Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
QTreeViewPrivate Class Reference

#include <qtreeview_p.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QTreeViewPrivate:
+ Collaboration diagram for QTreeViewPrivate:

Public Types

enum  RectRule { FullRow , SingleSection , AddRowIndicatorToFirstSection }

Public Member Functions

 QTreeViewPrivate ()
 ~QTreeViewPrivate ()
void initialize ()
void clearConnections ()
int logicalIndexForTree () const
bool isTreePosition (int logicalIndex) const
QItemViewPaintPairs draggablePaintPairs (const QModelIndexList &indexes, QRect *r) const override
void adjustViewOptionsForIndex (QStyleOptionViewItem *option, const QModelIndex &current) const override
void expand (int item, bool emitSignal)
void collapse (int item, bool emitSignal)
void columnsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex &, int, int) override
void columnsRemoved (const QModelIndex &, int, int) override
void modelAboutToBeReset ()
void sortIndicatorChanged (int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
void modelDestroyed () override
QRect intersectedRect (const QRect rect, const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight) const override
void layout (int item, bool recusiveExpanding=false, bool afterIsUninitialized=false)
int pageUp (int item) const
int pageDown (int item) const
int itemForKeyHome () const
int itemForKeyEnd () const
int itemHeight (int item) const
int indentationForItem (int item) const
int coordinateForItem (int item) const
int itemAtCoordinate (int coordinate) const
int viewIndex (const QModelIndex &index) const
QModelIndex modelIndex (int i, int column=0) const
void insertViewItems (int pos, int count, const QTreeViewItem &viewItem)
void removeViewItems (int pos, int count)
int firstVisibleItem (int *offset=nullptr) const
int lastVisibleItem (int firstVisual=-1, int offset=-1) const
int columnAt (int x) const
bool hasVisibleChildren (const QModelIndex &parent) const
bool expandOrCollapseItemAtPos (const QPoint &pos)
void updateScrollBars ()
int itemDecorationAt (const QPoint &pos) const
QRect itemDecorationRect (const QModelIndex &index) const
QList< std::pair< int, int > > columnRanges (const QModelIndex &topIndex, const QModelIndex &bottomIndex) const
void select (const QModelIndex &start, const QModelIndex &stop, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command)
std::pair< int, int > startAndEndColumns (const QRect &rect) const
void updateChildCount (const int parentItem, const int delta)
void paintAlternatingRowColors (QPainter *painter, QStyleOptionViewItem *option, int y, int bottom) const
void calcLogicalIndices (QList< int > *logicalIndices, QList< QStyleOptionViewItem::ViewItemPosition > *itemPositions, int left, int right) const
int widthHintForIndex (const QModelIndex &index, int hint, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, int i) const
QRect visualRect (const QModelIndex &index) const override
QRect visualRect (const QModelIndex &index, RectRule rule) const
bool storeExpanded (const QPersistentModelIndex &idx)
bool isIndexExpanded (const QModelIndex &idx) const
bool isRowHidden (const QModelIndex &idx) const
bool isItemHiddenOrDisabled (int i) const
int above (int item) const
int below (int item) const
void invalidateHeightCache (int item) const
int accessibleTable2Index (const QModelIndex &index) const
int accessibleTree2Index (const QModelIndex &index) const
void updateIndentationFromStyle ()
void updateAccessibility ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QAbstractItemViewPrivate
 QAbstractItemViewPrivate ()
virtual ~QAbstractItemViewPrivate ()
void init ()
virtual void rowsRemoved (const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
virtual void rowsInserted (const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
virtual void columnsInserted (const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
virtual void layoutChanged ()
virtual void rowsMoved (const QModelIndex &source, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destination, int destinationStart)
virtual void columnsMoved (const QModelIndex &source, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destination, int destinationStart)
void headerDataChanged ()
void scrollerStateChanged ()
void delegateSizeHintChanged (const QModelIndex &index)
void fetchMore ()
bool shouldEdit (QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger trigger, const QModelIndex &index) const
bool shouldForwardEvent (QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger trigger, const QEvent *event) const
bool shouldAutoScroll (const QPoint &pos) const
void doDelayedItemsLayout (int delay=0)
void interruptDelayedItemsLayout () const
void updateGeometry ()
void startAutoScroll ()
void stopAutoScroll ()
bool droppingOnItself (QDropEvent *event, const QModelIndex &index)
QWidgeteditor (const QModelIndex &index, const QStyleOptionViewItem &options)
bool sendDelegateEvent (const QModelIndex &index, QEvent *event) const
bool openEditor (const QModelIndex &index, QEvent *event)
void updateEditorData (const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
void selectAllInEditor (QWidget *w)
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags multiSelectionCommand (const QModelIndex &index, const QEvent *event) const
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags extendedSelectionCommand (const QModelIndex &index, const QEvent *event) const
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags contiguousSelectionCommand (const QModelIndex &index, const QEvent *event) const
virtual void selectAll (QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command)
void setHoverIndex (const QPersistentModelIndex &index)
void checkMouseMove (const QPersistentModelIndex &index)
void checkMouseMove (const QPoint &pos)
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags selectionBehaviorFlags () const
void releaseEditor (QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index=QModelIndex()) const
void executePostedLayout () const
void setDirtyRegion (const QRegion &visualRegion)
void scrollDirtyRegion (int dx, int dy)
void scrollContentsBy (int dx, int dy)
void updateDirtyRegion ()
void clearOrRemove ()
void checkPersistentEditorFocus ()
QPixmap renderToPixmap (const QModelIndexList &indexes, QRect *r) const
QPoint offset () const
const QEditorInfoeditorForIndex (const QModelIndex &index) const
bool hasEditor (const QModelIndex &index) const
QModelIndex indexForEditor (QWidget *editor) const
void addEditor (const QModelIndex &index, QWidget *editor, bool isStatic)
void removeEditor (QWidget *editor)
bool isAnimating () const
bool isIndexValid (const QModelIndex &index) const
bool isIndexSelectable (const QModelIndex &index) const
bool isIndexEnabled (const QModelIndex &index) const
virtual bool selectionAllowed (const QModelIndex &index) const
QPoint contentsOffset () const override
int delegateRefCount (const QAbstractItemDelegate *delegate) const
bool isPersistent (const QModelIndex &index) const
void doDelayedReset ()

