Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
7#include <QtGui/private/qtguiglobal_p.h>
8#include <qmath.h>
14// W A R N I N G
15// -------------
17// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
18// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
19// version without notice, or even be removed.
21// We mean it.
24template <typename SRC, typename T>
25void qt_scale_image_16bit(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl,
26 const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch,
27 const QRectF &targetRect,
28 const QRectF &srcRect,
29 const QRect &clip,
30 T blender)
32 qreal sx = srcRect.width() / (qreal) targetRect.width();
33 qreal sy = srcRect.height() / (qreal) targetRect.height();
35 const int ix = 0x00010000 * sx;
36 const int iy = 0x00010000 * sy;
38// qDebug() << "scale:" << Qt::endl
39// << " - target" << targetRect << Qt::endl
40// << " - source" << srcRect << Qt::endl
41// << " - clip" << clip << Qt::endl
42// << " - sx=" << sx << " sy=" << sy << " ix=" << ix << " iy=" << iy;
44 QRect tr = targetRect.normalized().toRect();
45 tr = tr.intersected(clip);
46 if (tr.isEmpty())
47 return;
48 const int tx1 = tr.left();
49 const int ty1 = tr.top();
50 int h = tr.height();
51 int w = tr.width();
53 quint32 basex;
54 quint32 srcy;
56 if (sx < 0) {
57 int dstx = qFloor((tx1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.right()) * sx * 65536) + 1;
58 basex = quint32(srcRect.right() * 65536) + dstx;
59 } else {
60 int dstx = qCeil((tx1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.left()) * sx * 65536) - 1;
61 basex = quint32(srcRect.left() * 65536) + dstx;
62 }
63 if (sy < 0) {
64 int dsty = qFloor((ty1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.bottom()) * sy * 65536) + 1;
65 srcy = quint32(srcRect.bottom() * 65536) + dsty;
66 } else {
67 int dsty = qCeil((ty1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.top()) * sy * 65536) - 1;
68 srcy = quint32(srcRect.top() * 65536) + dsty;
69 }
71 quint16 *dst = ((quint16 *) (destPixels + ty1 * dbpl)) + tx1;
73 // this bounds check here is required as floating point rounding above might in some cases lead to
74 // w/h values that are one pixel too large, falling outside of the valid image area.
75 const int ystart = srcy >> 16;
76 if (ystart >= srch && iy < 0) {
77 srcy += iy;
78 --h;
79 }
80 const int xstart = basex >> 16;
81 if (xstart >= (int)(sbpl/sizeof(SRC)) && ix < 0) {
82 basex += ix;
83 --w;
84 }
85 int yend = (srcy + iy * (h - 1)) >> 16;
86 if (yend < 0 || yend >= srch)
87 --h;
88 int xend = (basex + ix * (w - 1)) >> 16;
89 if (xend < 0 || xend >= (int)(sbpl/sizeof(SRC)))
90 --w;
92 while (--h >= 0) {
93 const SRC *src = (const SRC *) (srcPixels + (srcy >> 16) * sbpl);
94 quint32 srcx = basex;
95 int x = 0;
96 for (; x<w-7; x+=8) {
97 blender.write(&dst[x], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
98 blender.write(&dst[x+1], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
99 blender.write(&dst[x+2], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
100 blender.write(&dst[x+3], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
101 blender.write(&dst[x+4], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
102 blender.write(&dst[x+5], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
103 blender.write(&dst[x+6], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
104 blender.write(&dst[x+7], src[srcx >> 16]); srcx += ix;
105 }
106 for (; x<w; ++x) {
107 blender.write(&dst[x], src[srcx >> 16]);
108 srcx += ix;
109 }
110 blender.flush(&dst[x]);
111 dst = (quint16 *)(((uchar *) dst) + dbpl);
112 srcy += iy;
113 }
116template <typename T> void qt_scale_image_32bit(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl,
117 const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch,
118 const QRectF &targetRect,
119 const QRectF &srcRect,
120 const QRect &clip,
121 T blender)
123 qreal sx = srcRect.width() / (qreal) targetRect.width();
124 qreal sy = srcRect.height() / (qreal) targetRect.height();
126 const int ix = 0x00010000 * sx;
127 const int iy = 0x00010000 * sy;
129// qDebug() << "scale:" << Qt::endl
