7#include <QtPositioning/qgeoareamonitorsource.h>
8#include <QtPositioning/qgeopositioninfosource.h>
9#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
16class QGeoAreaMonitorPollingPrivate;
31 const char *signal)
39 inline bool isValid() {
return positionInfoSource(); }
43 void timeout(
const QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &monitor);
44 void processAreaEvent(
const QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &minfo,
const QGeoPositionInfo &pinfo,
bool isEnteredEvent);
51 int signalConnections = 0;
54 QMutex connectionMutex;
59 int idForSignal(
const char *signal);
61 bool hasConnections()
Error error() const override
Returns the type of error that last occurred.
QGeoPositionInfoSource * positionInfoSource() const override
Returns the current QGeoPositionInfoSource used by this QGeoAreaMonitorSource object.
void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override
QGeoAreaMonitorSource::AreaMonitorFeatures supportedAreaMonitorFeatures() const override
Returns the area monitoring features available to this source.
QList< QGeoAreaMonitorInfo > activeMonitors() const override
Returns the list of all active monitors known to the QGeoAreaMonitorSource object.
bool stopMonitoring(const QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &monitor) override
Returns true if monitor was successfully removed from the list of \l activeMonitors(); otherwise retu...
void setPositionInfoSource(QGeoPositionInfoSource *source) override
Sets the new \l QGeoPositionInfoSource to be used by this QGeoAreaMonitorSource object.
bool requestUpdate(const QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &monitor, const char *signal) override
Enables single shot area monitoring.
QList< QGeoAreaMonitorInfo > activeMonitors(const QGeoShape ®ion) const override
Returns the list of all active monitors known to the QGeoAreaMonitorSource object whose center lies w...
bool startMonitoring(const QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &monitor) override
Returns true if the monitoring of monitor could be successfully started; otherwise returns false.
void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override