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1// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
5 \page qtlinguist-index.html
6 \title Qt Linguist Manual
7 \ingroup qttools
8 \ingroup internationalization
9 \brief Using Qt translation tools: lupdate, lrelease, and \QL.
11 \startpage {index.html}{Qt Reference Documentation}
12 \nextpage Release managers
14 \keyword Qt Linguist
16 Release managers, translators, and developers can use Qt tools to translate
17 Qt C++ and Qt Quick applications into local languages.
19 In addition to the Qt translation file (TS) format, \QL and \c lupdate
20 support XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF).
22 \table
23 \row
24 \li \inlineimage front-publishing.png
25 \li \inlineimage front-ui.png
26 \li \inlineimage front-coding.png
27 \row
28 \li \l{Release managers}
29 \li \l{Translators}
30 \li \l{Developers}
31 \row
32 \li
33 \list
34 \li \l {Creating translation files}
35 \li \l {Using lupdate}
36 \li \l {Using lrelease}
37 \endlist
38 \li
39 \list
40 \li \l {Qt Linguist user interface}
41 \li \l {Translating strings}
42 \li \l {Selecting context to translate}
43 \li \l {Selecting strings to translate}
44 \li \l {Viewing strings in context}
45 \li \l {Reusing translations}
46 \li \l {Validating translations}
47 \li \l {Translating multiple languages simultaneously}
48 \endlist
49 \li
50 \list
51 \li \l{TS file format}
52 \li \l{Text ID based translations}
53 \li \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}{CMake commands}
54 \li \l{Examples}
55 \endlist
56 \endtable
58 The following video shows how to internationalize and localize a simple
59 example application:
61 \youtube xNIz78IPBu0
65 \page linguist-toc.html
66 \title All topics
68 \list
69 \li \l{Release managers}
70 \list
71 \li \l {Creating translation files}
72 \li \l {Using lupdate}
73 \li \l {Using lrelease}
74 \endlist
75 \li \l{Translators}
76 \list
77 \li \l {Qt Linguist user interface}
78 \li \l {Translating strings}
79 \li \l {Selecting context to translate}
80 \li \l {Selecting strings to translate}
81 \li \l {Viewing strings in context}
82 \li \l {Reusing translations}
83 \li \l {Validating translations}
84 \li \l {Translating multiple languages simultaneously}
85 \endlist
86 \li \l{Developers}
87 \list
88 \li \l{TS file format}
89 \li \l{Text ID based translations}
90 \li \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}{CMake commands}
91 \li \l{Examples}
92 \endlist
93 \endlist
94 */
97 \page linguist-manager.html
98 \title Release managers
100 \previouspage Qt Linguist Manual
101 \nextpage Creating translation files
103 \image front-publishing.png
105 Release managers use \c lupdate to generate a set of translation source (TS)
106 files from the application source files (QML and C++) and pass them to
107 translators. The translators use \QL to translate the strings and pass the
108 TS files back to the release managers. They use \c lrelease to generate
109 compact versions of the TS files, called Qt message (QM) files, that are
110 ready for use by the application.
112 \list
113 \li \l {Creating translation files}
114 \li \l {Using lupdate}
115 \li \l {Using lrelease}
116 \endlist
118 You can use the tools in repeated cycles as applications change and evolve.
119 They preserve existing translations and make it easy to identify new strings.
120 In addition, you can use the \QL phrase books to consistently translate
121 multiple applications and projects.
123 You can configure CMake projects to automatically run \c lupdate and
124 \c lrelease when you build a project and generate TS and QM files for you.
126 You can use the Qt Design Studio
127 \l{https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtdesignstudio/studio-translations.html}
128 {Translations} view to test and manage \l {Text ID based translations}
129 {ID-based translations}.
133 \page linguist-creating-ts-files.html
135 \previouspage Release managers
136 \nextpage Using lupdate
138 \title Creating translation files
140 Most of the text to translate in an application consists of either single
141 words or short phrases. These typically appear as window titles, menu
142 items, tooltips, and labels to buttons, check boxes, and radio buttons.
144 Developers mark the phrases as translatable in the QML and C++ source code.
145 The Qt tools provide context information for each of the phrases to help the
146 translator understand their meaning. The developer can add comments to the
147 phrases.
149 Translation files consist of all the user-visible text and \key Ctrl key
150 shortcuts in an application and translations of that text.
152 To create translation files:
154 \list 1
156 \li Run \c lupdate to generate the first set of translation source (TS)
157 files with all the user-visible text but no translations.
159 \li Give the TS files to translators who add translations using \QL.
160 \QL indicates changed and deleted source text.
162 \li Run \c lupdate to incorporate any new text added to the application.
163 \c lupdate synchronizes the user-visible text from the application
164 with the translations. Existing translations in the TS file are
165 preserved.
167 \li Run \c lrelease to read the TS files and produce the QM files used
168 by the application at runtime.
170 \endlist
172 For \c lupdate to work successfully, it must know which translation files to
173 produce. Specify the files in the application's Qt project file.
175 When building with CMake, you use \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}
176 {CMake commands} to add targets that create or update TS files and transform
177 them into QM files. The translation files are generated when you build the
178 targets.
182 \page linguist-lupdate.html
183 \target lupdate
185 \previouspage Release managers
186 \nextpage Using lrelease
188 \title Using lupdate
190 The \c lupdate command line tool finds translatable strings in C++ source,
191 C++ header, Java, Python, QML, and UI files and generates or updates TS
192 files.
194 When building with qmake, specify the files to process at the command line
195 or in a .pro file.
197 When building with CMake, use \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}
198 {CMake commands} to add targets that create or update TS files and transform
199 them into QM files. The \c lupdate tool is run with the \l {lupdate options}
200 {options} you pass to the commands when you build the target.
202 For more information about specifying translations in project files, see
203 \l{Localizing Applications}.
205 \section1 lupdate syntax
207 \badcode
208 lupdate [options] [project-file]...
