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1// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
5 \page qtassistant-index.html
6 \title Qt Assistant Manual
7 \ingroup qttools
9 \startpage {Qt Reference Pages}
10 \nextpage Qt Assistant Quick Guide
12 \keyword Qt Assistant
14 \QA is a tool for viewing on-line documentation in Qt help file format.
15 For more information about basic \QA functions, see
16 \l{Qt Assistant Quick Guide}.
18 Qt installations include a set of reference and tools documentation that
19 you can view in the Qt Creator IDE and in \QA. You can add custom
20 documentation to the set of documents displayed in the \QA main view. For
21 detailed information about all \QA functions, see \l{Using Qt Assistant}.
23 You can use \QA as the help viewer in your applications. You can display
24 your own documentation and customize \QA to look and feel like part of your
25 application. You can change the window title or icon, as well as menu texts
26 and actions. For more information, see \l{Customizing Qt Assistant}.
28 \section1 Table of Contents
30 \list
31 \li \l{Qt Assistant Quick Guide}
32 \li \l{Using Qt Assistant}
33 \li \l{Customizing Qt Assistant}
34 \li \l{Licenses and Attributions}
35 \endlist
39 \page assistant-custom-help-viewer.html
40 \title Customizing Qt Assistant
42 \previouspage Using Qt Assistant
43 \nextpage Licenses and Attributions
45 Using \QA as custom help viewer requires more than just being able to
46 display custom documentation. It is equally important that the
47 appearance of \QA can be customized so that it is seen as a
48 application-specific help viewer rather than \QA. This is achieved by
49 changing the window title or icon, as well as some application-specific
50 menu texts and actions. For a complete list of possible customizations,
51 see \l{Creating a Custom Help Collection File}.
53 Another requirement of a custom help viewer is the ability to receive
54 actions or commands from the application it provides help for. This is
55 especially important when the application offers context sensitive help.
56 When used in this way, the help viewer may need to change its contents
57 depending on the state the application is currently in. This means that
58 the application has to communicate the current state to the help viewer.
59 For more information, see \l{Using Qt Assistant Remotely}.
61 The \l{Simple Text Viewer Example}{Simple Text Viewer} example uses the
62 techniques described in this document to show how to use \QA as a custom
63 help viewer for an application.
65 \warning In order to ship Qt Assistant in your application, it is crucial
66 that you include the sqlite plugin. For more information on how to include
67 plugins in your application, refer to the \l{Deploying Qt Applications}
68 {deployment documentation}.
70 \section1 Qt Help Collection Files
72 The first important point to know about \QA is that it stores all
73 settings related to its appearance \e and a list of installed
74 documentation in a help collection file. This means, when starting \QA
75 with different collection files, \QA may look totally different. This
76 complete separation of settings makes it possible to deploy \QA as a
77 custom help viewer for more than one application on one machine
78 without risk of interference between different instances of \QA.
80 To apply a certain help collection to \QA, specify the respective
81 collection file on the command line when starting it. For example:
83 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 8
85 However, storing all settings in one collection file raises some problems.
86 The collection file is usually installed in the same directory as the
87 application itself, or one of its subdirectories. Depending on the
88 directory and the operating system, the user may not have any permissions
89 to modify this file which would happen when the user settings are stored.
90 Also, it may not even be possible to give the user write permissions, for
91 example when the file is located on a read-only medium like a CD-ROM.
93 Even if it is possible to give everybody the right to store their settings
94 in a globally available collection file, the settings from one user would
95 be overwritten by another user when exiting \QA.
97 To solve this dilemma, \QA creates user specific collection files which
98 are more or less copied from the original collection file. The user-specific
99 collection file will be saved in a subdirectory of the path returned by
100 QDesktopServices::AppDataLocation. The subdirectory, or \e{cache directory}
101 within this user-specific location, can be defined in the help collection
102 project file. For example:
104 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 7
106 So, when calling
108 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 8
110 \QA actually uses the collection file:
112 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 9
114 There is no need ever to start \QA with the user specific collection
115 file. Instead, the collection file shipped with the application should
116 always be used. Also, when adding or removing documentation from the
117 collection file (see next section) always use the normal collection file.
118 \QA will take care of synchronizing the user collection files when the
119 list of installed documentation has changed.
121 \section1 Displaying Custom Documentation
123 Before \QA is able to show documentation, it has to know where it can
124 find the actual documentation files, meaning that it has to know the
125 location of the Qt compressed help file (*.qch). As already mentioned,
126 \QA stores references to the compressed help files in the currently used
127 collection file. So, when creating a new collection file you can list
128 all compressed help files \QA should display.
130 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 5
132 Sometimes, depending on the application for which \QA acts as a
133 help viewer, more documentation needs to be added over time; for
134 example, when installing more application components or plugins.
135 This can be done manually in \QA by selecting \gui Edit > \gui Preferences
136 > \gui Documentation. However, this approach has the disadvantage
137 that every user has to do it manually to get access to the new
138 documentation.