130// << " - target" << targetRect << Qt::endl
131// << " - source" << srcRect << Qt::endl
132// << " - clip" << clip << Qt::endl
133// << " - sx=" << sx << " sy=" << sy << " ix=" << ix << " iy=" << iy;
135 QRect tr = targetRect.normalized().toRect();
136 tr = tr.intersected(clip);
137 if (tr.isEmpty())
138 return;
139 const int tx1 = tr.left();
140 const int ty1 = tr.top();
141 int h = tr.height();
142 int w = tr.width();
144 quint32 basex;
145 quint32 srcy;
147 if (sx < 0) {
148 int dstx = qFloor((tx1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.right()) * sx * 65536) + 1;
149 basex = quint32(srcRect.right() * 65536) + dstx;
150 } else {
151 int dstx = qCeil((tx1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.left()) * sx * 65536) - 1;
152 basex = quint32(srcRect.left() * 65536) + dstx;
153 }
154 if (sy < 0) {
155 int dsty = qFloor((ty1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.bottom()) * sy * 65536) + 1;
156 srcy = quint32(srcRect.bottom() * 65536) + dsty;
157 } else {
158 int dsty = qCeil((ty1 + qreal(0.5) - targetRect.top()) * sy * 65536) - 1;
159 srcy = quint32(srcRect.top() * 65536) + dsty;
160 }
162 quint32 *dst = ((quint32 *) (destPixels + ty1 * dbpl)) + tx1;
164 // this bounds check here is required as floating point rounding above might in some cases lead to
165 // w/h values that are one pixel too large, falling outside of the valid image area.
166 const int ystart = srcy >> 16;
167 if (ystart >= srch && iy < 0) {
168 srcy += iy;
169 --h;
170 }
171 const int xstart = basex >> 16;
172 if (xstart >= (int)(sbpl/sizeof(quint32)) && ix < 0) {
173 basex += ix;
174 --w;
175 }
176 int yend = (srcy + iy * (h - 1)) >> 16;
177 if (yend < 0 || yend >= srch)
178 --h;
179 int xend = (basex + ix * (w - 1)) >> 16;
180 if (xend < 0 || xend >= (int)(sbpl/sizeof(quint32)))
181 --w;
183 while (--h >= 0) {
184 const uint *src = (const quint32 *) (srcPixels + (srcy >> 16) * sbpl);
185 quint32 srcx = basex;
186 int x = 0;
187 for (; x<w; ++x) {
188 blender.write(&dst[x], src[srcx >> 16]);
189 srcx += ix;
190 }
191 blender.flush(&dst[x]);
192 dst = (quint32 *)(((uchar *) dst) + dbpl);
193 srcy += iy;
194 }
199 qreal x, y, u, v; // destination coordinates (x, y) and source coordinates (u, v)
202template <class SrcT, class DestT, class Blender>
203void qt_transform_image_rasterize(DestT *destPixels, int dbpl,
204 const SrcT *srcPixels, int sbpl,
205 const QTransformImageVertex &topLeft, const QTransformImageVertex &bottomLeft,
206 const QTransformImageVertex &topRight, const QTransformImageVertex &bottomRight,
207 const QRect &sourceRect,
208 const QRect &clip,
209 qreal topY, qreal bottomY,
210 int dudx, int dvdx, int dudy, int dvdy, int u0, int v0,
211 Blender blender)
213 qint64 fromY = qMax(qRound(topY), clip.top());
214 qint64 toY = qMin(qRound(bottomY), clip.top() + clip.height());
215 if (fromY >= toY)
216 return;
218 qreal leftSlope = (bottomLeft.x - topLeft.x) / (bottomLeft.y - topLeft.y);
219 qreal rightSlope = (bottomRight.x - topRight.x) / (bottomRight.y - topRight.y);
220 qint64 dx_l = qint64(leftSlope * 0x10000);
221 qint64 dx_r = qint64(rightSlope * 0x10000);
222 qint64 x_l = qint64((topLeft.x + (qreal(0.5) + fromY - topLeft.y) * leftSlope + qreal(0.5)) * 0x10000);
223 qint64 x_r = qint64((topRight.x + (qreal(0.5) + fromY - topRight.y) * rightSlope + qreal(0.5)) * 0x10000);
225 qint64 sourceRectTop = qint64(sourceRect.top());
226 qint64 sourceRectLeft = qint64(sourceRect.left());
227 qint64 sourceRectWidth = qint64(sourceRect.width());
228 qint64 sourceRectHeight = qint64(sourceRect.height());
229 qint64 clipLeft = qint64(clip.left());
230 qint64 clipWidth = qint64(clip.width());
232 qint64 fromX, toX, x1, x2, u, v, i, ii;
233 DestT *line;
234 for (qint64 y = fromY; y < toY; ++y) {
235 line = reinterpret_cast<DestT *>(reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(destPixels) + y * dbpl);
237 fromX = qMax(x_l >> 16, clipLeft);
238 toX = qMin(x_r >> 16, clipLeft + clipWidth);
239 if (fromX < toX) {
240 // Because of rounding, we can get source coordinates outside the source image.
