Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem Class Reference

#include <qqmldomitem_p.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem:

Public Types

enum class  CopyOption { EnvConnected , EnvDisconnected }
using Callback = function<void(const Path &, const DomItem &, const DomItem &)>
using InternalKind = DomType
using Visitor = function_ref<bool(const Path &, const DomItem &)>
using ChildrenVisitor = function_ref<bool(const Path &, const DomItem &, bool)>

Public Member Functions

template<typename F >
auto visitEl (F f) const
 operator bool () const
InternalKind internalKind () const
QString internalKindStr () const
DomKind domKind () const
Path canonicalPath () const
DomItem filterUp (function_ref< bool(DomType k, const DomItem &)> filter, FilterUpOptions options) const
DomItem containingObject () const
DomItem container () const
DomItem owner () const
DomItem top () const
DomItem environment () const
DomItem universe () const
DomItem containingFile () const
DomItem containingScriptExpression () const
DomItem goToFile (const QString &filePath) const
DomItem goUp (int) const
DomItem directParent () const
DomItem qmlObject (GoTo option=GoTo::Strict, FilterUpOptions options=FilterUpOptions::ReturnOuter) const
DomItem fileObject (GoTo option=GoTo::Strict) const
DomItem rootQmlObject (GoTo option=GoTo::Strict) const
DomItem globalScope () const
DomItem component (GoTo option=GoTo::Strict) const
DomItem scope (FilterUpOptions options=FilterUpOptions::ReturnOuter) const
QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr nearestSemanticScope () const
QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr semanticScope () const
DomItem get (const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
QList< DomItemgetAll (const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
bool isOwningItem () const
bool isExternalItem () const
bool isTopItem () const
bool isContainer () const
bool isScope () const
bool isCanonicalChild (const DomItem &child) const
bool hasAnnotations () const
QString name () const
DomItem pragmas () const
DomItem ids () const
QString idStr () const
DomItem propertyInfos () const
PropertyInfo propertyInfoWithName (const QString &name) const
QSet< QStringpropertyInfoNames () const
DomItem propertyDefs () const
DomItem bindings () const
DomItem methods () const
DomItem enumerations () const
DomItem children () const
DomItem child (index_type i) const
DomItem annotations () const
bool resolve (const Path &path, Visitor visitor, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler, ResolveOptions options=ResolveOption::None, const Path &fullPath=Path(), QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
DomItem operator[] (const Path &path) const
DomItem operator[] (QStringView component) const
DomItem operator[] (const QString &component) const
DomItem operator[] (const char16_t *component) const
DomItem operator[] (index_type i) const
DomItem operator[] (int i) const
index_type size () const
index_type length () const
DomItem path (const Path &p, const ErrorHandler &h=&defaultErrorHandler) const
DomItem path (const QString &p, const ErrorHandler &h=&defaultErrorHandler) const
DomItem path (QStringView p, const ErrorHandler &h=&defaultErrorHandler) const
QList< QStringfields () const
DomItem field (QStringView name) const
index_type indexes () const
DomItem index (index_type) const
bool visitIndexes (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor) const
QSet< QStringkeys () const
QStringList sortedKeys () const
DomItem key (const QString &name) const
DomItem key (QStringView name) const
bool visitKeys (function_ref< bool(const QString &, const DomItem &)> visitor) const
QList< DomItemvalues () const
void writeOutPre (OutWriter &lw) const
void writeOut (OutWriter &lw) const
void writeOutPost (OutWriter &lw) const
bool writeOutForFile (OutWriter &ow, WriteOutChecks extraChecks) const
bool writeOut (const QString &path, int nBackups=2, const LineWriterOptions &opt=LineWriterOptions(), FileWriter *fw=nullptr, WriteOutChecks extraChecks=WriteOutCheck::Default) const
bool visitTree (const Path &basePath, ChildrenVisitor visitor, VisitOptions options=VisitOption::Default, ChildrenVisitor openingVisitor=emptyChildrenVisitor, ChildrenVisitor closingVisitor=emptyChildrenVisitor, const FieldFilter &filter=FieldFilter::noFilter()) const
bool visitPrototypeChain (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor, VisitPrototypesOptions options=VisitPrototypesOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QSet< quintptr > *visited=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
bool visitDirectAccessibleScopes (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor, VisitPrototypesOptions options=VisitPrototypesOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QSet< quintptr > *visited=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
bool visitStaticTypePrototypeChains (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor, VisitPrototypesOptions options=VisitPrototypesOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QSet< quintptr > *visited=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
bool visitUp (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor) const
bool visitScopeChain (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor, LookupOptions=LookupOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QSet< quintptr > *visited=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
bool visitLocalSymbolsNamed (const QString &name, function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor) const
bool visitLookup1 (const QString &symbolName, function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor, LookupOptions=LookupOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QSet< quintptr > *visited=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
