40 void setPrinter(QPrinter *printer, QPrintDevice *printDevice,
41 QPrinter::OutputFormat outputFormat,
const QString &printerName);
55 void pageOrientationChanged();
56 void pagesPerSheetChanged();
58 void topMarginChanged(
double newValue);
59 void bottomMarginChanged(
double newValue);
60 void leftMarginChanged(
double newValue);
61 void rightMarginChanged(
double newValue);
68 void initPagesPerSheet();
71 Ui::QPageSetupWidget m_ui;
74 QPrintDevice *m_printDevice;
78 QPrinter::OutputFormat m_outputFormat;
79 QString m_printerName;
80 QPageLayout m_pageLayout;
81 QPageLayout m_savedPageLayout;
82 QPageLayout::Unit m_units;
83 QPageLayout::Unit m_savedUnits;
84 int m_savedPagesPerSheet;
85 int m_savedPagesPerSheetLayout;
87 int m_realCustomPageSizeIndex;
void setPageLayout(const QPageLayout &layout)
void setPagePreviewLayout(int columns, int rows)
QPagePreview(QWidget *parent)
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive paint events passed in event.
QPageSetupWidget * widget
QMarginsF qt_convertMargins(const QMarginsF &margins, QPageLayout::Unit fromUnits, QPageLayout::Unit toUnits)