Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
5#include "codemarker.h"
6#include "codeparser.h"
7#include "config.h"
9#include "doc.h"
11#include "htmlgenerator.h"
12#include "location.h"
13#include "puredocparser.h"
14#include "qdocdatabase.h"
15#include "qmlcodemarker.h"
16#include "qmlcodeparser.h"
18#include "utilities.h"
19#include "tokenizer.h"
20#include "tree.h"
23#include "filesystem/fileresolver.h"
24#include "boundaries/filesystem/directorypath.h"
26#include <QtCore/qcompilerdetection.h>
27#include <QtCore/qdatetime.h>
28#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
29#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
30#include <QtCore/qhashfunctions.h>
32#include <set>
35# include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
38#include <algorithm>
39#include <cstdlib>
43using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
45bool creationTimeBefore(const QFileInfo &fi1, const QFileInfo &fi2)
47 return fi1.lastModified() < fi2.lastModified();
51 \internal
52 Inspects each file path in \a sources. File paths with a known
53 source file type are parsed to extract user-provided
54 documentation and information about source code level elements.
56 \note Unknown source file types are silently ignored.
58 The validity or availability of the file paths may or may not cause QDoc
59 to generate warnings; this depends on the implementation of
60 parseSourceFile() for the relevant parser.
62 \sa CodeParser::parserForSourceFile, CodeParser::sourceFileNameFilter
64static void parseSourceFiles(
65 std::vector<QString>&& sources,
66 SourceFileParser& source_file_parser,
67 CppCodeParser& cpp_code_parser
68) {
69 ParserErrorHandler error_handler{};
70 std::stable_sort(sources.begin(), sources.end());
72 sources.erase (
73 std::unique(sources.begin(), sources.end()),
74 sources.end()
75 );
77 auto qml_sources =
78 std::stable_partition(sources.begin(), sources.end(), [](const QString& source){
79 return CodeParser::parserForSourceFile(source) == CodeParser::parserForLanguage("QML");
80 });
83 std::for_each(qml_sources, sources.end(),
84 [&source_file_parser, &cpp_code_parser, &error_handler](const QString& source){
85 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Parsing %s", qPrintable(source));
87 auto [untied_documentation, tied_documentation] = source_file_parser(tag_source_file(source));
88 std::vector<FnMatchError> errors{};
90 for (auto untied : untied_documentation) {
91 auto result = cpp_code_parser.processTopicArgs(untied);
92 tied_documentation.insert(tied_documentation.end(), result.first.begin(), result.first.end());
93 };
95 cpp_code_parser.processMetaCommands(tied_documentation);
97 // Process errors that occurred during parsing
98 for (const auto &e : errors)
99 error_handler(e);
100 });
102 std::for_each(sources.begin(), qml_sources, [&cpp_code_parser](const QString& source){
103 auto *codeParser = CodeParser::parserForSourceFile(source);
104 if (!codeParser) return;
106 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Parsing %s", qPrintable(source));
107 codeParser->parseSourceFile(Config::instance().location(), source, cpp_code_parser);
108 });
113 Read some XML indexes containing definitions from other
114 documentation sets. \a config contains a variable that
115 lists directories where index files can be found. It also
116 contains the \c depends variable, which lists the modules
117 that the current module depends on. \a formats contains
118 a list of output formats; each format may have a different
119 output subdirectory where index files are located.