140 The preferred way of adding documentation to an already existing collection
141 file is to use the \c{-register} command line flag of \QA. When starting
142 \QA with this flag, the documentation will be added and \QA will
143 exit right away displaying a message if the registration was successful
144 or not.
146 The search indexing will only index your custom *.html, *.htm,
147 and *.txt files.
149 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 6
151 The \c{-quiet} flag can be passed on to \QA to prevent it from writing
152 out the status message.
154 \note \QA shows the documentation in the \gui Contents view in the same
155 order as it was registered.
158 \section1 Changing the Appearance of Qt Assistant
160 The appearance of \QA can be changed by passing different command line options
161 on startup. However, these command line options only allow to show or hide
162 specific widgets, like the contents or index view. Other customizations, such
163 as changing the application title or icon, or disabling the filter functionality,
164 can be done by creating a custom help collection file.
166 \section2 Creating a Custom Help Collection File
168 The help collection file (*.qhc) used by \QA is created when running the
169 \c qhelpgenerator tool on a help collection project file (*.qhcp).
170 The project file format is XML and it supports the following tags:
172 \table
173 \header
174 \li Tag
175 \li Brief Description
176 \row
177 \li \c{<title>}
178 \li Specifies a window title for \QA.
179 \row
180 \li \c{<homePage>}
181 \li Specifies the page to display when selecting \gui Home in the
182 \QA main window.
183 \row
184 \li \c{<startPage>}
185 \li Specifies the page to display initially when the help collection
186 is used.
187 \row
188 \li \c{<currentFilter>}
189 \li Specifies the filter that is initially used.
190 If this filter is not specified, the documentation will not be filtered. This has
191 no impact if only one documentation set is installed.
192 \row
193 \li \c{<applicationIcon>}
194 \li Describes an icon that will be used instead of the normal \QA
195 application icon. This is specified as a relative path from the directory
196 containing the collection file.
197 \row
198 \li \c{<enableFilterFunctionality>}
199 \li Enables or disables user accessible filter functionality,
200 making it possible to prevent the user from changing any filter when running \QA.
201 It does not mean that the internal filter functionality is completely disabled.
202 Set the value to \c{false} if you want to disable the filtering. If the filter
203 toolbar should be shown by default, set the attribute \c{visible} to \c{true}.
204 \row
205 \li \c{<enableDocumentationManager>}
206 \li Shows or hides the \gui Documentation tab in the \gui Preferences
207 dialog. Disabling the \gui Documentation tab allows you to limit
208 \QA to display a specific documentation set or make it impossible for the end user
209 to accidentally remove or install documentation. To hide the \gui Documentation tab,
210 set the tag value to \c{false}.
211 \row
212 \li \c{<enableAddressBar>}
213 \li Enables or disables the address bar functionality. By default it
214 is enabled. To disable it, set the tag value to \c{false}. If the
215 address bar functionality is enabled, the address bar can be shown by setting the
216 tag attribute \c{visible} to \c{true}.
217 \row
218 \li \c{<aboutMenuText>, <text>}
219 \li Lists localized versions for the \gui About menu item in the
220 \gui Help menu. For example, \gui {About Application}. The text is
221 specified within the \c{text} tags. The \c{language} attribute takes the two
222 letter language name. The text is used as the default text if no language
223 attribute is specified.
224 \row
225 \li \c{<aboutDialog>, <file>, <icon>}
226 \li Specifies the text for the \gui About dialog that can be opened
227 from the \gui Help menu. The text is taken from the
228 file in the \c{file} tags. It is possible to specify a different file or any
229 language. The icon defined by the \c{icon} tags is applied to any language.
230 \row
231 \li \c{<cacheDirectory>, <cacheDirectory base="collection">}
232 \li Specifies the cache directory that is used to store index files
233 needed for the full text search and a copy of the collection file.
234 The copy is needed because \QA stores all its settings in the
235 collection file, and therefore, it must be writable for the user.
236 The directory is specified as a relative path.
237 If the \c{base} attribute is set to "collection", the path is
238 relative to the directory the collection file resides in.
239 If the attribute is set to "default" or if it is missing,
240 the path is relative to the directory given by
241 QDesktopServices::AppDataLocation. The first form is useful for
242 collections that are used in a \e mobile way, such as carried around
243 on a USB stick.
244 \row
245 \li \c{<enableFullTextSearchFallback>}
246 \li Enables or disables the ability to fallback and use the full text
247 search if a keyword cannot be found in the index. This functionality
248 can be used while remote controlling \QA. To make it available for
249 remote control, set the tag value to \c{true}.
250 \endtable
252 In addition to those \QA specific tags, the tags for generating and registering
253 documentation can be used. See \l{Qt Help Collection Files} documentation for more information.
