Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
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1// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
5 \page qdoc-index.html
6 \nextpage Introduction to QDoc
8 \title QDoc Manual
10 \list
11 \li \l {Introduction to QDoc}
12 \li \l {Getting Started with QDoc}
13 \list
14 \li \l{Installing Clang for QDoc}
15 \li \l{Creating QDoc Configuration Files}
16 \li \l{Writing Documentation}
17 \li \l{Categories of Documentation}
18 \list
19 \li \l{C++ Documentation Style}
20 \li \l{QML Documentation Style}
21 \endlist
22 \endlist
23 \li \l {Command Index}
24 \li \l {Topic Commands}
25 \li \l {Context Commands}
26 \list
27 \li \l {Document Navigation}
28 \li \l {Status}
29 \li \l {Thread Support}
30 \li \l {Relating Things}
31 \li \l {Grouping Things}
32 \li \l {Naming Things}
33 \endlist
34 \li \l{Markup Commands}
35 \list
36 \li \l {Text Markup}
37 \li \l {Document Structure}
38 \li \l {Including Code Inline}
39 \li \l {Including External Code}
40 \li \l {Creating Links}
41 \li \l {Including Images}
42 \li \l {Tables and Lists}
43 \li \l {Special Content}
44 \li \l {Miscellaneous}
45 \endlist
46 \li \l {Macros}
47 \list
48 \li \l {CMake Text Snippets}
49 \li \l {HTML and DocBook Formatting}
50 \li \l {Product Names}
51 \li \l {Product Versions}
52 \li \l {Tabbed Content}
53 \li \l {\\youtube}{Linking to YouTube content}
54 \li \l {Miscellaneous Macros}
55 \endlist
56 \li \l {The QDoc Configuration File}
57 \list
58 \li \l {Generic Configuration Variables}
59 \li \l {Creating Help Project Files}
60 \li \l {Format-specific Configuration Variables}
61 \li \l {Supporting Derived Projects}
62 \li \l {Example Manifest Files}
63 \li \l {qtgui.qdocconf}
64 \li \l {minimum.qdocconf}
65 \endlist
66 \li \l {How to Resolve QDoc Warnings}
67 \endlist