241 // Clamp these coordinates to the source rect to avoid segmentation fault and
242 // garbage on the screen.
244 // Find the first pixel on the current scan line where the source coordinates are within the source rect.
245 x1 = fromX;
246 u = x1 * dudx + y * dudy + u0;
247 v = x1 * dvdx + y * dvdy + v0;
248 for (; x1 < toX; ++x1) {
249 qint64 uu = u >> 16;
250 qint64 vv = v >> 16;
251 if (uu >= sourceRectLeft && uu < sourceRectLeft + sourceRectWidth
252 && vv >= sourceRectTop && vv < sourceRectTop + sourceRectHeight) {
253 break;
254 }
255 u += dudx;
256 v += dvdx;
257 }
259 // Find the last pixel on the current scan line where the source coordinates are within the source rect.
260 x2 = toX;
261 u = (x2 - 1) * dudx + y * dudy + u0;
262 v = (x2 - 1) * dvdx + y * dvdy + v0;
263 for (; x2 > x1; --x2) {
264 qint64 uu = u >> 16;
265 qint64 vv = v >> 16;
266 if (uu >= sourceRectLeft && uu < sourceRectLeft + sourceRectWidth
267 && vv >= sourceRectTop && vv < sourceRectTop + sourceRectHeight) {
268 break;
269 }
270 u -= dudx;
271 v -= dvdx;
272 }
274 // Set up values at the beginning of the scan line.
275 u = fromX * dudx + y * dudy + u0;
276 v = fromX * dvdx + y * dvdy + v0;
277 line += fromX;
279 // Beginning of the scan line, with per-pixel checks.
280 i = x1 - fromX;
281 while (i) {
282 qint64 uu = qBound(sourceRectLeft, u >> 16, sourceRectLeft + sourceRectWidth - 1);
283 qint64 vv = qBound(sourceRectTop, v >> 16, sourceRectTop + sourceRectHeight - 1);
284 blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + vv * sbpl)[uu]);
285 u += dudx;
286 v += dvdx;
287 ++line;
288 --i;
289 }
291 // Middle of the scan line, without checks.
292 // Manual loop unrolling.
293 i = x2 - x1;
294 ii = i >> 3;
295 while (ii) {
296 blender.write(&line[0], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
297 blender.write(&line[1], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
298 blender.write(&line[2], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
299 blender.write(&line[3], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
300 blender.write(&line[4], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
301 blender.write(&line[5], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
302 blender.write(&line[6], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
303 blender.write(&line[7], reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx;
305 line += 8;
307 --ii;
308 }
309 switch (i & 7) {
310 case 7: blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx; ++line; Q_FALLTHROUGH();
311 case 6: blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx; ++line; Q_FALLTHROUGH();
312 case 5: blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx; ++line; Q_FALLTHROUGH();
313 case 4: blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx; ++line; Q_FALLTHROUGH();
314 case 3: blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx; ++line; Q_FALLTHROUGH();
315 case 2: blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx; ++line; Q_FALLTHROUGH();
316 case 1: blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + (v >> 16) * sbpl)[u >> 16]); u += dudx; v += dvdx; ++line;
317 }
319 // End of the scan line, with per-pixel checks.