255 An example of a help collection file that uses all the available tags is shown below:
257 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 1
259 To create the binary collection file, run the \c qhelpgenerator tool:
261 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 10
263 To test the generated collection file, start \QA in the following way:
265 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 8
267 \section1 Using Qt Assistant Remotely
269 Even though the help viewer is a standalone application, it will mostly
270 be launched by the application it provides help for. This approach
271 gives the application the possibility to ask for specific help contents
272 to be displayed as soon as the help viewer is started. Another advantage
273 with this approach is that the application can communicate with the
274 help viewer process and can therefore request other help contents to be
275 shown depending on the current state of the application.
277 So, to use \QA as the custom help viewer of your application, simply
278 create a QProcess and specify the path to the \QA executable. In order
279 to make \QA listen to your application, turn on its remote control
280 functionality by passing the \c{-enableRemoteControl} command line option.
282 The following example shows how this can be done:
284 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 2
286 Once \QA is running, you can send commands by using the stdin channel of
287 the process. The code snippet below shows how to tell \QA to show a certain
288 page in the documentation.
290 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 3
292 \note The trailing newline character is required to mark the end
293 of the input.
295 The following commands can be used to control \QA:
297 \table
298 \header
299 \li Command
300 \li Brief Description
301 \row
302 \li \c{show <Widget>}
303 \li Shows the sidebar window (dock widget) specified by <Widget>. If the widget
304 is already shown and this command is sent again, the widget will be
305 activated, meaning that it will be raised and given the input focus.
306 Possible values for <Widget> are "contents", "index", "bookmarks" or "search".
307 \row
308 \li \c{hide <Widget>}
309 \li Hides the dock widget specified by <Widget>. Possible values for
310 <Widget> are "contents", "index", "bookmarks" and "search".
311 \row
312 \li \c{setSource <Url>}
313 \li Displays the given <Url>. The URL can be absolute or relative
314 to the currently displayed page. If the URL is absolute, it has to
315 be a valid Qt help system URL. That is, starting with "qthelp://".
316 \row
317 \li \c{activateKeyword <Keyword>}
318 \li Inserts the specified <Keyword> into the line edit of the
319 index dock widget and activates the corresponding item in the
320 index list. If such an item has more than one link associated
321 with it, a topic chooser will be shown.
322 \row
323 \li \c{activateIdentifier <Id>}
324 \li Displays the help contents for the given <Id>. An ID is unique
325 in each namespace and has only one link associated to it, so the
326 topic chooser will never pop up.
327 \row
328 \li \c{syncContents}
329 \li Selects the item in the contents widget which corresponds to
330 the currently displayed page.
331 \row
332 \li \c{setCurrentFilter <filter>}
333 \li Selects the specified filter and updates the visual representation
334 accordingly.
335 \row
336 \li \c{expandToc <Depth>}
337 \li Expands the table of contents tree to the given depth. If depth
338 is 0, the tree will be collapsed completely. If depth is -1,
339 the tree will be expanded completely.
340 \row
341 \li \c{register <help file>}
342 \li Adds the given Qt compressed help file to the collection.
343 \row
344 \li \c{unregister <help file>}
345 \li Removes the given Qt compressed help file from the collection.
346 \endtable
348 If you want to send several commands within a short period of time, it is
349 recommended that you write only a single line to the stdin of the process
350 instead of one line for every command. The commands have to be separated by
351 a semicolon, as shown in the following example:
353 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 4
357\section2 Modifying \QA with Command Line Options
359 Different help collections can be shown by simply passing the help collection
360 path to \QA. For example:
362 \snippet doc_src_assistant-manual.qdoc 0
364 Other available options the can be passed on the command line.
366 \table
367 \header
368 \li Command Line Option
369 \li Brief Description
370 \row
371 \li -collectionFile <file.qhc>
372 \li Uses the specified collection file instead of the default one.
373 \row
374 \li -showUrl URL
375 \li Shows the document referenced by URL.
376 \row
377 \li -enableRemoteControl
378 \li Enables \QA to be remotly controlled.
379 \row
380 \li -show <widget>
381 \li Shows the specified dockwidget which can be "contents", "index",
382 "bookmarks" or "search".
383 \row
384 \li -hide <widget>
385 \li Hides the specified dockwidget which can be "contents", "index",
386 "bookmarks" or "search.
387 \row
388 \li -activate <widget>
389 \li Activates the specified dockwidget which can be "contents",
390 "index", "bookmarks" or "search.
391 \row
392 \li -register <doc.qch>
393 \li Registers the specified compressed help file in the given help
394 collection.
395 \row
396 \li -unregister <doc.qch>
397 \li Unregisters the specified compressed help file from the given
398 collection file.
399 \row
400 \li -quiet
401 \li Doesn't show any error, warning or success messages.
402 \endtable
403 */
406 \page assistant-licenses.html
407 \title Licenses and Attributions
409 \previouspage Customizing Qt Assistant
411 \QA is available under commercial licenses from \l{The Qt Company}. In
412 addition, it is available under the \l{GNU General Public License, version 3}.
414 Furthermore, \QA \QtVersion may contain third party modules
415 under following permissive licenses:
417 \generatelist{groupsbymodule attributions-qtassistant-tools}