209 lupdate [options] [source-file|path|@lst-file]... -ts ts-files|@lst-file
210 \endcode
212 Where:
214 \list
215 \li \c options means one or several \l {lupdate options}.
216 \li \c project-file is the project configuration file.
217 \li \c source-file is a file that contains translatable strings.
218 \li \c path is the path to a folder that contains translation
219 source files.
220 \li \c @lst-file reads additional file names (one per line) or
221 includepaths (one per line and prefixed with \c -I) from \e lst-file.
222 \li \c ts-files are the TS files to generate or update.
223 \endlist
225 To view the latest help, enter:
227 \badcode
228 lupdate -help
229 \endcode
231 \section2 lupdate options
233 \table
234 \header
235 \li Option
236 \li Action
237 \row
238 \li \c {-help}
239 \li Display up-to-date help information and exit.
240 \row
241 \li \c {-no-obsolete}
242 \li Drop all obsolete and vanished strings.
243 \row
244 \li \c {-extensions <ext>[,<ext>]...}
245 \li Process files with the given extensions, only. Use commas to
246 separate extensions in the list. Do not use whitespace. The default
247 value is:
248 \c {java,jui,ui,c,c++,cc,cpp,cxx,ch,h,h++,hh,hpp,hxx,js,qs,qml,qrc}.
249 \row
250 \li \c {-pluralonly}
251 \li Only include plural form messages.
252 \row
253 \li \c {-silent}
254 \li Do not explain what is being done.
255 \row
256 \li \c {-no-sort}
257 \li Do not sort contexts in TS files.
258 \row
259 \li \c {-no-recursive}
260 \li Do not recursively scan directories.
261 \row
262 \li \c {-recursive}
263 \li Recursively scan directories (default).
264 \row
265 \li \c {-I <includepath> or -I<includepath>}
266 \li Look for include files in this additional location. You can specify
267 multiple paths.
268 \row
269 \li \c {-locations {absolute|relative|none}}
270 \li Specify or override the way to save source code references in TS
271 files.
272 \list
273 \li \c absolute means that the source file path is relative to
274 the target file, but the line number is absolute.
275 \li \c relative means that the source file path is relative to
276 the target file. The line number is relative to other
277 entries in the same source file.
278 \li \c none stores no information about source location.
279 \endlist
280 If you do not specify the location, \c lupdate determines it from
281 existing TS files. The default value for new files is \c absolute.
282 \row
283 \li \c {-no-ui-lines}
284 \li Do not record line numbers in references to UI files.
285 \row
286 \li \c {-disable-heuristic {sametext|similartext}}
287 \li Disable the named merge heuristic. Can be specified multiple times.
288 \row
289 \li \c {-project <filename>}
290 \li Name of a file containing the project's description in JSON format.
291 You can use the \c lprodump tool to generate the file from a .pro
292 file.
293 \row
294 \li \c {-pro <filename>}
295 \li Name of a .pro file. Useful for files with the .pro file syntax but
296 some other file suffix. Projects are recursed into and merged.
297 This option is deprecated. Use the \c lupdate-pro tool instead.
298 \row
299 \li \c {-pro-out <directory>}
300 \li Virtual output directory for processing subsequent .pro files.
301 \row
302 \li \c {-pro-debug}
303 \li Trace processing .pro files. Specify twice for more verbosity.
304 \row
305 \li \c {-source-language <language>[_<region>]}
306 \li Specify the language of the source strings for new files.
307 Defaults to POSIX if not specified.
308 \row
309 \li \c {-target-language <language>[_<region>]}
310 \li Specify the language of the translations for new files.
311 If you do not specify the language, \c lupdate determines it from
312 the file name.
313 \row
314 \li \c {-tr-function-alias <function>{+=,=}<alias>[,<function>{+=,=}<alias>]...}
315 \li With \c {+=}, recognize \c <alias> as an alternative spelling of
316 \c <function>.
317 With \c {=,} recognize \c <alias> as the only spelling of
318 \c <function>.
320 Available \c <function> values (with their currently defined aliases)
321 are:
322 \list
324 \li \c {QT_TR_N_NOOP} (\c {=QT_TR_N_NOOP})
325 \li \c {QT_TRID_N_NOOP} (\c {=QT_TRID_N_NOOP})
328 \li \c {QT_TR_NOOP} (\c {=QT_TR_NOOP})
329 \li \c {QT_TRID_NOOP} (\c {=QT_TRID_NOOP})
332 \li \c {QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8} (\c {=QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8})
335 \li \c {findMessage} (\c {=findMessage})
336 \li \c {qtTrId} (\c {=qtTrId})
337 \li \c {tr} (\c {=tr})
338 \li \c {trUtf8} (\c {=trUtf8})
339 \li \c {translate} (\c {=translate})
340 \li \c {qsTr} (\c {=qsTr})
341 \li \c {qsTrId} (\c {=qsTrId})
342 \li \c {qsTranslate} (\c {=qsTranslate})
343 \endlist
344 \row
345 \li \c {-ts <ts-file>...}
346 \li Specify the output files. This overrides \c TRANSLATIONS.
347 \row
348 \li \c {-version}
349 \li Display the version of \c lupdate and exit.
350 \row
351 \li \c {-clang-parser [compilation-database-dir]}
352 \li Use clang to parse .cpp files. Otherwise, use a custom
353 parser. This option needs a clang compilation database
354 (\c compile_commands.json) for the files to be parsed.
355 Specify the path to the directory containing this file
356 on the command line, directly after the \c -clang-parser
357 option, or in the project file.
359 When using qmake, set the \c LUPDATE_COMPILE_COMMANDS_PATH
360 variable in the .pro file.
362 A directory specified on the command line takes precedence. If you
363 do not specify a path, \c lupdate searches for the compilation
364 database from all parent paths of the first input file.
365 \row
366 \li \c {-project-roots <directory>...}
367 \li Specify one or more project root directories. Only files
368 below a project root are considered for translation when
369 using the \c -clang-parser option.