320 i = toX - x2;
321 while (i) {
322 qint64 uu = qBound(sourceRectLeft, u >> 16, sourceRectLeft + sourceRectWidth - 1);
323 qint64 vv = qBound(sourceRectTop, v >> 16, sourceRectTop + sourceRectHeight - 1);
324 blender.write(line, reinterpret_cast<const SrcT *>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(srcPixels) + vv * sbpl)[uu]);
325 u += dudx;
326 v += dvdx;
327 ++line;
328 --i;
329 }
331 blender.flush(line);
332 }
333 x_l += dx_l;
334 x_r += dx_r;
335 }
338template <class SrcT, class DestT, class Blender>
339void qt_transform_image(DestT *destPixels, int dbpl,
340 const SrcT *srcPixels, int sbpl,
341 const QRectF &targetRect,
342 const QRectF &sourceRect,
343 const QRect &clip,
344 const QTransform &targetRectTransform,
345 Blender blender)
347 enum Corner
348 {
349 TopLeft,
350 TopRight,
351 BottomRight,
352 BottomLeft
353 };
355 // map source rectangle to destination.
357 v[TopLeft].u = v[BottomLeft].u = sourceRect.left();
358 v[TopLeft].v = v[TopRight].v = sourceRect.top();
359 v[TopRight].u = v[BottomRight].u = sourceRect.right();
360 v[BottomLeft].v = v[BottomRight].v = sourceRect.bottom();
361 targetRectTransform.map(targetRect.left(), targetRect.top(), &v[TopLeft].x, &v[TopLeft].y);
362 targetRectTransform.map(targetRect.right(), targetRect.top(), &v[TopRight].x, &v[TopRight].y);
363 targetRectTransform.map(targetRect.left(), targetRect.bottom(), &v[BottomLeft].x, &v[BottomLeft].y);
364 targetRectTransform.map(targetRect.right(), targetRect.bottom(), &v[BottomRight].x, &v[BottomRight].y);
366 // find topmost vertex.
367 int topmost = 0;
368 for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
369 if (v[i].y < v[topmost].y)
370 topmost = i;
371 }
372 // rearrange array such that topmost vertex is at index 0.
373 switch (topmost) {
374 case 1:
375 {
376 QTransformImageVertex t = v[0];
377 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
378 v[i] = v[i+1];
379 v[3] = t;
380 }
381 break;
382 case 2:
383 qSwap(v[0], v[2]);
384 qSwap(v[1], v[3]);
385 break;
386 case 3:
387 {
388 QTransformImageVertex t = v[3];
389 for (int i = 3; i > 0; --i)
390 v[i] = v[i-1];
391 v[0] = t;
392 }
393 break;
394 }
396 // if necessary, swap vertex 1 and 3 such that 1 is to the left of 3.
397 qreal dx1 = v[1].x - v[0].x;
398 qreal dy1 = v[1].y - v[0].y;
399 qreal dx2 = v[3].x - v[0].x;
400 qreal dy2 = v[3].y - v[0].y;
401 if (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1 > 0)
402 qSwap(v[1], v[3]);
404 QTransformImageVertex u = {v[1].x - v[0].x, v[1].y - v[0].y, v[1].u - v[0].u, v[1].v - v[0].v};
405 QTransformImageVertex w = {v[2].x - v[0].x, v[2].y - v[0].y, v[2].u - v[0].u, v[2].v - v[0].v};
407 qreal det = u.x * w.y - u.y * w.x;
408 if (det == 0)
409 return;
411 qreal invDet = 1.0 / det;
412 qreal m11, m12, m21, m22, mdx, mdy;
414 m11 = (u.u * w.y - u.y * w.u) * invDet;
415 m12 = (u.x * w.u - u.u * w.x) * invDet;
416 m21 = (u.v * w.y - u.y * w.v) * invDet;
417 m22 = (u.x * w.v - u.v * w.x) * invDet;
418 mdx = v[0].u - m11 * v[0].x - m12 * v[0].y;
419 mdy = v[0].v - m21 * v[0].x - m22 * v[0].y;
421 int dudx = int(m11 * 0x10000);
422 int dvdx = int(m21 * 0x10000);
423 int dudy = int(m12 * 0x10000);
424 int dvdy = int(m22 * 0x10000);
425 int u0 = qCeil((qreal(0.5) * m11 + qreal(0.5) * m12 + mdx) * 0x10000) - 1;
426 int v0 = qCeil((qreal(0.5) * m21 + qreal(0.5) * m22 + mdy) * 0x10000) - 1;
428 int x1 = qFloor(sourceRect.left());
429 int y1 = qFloor(sourceRect.top());
430 int x2 = qCeil(sourceRect.right());
431 int y2 = qCeil(sourceRect.bottom());
432 QRect sourceRectI(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
434 // rasterize trapezoids.
