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src_network_access_qrestaccessmanager.cpp File Reference


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manager get (request, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) { } })
manager get (request, this, &MyClass::handleFinished)
manager post (request, myJson, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(!reply.isSuccess()) { } if(std::optional json=reply.readJson()) { } })
manager get (request, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(!reply.isSuccess()) if(std::optional json=reply.readJson()) })
manager get (request, myData, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) })
manager post (request, myData, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) })
manager put (request, myData, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) })
manager head (request, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) })
manager deleteResource (request, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) })
manager sendCustomRequest (request, "MYMETHOD", myData, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) })
manager patch (request, myData, this, [this](QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) })


QNetworkReplyreply = manager->get(request)
QJsonDocument myJson

Function Documentation

◆ deleteResource()

manager deleteResource ( request ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) }  )



References reply.

◆ get() [1/4]

manager get ( request ,
myData ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) }  )



References reply.

◆ get() [2/4]

manager get ( request ,
this ,
&MyClass::handleFinished  )

◆ get() [3/4]

manager get ( request ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(!reply.isSuccess()) if(std::optional json=reply.readJson()) }  )



References reply.

◆ get() [4/4]

manager get ( request ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) { } }  )



References reply.

◆ head()

◆ patch()

manager patch ( request ,
myData ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) }  )



References reply.

Referenced by deserializeInternal(), and fill9patchOffsets().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ post() [1/2]

manager post ( request ,
myData ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) }  )



References reply.

◆ post() [2/2]

manager post ( request ,
myJson ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(!reply.isSuccess()) { } if(std::optional json=reply.readJson()) { } }  )

◆ put()

manager put ( request ,
myData ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) }  )



References reply.

Referenced by QV4Include::method_include(), QNetworkAccessManager::put(), and QV4::Object::putIndexed().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendCustomRequest()

manager sendCustomRequest ( request ,
myData ,
this ,
[this] (QRestReply &reply) { if(reply.isSuccess()) }  )



References reply.

Variable Documentation

◆ myJson

QJsonDocument myJson



Definition at line 28 of file src_network_access_qrestaccessmanager.cpp.

◆ reply