370 \endtable
372 \section1 Examples
374 \section2 Using lupdate with CMake
376 When building with CMake, use \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}
377 {CMake commands} to add translations on targets to the CMakeLists.txt
378 file, and then build the targets.
380 Select one of the following options:
382 \list
383 \li Use \l qt_add_translations on a target, such as \e app.
384 This calls \l qt_add_lupdate and \l qt_add_lrelease.
385 \li Use \c qt_add_lupdate on a target.
386 \endlist
388 Build a target (for example, \c app_lupdate) to update the .ts
389 files for it. To update the .ts files for all targets, build the
390 target \c {update_translations}.
392 \section2 Using lupdate with qmake
394 To generate a translation file for a single QML file:
396 \badcode
397 lupdate main.qml -ts main_en.ts
398 \endcode
400 To make a translation file for another language, for example French,
401 copy main_en.ts to main_fr.ts, and translate the strings in the
402 French TS file.
404 \c lupdate processes QML files that are listed in the \c .qrc file:
406 \badcode
407 RESOURCES += qml.qrc
408 \endcode
410 To have all QML files processed by \c lupdate:
412 \badcode
413 lupdate application.qrc -ts myapp_en.ts
414 \endcode
416 To process all QML files in the current working directory (or its subfolders)
417 without using a \c .qrc file:
419 \badcode
420 lupdate . -extensions qml -ts myapp_en.ts
421 \endcode
423 To check for translatable strings in both QML and C++ source files:
425 \badcode
426 lupdate qml.qrc filevalidator.cpp -ts myapp_en.ts
427 \endcode
429 To generate .ts files that will be used for English and French without
430 specifying the languages in the project file:
432 \badcode
433 lupdate qml.qrc filevalidator.cpp -ts myapp_en.ts myapp_fr.ts
434 \endcode
436 Give the TS files to the translator who uses \QL to read the files and
437 insert the translations.
439 \section1 XLIFF format files
441 The TS file format is a simple human-readable XML format that you
442 can use with version control systems. In addition, \c lupdate can
443 process Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) files (\c .xlf).
445 \note Only XLIFF versions 1.1 and 1.2 are currently supported.
447 You can open and edit XLIFF files in \QL.
451 \page linguist-lrelease.html
452 \target lrelease
454 \previouspage Using lupdate
455 \nextpage Translators
457 \title Using lrelease
459 The \c lrelease command line tool produces QM files out of TS files. The
460 QM file format is a compact binary format that the localized application
461 uses. It provides extremely fast lookup for translations.
463 When building with qmake, specify the files to process at the command line
464 or in a .pro file.
466 When building with CMake, use \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}
467 {CMake commands} to add targets that create or update TS files and
468 transform them into QM files. The \c lrelease tool is run with the
469 \l {lrelease options}{options} you pass to the commands when you build
470 the target.
472 Run \c lrelease whenever you want to release the application, from the
473 initial test version through to the final release version. The application
474 does not need QM files to run, but if they are available, the application
475 detects them and uses them automatically.
477 \note The \c lrelease tool only incorporates translations that you
478 mark as \e finished. Otherwise, it uses the original text instead.
480 \section1 lrelease syntax
482 \badcode
483 lrelease [options] -project project-file
484 lrelease [options] ts-files [-qm qm-file]
485 \endcode
487 Where:
489 \list
490 \li \c options means one or several \l {lrelease options}.
491 \li \c project-file is the project configuration file.
492 \li \c ts-files are the TS files to use as input for the QM files.
493 \li \c qm-file is the name of the QM file to generate.
494 \endlist
496 \note Passing .pro files to \c lrelease is deprecated. Use the
497 \c lrelease-pro tool or the \c lrelease.prf feature when using qmake.
499 To view the latest help, enter:
501 \badcode
502 lrelease -help
503 \endcode
505 \section2 lrelease options
507 \table
508 \header
509 \li Option
510 \li Action
511 \row
512 \li \c {-help}
513 \li Display up-to-date help information and exit.
514 \row
515 \li \c {-idbased}
516 \li Use IDs instead of source strings for message keying.
517 \row
518 \li \c {-compress}
519 \li Compress the QM files.
520 \row
521 \li \c {-nounfinished}
522 \li Do not include unfinished translations.
523 \row
524 \li \c {-removeidentical}
525 \li If the translated text is the same as the source text, exclude the
526 message.
527 \row
528 \li \c {-markuntranslated <prefix>}
529 \li If a message has no real translation, use the source text
530 prefixed with the given string instead.
531 \row
532 \li \c {-project <filename>}
533 \li Name of a file containing the project's description in JSON format.
534 You can use the \c lprodump tool to generate the file from a .pro
535 file.
536 \row
537 \li \c {-silent}
538 \li Do not explain what is being done.
539 \row
540 \li \c {-version}
541 \li Display the version of \c lrelease and exit.
542 \endtable
544 \section1 Examples
546 \section2 Using lrelease with CMake
548 When building with CMake, use \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}
549 {CMake commands} to add translations on targets to the CMakeLists.txt
550 file, and then build the targets.
552 Select one of the following options:
554 \list
555 \li Use \l qt_add_translations on a target, such as \e app.
556 This calls \l qt_add_lupdate and \l qt_add_lrelease.
557 \li Use \c qt_add_lrelease on a target.
558 \endlist
560 Build a target (for example, \c app_lrelease) to update the .qm
561 files for it. To update the .qm files for all targets, build the
562 target \c {release_translations}.
564 \section2 Using lrelease with qmake
566 To run \c lrelease without specifying a project file:
568 \badcode
569 lrelease.exe main_en.ts languages\main_fr.ts
570 \endcode
574 \page linguist-translators.html
576 \previouspage Using lrelease
577 \nextpage Qt Linguist user interface
579 \title Translators
581 \image front-ui.png
583 \QL is a tool for translating strings in Qt applications. Once you have
584 installed Qt, you can start \QL in the same way as any other application on
585 the development host.
587 \note You can obtain an installer for \QL only (without the entire Qt SDK)
588 from \l {https://download.qt.io/linguist_releases/}. The installer is
589 available for Windows, and works with Qt 6.
591 To address issues that arise from the subtleties and complexities of
592 human language, translators and developers may need to:
594 \list
595 \li Translate a single phrase into several different forms depending on
596 context. For example, \e open in English might become \e{\ouml}\e{ffnen},
597 \e {open file}, or \e aufbauen, \e {open internet connection}, in German.
599 \li Change the mnemonic characters in keyboard shortcuts without introducing
600 conflicts. For example, \c \&Quit in English becomes \e Avslutt in
601 Norwegian, which does not contain the letter \e Q. You cannot use a
602 letter that is already in use unless you change several shortcuts.
604 \li Rephrase strings that contain variables. For example, you might need to
605 place the variables in a different order when you translate the string
606 \e {The 25 files selected will take 63 seconds to process}, where the
607 two numbers are inserted programmatically at runtime.
608 \endlist
610 For more information about how to use \QL to translate applications, see:
612 \list
613 \li \l {Qt Linguist user interface}
614 \li \l {Translating strings}
615 \li \l {Selecting context to translate}
616 \li \l {Selecting strings to translate}
617 \li \l {Viewing strings in context}
618 \li \l {Reusing translations}
619 \li \l {Validating translations}
620 \li \l {Translating multiple languages simultaneously}
621 \endlist
625 \page linguist-ui.html
627 \previouspage Translators
628 \nextpage Translating strings
630 \title Qt Linguist user interface
632 The \QL main window contains a menu bar and the following views:
634 \list
636 \li \uicontrol Context (\key F6) lists translation contexts.
638 \li \uicontrol Strings (\key F7) lists translatable strings in the
639 selected context.
641 \li \uicontrol {Sources and Forms} (\key F9) displays the selected
642 string in the source code.
644 \li Translation area displays the selected string and enables you to
645 enter a translation for it.
647 \li \uicontrol {Phrases and guesses} (\key F10) lists possible
648 translations for the current string.
650 \li \uicontrol Warnings (\key F8) lists translated strings that fail
651 validation tests.
653 \endlist
655 \image linguist-linguist.png {Qt Linguist UI}
657 The translation area (1) is always visible. To show or hide the other views,
658 select \uicontrol View > \uicontrol Views, or use keyboard shortcuts.
659 You can drag the views by their title bars and arrange them around the
660 translation area or even outside the main window.
664 \page linguist-translating-strings.html
666 \previouspage Qt Linguist user interface
667 \nextpage Selecting context to translate
669 \title Translating strings
671 Open translation source (TS) files in \QL for translation. TS files are
672 human-readable XML files containing source phrases and their translations.
673 TS files are usually created and updated by \c lupdate. If you do not have
674 a TS file, see \l {Creating translation files} to learn how to generate one.
676 You can use \QL also to translate files in the international XML
677 Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) that are generated by other
678 programs. However, for standard Qt projects, only the TS file format is
679 used. Only XLIFF versions 1.1 and 1.2 are currently supported.
681 \QL displays the target language in the translation area, and adapts the
682 number of input fields for plural forms accordingly. When you open several
683 TS files to translate simultaneously, the \uicontrol Translator and
684 \uicontrol {Translator comment} fields are displayed for each language.
685 For more information about setting the location information, see
686 \l{Changing the target locale}.
688 If the developer provides a disambiguating comment, you can see it in the
689 \uicontrol {Developer comments} field.
691 To translate strings:
693 \list 1
695 \li Select \uicontrol File > \uicontrol Open to load a TS file.
697 \li Select a context in the \uicontrol Context view to display translatable
698 strings in the \uicontrol Strings view.
700 \image linguist-ui.webp {Two TS files open in Qt Linguist}
702 \li Select a string to display it in the \uicontrol {Source text} field
703 in the translation area. The whitespace within the source text is
704 visualized.
706 \li Enter the translation of the current string in the \uicontrol Translation
707 field.
709 Double-click an existing translation in the
710 \uicontrol {Phrases and guesses} field to use it as the translation
711 for the current string. \QL reads the phrases from phrase books and
712 bases the guesses on existing translations of similar phrases in the
713 TS file.
715 \li Optionally, enter a comment for other translators in the
716 \uicontrol {Translator comment} field.
718 \li To accept the translation, press \key {Ctrl+Enter}, select
719 \inlineimage linguist-doneandnext.png
720 , or click the icon to the left of the selected source string in the
721 string list.
723 \li Select \uicontrol File > \uicontrol Save to save your work.
725 \endlist
727 Repeat this process until all strings in the string list are marked with
728 \inlineimage linguist-check-on.png
729 (\uicontrol {Accepted/Correct}) or
730 \inlineimage linguist-check-warning.png
731 (\uicontrol {Accepted/Warnings}). Then select the next context and continue.
733 To view the number of words and characters in the source text and in the
734 translated text, select \uicontrol View > \uicontrol Statistics.
736 Select \uicontrol File > \uicontrol Release to create a QM
737 file with the same base name as the current translation source file.
738 The \c lrelease tool performs the same function on \e all of an
739 application's translation source files.
741 To print the translation source and the translations, select \uicontrol File >
742 \uicontrol Print.
744 To quit \QL, select \uicontrol File > \uicontrol Exit.
746 \section1 Moving between translatable strings
748 To move to the next unfinished translation, select
749 \inlineimage nextunfinished.png
750 (\uicontrol {Next Unfinished}) or press \key{Ctrl+J}.
752 To move to the next source text, select \inlineimage next.png
753 , press \key{Ctrl+Shift+J}, or select \uicontrol Translation >
754 \uicontrol Next.
756 \section1 Phrases that require multiple translations depending on context
758 The same phrase may occur in more than one context without conflict. When
759 you reach another occurrence of a translated phrase, \QL provides
760 the previous translation as a possible translation in the
761 \uicontrol {Phrases and guesses} view.