121static void loadIndexFiles(const QSet<QString> &formats)
123 Config &config = Config::instance();
125 QStringList indexFiles;
126 const QStringList configIndexes{config.get(CONFIG_INDEXES).asStringList()};
127 bool warn = !config.get(CONFIG_NOLINKERRORS).asBool();
129 for (const auto &index : configIndexes) {
130 QFileInfo fi(index);
131 if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile())
132 indexFiles << index;
133 else if (warn)
134 Location().warning(QString("Index file not found: %1").arg(index));
135 }
137 config.dependModules() += config.get(CONFIG_DEPENDS).asStringList();
138 config.dependModules().removeDuplicates();
139 bool useNoSubDirs = false;
140 QSet<QString> subDirs;
142 // Add format-specific output subdirectories to the set of
143 // subdirectories where we look for index files
144 for (const auto &format : formats) {
145 if (config.get(format + Config::dot + "nosubdirs").asBool()) {
146 useNoSubDirs = true;
147 const auto singleOutputSubdir{QDir(config.getOutputDir(format)).dirName()};
148 if (!singleOutputSubdir.isEmpty())
149 subDirs << singleOutputSubdir;
150 }
151 }
153 if (!config.dependModules().empty()) {
154 if (!config.indexDirs().empty()) {
155 for (auto &dir : config.indexDirs()) {
156 if (dir.startsWith("..")) {
157 const QString prefix(QDir(config.currentDir())
158 .relativeFilePath(config.previousCurrentDir()));
159 if (!prefix.isEmpty())
160 dir.prepend(prefix + QLatin1Char('/'));
161 }
162 }
163 /*
164 Load all dependencies:
165 Either add all subdirectories of the indexdirs as dependModules,
166 when an asterisk is used in the 'depends' list, or
167 when <format>.nosubdirs is set, we need to look for all .index files
168 in the output subdirectory instead.
169 */
170 bool asteriskUsed = false;
171 if (config.dependModules().contains("*")) {
172 config.dependModules().removeOne("*");
173 asteriskUsed = true;
174 if (useNoSubDirs) {
175 std::for_each(formats.begin(), formats.end(), [&](const QString &format) {
176 QDir scanDir(config.getOutputDir(format));
177 QStringList foundModules =
178 scanDir.entryList(QStringList("*.index"), QDir::Files);
179 std::transform(
180 foundModules.begin(), foundModules.end(), foundModules.begin(),
181 [](const QString &index) { return QFileInfo(index).baseName(); });
182 config.dependModules() << foundModules;
183 });
184 } else {
185 for (const auto &indexDir : config.indexDirs()) {
186 QDir scanDir = QDir(indexDir);
187 scanDir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
188 QFileInfoList dirList = scanDir.entryInfoList();
189 for (const auto &dir : dirList)
190 config.dependModules().append(dir.fileName());
191 }
192 }
193 // Remove self-dependencies and possible duplicates
194 QString project{config.get(CONFIG_PROJECT).asString()};
195 config.dependModules().removeAll(project.toLower());
196 config.dependModules().removeDuplicates();
197 qCCritical(lcQdoc) << "Configuration file for"
198 << project << "has depends = *; loading all"
199 << config.dependModules().size()
200 << "index files found";
201 }
202 for (const auto &module : config.dependModules()) {
203 QList<QFileInfo> foundIndices;
204 // Always look in module-specific subdir, even with *.nosubdirs config
205 bool useModuleSubDir = !subDirs.contains(module);
206 subDirs << module;
208 for (const auto &dir : config.indexDirs()) {
209 for (const auto &subDir : std::as_const(subDirs)) {
210 QString fileToLookFor = dir + QLatin1Char('/') + subDir + QLatin1Char('/')
211 + module + ".index";
212 if (QFile::exists(fileToLookFor)) {
213 QFileInfo tempFileInfo(fileToLookFor);
214 if (!foundIndices.contains(tempFileInfo))
215 foundIndices.append(tempFileInfo);
216 }
217 }
218 }
219 // Clear the temporary module-specific subdir
220 if (useModuleSubDir)
221 subDirs.remove(module);
222 std::sort(foundIndices.begin(), foundIndices.end(), creationTimeBefore);
223 QString indexToAdd;
224 if (foundIndices.size() > 1) {
225 /*
226 QDoc should always use the last entry in the multimap when there are
227 multiple index files for a module, since the last modified file has the
228 highest UNIX timestamp.