bool visitLookup (const QString &symbolName, function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor, LookupType type=LookupType::Symbol, LookupOptions=LookupOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler=nullptr, QSet< quintptr > *visited=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
bool visitSubSymbolsNamed (const QString &name, function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor) const
DomItem proceedToScope (const ErrorHandler &h=nullptr, QList< Path > *visitedRefs=nullptr) const
QList< DomItemlookup (const QString &symbolName, LookupType type=LookupType::Symbol, LookupOptions=LookupOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler=nullptr) const
DomItem lookupFirst (const QString &symbolName, LookupType type=LookupType::Symbol, LookupOptions=LookupOption::Normal, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler=nullptr) const
quintptr id () const
Path pathFromOwner () const
QString canonicalFilePath () const
DomItem fileLocationsTree () const
DomItem fileLocations () const
MutableDomItem makeCopy (CopyOption option=CopyOption::EnvConnected) const
bool commitToBase (const std::shared_ptr< DomEnvironment > &validPtr=nullptr) const
DomItem refreshed () const
QCborValue value () const
void dumpPtr (const Sink &sink) const
void dump (const Sink &, int indent=0, function_ref< bool(const DomItem &, const PathEls::PathComponent &, const DomItem &)> filter=noFilter) const
FileWriter::Status dump (const QString &path, function_ref< bool(const DomItem &, const PathEls::PathComponent &, const DomItem &)> filter=noFilter, int nBackups=2, int indent=0, FileWriter *fw=nullptr) const
QString toString () const
int derivedFrom () const
int revision () const
QDateTime createdAt () const
QDateTime frozenAt () const
QDateTime lastDataUpdateAt () const
void addError (ErrorMessage &&msg) const
ErrorHandler errorHandler () const
void clearErrors (const ErrorGroups &groups=ErrorGroups({}), bool iterate=true) const
bool iterateErrors (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &, const ErrorMessage &)> visitor, bool iterate, Path inPath=Path()) const
bool iterateSubOwners (function_ref< bool(const DomItem &owner)> visitor) const
bool iterateDirectSubpaths (DirectVisitor v) const
template<typename T >
DomItem subDataItem (const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const T &value, ConstantData::Options options=ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap) const
template<typename T >
DomItem subDataItemField (QStringView f, const T &value, ConstantData::Options options=ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap) const
template<typename T >
DomItem subValueItem (const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const T &value, ConstantData::Options options=ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap) const
template<typename T >
bool dvValue (DirectVisitor visitor, const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const T &value, ConstantData::Options options=ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap) const
template<typename T >
bool dvValueField (DirectVisitor visitor, QStringView f, const T &value, ConstantData::Options options=ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap) const
template<typename F >
bool dvValueLazy (DirectVisitor visitor, const PathEls::PathComponent &c, F valueF, ConstantData::Options options=ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap) const
template<typename F >
bool dvValueLazyField (DirectVisitor visitor, QStringView f, F valueF, ConstantData::Options options=ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap) const
DomItem subLocationItem (const PathEls::PathComponent &c, SourceLocation loc) const
DomItem subReferencesItem (const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const QList< Path > &paths) const
DomItem subReferenceItem (const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const Path &referencedObject) const
bool dvReference (DirectVisitor visitor, const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const Path &referencedObject) const
bool dvReferences (DirectVisitor visitor, const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const QList< Path > &paths) const
bool dvReferenceField (DirectVisitor visitor, QStringView f, const Path &referencedObject) const
bool dvReferencesField (DirectVisitor visitor, QStringView f, const QList< Path > &paths) const
bool dvItem (DirectVisitor visitor, const PathEls::PathComponent &c, function_ref< DomItem()> it) const
bool dvItemField (DirectVisitor visitor, QStringView f, function_ref< DomItem()> it) const
DomItem subListItem (const List &list) const
DomItem subMapItem (const Map &map) const
DomItem subObjectWrapItem (SimpleObjectWrap obj) const
DomItem subScriptElementWrapperItem (const ScriptElementVariant &obj) const
template<typename Owner >
DomItem subOwnerItem (const PathEls::PathComponent &c, Owner o) const
template<typename T >
DomItem wrap (const PathEls::PathComponent &c, const T &obj) const
template<typename T >
DomItem wrapField (QStringView f, const T &obj) const
template<typename T >
bool dvWrap (DirectVisitor visitor, const PathEls::PathComponent &c, T &obj) const
template<typename T >
bool dvWrapField (DirectVisitor visitor, QStringView f, T &obj) const
 DomItem ()=default
 DomItem (const std::shared_ptr< DomEnvironment > &)
 DomItem (const std::shared_ptr< DomUniverse > &)
std::shared_ptr< DomToptopPtr () const
std::shared_ptr< OwningItemowningItemPtr () const
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of_v< DomBase, T >, bool >::type = true>
T const * as () const
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of_v< DomBase, T >, bool >::type = true>
T const * as () const
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< T > ownerAs () const
template<typename Owner , typename T >
DomItem copy (const Owner &owner, const Path &ownerPath, const T &base) const
template<typename Owner >
DomItem copy (const Owner &owner, const Path &ownerPath) const
template<typename T >
DomItem copy (const T &base) const

Static Public Member Functions

static ErrorGroups myErrors ()
static ErrorGroups myResolveErrors ()
static DomItem fromCode (const QString &code, DomType fileType=DomType::QmlFile)

Static Public Attributes

static ErrorGroup domErrorGroup
static DomItem empty


class DomBase
class DomElement
class Map
class List
class QmlObject
class DomUniverse
class DomEnvironment
class ExternalItemInfoBase
class ConstantData
class MutableDomItem
class ScriptExpression
class AstComments
class AttachedInfo
class TestDomItem
QMLDOM_EXPORT bool operator== (const DomItem &, const DomItem &)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 892 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Callback

using QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::Callback = function<void(const Path &, const DomItem &, const DomItem &)>

Definition at line 895 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ ChildrenVisitor

using QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::ChildrenVisitor = function_ref<bool(const Path &, const DomItem &, bool)>

Definition at line 899 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ InternalKind

Definition at line 897 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ Visitor

using QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::Visitor = function_ref<bool(const Path &, const DomItem &)>

Definition at line 898 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CopyOption


Definition at line 906 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DomItem() [1/3]

QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::DomItem ( )

Referenced by subDataItem(), subListItem(), subMapItem(), subValueItem(), and wrap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DomItem() [2/3]

QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::DomItem ( const std::shared_ptr< DomEnvironment > & )

◆ DomItem() [3/3]

QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::DomItem ( const std::shared_ptr< DomUniverse > & )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addError()

void QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::addError ( ErrorMessage && msg) const

◆ annotations()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::annotations ( ) const

Definition at line 975 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ as() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of_v< DomBase, T >, bool >::type = true>
T const * QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::as ( ) const

Definition at line 1226 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References base, QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsObjWrap(), and QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsValueWrap().