Public Attributes

int indent
QList< QTreeViewItemviewItems
int lastViewedItem
int defaultItemHeight
bool uniformRowHeights
bool rootDecoration
bool itemsExpandable
bool sortingEnabled
bool expandsOnDoubleClick
bool allColumnsShowFocus
bool customIndent
std::pair< int, int > leftAndRight
int current
bool spanning
QSet< QPersistentModelIndexexpandedIndexes
bool animationsEnabled
QSet< QPersistentModelIndexhiddenIndexes
QSet< QPersistentModelIndexspanningIndexes
QBasicTimer columnResizeTimer
QList< int > columnsToUpdate
int autoExpandDelay
QBasicTimer openTimer
int hoverBranch
bool geometryRecursionBlock
bool hasRemovedItems
int treePosition
QMetaObject::Connection animationConnection
QMetaObject::Connection selectionmodelConnection
std::array< QMetaObject::Connection, 2 > modelConnections
std::array< QMetaObject::Connection, 5 > headerConnections
QMetaObject::Connection sortHeaderConnection
- Public Attributes inherited from QAbstractItemViewPrivate
QPointer< QAbstractItemDelegateitemDelegate
QMap< int, QPointer< QAbstractItemDelegate > > rowDelegates
QMap< int, QPointer< QAbstractItemDelegate > > columnDelegates
QPointer< QItemSelectionModelselectionModel
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag ctrlDragSelectionFlag
bool noSelectionOnMousePress
QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode selectionMode
QAbstractItemView::SelectionBehavior selectionBehavior
QEditorIndexHash editorIndexHash
QIndexEditorHash indexEditorHash
QSet< QWidget * > persistent
QBasicTimer pressClosedEditorWatcher
QPersistentModelIndex lastEditedIndex
bool pressClosedEditor
bool waitForIMCommit
QPersistentModelIndex enteredIndex
QPersistentModelIndex pressedIndex
QPersistentModelIndex currentSelectionStartIndex
Qt::KeyboardModifiers pressedModifiers
QPoint pressedPosition
QPoint draggedPosition
bool pressedAlreadySelected
bool releaseFromDoubleClick
bool viewportEnteredNeeded
QAbstractItemView::State state
QAbstractItemView::State stateBeforeAnimation
QAbstractItemView::EditTriggers editTriggers
QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger lastTrigger
QPersistentModelIndex root
QPersistentModelIndex hover
bool tabKeyNavigation
QString keyboardInput
QElapsedTimer keyboardInputTime
bool autoScroll
QBasicTimer autoScrollTimer
int autoScrollMargin
int autoScrollCount
bool shouldScrollToCurrentOnShow
bool shouldClearStatusTip
bool alternatingColors
QSize iconSize
Qt::TextElideMode textElideMode
QRegion updateRegion
QPoint scrollDelayOffset
QBasicTimer updateTimer
QBasicTimer delayedEditing
QBasicTimer delayedAutoScroll
QBasicTimer delayedReset
QAbstractItemView::ScrollMode verticalScrollMode
QAbstractItemView::ScrollMode horizontalScrollMode
QItemSelection oldSelection
QModelIndex oldCurrent
bool currentIndexSet
bool wrapItemText
bool delayedPendingLayout
bool moveCursorUpdatedView
bool verticalScrollModeSet
bool horizontalScrollModeSet
int updateThreshold
std::array< QMetaObject::Connection, 14 > modelConnections
std::array< QMetaObject::Connection, 4 > scrollbarConnections