763 If a phrase occurs more than once within a particular context, it appears
764 only once in the \uicontrol Context view, and the translation is applied
765 to every occurrence within the context. If the same phrase means different
766 things within the same context, the developer must provide a comment for
767 each occurrence of the phrase. The duplicate phrases appear in the
768 \uicontrol Context view. The developer's comments appear in the translation
769 area on a light blue background.
771 \section1 Changing keyboard shortcuts
773 A keyboard shortcut is a key combination that performs an action.
775 \section2 Alt key shortcuts
777 In menu item and button text, a \e mnemonic character (marked by underlining)
778 indicates that pressing \key Alt or \key Ctrl with the underlined character
779 performs the same action as clicking the menu item or pressing the button.
781 For example, applications often use \e F as the mnemonic character in the
782 \uicontrol {File} menu, so you can either click the menu item or press
783 \key {Alt+F} to open the menu. The mnemonic character in the translatable
784 string is prefixed with an ampersand: \c {\&File}. The translation for the
785 string should also have an ampersand in it, preferably in front of the same
786 character.
788 You can determine the meaning of an \key Alt key shortcut from the phrase
789 that contains the ampersand. You can use another mnemonic character if the
790 translated phrase does not contain the current one or if it is used in
791 the translation of some other shortcut in the context. Some key shortcuts,
792 usually those on the menu bar, may apply in other contexts.
794 \section2 Ctrl key shortcuts
796 \key Ctrl key shortcuts can exist independently of any visual control.
797 Typically, they invoke actions in menus that would require multiple
798 keystrokes or mouse clicks or actions that do not appear in any menu
799 or on any button. For example, the \uicontrol {File} menu might contain a
800 \uicontrol {\underline{N}ew Ctrl+N} item that you can invoke by pressing
801 \key {Ctrl+N} even when the \uicontrol {File} menu is closed.
803 Each \key Ctrl key shortcut appears in the \uicontrol Strings view
804 as a separate string. For example, \key{Ctrl+Enter}. Since
805 the string does not have a context to give it meaning, such as
806 the context of the phrase in which an \key Alt key shortcut appears,
807 you must rely on the developer to include a \l{QObject::tr()}
808 {disambiguation comment} to explain the action the \key Ctrl key
809 shortcut performs. The comment appears under \uicontrol {Developer comments}
810 in the translation area below the \uicontrol {Source text} field.
812 Ideally, you can copy translations for \key Ctrl key shortcuts by
813 selecting \uicontrol Translation > \uicontrol {Copy from source text}.
814 However, if the character does not make sense in the target language,
815 change it. Whichever character (alpha or digit) you choose, use the form
816 \key {Ctrl+} followed by the upper case character. Qt automatically displays
817 the correct name at runtime. As with \key Alt key shortcuts, if you change
818 the character, make sure that it does not conflict with any other
819 \key Ctrl key shortcut.
821 \note Do not translate the \key Alt, \key Ctrl or \key Shift parts of
822 the shortcuts, as Qt recognizes them and automatically translates them
823 for supported languages.
825 \section1 Handling numbered arguments and plural forms
827 A numbered argument is a placeholder that will be replaced with text at
828 runtime. It appears in a source string as a percent sign followed by
829 a digit. For example, in the \c{After processing file %1, file %2
830 is next in line} string, \c{%1} and \c{%2} are numbered arguments that
831 are replaced with the first and second file names at runtime. The
832 same numbered arguments must appear in the translation, but not
833 necessarily in the same order. A German translation of the string
834 might reverse the phrases, for example \c{Datei %2 wird bearbeitet, wenn
835 Datei %1 fertig ist}. Both numbered arguments appear in the
836 translation, but in the reverse order. A numbered argument is always
837 replaced by the same text in the translations, regardless of the position
838 in the argument sequence in the source string.
840 The use of numbered arguments is often accompanied by the use of
841 plural forms in the source text. In many languages, the form of the
842 text will depend on the value shown, and more than one translation
843 is required. If the developers have marked up the source text in
844 correct way, fields for each of the possible plural forms will be
845 available in the translation area. For more information, see
846 \l{Writing Source Code for Translation}.
848 \section1 Changing the target locale
850 You can set the locale information explicitly in \uicontrol Edit >
851 \uicontrol {Translation File Settings}. If the target language and country
852 are not explicitly set when you open a translation source file, \QL
853 attempts to deduct them from the translation source file name. This
854 requires that the translation files adhere to the following file name
855 convention:
856 \c appname_language[_country].ts, where:
858 \list
859 \li \c language is an ISO 639 language code in lowercase.
860 \li \c country is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code in uppercase.
861 \endlist
863 If this attempt to resolve the target language and country fails, the
864 \uicontrol {Translation File Settings} window opens.
866 For example, \c app_de.ts sets the
867 target language to German, and \c app_de_CH.ts sets the target language to
868 German and the target country to Switzerland. This also helps loading
869 translations for the current locale automatically. For more information, see
870 \l{Enable Translation}.
872 \image linguist-translationfilesettings.png
876 \page linguist-selecting-context.html
878 \previouspage Translating strings
879 \nextpage Selecting strings to translate
881 \title Selecting context to translate
883 The \uicontrol Context view lists the contexts in which strings to be translated
884 appear. The column labeled \uicontrol Context lists the context names in
885 alphabetical order. Each context is the name of a QML type or a subclass of
886 QObject.
888 \image linguist-context-view.webp {Context view}
890 A context for QObject itself contains strings passed to the static function
891 QObject::tr().
893 An \e{<unnamed context>} contains strings that are not in a subclass of
894 QObject.
896 The following icons indicate the current translation state for each context:
898 \table
899 \header
900 \li State
901 \li Icon
902 \li Description
904 \row
905 \li Accepted/Correct
906 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-on.png
907 \li All strings in the context have been translated, and all the
908 translations passed the \l{Validating Translations}{validation tests}.
910 \row
911 \li Accepted/Warnings
912 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-warning.png
913 \li All strings in the context have been translated or marked as translated,
914 but at least one translation failed the validation tests.
915 In the \uicontrol Strings view, you can see which string failed the test.
917 \row
918 \li Not Accepted
919 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-off.png
920 \li At least one string in the context has not been translated or is not
921 marked as translated.
923 \row
924 \li Obsolete
925 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-obsolete.png
926 \li None of the translated strings appears in the context any more. This
927 usually means the context no longer exists in the application.
928 \endtable
930 The \uicontrol Items column displays the total number of translatable strings in
931 the context and the number of translated strings, separated by a slash (/).
932 If the numbers are equal, all the translatable strings in the context have
933 translations.
937 \page linguist-selecting-strings.html
939 \previouspage Selecting context to translate
940 \nextpage Viewing strings in context
942 \title Selecting strings to translate
944 The \uicontrol Strings view lists all the translatable strings in the
945 current context and their translation acceptance state. Select a string
946 to view and edit it in the translation area.
948 \image linguist-strings-view.webp {Strings view}
950 Click the icon in front of a string to change its translation acceptance
951 state. A tick mark, green or yellow, means the string has an accepted
952 translation. A question mark means either that the translation does not
953 exist or you have not accepted it.
955 The following icons indicate the current translation state for each string:
957 \target String Translation States
959 \table
960 \header
961 \li State
962 \li Icon
963 \li Description
965 \row
966 \li Accepted/Correct
967 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-on.png
968 \li The source string has a translation (possibly empty). You accepted
969 the translation, and it passes all the \l{Validating Translations}
970 {validation tests}. Click the icon to revoke acceptance of the
971 translation. The state becomes \uicontrol {Not Accepted} if the string
972 has a translation or \uicontrol {No Translation} if the translation is
973 empty. If \c{lupdate} changes the contents of a string, its acceptance
974 state becomes \uicontrol {Not Accepted}.
976 \row
977 \li Accepted/Warnings
978 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-warning.png
979 \li You accepted the translation, but it does not pass all the validation
980 tests. The \uicontrol Warnings view shows where it failed. If you click
981 the icon to revoke acceptance of the translation, the state becomes
982 \uicontrol {Validation Failures}.
984 \row
985 \li Not Accepted
986 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-off.png
987 \li The string has a translation that passes all the validation tests, but
988 you have not yet accepted the translation. Click the icon or press
989 \key{Ctrl+Enter} to accept the translation. The state becomes
990 \uicontrol {Accepted/Correct}.
992 \row
993 \li No Translation
994 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-empty.png
995 \li The string does not have a translation. If you click the icon to accept
996 the empty translation, the state becomes \uicontrol {Accepted/Correct}.
998 \row
999 \li Validation Failures
1000 \li \inlineimage linguist-danger.png
1001 \li The string has a translation, but the translation does not pass all the
1002 validation tests. The \uicontrol Warnings view shows the validation test
1003 failures. Click on the icon or press \key{Ctrl+Enter} to
1004 accept the translation even with validation failures. The state becomes
1005 \uicontrol {Accepted/Warnings}. Usually, you should fix the causes of the
1006 validation failures. The state will automatically become
1007 \uicontrol {Not Accepted} when you fix all failures.
1009 \row
1010 \li Obsolete
1011 \li \inlineimage linguist-check-obsolete.png
1012 \li The string is obsolete. It is no longer used in the context.
1013 See \l{Using lupdate} for instructions on how to remove obsolete
1014 messages from the file.
1016 \endtable
1020 \page linguist-viewing-strings-in-context.html
1022 \previouspage Selecting strings to translate
1023 \nextpage Reusing translations
1025 \title Viewing strings in context
1027 If \QL can access the source files containing the translatable strings, the
1028 \uicontrol {Sources and Forms} view shows the source context of the current
1029 string in the \uicontrol Strings view. It highlights the source code line
1030 that contains the current string. If \QL cannot find the source file, it
1031 shows the expected absolute file path.
1033 If the source context shows the wrong source line, the translation file might
1034 be out of sync with the source files. For more information about how to sync
1035 the files, see \l{Using lupdate}.
1037 \QD stores UI forms in special UI files (.ui). \QL attempts to show the
1038 translations in the forms.
1042 \page linguist-reusing-translations.html
1044 \previouspage Viewing strings in context
1045 \nextpage Validating translations
1047 \title Reusing translations
1049 If the translated text is similar to the source text, select
1050 \uicontrol Translation > \uicontrol {Copy from source text}
1051 (or press \key{Ctrl+B}) to copy the source text into the
1052 translation area.
1054 \e {Phrase books} provide a common set of translations
1055 to help ensure consistency. A phrase book is a set of source phrases, target
1056 (translated) phrases, and optional definitions. Typically, one phrase book
1057 is created per language and family of applications. Phrase books avoid
1058 duplication of effort since they contain translations for a family of
1059 applications.
1061 The \uicontrol {Phrases and guesses} view displays the current string and its
1062 phrase book translations. If the current string is the same as or similar to
1063 a translated string, the view also lists the string and its translation.
1065 To copy a translation from the \uicontrol {Phrases and guesses} view to the
1066 translation area, double-click it or select it and press \key Enter.
1068 \section1 Batch translation
1070 \image linguist-batchtranslation.png
1072 Use the batch translation feature to automatically translate source
1073 texts that are also in a phrase book. To configure which phrase books to use
1074 in what order during the batch translation process, select \uicontrol Edit >
1075 \uicontrol {Batch Translation}. You can include only entries with no
1076 current translation and mark batch translated entries as \uicontrol Accepted.
1078 \section1 Creating and editing phrase books
1080 Phrase book files are human-readable XML files containing standard phrases
1081 and their translations. \QL creates and update the files. You can use them
1082 for any number of projects and applications.
1084 To create a new phrase book, select \uicontrol Phrases > \uicontrol {New Phrase Book}.
1086 \image linguist-phrasebookdialog.png
1088 To open a phrase book, select \uicontrol Phrases > \uicontrol {Open Phrase Book}, and
1089 then select the Qt phrase book file (.qph) to open.