Referenced by QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel::fileNamesToWatch(), QQmlLSQuickCompletionPlugin::suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding(), and QQmlLSQuickCompletionPlugin::suggestSnippetsForRightHandSideOfBinding().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ as() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of_v< DomBase, T >, bool >::type = true>
T const * QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::as ( ) const

Definition at line 1238 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsObjWrap(), QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsValueWrap(), and Q_ASSERT.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bindings()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::bindings ( ) const

Definition at line 970 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Referenced by QQmlLSUtils::findScopeOfSpecialItems().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ canonicalFilePath()

QString QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::canonicalFilePath ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlDocumentFormatting::process().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ canonicalPath()

Path QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::canonicalPath ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::OutWriterState::closeState(), and CompletionRequest::completions().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ child()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::child ( index_type i) const

Definition at line 974 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References i, and index().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ children()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::children ( ) const

Definition at line 973 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ clearErrors()

void QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::clearErrors ( const ErrorGroups & groups = ErrorGroups({}),
bool iterate = true ) const

◆ commitToBase()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::commitToBase ( const std::shared_ptr< DomEnvironment > & validPtr = nullptr) const

◆ component()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::component ( GoTo option = GoTo::Strict) const

Referenced by QQmlLSUtils::baseObject(), QQmlLSUtils::findDefinitionOf(), and QQmlJS::Dom::FieldFilter::operator()().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ container()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::container ( ) const

◆ containingFile()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::containingFile ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlLSQuickCompletionPlugin::suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding(), and QQmlLSQuickCompletionPlugin::suggestSnippetsForRightHandSideOfBinding().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ containingObject()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::containingObject ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::MutableDomItem::containingObject().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ containingScriptExpression()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::containingScriptExpression ( ) const

◆ copy() [1/3]

template<typename Owner >
DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::copy ( const Owner & owner,
const Path & ownerPath ) const

Definition at line 1259 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References Q_ASSERT.

◆ copy() [2/3]

template<typename Owner , typename T >
DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::copy ( const Owner & owner,
const Path & ownerPath,
const T & base ) const

Definition at line 1251 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References base, and Q_ASSERT.

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::DomEnvironment::ensureGlobalScopeWithName(), QQmlJS::Dom::DomEnvironment::insertOrUpdateExternalItemInfo(), subDataItem(), and wrap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copy() [3/3]

template<typename T >
DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::copy ( const T & base) const

Definition at line 1266 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References base, and Q_ASSERT.

◆ createdAt()

QDateTime QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::createdAt ( ) const

◆ derivedFrom()

int QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::derivedFrom ( ) const

◆ directParent()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::directParent ( ) const

◆ domKind()

DomKind QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::domKind ( ) const

Definition at line 919 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::kind2domKind().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dump() [1/2]

FileWriter::Status QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dump ( const QString & path,
function_ref< bool(const DomItem &, const PathEls::PathComponent &, const DomItem &)> filter = noFilter,
int nBackups = 2,
int indent = 0,
FileWriter * fw = nullptr ) const

◆ dump() [2/2]

void QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dump ( const Sink & ,
int indent = 0,
function_ref< bool(const DomItem &, const PathEls::PathComponent &, const DomItem &)> filter = noFilter ) const

◆ dumpPtr()

void QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dumpPtr ( const Sink & sink) const

◆ dvItem()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvItem ( DirectVisitor visitor,
const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
function_ref< DomItem()> it ) const

Definition at line 1168 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References it.

◆ dvItemField()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvItemField ( DirectVisitor visitor,
QStringView f,
function_ref< DomItem()> it ) const

Definition at line 1172 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References it.

◆ dvReference()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvReference ( DirectVisitor visitor,
const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const Path & referencedObject ) const

Definition at line 1147 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvReferenceField()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvReferenceField ( DirectVisitor visitor,
QStringView f,
const Path & referencedObject ) const

Definition at line 1160 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvReferences()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvReferences ( DirectVisitor visitor,
const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const QList< Path > & paths ) const

Definition at line 1153 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvReferencesField()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvReferencesField ( DirectVisitor visitor,
QStringView f,
const QList< Path > & paths ) const

Definition at line 1164 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvValue()

template<typename T >
bool DomItem::dvValue ( DirectVisitor visitor,
const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const T & value,
ConstantData::Options options = ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap ) const

Definition at line 2094 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References value().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dvValueField()

template<typename T >
bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvValueField ( DirectVisitor visitor,
QStringView f,
const T & value,
ConstantData::Options options = ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap ) const

Definition at line 1125 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvValueLazy()

template<typename F >
bool DomItem::dvValueLazy ( DirectVisitor visitor,
const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
F valueF,
ConstantData::Options options = ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap ) const

Definition at line 2104 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvValueLazyField()

template<typename F >
bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvValueLazyField ( DirectVisitor visitor,
QStringView f,
F valueF,
ConstantData::Options options = ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap ) const

Definition at line 1134 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvWrap()

template<typename T >
bool DomItem::dvWrap ( DirectVisitor visitor,
const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
T & obj ) const

Definition at line 2188 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ dvWrapField()

template<typename T >
bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::dvWrapField ( DirectVisitor visitor,
QStringView f,
T & obj ) const

Definition at line 1207 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ enumerations()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::enumerations ( ) const

Definition at line 972 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ environment()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::environment ( ) const

◆ errorHandler()

ErrorHandler QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::errorHandler ( ) const

◆ field()

◆ fields()

QList< QString > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::fields ( ) const

◆ fileLocations()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::fileLocations ( ) const

◆ fileLocationsTree()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::fileLocationsTree ( ) const

◆ fileObject()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::fileObject ( GoTo option = GoTo::Strict) const

Referenced by CompletionRequest::completions(), QQmlBaseModule< RequestType >::itemsForRequest(), QQmlDocumentFormatting::process(), and QQmlRangeFormatting::process().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ filterUp()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::filterUp ( function_ref< bool(DomType k, const DomItem &)> filter,
FilterUpOptions options ) const

◆ fromCode()

static DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::fromCode ( const QString & code,
DomType fileType = DomType::QmlFile )

◆ frozenAt()

QDateTime QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::frozenAt ( ) const

◆ get()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::get ( const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ getAll()

QList< DomItem > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::getAll ( const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ globalScope()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::globalScope ( ) const

◆ goToFile()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::goToFile ( const QString & filePath) const

Referenced by QmlGoToTypeDefinitionSupport::process().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ goUp()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::goUp ( int ) const

◆ hasAnnotations()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::hasAnnotations ( ) const

◆ id()

quintptr QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::id ( ) const

◆ ids()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::ids ( ) const

Definition at line 964 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ idStr()

QString QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::idStr ( ) const

Definition at line 965 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ index()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::index ( index_type ) const

◆ indexes()

index_type QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::indexes ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::ModuleIndex::exportsWithNameAndMinorVersion(), and QQmlJS::Dom::ImportScope::importedItemsWithName().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ internalKind()

InternalKind QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::internalKind ( ) const

Definition at line 915 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ internalKindStr()

QString QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::internalKindStr ( ) const

Definition at line 918 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeToString().

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::CommentCollector::collectComments(), and CompletionRequest::completions().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isCanonicalChild()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::isCanonicalChild ( const DomItem & child) const

◆ isContainer()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::isContainer ( ) const

Definition at line 958 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsContainer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isExternalItem()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::isExternalItem ( ) const

Definition at line 956 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsExternalItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isOwningItem()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::isOwningItem ( ) const

Definition at line 955 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsOwningItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isScope()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::isScope ( ) const

Definition at line 959 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsScope().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isTopItem()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::isTopItem ( ) const

Definition at line 957 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsTopItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ iterateDirectSubpaths()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::iterateDirectSubpaths ( DirectVisitor v) const

◆ iterateErrors()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::iterateErrors ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &, const ErrorMessage &)> visitor,
bool iterate,
Path inPath = Path() ) const

◆ iterateSubOwners()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::iterateSubOwners ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &owner)> visitor) const

◆ key() [1/2]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::key ( const QString & name) const

◆ key() [2/2]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::key ( QStringView name) const

Definition at line 1013 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References key().

Referenced by key().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ keys()

QSet< QString > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::keys ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlLSUtils::findUsagesOfNonJSIdentifiers().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lastDataUpdateAt()

QDateTime QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::lastDataUpdateAt ( ) const

◆ length()

index_type QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::length ( ) const

Definition at line 997 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ lookup()

QList< DomItem > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::lookup ( const QString & symbolName,
LookupType type = LookupType::Symbol,
LookupOptions = LookupOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & errorHandler = nullptr ) const

◆ lookupFirst()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::lookupFirst ( const QString & symbolName,
LookupType type = LookupType::Symbol,
LookupOptions = LookupOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & errorHandler = nullptr ) const

◆ makeCopy()

MutableDomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::makeCopy ( CopyOption option = CopyOption::EnvConnected) const

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::DomEnvironment::ensureGlobalScopeWithName(), and QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel::newDocForOpenFile().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ methods()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::methods ( ) const

Definition at line 971 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ myErrors()

static ErrorGroups QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::myErrors ( )

◆ myResolveErrors()

static ErrorGroups QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::myResolveErrors ( )

◆ name()

QString QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::name ( ) const

Definition at line 962 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Referenced by wrap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nearestSemanticScope()

QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::nearestSemanticScope ( ) const

◆ operator bool()

QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::operator bool ( ) const

Definition at line 914 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ operator[]() [1/6]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::operator[] ( const char16_t * component) const

Definition at line 990 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References component().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator[]() [2/6]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::operator[] ( const Path & path) const

◆ operator[]() [3/6]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::operator[] ( const QString & component) const

◆ operator[]() [4/6]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::operator[] ( index_type i) const

Definition at line 994 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References i.

◆ operator[]() [5/6]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::operator[] ( int i) const

Definition at line 995 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References i.

◆ operator[]() [6/6]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::operator[] ( QStringView component) const

◆ owner()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::owner ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::ModuleScope::iterateDirectSubpaths(), and QQmlJS::Dom::DomEnvironment::iterateDirectSubpaths().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ownerAs()

template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< T > DomItem::ownerAs ( ) const

Definition at line 1561 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::AttachedInfo, QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsOwningItem(), QQmlJS::Dom::ExternalItemInfo, QQmlJS::Dom::ExternalItemPair, and Q_ASSERT_X.

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::RefCacheEntry::addForPath(), QQmlJS::Dom::QmltypesFile::ensureInModuleIndex(), QQmlJS::Dom::QmldirFile::ensureInModuleIndex(), QQmlJS::Dom::RefCacheEntry::forPath(), QQmlJS::Dom::ModuleScope::iterateDirectSubpaths(), QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel::newDocForOpenFile(), QmlGoToTypeDefinitionSupport::process(), QQmlJS::Dom::ModuleIndex::qmldirsToLoad(), and QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel::removeDirectory().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ owningItemPtr()

std::shared_ptr< OwningItem > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::owningItemPtr ( ) const

◆ path() [1/3]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::path ( const Path & p,
const ErrorHandler & h = &defaultErrorHandler ) const

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::DomEnvironment::addExternalItemInfo(), QQmlJS::Dom::ModuleIndex::autoExports(), QQmlJS::Dom::CommentCollector::collectComments(), QQmlJS::Dom::MutableDomItem::item(), QQmlLSUtils::itemsFromTextLocation(), QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel::newDocForOpenFile(), and refreshed().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ path() [2/3]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::path ( const QString & p,
const ErrorHandler & h = &defaultErrorHandler ) const

◆ path() [3/3]

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::path ( QStringView p,
const ErrorHandler & h = &defaultErrorHandler ) const

◆ pathFromOwner()

Path QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::pathFromOwner ( ) const

Referenced by subDataItem(), subValueItem(), and wrap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pragmas()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::pragmas ( ) const

Definition at line 963 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ proceedToScope()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::proceedToScope ( const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ propertyDefs()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::propertyDefs ( ) const

Definition at line 969 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ propertyInfoNames()

QSet< QString > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::propertyInfoNames ( ) const

◆ propertyInfos()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::propertyInfos ( ) const

Definition at line 966 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ propertyInfoWithName()

PropertyInfo QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::propertyInfoWithName ( const QString & name) const

◆ qmlObject()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::qmlObject ( GoTo option = GoTo::Strict,
FilterUpOptions options = FilterUpOptions::ReturnOuter ) const

Referenced by QQmlLSUtils::baseObject(), QQmlLSUtils::findMethodDefinitionOf(), QQmlLSUtils::findPropertyDefinitionOf(), and QQmlLSQuickCompletionPlugin::suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ refreshed()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::refreshed ( ) const

Definition at line 1078 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References canonicalPath(), and path().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resolve()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::resolve ( const Path & path,
Visitor visitor,
const ErrorHandler & errorHandler,
ResolveOptions options = ResolveOption::None,
const Path & fullPath = Path(),
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ revision()

int QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::revision ( ) const

◆ rootQmlObject()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::rootQmlObject ( GoTo option = GoTo::Strict) const

◆ scope()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::scope ( FilterUpOptions options = FilterUpOptions::ReturnOuter) const

◆ semanticScope()

QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::semanticScope ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlLSQuickCompletionPlugin::suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ size()

index_type QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::size ( ) const

Definition at line 996 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References keys.

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::domCompare().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sortedKeys()

QStringList QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::sortedKeys ( ) const

◆ subDataItem()

template<typename T >
DomItem DomItem::subDataItem ( const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const T & value,
ConstantData::Options options = ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap ) const

Definition at line 2077 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References DomItem(), ConstantData, copy(), pathFromOwner(), and QCborValue().

Referenced by subValueItem(), and wrap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ subDataItemField()

template<typename T >
DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::subDataItemField ( QStringView f,
const T & value,
ConstantData::Options options = ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap ) const

Definition at line 1113 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ subListItem()

DomItem DomItem::subListItem ( const List & list) const

Definition at line 2325 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References DomItem(), and list.

Referenced by subValueItem(), and wrap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ subLocationItem()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::subLocationItem ( const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
SourceLocation loc ) const

Definition at line 1139 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References QQmlJS::Dom::sourceLocationToQCborValue().

Referenced by wrap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ subMapItem()

DomItem DomItem::subMapItem ( const Map & map) const

Definition at line 2330 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References DomItem(), and map.

Referenced by wrap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ subObjectWrapItem()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::subObjectWrapItem ( SimpleObjectWrap obj) const

Definition at line 1178 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Referenced by wrap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ subOwnerItem()

template<typename Owner >
DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::subOwnerItem ( const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
Owner o ) const

Definition at line 1190 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References canonicalPath(), QQmlJS::Dom::domTypeIsUnattachedOwningItem(), and o.

Referenced by subValueItem(), and wrap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ subReferenceItem()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::subReferenceItem ( const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const Path & referencedObject ) const

◆ subReferencesItem()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::subReferencesItem ( const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const QList< Path > & paths ) const

◆ subScriptElementWrapperItem()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::subScriptElementWrapperItem ( const ScriptElementVariant & obj) const

Definition at line 1183 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References Q_ASSERT.

◆ subValueItem()

template<typename T >
DomItem DomItem::subValueItem ( const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const T & value,
ConstantData::Options options = ConstantData::Options::MapIsMap ) const

Definition at line 2050 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

References DomItem(), ConstantData, list, pathFromOwner(), Q_UNUSED, QCborValue(), subDataItem(), subListItem(), subOwnerItem(), and value().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ top()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::top ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlFindUsagesSupport::process(), and QQmlRenameSymbolSupport::process().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ topPtr()

std::shared_ptr< DomTop > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::topPtr ( ) const

◆ toString()

QString QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::toString ( ) const

Referenced by QQmlBaseModule< RequestType >::itemsForRequest(), and QQmlRangeFormatting::process().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ universe()

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::universe ( ) const

◆ value()

QCborValue QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::value ( ) const

Referenced by QmlLsp::OpenDocumentSnapshot::dump(), dvValue(), QQmlLSUtils::fieldMemberExpressionBits(), and subValueItem().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ values()

QList< DomItem > QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::values ( ) const

◆ visitDirectAccessibleScopes()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitDirectAccessibleScopes ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor,
VisitPrototypesOptions options = VisitPrototypesOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QSet< quintptr > * visited = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ visitEl()

template<typename F >
auto QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitEl ( F f) const