435 if (v[1].y < v[3].y) {
436 qt_transform_image_rasterize(destPixels, dbpl, srcPixels, sbpl, v[0], v[1], v[0], v[3], sourceRectI, clip, v[0].y, v[1].y, dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, u0, v0, blender);
437 qt_transform_image_rasterize(destPixels, dbpl, srcPixels, sbpl, v[1], v[2], v[0], v[3], sourceRectI, clip, v[1].y, v[3].y, dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, u0, v0, blender);
438 qt_transform_image_rasterize(destPixels, dbpl, srcPixels, sbpl, v[1], v[2], v[3], v[2], sourceRectI, clip, v[3].y, v[2].y, dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, u0, v0, blender);
439 } else {
440 qt_transform_image_rasterize(destPixels, dbpl, srcPixels, sbpl, v[0], v[1], v[0], v[3], sourceRectI, clip, v[0].y, v[3].y, dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, u0, v0, blender);
441 qt_transform_image_rasterize(destPixels, dbpl, srcPixels, sbpl, v[0], v[1], v[3], v[2], sourceRectI, clip, v[3].y, v[1].y, dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, u0, v0, blender);
442 qt_transform_image_rasterize(destPixels, dbpl, srcPixels, sbpl, v[1], v[2], v[3], v[2], sourceRectI, clip, v[1].y, v[2].y, dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy, u0, v0, blender);
443 }
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
SrcOverScaleFunc qScaleFunctions[QImage::NImageFormats][QImage::NImageFormats]
void qt_scale_image_argb32_on_rgb16(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, int const_alpha)
static void qt_blend_argb32_on_argb32(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
void qInitBlendFunctions()
void qt_blend_argb32_on_rgb16_const_alpha(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
static void qt_blend_rgb32_on_rgb16(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
SrcOverTransformFunc qTransformFunctions[QImage::NImageFormats][QImage::NImageFormats]
void qt_transform_image_rgb32_on_rgb32(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, int const_alpha)
void qt_scale_image_argb32_on_argb32(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, int const_alpha)
void qt_transform_image_argb32_on_argb32(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, int const_alpha)
void qt_transform_image_rgb16_on_rgb16(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, int const_alpha)
void qt_transform_image_argb32_on_rgb16(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, int const_alpha)
void qt_blend_rgb32_on_rgb32(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
void qt_scale_image_rgb16_on_rgb16(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, int const_alpha)
void qt_scale_image_rgb32_on_rgb32(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, int const_alpha)
SrcOverBlendFunc qBlendFunctions[QImage::NImageFormats][QImage::NImageFormats]
void qt_blend_rgb16_on_rgb16(uchar *dst, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int sbpl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
static void qt_blend_argb32_on_rgb16(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
void qt_transform_image_rasterize(DestT *destPixels, int dbpl, const SrcT *srcPixels, int sbpl, const QTransformImageVertex &topLeft, const QTransformImageVertex &bottomLeft, const QTransformImageVertex &topRight, const QTransformImageVertex &bottomRight, const QRect &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, qreal topY, qreal bottomY, int dudx, int dvdx, int dudy, int dvdy, int u0, int v0, Blender blender)
void qt_transform_image(DestT *destPixels, int dbpl, const SrcT *srcPixels, int sbpl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clip, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, Blender blender)
void qt_scale_image_32bit(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *srcPixels, int sbpl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &srcRect, const QRect &clip, T blender)
void(* SrcOverBlendFunc)(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, int w, int h, int const_alpha)
void(* SrcOverScaleFunc)(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, int srch, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clipRect, int const_alpha)
void(* SrcOverTransformFunc)(uchar *destPixels, int dbpl, const uchar *src, int spbl, const QRectF &targetRect, const QRectF &sourceRect, const QRect &clipRect, const QTransform &targetRectTransform, int const_alpha)
void write(quint32 *dst, quint32 src)
void write(quint32 *dst, quint32 src)
void write(quint16 *dst, quint32 src)
void write(quint16 *dst, quint32 src)
void write(quint16 *dst, quint16 src)
void write(quint16 *dst, quint16 src)
void write(quint32 *dst, quint32 src)
void write(quint32 *dst, quint32 src)
quint16 bytemul(quint16 x) const
uchar alpha(uchar src) const
quint16 bytemul(quint16 spix) const
uchar alpha(uchar src) const