1091 To view and change open phrase books, select \uicontrol Phrases >
1092 \uicontrol {Edit Phrase Book}.
1094 To add a new phrase, select \uicontrol {New Entry} (or press \key {Alt+N}) and
1095 type in a new source phrase, the translation, and an optional definition.
1096 This is useful to distinguish different translations of the same source
1097 phrase.
1099 To add the translation you are working on to the current phrase book, select
1100 \uicontrol Phrases > \uicontrol {Add to Phrase Book} or press \key{Ctrl+T}. If multiple
1101 phrase books are loaded, you have to select one.
1103 If you detect an error in a phrase book entry in the
1104 \uicontrol {Phrases and guesses} view, you can edit by right
1105 clicking it and selecting \uicontrol Edit. After fixing the
1106 error press \key{Enter} to leave the editing mode.
1108 To delete a phrase, select it in the \uicontrol {Source phrase} list, and then
1109 select \uicontrol {Remove Entry}.
1111 To print an open phrase book, select \uicontrol Phrases >
1112 \uicontrol {Print Phrase Book}.
1116 \page linguist-validating-translations.html
1118 \previouspage Reusing translations
1119 \nextpage Translating multiple languages simultaneously
1121 \title Validating translations
1123 \QL provides the following validation tests for translations:
1125 \list
1126 \li \e {Accelerator validation} detects translated phrases
1127 that do not have an ampersand when the source phrase does and vice
1128 versa.
1129 \li \e {Punctuation validation} detects differences in the
1130 terminating punctuation between source and translated phrases when
1131 this may be significant. For example, warns if the source phrase
1132 ends with an ellipsis, exclamation mark or question mark, and the
1133 translated phrase does not, and vice versa.
1134 \li \e {Phrases validation} detects source phrases that are
1135 also in the phrase book but whose translation differs from that
1136 in the phrase book.
1137 \li \e {Place marker validation} detects whether the same variables
1138 (like \c %1, \c %2) appear both in the source text and in the
1139 translation.
1140 \endlist
1142 To switch validation tests on or off, select \uicontrol Validation or use the
1143 toolbar buttons.
1145 Not accepted strings that fail validation tests are marked with the
1146 \uicontrol {Validation Failures} icon in the \uicontrol Strings view.
1147 Accepted strings are marked with \uicontrol {Accepted/Warnings}.
1149 If you switch validation off and then switch it on later,
1150 \QL rechecks all phrases and marks any that fail validation.
1152 The \uicontrol Warnings view lists the strings that fail the active
1153 validation tests. The first warning is also shown in the status bar
1154 at the bottom of the main window.
1156 \note Only results of \e{active} validation tests are reported.
1160 \page linguist-translating-multiple-languages.html
1161 \target multiple languages
1163 \previouspage Validating translations
1164 \nextpage Developers
1166 \title Translating multiple languages simultaneously
1168 You can load and edit multiple translation files simultaneously.
1169 The following screen shot displays \e{Polish} and \e{Japanese} translation
1170 files loaded.
1172 \image linguist-linguist_2.png
1174 The translation area has color-coded text editing areas for both Polish and
1175 Japanese. The \uicontrol Context view and the \uicontrol Strings view have
1176 color-coded status columns for each language.
1178 The \uicontrol Items column in the \uicontrol Context view combines the values
1179 for both languages. If the number of translatable strings does not match the
1180 number of accepted strings, either or both languages have strings that you
1181 need to translate or accept. The \uicontrol Strings view shows the translation
1182 acceptance state of each string for each language.
1186 \page linguist-programmers.html
1187 \title Developers
1189 \previouspage Translating multiple languages simultaneously
1190 \nextpage TS File Format
1192 \image front-coding.png
1194 Design your application so that it can be adapted to various languages and
1195 regions without engineering changes.
1197 \list
1198 \li \l{TS file format}
1199 \li \l{Text ID based translations}
1200 \li \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools}{CMake commands}
1201 \li \l{Examples}
1202 \endlist
1204 For more information, see also:
1205 \list
1206 \li \l {Internationalization with Qt}
1207 \li \l {Writing Source Code for Translation}
1208 \li \l {Localizing Applications}.
1209 \endlist
1211 You can use Qt Creator wizard templates to create Qt widget-based projects
1212 with translation support. For more information, see
1213 \l {Qt Creator: Creating Projects}.
1215 The following video shows how to internationalize and localize a simple
1216 example application:
1218 \youtube xNIz78IPBu0
1222 \page linguist-programmers-examples.html
1223 \title Examples
1225 \nextpage Developers
1227 The following examples illustrate how to prepare Qt applications for
1228 translation:
1230 \list
1231 \li \l{hellotr}{Hello tr()} is a C++ application that demonstrates the
1232 creation of a \l QTranslator object. It also shows the simplest use of
1233 the \c tr() function to mark user-visible source text for
1234 translation.
1236 \li \l{arrowpad}{Arrow Pad} is a C++ application that demonstrates how to
1237 make the application load translations depending on the current locale.
1238 It also shows the use of the two-argument form of \c tr() which provides
1239 additional information to the translator.
1241 \li \l{trollprint}{Troll Print} is a C++ application that demonstrates how
1242 to distinguish identical source text in the same context. It also shows
1243 how minimize the translator's work when an application is upgraded.
1245 \li \l{Qt Quick I18N} demonstrates how to internationalize Qt Quick
1246 applications.
1247 \endlist
1251 \page linguist-ts-file-format.html
1252 \title TS file format
1254 \previouspage Developers
1256 \brief TS file format.
1258 The TS file format used by \QL is described by the
1259 \l{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}{XSD} presented below,
1260 which we include for your convenience. Be aware that the format
1261 may change in future Qt releases.
1263 \quotefile ../../../shared/ts.xsd
1268 \page linguist-id-based-i18n.html
1269 \title Text ID based translations
1270 \ingroup internationalization
1273 \brief Text ID based internationalization provides support for large scale
1274 projects with many target locales and many texts to translate.
1276 The text ID translation mechanism is an \e {industrial strength} system for
1277 internationalization and localization. Each text in the application has a
1278 unique identifier (text ID) that you use in the source code instead of text.
1279 This makes it much easier to manage large numbers of translated texts.
1281 \note You must use only plain-text-based or only text-ID-based functions in
1282 one application. If you mix them, you will end up with an incomplete set of
1283 texts to be translated.
1286 \section1 Internationalizing with text IDs
1288 When using text IDs instead of plain text, the general method of
1289 internationalizing an application is the same but the details are a bit
1290 different:
1292 \list 1
1294 \li The functions and macros for the text-ID-based translation system are
1295 different from the plain-text system. You use the \c qsTrId() function instead
1296 of qsTr(), the \c QT_TRID_NOOP() macro instead of QT_TR_NOOP(),
1297 and \c QT_TRID_N_NOOP() macro instead of QT_TR_N_NOOP()).
1299 \li Use text IDs as user interface strings rather than plain text
1300 strings. For example, \c {qsTrId("id-back-not-front")}
1302 \li You cannot specify a context parameter with a text ID, and therefore
1303 identically spelled words with different meanings need separate
1304 text IDs. For example, \c {qsTrId("id-back-backstep")} differentiates
1305 the back-step \e {Back} from the \c id-back-not-front \e {Back}.
1307 \li The \e {engineering English} text that you see in the user interface for
1308 development builds is indicated with a \c {//%} comment. If you do not
1309 include this, the text ID is shown in the user interface. This is
1310 especially important when you have texts with parameters. The \c {//%}
1311 comment needs to include the parameters indicators in the string. For
1312 example, \c {//% "Number of files: %1"}
1314 \li The \c {//:} comments that provide extra information to the translator
1315 are optional in the plain-text system. However, with the text-ID-based
1316 system, this extra information becomes essential because without it you only
1317 have the text ID and the translator might not be able to make a sensible
1318 translation from that without further context. You can use long descriptive
1319 text IDs and no comments, but comments are often easier to understand.
1321 \endlist
1323 The side-by-side code snippets below show a comparison of text-ID -based and
1324 plain-text-based translations:
1326 \table
1327 \header
1328 \li text-ID-based
1329 \li plain-text-based
1330 \row
1331 \li
1332 \code
1333 Text {
1334 id: backTxt;
1335 //: The back of the object, not the front
1336 //% "Back"
1337 //~ Context Not related to back-stepping
1338 text: qsTrId("id-back-not-front");
1339 }
1340 \endcode
1342 \li
1343 \code
1344 Text {
1345 id: backTxt;
1346 //: The back of the object, not the front
1347 //~ Context Not related to back-stepping
1348 text: qsTr("Back","Not front")
1349 }
1350 \endcode
1351 \endtable
1353 \section1 Localizing with text IDs
1355 Localizing with text IDs follows much the same process as for plain text.
1357 You use the \l{Using lupdate}{lupdate} tool to generate the TS files where
1358 you add the translations. The source values in the translation files will be
1359 text IDs rather than plain text, and therefore you need either descriptive
1360 text IDs or good additional comments, or both to ensure that the translations
1361 are accurate.
1363 The example text-ID-based user interface text from above results in the following
1364 content in the .ts file:
1366 \code
1367 <message id="id-back-not-front">
1368 <source>Back</source>
1369 <extracomment>The back of the object, not the front</extracomment>
1370 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1371 <extra-Context>Not related to back-stepping</extra-Context>
1372 </message>
1373 \endcode
1375 When using \l{Using lrelease}{lrelease}, you need to specify that the keys
1376 for translated texts are based on text IDs, rather than plain text. If you
1377 use \c qsTr() to mark the strings as translatable in the code, the \c id
1378 attribute is not set and \c lrelease ignores them.
1380 However, if there is no translation available for a given text (which is
1381 generally the case until late in development), the text ID will be shown in
1382 the user interface rather than a proper text. In order to make the application
1383 more usable for testing, you can make \c lrelease use the \e {Engineering English}
1384 source text (from the \c {//%} comments) as the translated text and mark it with
1385 some indicator, such as an exclamation mark (!), so you can see texts that
1386 are not yet translated.
1388 \section1 CMake configuration
1390 When building with CMake, use the prefix \c qml_ for .ts files.
1391 For example, \c qml_en.ts. In the CMakeLists.txt file, add the
1392 \l qt_add_translations function, where you list the *.ts files
1393 as values of \c TS_FILES, set the value of RESOURCE_PREFIX to the
1394 URI of the main.qml file for the project followed by /i18n, and
1395 set the value of \c LRELEASE_OPTIONS to \c -idbased:
1397 \badcode
1398 qt_add_translations(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}
1399 TS_FILES i18n/qml_de_DE.ts i18n/qml_en_US.ts
1400 RESOURCE_PREFIX Main/i18n
1401 LRELEASE_OPTIONS -idbased
1402 )
1403 \endcode
1405 \section1 Advanced use with qmake
1407 For projects that target a large number of locales, you can remove the
1408 TRANSLATIONS info from the .pro file and, instead, manage the translations
1409 with a separate script. The script can call \c lrelease and \c lupdate for each of
1410 the desired targets.
1412 The updates could be scripted something like this:
1414 \code
1415 lupdate -recursive <project-dir> -ts <project-dir>/i18n/myapp-text_en_GB.ts
1416 lupdate -recursive <project-dir> -ts <project-dir>/i18n/myapp-text_en_US.ts
1417 ...
1418 \endcode
1420 The generation of the final .qm files could be scripted something like this:
1422 \code
1423 lrelease -idbased <project-dir>/i18n/myapp-text_en_GB.ts
1424 lrelease -idbased <project-dir>/i18n/myapp-text_en_US.ts
1425 ...
1426 \endcode