Definition at line 909 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ visitIndexes()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitIndexes ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor) const

◆ visitKeys()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitKeys ( function_ref< bool(const QString &, const DomItem &)> visitor) const

◆ visitLocalSymbolsNamed()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitLocalSymbolsNamed ( const QString & name,
function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor ) const

◆ visitLookup()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitLookup ( const QString & symbolName,
function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor,
LookupType type = LookupType::Symbol,
LookupOptions = LookupOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & errorHandler = nullptr,
QSet< quintptr > * visited = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ visitLookup1()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitLookup1 ( const QString & symbolName,
function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor,
LookupOptions = LookupOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QSet< quintptr > * visited = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ visitPrototypeChain()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitPrototypeChain ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor,
VisitPrototypesOptions options = VisitPrototypesOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QSet< quintptr > * visited = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ visitScopeChain()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitScopeChain ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor,
LookupOptions = LookupOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QSet< quintptr > * visited = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ visitStaticTypePrototypeChains()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitStaticTypePrototypeChains ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor,
VisitPrototypesOptions options = VisitPrototypesOption::Normal,
const ErrorHandler & h = nullptr,
QSet< quintptr > * visited = nullptr,
QList< Path > * visitedRefs = nullptr ) const

◆ visitSubSymbolsNamed()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitSubSymbolsNamed ( const QString & name,
function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor ) const

◆ visitTree()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitTree ( const Path & basePath,
ChildrenVisitor visitor,
VisitOptions options = VisitOption::Default,
ChildrenVisitor openingVisitor = emptyChildrenVisitor,
ChildrenVisitor closingVisitor = emptyChildrenVisitor,
const FieldFilter & filter = FieldFilter::noFilter() ) const

Referenced by QQmlLSUtils::findUsagesOfNonJSIdentifiers().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ visitUp()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::visitUp ( function_ref< bool(const DomItem &)> visitor) const

◆ wrap()

template<typename T >
DomItem DomItem::wrap ( const PathEls::PathComponent & c,
const T & obj ) const

◆ wrapField()

template<typename T >
DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::wrapField ( QStringView f,
const T & obj ) const

Definition at line 1200 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ writeOut() [1/2]

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::writeOut ( const QString & path,
int nBackups = 2,
const LineWriterOptions & opt = LineWriterOptions(),
FileWriter * fw = nullptr,
WriteOutChecks extraChecks = WriteOutCheck::Default ) const

◆ writeOut() [2/2]

void QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::writeOut ( OutWriter & lw) const

◆ writeOutForFile()

bool QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::writeOutForFile ( OutWriter & ow,
WriteOutChecks extraChecks ) const

◆ writeOutPost()

void QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::writeOutPost ( OutWriter & lw) const

◆ writeOutPre()

void QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::writeOutPre ( OutWriter & lw) const

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ AstComments

friend class AstComments

Definition at line 1329 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ AttachedInfo

friend class AttachedInfo

Definition at line 1330 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ ConstantData

friend class ConstantData

Definition at line 1326 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Referenced by subDataItem(), and subValueItem().

◆ DomBase

friend class DomBase

Definition at line 1318 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ DomElement

friend class DomElement

Definition at line 1319 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ DomEnvironment

friend class DomEnvironment

Definition at line 1324 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ DomUniverse

friend class DomUniverse

Definition at line 1323 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ ExternalItemInfoBase

friend class ExternalItemInfoBase

Definition at line 1325 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ List

friend class List

Definition at line 1321 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ Map

friend class Map

Definition at line 1320 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ MutableDomItem

friend class MutableDomItem

Definition at line 1327 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ operator==

QMLDOM_EXPORT bool operator== ( const DomItem & ,
const DomItem &  )

◆ QmlObject

friend class QmlObject

Definition at line 1322 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ ScriptExpression

friend class ScriptExpression

Definition at line 1328 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

◆ TestDomItem

friend class TestDomItem

Definition at line 1331 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ domErrorGroup

◆ empty

DomItem QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem::empty

Definition at line 904 of file qqmldomitem_p.h.

Referenced by QQmlJS::Dom::domCompare().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: