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Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
This is the complete list of members for QRandomGenerator, including all inherited members.
bounded(double highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(quint32 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(quint32 lowest, quint32 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(int highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(int lowest, int highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(quint64 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(quint64 lowest, quint64 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(qint64 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(qint64 lowest, qint64 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(int lowest, qint64 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(qint64 lowest, int highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(unsigned lowest, quint64 highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
bounded(quint64 lowest, unsigned highest) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
discard(unsigned long long z) | QRandomGenerator | |
fillRange(UInt *buffer, qsizetype count) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
fillRange(UInt(&buffer)[N]) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
generate() | QRandomGenerator | inline |
generate(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
generate(quint32 *begin, quint32 *end) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
generate64() | QRandomGenerator | inline |
generateDouble() | QRandomGenerator | inline |
global() | QRandomGenerator | inlinestatic |
max() | QRandomGenerator | inlinestatic |
min() | QRandomGenerator | inlinestatic |
operator!=(const QRandomGenerator &rng1, const QRandomGenerator &rng2) | QRandomGenerator | friend |
operator()() | QRandomGenerator | inline |
operator=(const QRandomGenerator &other) | QRandomGenerator | |
operator==(const QRandomGenerator &rng1, const QRandomGenerator &rng2) | QRandomGenerator | friend |
QRandomGenerator(quint32 seedValue=1) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
QRandomGenerator(const quint32(&seedBuffer)[N]) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
QRandomGenerator(const quint32 *seedBuffer, qsizetype len) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
QRandomGenerator(std::seed_seq &sseq) noexcept | QRandomGenerator | |
QRandomGenerator(const quint32 *begin, const quint32 *end) | QRandomGenerator | |
QRandomGenerator(const QRandomGenerator &other) | QRandomGenerator | |
QRandomGenerator(System) | QRandomGenerator | inlineprotected |
QRandomGenerator64 class | QRandomGenerator | friend |
qt_initial_random_value() | QRandomGenerator | friend |
result_type typedef | QRandomGenerator | |
securelySeeded() | QRandomGenerator | inlinestatic |
seed(quint32 s=1) | QRandomGenerator | inline |
seed(std::seed_seq &sseq) noexcept | QRandomGenerator | inline |
System enum name | QRandomGenerator | protected |
system() | QRandomGenerator | inlinestatic |
~QRandomGenerator()=default | QRandomGenerator |