229 */
230 QStringList indexPaths;
231 indexPaths.reserve(foundIndices.size());
232 for (const auto &found : std::as_const(foundIndices))
233 indexPaths << found.absoluteFilePath();
234 if (warn) {
235 Location().warning(
236 QString("Multiple index files found for dependency \"%1\":\n%2")
237 .arg(module, indexPaths.join('\n')));
238 Location().warning(
239 QString("Using %1 as index file for dependency \"%2\"")
240 .arg(foundIndices[foundIndices.size() - 1].absoluteFilePath(),
241 module));
242 }
243 indexToAdd = foundIndices[foundIndices.size() - 1].absoluteFilePath();
244 } else if (foundIndices.size() == 1) {
245 indexToAdd = foundIndices[0].absoluteFilePath();
246 }
247 if (!indexToAdd.isEmpty()) {
248 if (!indexFiles.contains(indexToAdd))
249 indexFiles << indexToAdd;
250 } else if (!asteriskUsed && warn) {
251 Location().warning(
252 QString(R"("%1" Cannot locate index file for dependency "%2")")
253 .arg(config.get(CONFIG_PROJECT).asString(), module));
254 }
255 }
256 } else if (warn) {
257 Location().warning(
258 QLatin1String("Dependent modules specified, but no index directories were set. "
259 "There will probably be errors for missing links."));
260 }
261 }
262 qdb->readIndexes(indexFiles);
266 \internal
267 Prints to stderr the name of the project that QDoc is running for,
268 in which mode and which phase.
270 If QDoc is not running in debug mode or --log-progress command line
271 option is not set, do nothing.
272 */
273void logStartEndMessage(const QLatin1String &startStop, Config &config)
275 if (!config.get(CONFIG_LOGPROGRESS).asBool())
276 return;
278 const QString runName = " qdoc for "
279 + config.get(CONFIG_PROJECT).asString()
280 + QLatin1String(" in ")
281 + QLatin1String(config.singleExec() ? "single" : "dual")
282 + QLatin1String(" process mode: ")
283 + QLatin1String(config.preparing() ? "prepare" : "generate")
284 + QLatin1String(" phase.");
286 const QString msg = startStop + runName;
287 qCInfo(lcQdoc) << msg.toUtf8().data();
291 Processes the qdoc config file \a fileName. This is the controller for all
292 of QDoc. The \a config instance represents the configuration data for QDoc.
293 All other classes are initialized with the same config.
294 */
295static void processQdocconfFile(const QString &fileName)
297 Config &config = Config::instance();
298 config.setPreviousCurrentDir(QDir::currentPath());
300 /*
301 With the default configuration values in place, load
302 the qdoc configuration file. Note that the configuration
303 file may include other configuration files.
305 The Location class keeps track of the current location
306 in the file being processed, mainly for error reporting
307 purposes.
308 */
310 config.load(fileName);
311 QString project{config.get(CONFIG_PROJECT).asString()};
312 if (project.isEmpty()) {
313 qCCritical(lcQdoc) << QLatin1String("qdoc can't run; no project set in qdocconf file");
314 exit(1);
315 }
318 config.setCurrentDir(QFileInfo(fileName).path());
319 if (!config.currentDir().isEmpty())
320 QDir::setCurrent(config.currentDir());
322 logStartEndMessage(QLatin1String("Start"), config);
324 if (config.getDebug()) {
325 Utilities::startDebugging(QString("command line"));
326 qCDebug(lcQdoc).noquote() << "Arguments:" << QCoreApplication::arguments();
327 }
329 // <<TODO: [cleanup-temporary-kludges]
330 // The underlying validation should be performed at the
331 // configuration level during parsing.
332 // This cannot be done straightforwardly with how the Config class
333 // is implemented.
334 // When the Config class will be deprived of logic and
335 // restructured, the compiler will notify us of this kludge, but
336 // remember to reevaluate the code itself considering the new
337 // data-flow and the possibility for optimizations as this is not
338 // done for temporary code. Indeed some of the code is visibly wasteful.
339 // Similarly, ensure that the loose definition that we use here is
340 // not preserved.
342 QStringList search_directories{config.getCanonicalPathList(CONFIG_EXAMPLEDIRS)};
343 QStringList image_search_directories{config.getCanonicalPathList(CONFIG_IMAGEDIRS)};
345 const auto& [excludedDirs, excludedFiles] = config.getExcludedPaths();
347 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Adding doc/image dirs found in exampledirs to imagedirs");
348 QSet<QString> exampleImageDirs;
349 QStringList exampleImageList = config.getExampleImageFiles(excludedDirs, excludedFiles);
350 for (const auto &image : exampleImageList) {
351 if (image.contains("doc/images")) {
352 QString t = image.left(image.lastIndexOf("doc/images") + 10);
353 if (!exampleImageDirs.contains(t))
354 exampleImageDirs.insert(t);
355 }
356 }
358 // REMARK: The previous system discerned between search directories based on the kind of file that was searched for.
