Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
QRectF Member List

This is the complete list of members for QRectF, including all inherited members.

adjust(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2) noexceptQRectFinline
adjusted(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2) const noexceptQRectFinline
bottom() const noexceptQRectFinline
bottomLeft() const noexceptQRectFinline
bottomRight() const noexceptQRectFinline
center() const noexceptQRectFinline
comparesEqual(const QRectF &r1, const QRectF &r2) noexceptQRectFfriend
comparesEqual(const QRectF &r1, const QRect &r2) noexceptQRectFfriend
contains(const QRectF &r) const noexceptQRectF
contains(const QPointF &p) const noexceptQRectF
contains(qreal x, qreal y) const noexceptQRectFinline
getCoords(qreal *x1, qreal *y1, qreal *x2, qreal *y2) constQRectFinline
getRect(qreal *x, qreal *y, qreal *w, qreal *h) constQRectFinline
height() const noexceptQRectFinline
intersected(const QRectF &other) const noexceptQRectFinline
intersects(const QRectF &r) const noexceptQRectF
isEmpty() const noexceptQRectFinline
isNull() const noexceptQRectFinline
isValid() const noexceptQRectFinline
left() const noexceptQRectFinline
marginsAdded(const QMarginsF &margins) const noexceptQRectFinline
marginsRemoved(const QMarginsF &margins) const noexceptQRectFinline
moveBottom(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
moveBottomLeft(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
moveBottomRight(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
moveCenter(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
moveLeft(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
moveRight(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
moveTo(qreal x, qreal y) noexceptQRectFinline
moveTo(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
moveTop(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
moveTopLeft(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
moveTopRight(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
normalized() const noexceptQRectF
operator&(const QRectF &r) const noexceptQRectF
operator&=(const QRectF &r) noexceptQRectFinline
operator+(const QRectF &lhs, const QMarginsF &rhs)QRectFrelated
operator+(const QMarginsF &lhs, const QRectF &rhs)QRectFrelated
operator+=(const QMarginsF &margins) noexceptQRectFinline
operator-(const QRectF &lhs, const QMarginsF &rhs)QRectFrelated
operator-=(const QMarginsF &margins) noexceptQRectFinline
operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QRectF &rectangle)QRectFrelated
operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QRectF &rectangle)QRectFrelated
operator|(const QRectF &r) const noexceptQRectF
operator|=(const QRectF &r) noexceptQRectFinline
qFuzzyCompare(const QRectF &lhs, const QRectF &rhs) noexceptQRectFfriend
qFuzzyIsNull(const QRectF &rect) noexceptQRectFfriend
QRectF() noexceptQRectFinline
QRectF(const QPointF &topleft, const QSizeF &size) noexceptQRectFinline
QRectF(const QPointF &topleft, const QPointF &bottomRight) noexceptQRectFinline
QRectF(qreal left, qreal top, qreal width, qreal height) noexceptQRectFinline
QRectF(const QRect &rect) noexceptQRectFinline
right() const noexceptQRectFinline
setBottom(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
setBottomLeft(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
setBottomRight(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
setCoords(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2) noexceptQRectFinline
setHeight(qreal h) noexceptQRectFinline
setLeft(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
setRect(qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h) noexceptQRectFinline
setRight(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
setSize(const QSizeF &s) noexceptQRectFinline
setTop(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
setTopLeft(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
setTopRight(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
setWidth(qreal w) noexceptQRectFinline
setX(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
setY(qreal pos) noexceptQRectFinline
size() const noexceptQRectFinline
toAlignedRect() const noexceptQRectF
top() const noexceptQRectFinline
topLeft() const noexceptQRectFinline
topRight() const noexceptQRectFinline
toRect() const noexceptQRectFinline
translate(qreal dx, qreal dy) noexceptQRectFinline
translate(const QPointF &p) noexceptQRectFinline
translated(qreal dx, qreal dy) const noexceptQRectFinline
translated(const QPointF &p) const noexceptQRectFinline
transposed() const noexceptQRectFinline
united(const QRectF &other) const noexceptQRectFinline
width() const noexceptQRectFinline
x() const noexceptQRectFinline
y() const noexceptQRectFinline