
88 \li Qt Compressed Help
89 \li .qch
90 \li Contains all the information specified in the help project file
91 along with all the compressed documentation files.
93 \row
94 \li \l {Qt Help Collection Project}
95 \li .qhcp
96 \li An XML file that contains references to the compressed help
97 files that should be included in the help collection. This file
98 can be passed to the help generator for creating a help collection
99 file.
101 \row
102 \li Qt Help Collection
103 \li .qhc
104 \li The help collection file that QHelpEngine operates on. It can
105 contain references to any number of compressed help files as
106 well as additional information.
107 \endtable
109 \section1 Generating Qt Help
111 Building help files for the Qt help system assumes that the HTML
112 documentation files already exist.
114 Once the HTML documents are in place, a \l {Qt Help Project} file, with
115 an extension of \c .qhp, has to be created. After specifying all the relevant
116 information in this file, it needs to be compiled by calling:
118 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 2
120 The file \e doc.qch contains all the HTML files in compressed
121 form along with the table of contents and index keywords. To
122 test if the generated file is correct, open Qt Assistant and
123 install the file in \uicontrol Settings > \uicontrol Documentation.
125 For the standard Qt source build, the .qhp file is generated and placed
126 in the same directory as the HTML pages.
128 \target Qt Help Collection Project
129 \section2 Creating a Qt Help Collection
131 The first step is to create a Qt Help Collection Project file.
132 Since a Qt help collection stores primarily references to
133 compressed help files, the project \e mycollection.qhcp file
134 looks unsurprisingly simple:
136 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 3
138 For actually creating the collection file call:
140 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 4
142 To generate both the compressed help and the collection file in one go,
143 modify the help collection project file so that it instructs the help
144 generator to create the compressed help first:
146 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 5
148 Of course, it is possible to specify more than one file in the
149 \c generate or \c register section, so any number of compressed
150 help files can be generated and registered in one go.
152 \section1 Using QHelpEngine API
154 QHelpEngine allows embedding the help contents directly in an
155 application.
157 Instead of showing the help in an external application such as a
158 web browser, it is also possible to embed the online help in
159 the application. The contents can then be retrieved via the
160 QHelpEngine class and can be displayed in nearly any form.
161 Showing the help in a QTextBrowser is probably the most common way, but
162 embedding it in What's This help is also perfectly possible.
164 Retrieving help data from the file engine does not involve a
165 lot of code. The first step is to create an instance of the
166 help engine. Then we ask the engine for the links assigned to
167 the identifier, in this case \c MyDialog::ChangeButton. If a link
168 was found, meaning at least one help document exists on this topic,
169 we get the actual help contents by calling QHelpEngineCore::fileData() and
170 display the document to the user.
172 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.cpp 6
174 For further information on how to use the API, have a look at
175 the QHelpEngine class reference.
179 \page qthelpproject.html
180 \title Qt Help Project
182 A Qt help project collects all data necessary to generate a
183 compressed help file. Along with the actual help data, like
184 the table of contents, index keywords and help documents, it
185 contains some extra information like a namespace to identify
186 the help file. One help project stands for one documentation set,
187 for example the \l{qmake Manual}.
189 \section1 Qt Help Project File Format
191 The file format is XML-based. For a better understanding of
192 the format we will discuss the following example:
194 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 7
196 \section2 Namespace
198 To enable the QHelpEngine to retrieve the proper documentation to
199 a given link, every documentation set has to have a unique
200 identifier. A unique identifier also makes it possible for the
201 help collection to keep track of a documentation set without relying
202 on its file name. The Qt help system uses a namespace as identifier
203 which is defined by the mandatory namespace tags. In the example
204 above, the namespace is "mycompany.com.myapplication.1.0".
206 \target Virtual Folders
207 \section2 Virtual Folders
209 Having a namespace for every documentation set naturally means that
210 the documentation sets are quite separated. From the help engine's
211 point of view, this is beneficial. However, from the writer's view
212 it is often desirable to cross reference certain topics from one
213 manual to another without having to specify absolute links. To
214 solve this problem, the help system introduced the concept of
215 virtual folders.
217 A virtual folder will become the root directory of all files
218 referenced in a compressed help file. When two documentation sets
219 share the same virtual folder, they can use relative paths when
220 defining hyperlinks pointing to each other. If a file is contained
221 in both documentation sets, the one from the current set has
222 precedence over the other.
224 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 8
226 The above example specifies \e doc as virtual folder. If another
227 manual specifies the same folder, for example for a small helper
228 tool \e {My Application}, it is sufficient to write
229 \e {doc.html#section1} to reference the first section in the
230 \e {My Application} manual.
232 The virtual folder tag is mandatory and the folder name must not
233 contain any slashes (/).
235 \target Filter Section
236 \section2 Filter Section
238 A filter section contains the actual documentation. A Qt help project
239 file may contain more than one filter section. Every filter section
240 consists of the table of contents, the keywords, and the files list.
241 In theory all parts are optional but not specifying anything there will
242 result in an empty documentation set.
244 \section3 Table of Contents
246 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 11
248 One section tag represents one item in the table of contents. The
249 sections can be nested to any degree, but from a user's perspective
250 it should not be more than four or five levels. A section is defined
251 by its title and reference. The reference, like all file references in a Qt
252 help project, are relative to the help project file itself.
253 \note The referenced files must be in the same directory as the help
254 project file (or in a subdirectory). An absolute file path is not supported
255 either.
257 \section3 Keywords
259 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 12
261 The keyword section lists all keywords of this filter section. A
262 keyword consists basically of a name and a file reference. If the
263 attribute \e name is used, the keyword specified there will appear in the
264 visible index. That is, it will be accessible through the QHelpIndexModel
265 class. If \e id is used, the keyword does not appear in the index and is
266 only accessible via \l QHelpEngineCore::documentsForIdentifier(). \e name
267 and \e id can be specified at the same time.
269 \section3 Files
271 \snippet doc_src_qthelp.qdoc 13
273 Finally, the actual documentation files have to be listed. Make sure
274 that all files necessary to display the help are mentioned. That is,
275 stylesheets or similar files need to be listed as well. The files, like all
276 file references in a Qt help project, are relative to the help project file
277 itself. As the example shows, files (but not directories) can also be
278 specified as patterns using wildcards. All listed files will be compressed
279 and written to the Qt compressed help file. So, in the end, one single Qt
280 help file contains all documentation files along with the contents and
281 indices. \note The referenced files must be inside the same directory
282 as the help project file (or in a subdirectory). An absolute file path
283 is not supported either.