359 // For example, an image search was bounded to some directories
360 // that may or may not be the same as the ones where examples are
361 // searched for.
362 // The current Qt documentation does not use this feature. That
363 // is, the output of QDoc when a unified search list is used is
364 // the same as the output for that of separated lists.
365 // For this reason, we currently simplify the process, albeit this
366 // may at some point change, by joining the various lists into a
367 // single search list and a unified interface.
368 // Do note that the configuration still allows for those
369 // parameters to be user defined in a split-way as this will not
370 // be able to be changed until Config itself is looked upon.
371 // Hence, we join the various directory sources into one list for the time being.
372 // Do note that this means that the amount of searched directories for a file is now increased.
373 // This shouldn't matter as the amount of directories is expected
374 // to be generally small and the search routine complexity is
375 // linear in the amount of directories.
376 // There are some complications that may arise in very specific
377 // cases by this choice (some of which where there before under
378 // possibly different circumstances), making some files
379 // unreachable.
380 // See the remarks in FileResolver for more infomration.
381 std::copy(image_search_directories.begin(), image_search_directories.end(), std::back_inserter(search_directories));
382 std::copy(exampleImageDirs.begin(), exampleImageDirs.end(), std::back_inserter(search_directories));
384 std::vector<DirectoryPath> validated_search_directories{};
385 for (const QString& path : search_directories) {
386 auto maybe_validated_path{DirectoryPath::refine(path)};
387 if (!maybe_validated_path)
388 // TODO: [uncentralized-admonition]
389 qCDebug(lcQdoc).noquote() << u"%1 is not a valid path, it will be ignored when resolving a file"_s.arg(path);
390 else validated_search_directories.push_back(*maybe_validated_path);
391 }
393 // TODO>>
395 FileResolver file_resolver{std::move(validated_search_directories)};
397 // REMARK: The constructor for generators doesn't actually perform
398 // initialization of their content.
399 // Indeed, Generators use the general antipattern of the static
400 // initialize-terminate non-scoped mutable state that we see in
401 // many parts of QDoc.
402 // In their constructor, Generators mainly register themselves into a static list.
403 // Previously, this was done at the start of main.
404 // To be able to pass a correct FileResolver or other systems, we
405 // need to construct them after the configuration has been read
406 // and has been destructured.
407 // For this reason, their construction was moved here.
408 // This function may be called more than once for some of QDoc's
409 // call, albeit this should not actually happen in Qt's
410 // documentation.
411 // Then, constructing the generators here might provide for some
412 // unexpected behavior as new generators are appended to the list
413 // and never used, considering that the list is searched in a
414 // linearly fashion and each generator of some type T, in the
415 // current codebase, will always be found if another instance of
416 // that same type would have been found.
417 // Furthermore, those instances would be destroyed by then, such
418 // that accessing them would be erroneous.
419 // To avoid this, the static list was made to be cleared in
420 // Generator::terminate, which, in theory, will be called before
421 // the generators will be constructed again.
422 // We could have used the initialize method for this, but this
423 // would force us into a limited and more complex semantic, see an
424 // example of this in DocParser, and would restrain us further to
425 // the initialize-terminate idiom which is expect to be purged in
426 // the future.
427 HtmlGenerator htmlGenerator{file_resolver};
428 WebXMLGenerator webXMLGenerator{file_resolver};
429 DocBookGenerator docBookGenerator{file_resolver};
433 /*
434 Initialize the qdoc database, where all the parsed source files
435 will be stored. The database includes a tree of nodes, which gets
436 built as the source files are parsed. The documentation output is
437 generated by traversing that tree.
439 Note: qdocDB() allocates a new instance only if no instance exists.
440 So it is safe to call qdocDB() any time.
441 */
443 qdb->setVersion(config.get(CONFIG_VERSION).asString());
444 /*
445 By default, the only output format is HTML.
446 */
447 const QSet<QString> outputFormats = config.getOutputFormats();
450 if (!config.singleExec()) {
451 if (!config.preparing()) {
452 qCDebug(lcQdoc, " loading index files");
453 loadIndexFiles(outputFormats);
454 qCDebug(lcQdoc, " done loading index files");
455 }
456 qdb->newPrimaryTree(project);
457 } else if (config.preparing())
458 qdb->newPrimaryTree(project);
459 else
460 qdb->setPrimaryTree(project);
462 // Retrieve the dependencies if loadIndexFiles() was not called
463 if (config.dependModules().isEmpty()) {
464 config.dependModules() = config.get(CONFIG_DEPENDS).asStringList();
465 config.dependModules().removeDuplicates();
466 }
467 qdb->setSearchOrder(config.dependModules());
469 // Store the title of the index (landing) page
471 if (root) {
472 QString title{config.get(CONFIG_NAVIGATION + Config::dot + CONFIG_LANDINGPAGE).asString()};
473 root->tree()->setIndexTitle(
474 config.get(CONFIG_NAVIGATION + Config::dot + CONFIG_LANDINGTITLE).asString(title));
475 }
478 std::vector<QByteArray> include_paths{};
479 {
480 auto args = config.getCanonicalPathList(CONFIG_INCLUDEPATHS,
482#ifdef Q_OS_MACOS
483 args.append(Utilities::getInternalIncludePaths(QStringLiteral("clang++")));
484#elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
485 args.append(Utilities::getInternalIncludePaths(QStringLiteral("g++")));
488 for (const auto &path : std::as_const(args)) {
489 if (!path.isEmpty())
490 include_paths.push_back(path.toUtf8());
491 }
493 include_paths.erase(std::unique(include_paths.begin(), include_paths.end()),
494 include_paths.end());
495 }
497 QList<QByteArray> clang_defines{};
498 {
499 const QStringList config_defines{config.get(CONFIG_DEFINES).asStringList()};
500 for (const QString &def : config_defines) {
501 if (!def.contains(QChar('*'))) {
502 QByteArray tmp("-D");
503 tmp.append(def.toUtf8());
504 clang_defines.append(tmp.constData());
505 }
506 }
507 }
509 std::optional<PCHFile> pch = std::nullopt;
510 if (config.dualExec() || config.preparing()) {
511 const QString moduleHeader = config.get(CONFIG_MODULEHEADER).asString();
512 pch = buildPCH(
513 QDocDatabase::qdocDB(),
514 moduleHeader.isNull() ? project : moduleHeader,
515 Config::instance().getHeaderFiles(),
516 include_paths,
517 clang_defines
518 );
519 }
521 ClangCodeParser clangParser(QDocDatabase::qdocDB(), Config::instance(), include_paths, clang_defines, pch);
522 PureDocParser docParser{config.location()};
524 /*
525 Initialize all the classes and data structures with the
526 qdoc configuration. This is safe to do for each qdocconf
527 file processed, because all the data structures created
528 are either cleared after they have been used, or they
529 are cleared in the terminate() functions below.
530 */
535 Doc::initialize(file_resolver);
537 if (config.dualExec() || config.preparing()) {
538 QStringList sourceList;
540 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Reading sourcedirs");
541 sourceList =
542 config.getAllFiles(CONFIG_SOURCES, CONFIG_SOURCEDIRS, excludedDirs, excludedFiles);
544 std::vector<QString> sources{};
545 for (const auto &source : sourceList) {
546 if (source.contains(QLatin1String("doc/snippets")))
547 continue;
548 sources.emplace_back(source);
549 }
550 /*
551 Find all the qdoc files in the example dirs, and add
552 them to the source files to be parsed.
553 */
554 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Reading exampledirs");
555 QStringList exampleQdocList = config.getExampleQdocFiles(excludedDirs, excludedFiles);
556 for (const auto &example : exampleQdocList) {
557 sources.emplace_back(example);
558 }
560 /*
561 Parse each source text file in the set using the appropriate parser and
562 add it to the big tree.
563 */
564 if (config.get(CONFIG_LOGPROGRESS).asBool())
565 qCInfo(lcQdoc) << "Parse source files for" << project;
568 auto headers = config.getHeaderFiles();
569 CppCodeParser cpp_code_parser(FnCommandParser(qdb, headers, clang_defines, pch));
571 SourceFileParser source_file_parser{clangParser, docParser};
572 parseSourceFiles(std::move(sources), source_file_parser, cpp_code_parser);
574 if (config.get(CONFIG_LOGPROGRESS).asBool())
575 qCInfo(lcQdoc) << "Source files parsed for" << project;
576 }
577 /*
578 Now the primary tree has been built from all the header and
579 source files. Resolve all the class names, function names,
580 targets, URLs, links, and other stuff that needs resolving.
581 */
582 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Resolving stuff prior to generating docs");
585 /*
586 The primary tree is built and all the stuff that needed
587 resolving has been resolved. Now traverse the tree and
588 generate the documentation output. More than one output
589 format can be requested. The tree is traversed for each
590 one.
591 */
592 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Generating docs");
593 for (const auto &format : outputFormats) {
594 auto *generator = Generator::generatorForFormat(format);
595 if (generator) {
596 generator->initializeFormat();
597 generator->generateDocs();
598 } else {
600 .location()
601 .fatal(QStringLiteral("QDoc: Unknown output format '%1'").arg(format));
602 }
603 }
605 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "Terminating qdoc classes");
607 Utilities::stopDebugging(project);
609 logStartEndMessage(QLatin1String("End"), config);
610 QDocDatabase::qdocDB()->setVersion(QString());
617 QDir::setCurrent(config.previousCurrentDir());
619 qCDebug(lcQdoc, "qdoc classes terminated");
623 \internal
624 For each file in \a qdocFiles, first clear the configured module
625 dependencies and then pass the file to processQdocconfFile().
627 \sa processQdocconfFile(), singleExecutionMode(), dualExecutionMode()
629static void clearModuleDependenciesAndProcessQdocconfFile(const QStringList &qdocFiles)
631 for (const auto &file : std::as_const(qdocFiles)) {
632 Config::instance().dependModules().clear();
633 processQdocconfFile(file);
634 }
638 \internal
640 A single QDoc process for prepare and generate phases.
641 The purpose is to first generate all index files for all documentation
642 projects that combined make out the documentation set being generated.
643 This allows QDoc to link to all content contained in all projects, e.g.
644 user-defined types or overview documentation, regardless of the project
645 that content belongs to when generating the final output.
649 const QStringList qdocFiles = Config::loadMaster(Config::instance().qdocFiles().at(0));
651 Config::instance().setQDocPass(Config::Prepare);
652 clearModuleDependenciesAndProcessQdocconfFile(qdocFiles);
654 Config::instance().setQDocPass(Config::Generate);
656 clearModuleDependenciesAndProcessQdocconfFile(qdocFiles);
660 \internal
662 Process each .qdocconf-file passed as command line argument(s).
664static void dualExecutionMode()
666 const QStringList qdocFiles = Config::instance().qdocFiles();
667 clearModuleDependenciesAndProcessQdocconfFile(qdocFiles);
672int main(int argc, char **argv)
676 // Initialize Qt:
678 // use deterministic hash seed
679 QHashSeed::setDeterministicGlobalSeed();
681 QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
682 app.setApplicationVersion(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR));
684 // Instantiate various singletons (used via static methods):
685 /*
686 Create code parsers for the languages to be parsed,
687 and create a tree for C++.
688 */
689 QmlCodeParser qmlParser;
691 /*
692 Create code markers for plain text, C++,
693 and QML.
695 The plain CodeMarker must be instantiated first because it is used as
696 fallback when the other markers cannot be used.
698 Each marker instance is prepended to the CodeMarker::markers list by the
699 base class constructor.
700 */
701 CodeMarker fallbackMarker;
702 CppCodeMarker cppMarker;
703 QmlCodeMarker qmlMarker;
705 Config::instance().init("QDoc", app.arguments());
707 if (Config::instance().qdocFiles().isEmpty())
708 Config::instance().showHelp();
710 if (Config::instance().singleExec()) {
712 } else {
714 }
716 // Tidy everything away:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition buffer.cpp:77
static void initialize()
All the code markers in the static list are initialized here, after the qdoc configuration file has b...
static void terminate()
All the code markers in the static list are terminated here.
static CodeParser * parserForSourceFile(const QString &filePath)
static void initialize()
All the code parsers in the static list are initialized here, after the qdoc configuration variables ...
static void terminate()
All the code parsers in the static list are terminated here.
bool asBool() const
Returns this config variable as a boolean.
Definition config.cpp:263
The Config class contains the configuration variables for controlling how qdoc produces documentation...
Definition config.h:84
static const QString dot
Definition config.h:162
bool singleExec() const
Definition config.h:402
@ IncludePaths
Definition config.h:104
const Location & location() const
Definition config.h:121
const ExcludedPaths & getExcludedPaths()
Definition config.cpp:1405
bool dualExec() const
Definition config.h:407
bool preparing() const
Definition config.h:181
bool getDebug() const
Definition config.h:108
CppCodeParser(FnCommandParser &&parser)
void processMetaCommands(const Doc &doc, Node *node)
The topic command has been processed, and now doc and node are passed to this function to get the met...
DocBookGenerator(FileResolver &file_resolver)
Definition doc.h:31
static void initialize(FileResolver &file_resolver)
Definition doc.cpp:308
static void terminate()
All the heap allocated variables are deleted.
Definition doc.cpp:361
Encapsulate the logic that QDoc uses to find files whose path is provided by the user and that are re...
static void initialize()
static void terminate()
HtmlGenerator(FileResolver &file_resolver)
The Location class provides a way to mark a location in a file.
Definition location.h:15
static int exitCode()
Returns the error code QDoc should exit with; EXIT_SUCCESS or the number of documentation warnings if...
Definition location.cpp:244
static void initialize()
Gets several parameters from the config, including tab size, program name, and a regular expression t...
Definition location.cpp:297
Constructs an empty location.
Definition location.cpp:40
static void terminate()
Apparently, all this does is delete the regular expression used for intercepting certain error messag...
Definition location.cpp:324
This class represents a C++ namespace.
Tree * tree() const override
Returns a pointer to the Tree that contains this NamespaceNode.
PureDocParser(const Location &location)
This class provides exclusive access to the qdoc database, which consists of a forrest of trees and a...
static void destroyQdocDB()
Destroys the singleton.
static QDocDatabase * qdocDB()
Creates the singleton.
NamespaceNode * primaryTreeRoot()
Returns a pointer to the root node of the primary tree.
void processForest()
This function calls a set of functions for each tree in the forest that has not already been analyzed...
void clearSearchOrder()
void resolveStuff()
Performs several housekeeping tasks prior to generating the documentation.
static void terminate()
Clear the static maps so that subsequent runs don't try to use contents from a previous run.
SourceFileParser(ClangCodeParser &clang_parser, PureDocParser &pure_parser)
static void terminate()
The heap allocated variables are freed here.
static void initialize()
WebXMLGenerator(FileResolver &file_resolver)
Definition config.h:382
Definition config.h:392
Definition config.h:335
Definition config.h:356
Definition config.h:330
Definition config.h:331
Definition config.h:367
Definition config.h:361
Definition config.h:353
Definition config.h:373
Definition config.h:380
Definition config.h:366
Definition config.h:357
Definition config.h:369
Definition config.h:358
Definition config.h:364
Definition config.h:354
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
This namespace holds QDoc-internal utility methods.
Definition utilities.h:15
bool debugging()
Definition utilities.cpp:38
static void parseSourceFiles(std::vector< QString > &&sources, SourceFileParser &source_file_parser, CppCodeParser &cpp_code_parser)
Definition main.cpp:64
static void singleExecutionMode()
Definition main.cpp:647
void logStartEndMessage(const QLatin1String &startStop, Config &config)
Definition main.cpp:273
static void processQdocconfFile(const QString &fileName)
Processes the qdoc config file fileName.
Definition main.cpp:295
static void clearModuleDependenciesAndProcessQdocconfFile(const QStringList &qdocFiles)
Definition main.cpp:629
static void dualExecutionMode()
Definition main.cpp:664
bool creationTimeBefore(const QFileInfo &fi1, const QFileInfo &fi2)
Definition main.cpp:45
static void loadIndexFiles(const QSet< QString > &formats)
Read some XML indexes containing definitions from other documentation sets.
Definition main.cpp:121
Processes parser errors and outputs warnings for them.
Definition parsererror.h:20