Detailed Description

Definition at line 51 of file qtreeview_p.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RectRule


Definition at line 159 of file qtreeview_p.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QTreeViewPrivate()

QTreeViewPrivate::QTreeViewPrivate ( )

Definition at line 56 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ ~QTreeViewPrivate()

QTreeViewPrivate::~QTreeViewPrivate ( )

Definition at line 67 of file qtreeview_p.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ above()

int QTreeViewPrivate::above ( int item) const

Definition at line 225 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ accessibleTable2Index()

int QTreeViewPrivate::accessibleTable2Index ( const QModelIndex & index) const

Definition at line 232 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ accessibleTree2Index()

int QTreeViewPrivate::accessibleTree2Index ( const QModelIndex & index) const

Definition at line 4067 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ adjustViewOptionsForIndex()

void QTreeViewPrivate::adjustViewOptionsForIndex ( QStyleOptionViewItem * option,
const QModelIndex & current ) const

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemViewPrivate.

Definition at line 1471 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ below()

int QTreeViewPrivate::below ( int item) const

Definition at line 227 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ calcLogicalIndices()

void QTreeViewPrivate::calcLogicalIndices ( QList< int > * logicalIndices,
QList< QStyleOptionViewItem::ViewItemPosition > * itemPositions,
int left,
int right ) const

Definition at line 1584 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ clearConnections()

void QTreeViewPrivate::clearConnections ( )

Definition at line 3126 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ collapse()

void QTreeViewPrivate::collapse ( int item,
bool emitSignal )

Definition at line 3207 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ columnAt()

int QTreeViewPrivate::columnAt ( int x) const

Definition at line 3791 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ columnRanges()

QList< std::pair< int, int > > QTreeViewPrivate::columnRanges ( const QModelIndex & topIndex,
const QModelIndex & bottomIndex ) const

Definition at line 3919 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ columnsAboutToBeRemoved()

void QTreeViewPrivate::columnsAboutToBeRemoved ( const QModelIndex & parent,
int start,
int end )

This slot is called when columns are about to be removed. The deleted columns are those under the given parent from start to end inclusive.

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemViewPrivate.

Definition at line 3366 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ columnsRemoved()

void QTreeViewPrivate::columnsRemoved ( const QModelIndex & index,
int start,
int end )

This slot is called when columns have been removed. The deleted rows are those under the given parent from start to end inclusive.

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemViewPrivate.

Definition at line 3373 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ coordinateForItem()

int QTreeViewPrivate::coordinateForItem ( int item) const

Returns the viewport y coordinate for item.

Definition at line 3589 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ draggablePaintPairs()

QItemViewPaintPairs QTreeViewPrivate::draggablePaintPairs ( const QModelIndexList & indexes,
QRect * r ) const


We have a QTreeView way of knowing what elements are on the viewport

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemViewPrivate.

Definition at line 1456 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ expand()

void QTreeViewPrivate::expand ( int item,
bool emitSignal )

Definition at line 3139 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ expandOrCollapseItemAtPos()

bool QTreeViewPrivate::expandOrCollapseItemAtPos ( const QPoint & pos)

Definition at line 1366 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ firstVisibleItem()

int QTreeViewPrivate::firstVisibleItem ( int * offset = nullptr) const

Definition at line 3744 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ hasVisibleChildren()

bool QTreeViewPrivate::hasVisibleChildren ( const QModelIndex & parent) const

Definition at line 4041 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ indentationForItem()

int QTreeViewPrivate::indentationForItem ( int item) const

Definition at line 3556 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ initialize()

void QTreeViewPrivate::initialize ( )

Definition at line 3102 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ insertViewItems()

void QTreeViewPrivate::insertViewItems ( int pos,
int count,
const QTreeViewItem & viewItem )

Definition at line 3174 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ intersectedRect()

QRect QTreeViewPrivate::intersectedRect ( const QRect rect,
const QModelIndex & topLeft,
const QModelIndex & bottomRight ) const

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemViewPrivate.

Definition at line 1398 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ invalidateHeightCache()

void QTreeViewPrivate::invalidateHeightCache ( int item) const

Definition at line 229 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ isIndexExpanded()

bool QTreeViewPrivate::isIndexExpanded ( const QModelIndex & idx) const

Definition at line 203 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ isItemHiddenOrDisabled()

bool QTreeViewPrivate::isItemHiddenOrDisabled ( int i) const

Definition at line 218 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ isRowHidden()

bool QTreeViewPrivate::isRowHidden ( const QModelIndex & idx) const

Definition at line 211 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ isTreePosition()

bool QTreeViewPrivate::isTreePosition ( int logicalIndex) const

Definition at line 71 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ itemAtCoordinate()

int QTreeViewPrivate::itemAtCoordinate ( int coordinate) const

Returns the index of the view item at the given viewport coordinate.

See also

Definition at line 3640 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ itemDecorationAt()

int QTreeViewPrivate::itemDecorationAt ( const QPoint & pos) const

Definition at line 3870 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ itemDecorationRect()

QRect QTreeViewPrivate::itemDecorationRect ( const QModelIndex & index) const

Definition at line 3892 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ itemForKeyEnd()

int QTreeViewPrivate::itemForKeyEnd ( ) const

Definition at line 3548 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ itemForKeyHome()

int QTreeViewPrivate::itemForKeyHome ( ) const

Definition at line 3540 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ itemHeight()

int QTreeViewPrivate::itemHeight ( int item) const

Definition at line 3566 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ lastVisibleItem()

int QTreeViewPrivate::lastVisibleItem ( int firstVisual = -1,
int offset = -1 ) const

Definition at line 3773 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ layout()

void QTreeViewPrivate::layout ( int i,
bool recursiveExpanding = false,
bool afterIsUninitialized = false )

creates and initialize the viewItem structure of the children of the element

set recursiveExpanding if the function has to expand all the children (called from expandAll) afterIsUninitialized is when we recurse from layout(-1), it means all the items after 'i' are not yet initialized and need not to be moved

Definition at line 3402 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ logicalIndexForTree()

int QTreeViewPrivate::logicalIndexForTree ( ) const

Definition at line 1338 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ modelAboutToBeReset()

void QTreeViewPrivate::modelAboutToBeReset ( )

Definition at line 3361 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ modelDestroyed()

void QTreeViewPrivate::modelDestroyed ( )

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemViewPrivate.

Definition at line 1390 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ modelIndex()

QModelIndex QTreeViewPrivate::modelIndex ( int i,
int column = 0 ) const

Definition at line 3733 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ pageDown()

int QTreeViewPrivate::pageDown ( int item) const

Definition at line 3528 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ pageUp()

int QTreeViewPrivate::pageUp ( int item) const

Definition at line 3516 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ paintAlternatingRowColors()

void QTreeViewPrivate::paintAlternatingRowColors ( QPainter * painter,
QStyleOptionViewItem * option,
int y,
int bottom ) const

Definition at line 1346 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ removeViewItems()

void QTreeViewPrivate::removeViewItems ( int pos,
int count )

Definition at line 3183 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ select()

void QTreeViewPrivate::select ( const QModelIndex & start,
const QModelIndex & stop,
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command )

Definition at line 3966 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ sortIndicatorChanged()

void QTreeViewPrivate::sortIndicatorChanged ( int column,
Qt::SortOrder order )

Definition at line 4062 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ startAndEndColumns()

std::pair< int, int > QTreeViewPrivate::startAndEndColumns ( const QRect & rect) const

Definition at line 4026 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ storeExpanded()

bool QTreeViewPrivate::storeExpanded ( const QPersistentModelIndex & idx)

Definition at line 196 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ updateAccessibility()

void QTreeViewPrivate::updateAccessibility ( )

Definition at line 3380 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ updateChildCount()

void QTreeViewPrivate::updateChildCount ( const int parentItem,
const int delta )

◆ updateIndentationFromStyle()

void QTreeViewPrivate::updateIndentationFromStyle ( )

Definition at line 4075 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ updateScrollBars()

void QTreeViewPrivate::updateScrollBars ( )

Definition at line 3796 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ viewIndex()

int QTreeViewPrivate::viewIndex ( const QModelIndex & index) const

Definition at line 3689 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ visualRect() [1/2]

QRect QTreeViewPrivate::visualRect ( const QModelIndex & index) const

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemViewPrivate.

Definition at line 166 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ visualRect() [2/2]

QRect QTreeViewPrivate::visualRect ( const QModelIndex & index,
RectRule rule ) const
the visual rectangle at
  • SingleSection The return value matches the section, which index points to.
  • FullRow Return the rectangle of the entire row, no matter which section index points to.
  • AddRowIndicatorToFirstSection Like SingleSection. If \index points to the first section, add the row indicator and its margins. \endlist

Definition at line 1079 of file qtreeview.cpp.

◆ widthHintForIndex()

int QTreeViewPrivate::widthHintForIndex ( const QModelIndex & index,
int hint,
const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
int i ) const

Get sizeHint width for single index (providing existing hint and style option) and index in viewIndex i.

Definition at line 1640 of file qtreeview.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ allColumnsShowFocus

bool QTreeViewPrivate::allColumnsShowFocus

Definition at line 184 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ animationConnection

QMetaObject::Connection QTreeViewPrivate::animationConnection

Definition at line 269 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ animationsEnabled

bool QTreeViewPrivate::animationsEnabled

Definition at line 194 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ autoExpandDelay

int QTreeViewPrivate::autoExpandDelay

Definition at line 248 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ columnResizeTimer

QBasicTimer QTreeViewPrivate::columnResizeTimer

Definition at line 244 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ columnsToUpdate

QList<int> QTreeViewPrivate::columnsToUpdate

Definition at line 245 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ current

int QTreeViewPrivate::current

Definition at line 189 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ customIndent

bool QTreeViewPrivate::customIndent

Definition at line 185 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ defaultItemHeight

int QTreeViewPrivate::defaultItemHeight

Definition at line 178 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ expandedIndexes

QSet<QPersistentModelIndex> QTreeViewPrivate::expandedIndexes

Definition at line 193 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ expandsOnDoubleClick

bool QTreeViewPrivate::expandsOnDoubleClick

Definition at line 183 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ geometryRecursionBlock

bool QTreeViewPrivate::geometryRecursionBlock

Definition at line 255 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ hasRemovedItems

bool QTreeViewPrivate::hasRemovedItems

Definition at line 258 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ header

QHeaderView* QTreeViewPrivate::header

Definition at line 173 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ headerConnections

std::array<QMetaObject::Connection, 5> QTreeViewPrivate::headerConnections

Definition at line 272 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ hiddenIndexes

QSet<QPersistentModelIndex> QTreeViewPrivate::hiddenIndexes

Definition at line 209 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ hoverBranch

int QTreeViewPrivate::hoverBranch

Definition at line 252 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ indent

int QTreeViewPrivate::indent

Definition at line 174 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ itemsExpandable

bool QTreeViewPrivate::itemsExpandable

Definition at line 181 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ lastViewedItem

int QTreeViewPrivate::lastViewedItem

Definition at line 177 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ leftAndRight

std::pair<int,int> QTreeViewPrivate::leftAndRight

Definition at line 188 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ modelConnections

std::array<QMetaObject::Connection, 2> QTreeViewPrivate::modelConnections

Definition at line 271 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ openTimer

QBasicTimer QTreeViewPrivate::openTimer

Definition at line 249 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ rootDecoration

bool QTreeViewPrivate::rootDecoration

Definition at line 180 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ selectionmodelConnection

QMetaObject::Connection QTreeViewPrivate::selectionmodelConnection

Definition at line 270 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ sortHeaderConnection

QMetaObject::Connection QTreeViewPrivate::sortHeaderConnection

Definition at line 273 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ sortingEnabled

bool QTreeViewPrivate::sortingEnabled

Definition at line 182 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ spanning

bool QTreeViewPrivate::spanning

Definition at line 190 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ spanningIndexes

QSet<QPersistentModelIndex> QTreeViewPrivate::spanningIndexes

Definition at line 241 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ treePosition

int QTreeViewPrivate::treePosition

Definition at line 261 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ uniformRowHeights

bool QTreeViewPrivate::uniformRowHeights

Definition at line 179 of file qtreeview_p.h.

◆ viewItems

QList<QTreeViewItem> QTreeViewPrivate::viewItems

Definition at line 176 of file qtreeview_p.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: