Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
CXFA_Node Class Reference

#include <cxfa_node.h>

Inherits CXFA_Object, and fxjs::GCedTreeNodeMixin< T >.

Inherited by CXFA_ADBE_JSConsole, CXFA_ADBE_JSDebugger, CXFA_AccessibleContent, CXFA_Acrobat, CXFA_Acrobat7, CXFA_AddSilentPrint, CXFA_AddViewerPreferences, CXFA_AdjustData, CXFA_AdobeExtensionLevel, CXFA_Agent, CXFA_AlwaysEmbed, CXFA_Amd, CXFA_AppearanceFilter, CXFA_Area, CXFA_Assist, CXFA_Attributes, CXFA_AutoSave, CXFA_Barcode, CXFA_Base, CXFA_BatchOutput, CXFA_BehaviorOverride, CXFA_Bind, CXFA_BindItems, CXFA_Bookend, CXFA_Boolean, CXFA_Box, CXFA_Break, CXFA_BreakAfter, CXFA_BreakBefore, CXFA_Button, CXFA_Cache, CXFA_Calculate, CXFA_CalendarSymbols, CXFA_Caption, CXFA_Certificate, CXFA_Certificates, CXFA_Change, CXFA_CheckButton, CXFA_ChoiceList, CXFA_Color, CXFA_Comb, CXFA_Command, CXFA_Common, CXFA_Compress, CXFA_CompressLogicalStructure, CXFA_CompressObjectStream, CXFA_Compression, CXFA_Config, CXFA_Conformance, CXFA_Connect, CXFA_ConnectString, CXFA_ConnectionSet, CXFA_ContentArea, CXFA_ContentCopy, CXFA_Copies, CXFA_Creator, CXFA_CurrencySymbol, CXFA_CurrencySymbols, CXFA_CurrentPage, CXFA_DSigData, CXFA_Data, CXFA_DataGroup, CXFA_DataModel, CXFA_DataValue, CXFA_Date, CXFA_DatePattern, CXFA_DatePatterns, CXFA_DateTime, CXFA_DateTimeEdit, CXFA_DateTimeSymbols, CXFA_Day, CXFA_DayNames, CXFA_Debug, CXFA_Decimal, CXFA_DefaultTypeface, CXFA_DefaultUi, CXFA_Delete, CXFA_Delta, CXFA_Desc, CXFA_Destination, CXFA_DigestMethod, CXFA_DigestMethods, CXFA_DocumentAssembly, CXFA_Draw, CXFA_Driver, CXFA_DuplexOption, CXFA_DynamicRender, CXFA_EffectiveInputPolicy, CXFA_EffectiveOutputPolicy, CXFA_Embed, CXFA_Encoding, CXFA_Encodings, CXFA_Encrypt, CXFA_Encryption, CXFA_EncryptionLevel, CXFA_EncryptionMethod, CXFA_EncryptionMethods, CXFA_Enforce, CXFA_Equate, CXFA_EquateRange, CXFA_Era, CXFA_EraNames, CXFA_Event, CXFA_ExData, CXFA_ExObject, CXFA_ExclGroup, CXFA_Exclude, CXFA_ExcludeNS, CXFA_Execute, CXFA_Extras, CXFA_Field, CXFA_Fill, CXFA_Filter, CXFA_FlipLabel, CXFA_Float, CXFA_Font, CXFA_FontInfo, CXFA_Form, CXFA_FormFieldFilling, CXFA_Format, CXFA_GroupParent, CXFA_Handler, CXFA_Hyphenation, CXFA_IfEmpty, CXFA_Image, CXFA_ImageEdit, CXFA_IncludeXDPContent, CXFA_IncrementalLoad, CXFA_IncrementalMerge, CXFA_Insert, CXFA_InstanceManager, CXFA_Integer, CXFA_Interactive, CXFA_Issuers, CXFA_Items, CXFA_Jog, CXFA_Keep, CXFA_KeyUsage, CXFA_LabelPrinter, CXFA_Layout, CXFA_Level, CXFA_Line, CXFA_Linear, CXFA_Linearized, CXFA_Locale, CXFA_LocaleSet, CXFA_LockDocument, CXFA_Log, CXFA_Manifest, CXFA_Map, CXFA_Margin, CXFA_Mdp, CXFA_Medium, CXFA_MediumInfo, CXFA_Meridiem, CXFA_MeridiemNames, CXFA_Message, CXFA_Messaging, CXFA_Mode, CXFA_ModifyAnnots, CXFA_Month, CXFA_MonthNames, CXFA_MsgId, CXFA_NameAttr, CXFA_NeverEmbed, CXFA_NumberOfCopies, CXFA_NumberPattern, CXFA_NumberPatterns, CXFA_NumberSymbol, CXFA_NumberSymbols, CXFA_NumericEdit, CXFA_Occur, CXFA_Oid, CXFA_Oids, CXFA_OpenAction, CXFA_Operation, CXFA_Output, CXFA_OutputBin, CXFA_OutputXSL, CXFA_Overflow, CXFA_Overprint, CXFA_Packet, CXFA_Packets, CXFA_PageArea, CXFA_PageOffset, CXFA_PageRange, CXFA_PageSet, CXFA_Pagination, CXFA_PaginationOverride, CXFA_Para, CXFA_Part, CXFA_Password, CXFA_PasswordEdit, CXFA_Pattern, CXFA_Pcl, CXFA_Pdf, CXFA_Pdfa, CXFA_Permissions, CXFA_PickTrayByPDFSize, CXFA_Picture, CXFA_PlaintextMetadata, CXFA_Presence, CXFA_Present, CXFA_Print, CXFA_PrintHighQuality, CXFA_PrintScaling, CXFA_PrinterName, CXFA_Producer, CXFA_Proto, CXFA_Ps, CXFA_PsMap, CXFA_Query, CXFA_Radial, CXFA_Range, CXFA_Reason, CXFA_Reasons, CXFA_Record, CXFA_RecordSet, CXFA_Ref, CXFA_Relevant, CXFA_Rename, CXFA_RenderPolicy, CXFA_RootElement, CXFA_RunScripts, CXFA_Script, CXFA_ScriptModel, CXFA_Select, CXFA_SetProperty, CXFA_Severity, CXFA_Sharptext, CXFA_SharpxHTML, CXFA_Sharpxml, CXFA_SignData, CXFA_Signature, CXFA_SignatureProperties, CXFA_Signing, CXFA_SilentPrint, CXFA_SoapAction, CXFA_SoapAddress, CXFA_Solid, CXFA_Source, CXFA_SourceSet, CXFA_Speak, CXFA_Staple, CXFA_StartNode, CXFA_StartPage, CXFA_Stipple, CXFA_Stroke, CXFA_Subform, CXFA_SubformSet, CXFA_SubjectDN, CXFA_SubjectDNs, CXFA_Submit, CXFA_SubmitFormat, CXFA_SubmitUrl, CXFA_SubsetBelow, CXFA_SuppressBanner, CXFA_Tagged, CXFA_Template, CXFA_TemplateCache, CXFA_Text, CXFA_TextEdit, CXFA_Threshold, CXFA_Time, CXFA_TimePattern, CXFA_TimePatterns, CXFA_TimeStamp, CXFA_To, CXFA_ToolTip, CXFA_Trace, CXFA_Transform, CXFA_Traversal, CXFA_Traverse, CXFA_Type, CXFA_Typeface, CXFA_Typefaces, CXFA_Ui, CXFA_Update, CXFA_Uri, CXFA_User, CXFA_Validate, CXFA_ValidateApprovalSignatures, CXFA_ValidationMessaging, CXFA_Value, CXFA_Variables, CXFA_Version, CXFA_VersionControl, CXFA_ViewerPreferences, CXFA_WebClient, CXFA_Whitespace, CXFA_Window, CXFA_WsdlAddress, CXFA_WsdlConnection, CXFA_Xdc, CXFA_Xdp, CXFA_Xfa, CXFA_XmlConnection, CXFA_XsdConnection, CXFA_Xsl, and CXFA_Zpl.

+ Collaboration diagram for CXFA_Node:


struct  AttributeData
struct  BoolScriptResult
struct  PropertyData

Public Member Functions

 ~CXFA_Node () override
void Trace (cppgc::Visitor *visitor) const override
bool HasProperty (XFA_Element property) const
bool HasPropertyFlag (XFA_Element property, XFA_PropertyFlag flag) const
uint8_t PropertyOccurrenceCount (XFA_Element property) const
std::pair< CXFA_Node *, int32_t > GetProperty (int32_t index, XFA_Element eProperty) const
CXFA_NodeGetOrCreateProperty (int32_t index, XFA_Element eProperty)
void SendAttributeChangeMessage (XFA_Attribute eAttribute, bool bScriptModify)
bool HasAttribute (XFA_Attribute attr) const
XFA_AttributeType GetAttributeType (XFA_Attribute type) const
XFA_Attribute GetAttribute (size_t i) const
XFA_PacketType GetPacketType () const
void SetInitializedFlagAndNotify ()
void SetFlag (XFA_NodeFlag dwFlag)
void ClearFlag (XFA_NodeFlag dwFlag)
CXFA_NodeCreateInstanceIfPossible (bool bDataMerge)
int32_t GetCount ()
CXFA_NodeGetItemIfExists (int32_t iIndex)
void RemoveItem (CXFA_Node *pRemoveInstance, bool bRemoveDataBinding)
void InsertItem (CXFA_Node *pNewInstance, int32_t iPos, int32_t iCount, bool bMoveDataBindingNodes)
bool IsInitialized () const
bool IsUserInteractive () const
bool IsUnusedNode () const
bool IsLayoutGeneratedNode () const
bool PresenceRequiresSpace () const
void SetBindingNode (CXFA_Node *node)
void SetNodeAndDescendantsUnused ()
bool HasRemovedChildren () const
bool IsAttributeInXML ()
bool IsFormContainer () const
void SetXMLMappingNode (CFX_XMLNode *node)
CFX_XMLNodeGetXMLMappingNode () const
CFX_XMLNodeCreateXMLMappingNode ()
bool IsNeedSavingXMLNode () const
void SetToXML (const WideString &value)
uint32_t GetNameHash () const
bool IsUnnamed () const
CXFA_NodeGetModelNode ()
void UpdateNameHash ()
size_t CountChildren (XFA_Element eType, bool bOnlyChild)
template<typename T >
T * GetChild (size_t index, XFA_Element eType, bool bOnlyChild)
template<typename T >
const T * GetChild (size_t index, XFA_Element eType, bool bOnlyChild) const
bool IsAncestorOf (const CXFA_Node *that) const
void InsertChildAndNotify (int32_t index, CXFA_Node *pNode)
void InsertChildAndNotify (CXFA_Node *pNode, CXFA_Node *pBeforeNode)
void RemoveChildAndNotify (CXFA_Node *pNode, bool bNotify)
CXFA_NodeClone (bool bRecursive)
CXFA_NodeGetNextContainerSibling () const
CXFA_NodeGetPrevContainerSibling () const
CXFA_NodeGetFirstContainerChild () const
CXFA_NodeGetContainerParent () const
std::vector< CXFA_Node * > GetNodeListForType (XFA_Element eTypeFilter)
std::vector< CXFA_Node * > GetNodeListWithFilter (Mask< XFA_NodeFilter > dwFilter)
CXFA_NodeCreateSamePacketNode (XFA_Element eType)
CXFA_NodeCloneTemplateToForm (bool bRecursive)
CXFA_NodeGetTemplateNodeIfExists () const
void SetTemplateNode (CXFA_Node *pTemplateNode)
CXFA_NodeGetDataDescriptionNode ()
void SetDataDescriptionNode (CXFA_Node *pDataDescriptionNode)
CXFA_NodeGetBindData ()
bool HasBindItems () const
std::vector< CXFA_Node * > GetBindItemsCopy () const
void AddBindItem (CXFA_Node *pFormNode)
bool RemoveBindItem (CXFA_Node *pFormNode)
bool HasBindItem () const
CXFA_NodeGetContainerNode ()
GCedLocaleIfaceGetLocale ()
absl::optional< WideStringGetLocaleName ()
XFA_AttributeValue GetIntact ()
WideString GetNameExpression ()
CXFA_NodeGetFirstChildByName (WideStringView wsNodeName) const
CXFA_NodeGetFirstChildByName (uint32_t dwNodeNameHash) const
template<typename T >
T * GetFirstChildByClass (XFA_Element eType) const
CXFA_NodeGetNextSameNameSibling (uint32_t dwNodeNameHash) const
template<typename T >
T * GetNextSameNameSibling (WideStringView wsNodeName) const
template<typename T >
T * GetNextSameClassSibling (XFA_Element eType) const
CXFA_NodeGetOneChildNamed (WideStringView wsName)
CXFA_NodeGetOneChildOfClass (WideStringView wsClass)
std::vector< CXFA_Node * > GetSiblings (bool bIsClassName)
size_t GetIndex (bool bIsProperty, bool bIsClassIndex)
size_t GetIndexByName ()
size_t GetIndexByClassName ()
CXFA_NodeGetInstanceMgrOfSubform ()
absl::optional< bool > GetDefaultBoolean (XFA_Attribute attr) const
absl::optional< int32_t > GetDefaultInteger (XFA_Attribute attr) const
absl::optional< CXFA_MeasurementGetDefaultMeasurement (XFA_Attribute attr) const
absl::optional< WideStringGetDefaultCData (XFA_Attribute attr) const
absl::optional< XFA_AttributeValueGetDefaultEnum (XFA_Attribute attr) const
bool IsOpenAccess () const
CXFA_OccurGetOccurIfExists ()
CXFA_BorderGetBorderIfExists () const
CXFA_BorderGetOrCreateBorderIfPossible ()
CXFA_CaptionGetCaptionIfExists () const
CXFA_FontGetFontIfExists () const
CXFA_FontGetOrCreateFontIfPossible ()
float GetFontSize () const
FX_ARGB GetTextColor () const
float GetLineHeight () const
CXFA_MarginGetMarginIfExists () const
CXFA_ParaGetParaIfExists () const
CXFA_CalculateGetCalculateIfExists () const
CXFA_ValidateGetValidateIfExists () const
CXFA_ValidateGetOrCreateValidateIfPossible ()
CXFA_ValueGetFormValueIfExists () const
WideString GetRawValue () const
int32_t GetRotate () const
absl::optional< float > TryWidth ()
CXFA_NodeGetExclGroupIfExists ()
XFA_EventError ProcessEvent (CXFA_FFDocView *pDocView, XFA_AttributeValue iActivity, CXFA_EventParam *pEventParam)
XFA_EventError ProcessCalculate (CXFA_FFDocView *pDocView)
XFA_EventError ProcessValidate (CXFA_FFDocView *pDocView, int32_t iFlags)
XFA_EventError ExecuteScript (CXFA_FFDocView *pDocView, CXFA_Script *script, CXFA_EventParam *pEventParam)
BoolScriptResult ExecuteBoolScript (CXFA_FFDocView *pDocView, CXFA_Script *script, CXFA_EventParam *pEventParam)
CXFA_NodeGetUIChildNode ()
XFA_FFWidgetType GetFFWidgetType ()
CFX_RectF GetUIMargin ()
CXFA_BorderGetUIBorder ()
void SetPreNull (bool val)
bool IsNull () const
void SetIsNull (bool val)
void SetWidgetReady ()
bool IsWidgetReady () const
std::vector< CXFA_Event * > GetEventByActivity (XFA_AttributeValue iActivity, bool bIsFormReady)
void ResetData ()
void StartWidgetLayout (CXFA_FFDoc *doc, float *pCalcWidth, float *pCalcHeight)
absl::optional< float > FindSplitPos (CXFA_FFDocView *pDocView, size_t szBlockIndex, float fCalcHeight)
bool LoadCaption (CXFA_FFDoc *doc)
CXFA_TextLayoutGetCaptionTextLayout ()
CXFA_TextLayoutGetTextLayout ()
bool LoadLayoutImage (CXFA_FFDoc *doc)
bool LoadEditImage (CXFA_FFDoc *doc)
CFX_Size GetLayoutImageDpi () const
CFX_Size GetEditImageDpi () const
RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmapGetLayoutImage ()
RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmapGetEditImage ()
void SetLayoutImage (RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmap > newImage)
void SetEditImage (RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmap > newImage)
RetainPtr< CFGAS_GEFontGetFGASFont (CXFA_FFDoc *doc)
bool IsListBox ()
bool IsRadioButton ()
bool IsMultiLine ()
bool HasButtonRollover () const
bool HasButtonDown () const
float GetCheckButtonSize ()
XFA_CheckState GetCheckState ()
void SetCheckState (XFA_CheckState eCheckState)
CXFA_NodeGetSelectedMember ()
CXFA_NodeSetSelectedMember (WideStringView wsName)
void SetSelectedMemberByValue (WideStringView wsValue, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify, bool bSyncData)
CXFA_NodeGetExclGroupFirstMember ()
CXFA_NodeGetExclGroupNextMember (CXFA_Node *pNode)
bool IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry ()
size_t CountChoiceListItems (bool bSaveValue)
absl::optional< WideStringGetChoiceListItem (int32_t nIndex, bool bSaveValue)
bool IsChoiceListMultiSelect ()
bool IsChoiceListCommitOnSelect ()
std::vector< WideStringGetChoiceListItems (bool bSaveValue)
int32_t CountSelectedItems ()
int32_t GetSelectedItem (int32_t nIndex)
std::vector< int32_t > GetSelectedItems ()
std::vector< WideStringGetSelectedItemsValue ()
void SetSelectedItems (const std::vector< int32_t > &iSelArray, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify, bool bSyncData)
void InsertItem (const WideString &wsLabel, const WideString &wsValue, bool bNotify)
bool DeleteItem (int32_t nIndex, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify)
void ClearAllSelections ()
bool GetItemState (int32_t nIndex)
void SetItemState (int32_t nIndex, bool bSelected, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify)
WideString GetItemValue (WideStringView wsLabel)
bool IsHorizontalScrollPolicyOff ()
bool IsVerticalScrollPolicyOff ()
absl::optional< int32_t > GetNumberOfCells ()
bool SetValue (XFA_ValuePicture eValueType, const WideString &wsValue)
WideString GetValue (XFA_ValuePicture eValueType)
WideString GetPictureContent (XFA_ValuePicture ePicture)
WideString GetNormalizeDataValue (const WideString &wsValue)
WideString GetFormatDataValue (const WideString &wsValue)
WideString NormalizeNumStr (const WideString &wsValue)
std::pair< XFA_Element, int32_t > GetMaxChars () const
int32_t GetFracDigits () const
int32_t GetLeadDigits () const
WideString NumericLimit (const WideString &wsValue)
bool IsTransparent () const
bool IsProperty () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CXFA_Object
virtual ~CXFA_Object ()
CXFA_DocumentGetDocument () const
XFA_ObjectType GetObjectType () const
bool IsList () const
bool IsNode () const
bool IsTreeList () const
bool IsContentNode () const
bool IsContainerNode () const
bool IsModelNode () const
bool IsNodeV () const
bool IsThisProxy () const
CXFA_ListAsList ()
CXFA_NodeAsNode ()
CXFA_TreeListAsTreeList ()
CXFA_ThisProxyAsThisProxy ()
CJX_ObjectJSObject ()
const CJX_ObjectJSObject () const
bool HasCreatedUIWidget () const
XFA_Element GetElementType () const
ByteStringView GetClassName () const
uint32_t GetClassHashCode () const
WideString GetSOMExpression ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from fxjs::GCedTreeNodeMixin< T >
- Public Member Functions inherited from fxcrt::TreeNodeBase< T >
 TreeNodeBase ()=default
virtual ~TreeNodeBase ()=default
T * GetParent () const
T * GetFirstChild () const
T * GetLastChild () const
T * GetNextSibling () const
T * GetPrevSibling () const
bool HasChild (const T *child) const
T * GetNthChild (int32_t n)
void AppendFirstChild (T *child)
void AppendLastChild (T *child)
void InsertBefore (T *child, T *other)
void InsertAfter (T *child, T *other)
void RemoveChild (T *child)
void RemoveAllChildren ()
void RemoveSelfIfParented ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CXFA_NodeCreate (CXFA_Document *doc, XFA_Element element, XFA_PacketType packet)

Protected Member Functions

 CXFA_Node (CXFA_Document *pDoc, XFA_PacketType ePacket, Mask< XFA_XDPPACKET > validPackets, XFA_ObjectType oType, XFA_Element eType, pdfium::span< const PropertyData > properties, pdfium::span< const AttributeData > attributes, CJX_Object *js_object)
virtual XFA_Element GetValueNodeType () const
virtual XFA_FFWidgetType GetDefaultFFWidgetType () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CXFA_Object
 CXFA_Object (CXFA_Document *pDocument, XFA_ObjectType objectType, XFA_Element eType, CJX_Object *jsObject)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fxjs::GCedTreeNodeMixin< T >
 GCedTreeNodeMixin ()=default
 GCedTreeNodeMixin (const GCedTreeNodeMixin &that)=delete
GCedTreeNodeMixinoperator= (const GCedTreeNodeMixin &that)=delete

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from CXFA_Object
const XFA_ObjectType m_objectType
const XFA_Element m_elementType
const ByteStringView m_elementName
const uint32_t m_elementNameHash
cppgc::WeakMember< CXFA_Documentm_pDocument
cppgc::Member< CJX_Objectm_pJSObject

Detailed Description

Definition at line 93 of file cxfa_node.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~CXFA_Node()

CXFA_Node::~CXFA_Node ( )

◆ CXFA_Node()

CXFA_Node::CXFA_Node ( CXFA_Document * pDoc,
XFA_PacketType ePacket,
Mask< XFA_XDPPACKET > validPackets,
XFA_ObjectType oType,
XFA_Element eType,
pdfium::span< const PropertyData > properties,
pdfium::span< const AttributeData > attributes,
CJX_Object * js_object )

Definition at line 988 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Node(), and CXFA_Object::CXFA_Object().

Referenced by CXFA_Node().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBindItem()

void CXFA_Node::AddBindItem ( CXFA_Node * pFormNode)

Definition at line 1314 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References SetBindingNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClearAllSelections()

void CXFA_Node::ClearAllSelections ( )

Definition at line 4413 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), GetBindData(), IsChoiceListMultiSelect(), and RemoveChildAndNotify().

Referenced by ResetData().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ClearFlag()

void CXFA_Node::ClearFlag ( XFA_NodeFlag dwFlag)

Definition at line 1824 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge(), InsertChildAndNotify(), ProcessValidate(), and XFA_NodeMerge_CloneOrMergeContainer().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Clone()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::Clone ( bool bRecursive)

Definition at line 1015 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), Clone(), InsertChildAndNotify(), IsAttributeInXML(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), IsNeedSavingXMLNode(), SetBindingNode(), SetInitializedFlagAndNotify(), SetXMLMappingNode(), and UpdateNameHash().

Referenced by Clone().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CloneTemplateToForm()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::CloneTemplateToForm ( bool bRecursive)

Definition at line 1276 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CloneTemplateToForm(), GetXMLMappingNode(), InsertChildAndNotify(), SetInitializedFlagAndNotify(), SetTemplateNode(), SetXMLMappingNode(), and UpdateNameHash().

Referenced by CloneTemplateToForm(), and XFA_NodeMerge_CloneOrMergeContainer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CountChildren()

size_t CXFA_Node::CountChildren ( XFA_Element eType,
bool bOnlyChild )

Definition at line 1567 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), HasProperty(), and Unknown.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CountChoiceListItems()

size_t CXFA_Node::CountChoiceListItems ( bool bSaveValue)

Definition at line 4194 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and Unknown.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CountSelectedItems()

int32_t CXFA_Node::CountSelectedItems ( )

Definition at line 4286 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry(), and IsListBox().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Create()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::Create ( CXFA_Document * doc,
XFA_Element element,
XFA_PacketType packet )

Definition at line 5117 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References Unknown.

Referenced by CXFA_Document::CreateNode(), and TEST_F().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreateInstanceIfPossible()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::CreateInstanceIfPossible ( bool bDataMerge)

Definition at line 2016 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Document::DataMerge_CopyContainer(), CXFA_Document::DataMerge_UpdateBindingRelations(), GetBindData(), CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), GetTemplateNodeIfExists(), CXFA_Document::GetXFAObject(), CXFA_Object::IsContainerNode(), RemoveChildAndNotify(), ToNode(), and XFA_HASHCODE_Record.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CreateSamePacketNode()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::CreateSamePacketNode ( XFA_Element eType)

Definition at line 1267 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References SetInitializedFlagAndNotify().

Referenced by InsertItem(), CJX_Object::SetContent(), and CJX_Object::TryContent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreateXMLMappingNode()

CFX_XMLNode * CXFA_Node::CreateXMLMappingNode ( )

Definition at line 1847 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CFXJSE_NodeHelper::CreateNode(), and CJX_Object::SetContent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DeleteItem()

bool CXFA_Node::DeleteItem ( int32_t nIndex,
bool bNotify,
bool bScriptModify )

Definition at line 4563 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), RemoveChildAndNotify(), and SetItemState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ExecuteBoolScript()

◆ ExecuteScript()

XFA_EventError CXFA_Node::ExecuteScript ( CXFA_FFDocView * pDocView,
CXFA_Script * script,
CXFA_EventParam * pEventParam )

Definition at line 2740 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References ExecuteBoolScript(), and CXFA_Node::BoolScriptResult::xfa_event_result.

Referenced by ProcessCalculate(), and XFA_ProcessEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FindSplitPos()

◆ GetAttribute()

XFA_Attribute CXFA_Node::GetAttribute ( size_t i) const

Definition at line 1191 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetAttributeType()

XFA_AttributeType CXFA_Node::GetAttributeType ( XFA_Attribute type) const

Definition at line 1196 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CData, and CXFA_Node::AttributeData::type.

Referenced by CJX_Object::SetAttributeByEnum(), and CJX_Object::TryAttribute().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetBindData()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetBindData ( )

Definition at line 1305 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetPacketType().

Referenced by ClearAllSelections(), CreateInstanceIfPossible(), GetContainerNode(), InsertItem(), RemoveItem(), CJX_Object::SetContent(), and XFA_DataMerge_FindDataScope().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetBindItemsCopy()

std::vector< CXFA_Node * > CXFA_Node::GetBindItemsCopy ( ) const

Definition at line 1310 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetBorderIfExists()

CXFA_Border * CXFA_Node::GetBorderIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2265 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetCalculateIfExists()

CXFA_Calculate * CXFA_Node::GetCalculateIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2335 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_FFField::CalculateNode(), CXFA_FFWidgetHandler::HasEvent(), ProcessCalculate(), CXFA_FFWidgetHandler::ProcessEvent(), and XFA_ProcessEvent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCaptionIfExists()

CXFA_Caption * CXFA_Node::GetCaptionIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2273 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by FindSplitPos(), and CXFA_FieldLayoutData::LoadCaption().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCaptionTextLayout()

CXFA_TextLayout * CXFA_Node::GetCaptionTextLayout ( )

Definition at line 3895 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_FFNotify::OnValueChanged().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCheckButtonSize()

float CXFA_Node::GetCheckButtonSize ( )

Definition at line 3980 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Measurement::CXFA_Measurement(), GetUIChildNode(), Pt, and CXFA_Measurement::ToUnit().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCheckState()

XFA_CheckState CXFA_Node::GetCheckState ( )

Definition at line 3989 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetRawValue(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), and kOff.

Referenced by GetSelectedMember().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetChild() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T * CXFA_Node::GetChild ( size_t index,
XFA_Element eType,
bool bOnlyChild )

Definition at line 198 of file cxfa_node.h.

◆ GetChild() [2/2]

template<typename T >
const T * CXFA_Node::GetChild ( size_t index,
XFA_Element eType,
bool bOnlyChild ) const

Definition at line 203 of file cxfa_node.h.

◆ GetChoiceListItem()

absl::optional< WideString > CXFA_Node::GetChoiceListItem ( int32_t nIndex,
bool bSaveValue )

Definition at line 4221 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and Unknown.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetChoiceListItems()

std::vector< WideString > CXFA_Node::GetChoiceListItems ( bool bSaveValue)

Definition at line 4258 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetContainerNode()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetContainerNode ( )

Definition at line 1363 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetBindData(), GetContainerNode(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetPacketType(), GetPictureContent(), IsChoiceListMultiSelect(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), and kDataBind.

Referenced by GetContainerNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetContainerParent()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetContainerParent ( ) const

Definition at line 1080 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References ContainerNode.

Referenced by CXFA_TraverseStrategy_XFAContainerNode::GetParent(), and IsOpenAccess().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCount()

int32_t CXFA_Node::GetCount ( )

Definition at line 1891 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetNameHash(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator[]().

Referenced by testing.tools.safetynet_conclusions.ComparisonSummary::GetOutputDict(), and InsertItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetDataDescriptionNode()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetDataDescriptionNode ( )

Definition at line 1531 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetDefaultBoolean()

absl::optional< bool > CXFA_Node::GetDefaultBoolean ( XFA_Attribute attr) const

Definition at line 2045 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetDefaultCData()

absl::optional< WideString > CXFA_Node::GetDefaultCData ( XFA_Attribute attr) const

Definition at line 2072 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetDefaultEnum()

absl::optional< XFA_AttributeValue > CXFA_Node::GetDefaultEnum ( XFA_Attribute attr) const

Definition at line 2081 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetDefaultFFWidgetType()

XFA_FFWidgetType CXFA_Node::GetDefaultFFWidgetType ( ) const

◆ GetDefaultInteger()

absl::optional< int32_t > CXFA_Node::GetDefaultInteger ( XFA_Attribute attr) const

Definition at line 2053 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetDefaultMeasurement()

absl::optional< CXFA_Measurement > CXFA_Node::GetDefaultMeasurement ( XFA_Attribute attr) const

Definition at line 2061 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetEditImage()

RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmap > CXFA_Node::GetEditImage ( )

Definition at line 3910 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetEditImageDpi()

CFX_Size CXFA_Node::GetEditImageDpi ( ) const

Definition at line 3449 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetEventByActivity()

std::vector< CXFA_Event * > CXFA_Node::GetEventByActivity ( XFA_AttributeValue iActivity,
bool bIsFormReady )

Definition at line 3036 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetExclGroupFirstMember()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetExclGroupFirstMember ( )

Definition at line 4136 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType().

Referenced by CXFA_FFField::CalculateOverride().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetExclGroupIfExists()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetExclGroupIfExists ( )

Definition at line 2417 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType().

Referenced by SetCheckState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetExclGroupNextMember()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetExclGroupNextMember ( CXFA_Node * pNode)

Definition at line 4147 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType().

Referenced by CXFA_FFField::CalculateOverride().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFFWidgetType()

XFA_FFWidgetType CXFA_Node::GetFFWidgetType ( )

Definition at line 2984 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

Referenced by FindSplitPos(), CPDFXFA_Widget::GetViewBBox(), CXFA_FFNotify::OnCreateContentLayoutItem(), CXFA_FFNotify::OnWidgetListItemAdded(), CXFA_FFNotify::OnWidgetListItemRemoved(), CXFA_FFNotify::OpenDropDownList(), ResetData(), StartWidgetLayout(), and CXFA_FFDocView::UpdateUIDisplay().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFGASFont()

RetainPtr< CFGAS_GEFont > CXFA_Node::GetFGASFont ( CXFA_FFDoc * doc)

Definition at line 3930 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_FFDoc::GetApp(), CXFA_FontMgr::GetFont(), GetFontIfExists(), CXFA_Font::GetTypeface(), CXFA_FFApp::GetXFAFontMgr(), CXFA_Font::IsBold(), CXFA_Font::IsItalic(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator=().

Referenced by CXFA_FWLTheme::GetFont().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFirstChildByClass()

template<typename T >
T * CXFA_Node::GetFirstChildByClass ( XFA_Element eType) const

Definition at line 244 of file cxfa_node.h.

◆ GetFirstChildByName() [1/2]

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetFirstChildByName ( uint32_t dwNodeNameHash) const

Definition at line 1673 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetNameHash().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetFirstChildByName() [2/2]

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetFirstChildByName ( WideStringView wsNodeName) const

Definition at line 1669 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetFirstContainerChild()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetFirstContainerChild ( ) const

Definition at line 1072 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References ContainerNode.

Referenced by CXFA_FFDocView::ExecEventActivityByDeepFirst(), CXFA_TraverseStrategy_XFAContainerNode::GetFirstChild(), and ResetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFontIfExists()

CXFA_Font * CXFA_Node::GetFontIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2281 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by GetFGASFont(), GetFontSize(), and GetTextColor().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFontSize()

float CXFA_Node::GetFontSize ( ) const

Definition at line 2285 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetFontIfExists(), and CXFA_Font::GetFontSize().

Referenced by FindSplitPos(), CXFA_FWLTheme::GetFontSize(), and GetLineHeight().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFormatDataValue()

WideString CXFA_Node::GetFormatDataValue ( const WideString & wsValue)

Definition at line 4903 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_LocaleValue::CXFA_LocaleValue(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), CXFA_LocaleValue::FormatPatterns(), CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetLocale(), GetPictureContent(), CXFA_LocaleValue::GetType(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), kDataBind, CXFA_LocaleValue::kDate, and CXFA_LocaleValue::kTime.

Referenced by SetItemState(), and SetSelectedItems().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFormValueIfExists()

CXFA_Value * CXFA_Node::GetFormValueIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2331 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_ImageEditData::LoadImageData(), and CXFA_ImageLayoutData::LoadImageData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFracDigits()

int32_t CXFA_Node::GetFracDigits ( ) const

Definition at line 4652 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by NormalizeNumStr(), and NumericLimit().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetIndex()

size_t CXFA_Node::GetIndex ( bool bIsProperty,
bool bIsClassIndex )

Definition at line 1742 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetClassHashCode(), and GetNameHash().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetIndexByClassName()

size_t CXFA_Node::GetIndexByClassName ( )

Definition at line 1766 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetIndexByName()

size_t CXFA_Node::GetIndexByName ( )

Definition at line 1762 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetInstanceMgrOfSubform()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetInstanceMgrOfSubform ( )

Definition at line 1770 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator[]().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetIntact()

XFA_AttributeValue CXFA_Node::GetIntact ( )

Definition at line 1465 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetIntact(), and XFA_VERSION_208.

Referenced by GetIntact().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetItemIfExists()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetItemIfExists ( int32_t iIndex)

Definition at line 1860 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetNameHash(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator[]().

Referenced by InsertItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetItemState()

bool CXFA_Node::GetItemState ( int32_t nIndex)

Definition at line 4337 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetItemValue()

WideString CXFA_Node::GetItemValue ( WideStringView wsLabel)

Definition at line 4521 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and Unknown.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetLayoutImage()

RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmap > CXFA_Node::GetLayoutImage ( )

Definition at line 3905 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetLayoutImageDpi()

CFX_Size CXFA_Node::GetLayoutImageDpi ( ) const

Definition at line 3445 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetLeadDigits()

int32_t CXFA_Node::GetLeadDigits ( ) const

Definition at line 4667 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by NumericLimit().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetLineHeight()

float CXFA_Node::GetLineHeight ( ) const

Definition at line 2291 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetFontSize(), CXFA_Para::GetLineHeight(), and GetParaIfExists().

Referenced by FindSplitPos(), and CXFA_FWLTheme::GetLineHeight().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetLocale()

GCedLocaleIface * CXFA_Node::GetLocale ( )

Definition at line 1416 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetDocument().

Referenced by CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Format(), GetFormatDataValue(), GetNormalizeDataValue(), GetPictureContent(), GetValue(), CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Parse(), SetValue(), and CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Time2Num().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetLocaleName()

absl::optional< WideString > CXFA_Node::GetLocaleName ( )

Definition at line 1425 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), LocaleIface::GetName(), XFA_HASHCODE_Config, and XFA_HASHCODE_Form.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetMarginIfExists()

CXFA_Margin * CXFA_Node::GetMarginIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2307 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_FFField::CapPlacement(), FindSplitPos(), CXFA_FFCheckButton::PerformLayout(), and CXFA_FFWidget::RenderWidget().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMaxChars()

std::pair< XFA_Element, int32_t > CXFA_Node::GetMaxChars ( ) const

Definition at line 4631 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and Unknown.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetModelNode()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetModelNode ( )

Definition at line 1542 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetPacketType().

Referenced by CJX_Object::TryNamespace().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNameExpression()

WideString CXFA_Node::GetNameExpression ( )

Definition at line 1518 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::operator+=(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

Referenced by CXFA_Object::GetSOMExpression().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNameHash()

uint32_t CXFA_Node::GetNameHash ( ) const

Definition at line 190 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge(), GetCount(), GetFirstChildByName(), GetIndex(), GetItemIfExists(), GetNextSameNameSibling(), GetSiblings(), CXFA_Document::GetXFAObject(), CXFA_TreeList::NamedItem(), SetSelectedMember(), XFA_DataMerge_FindFormDOMInstance(), and XFA_NodeMerge_CloneOrMergeContainer().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNextContainerSibling()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetNextContainerSibling ( ) const

Definition at line 1056 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References ContainerNode.

Referenced by CXFA_FFDocView::ExecEventActivityByDeepFirst(), CXFA_TraverseStrategy_XFAContainerNode::GetNextSibling(), and ResetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNextSameClassSibling()

template<typename T >
T * CXFA_Node::GetNextSameClassSibling ( XFA_Element eType) const

Definition at line 253 of file cxfa_node.h.

◆ GetNextSameNameSibling() [1/2]

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetNextSameNameSibling ( uint32_t dwNodeNameHash) const

Definition at line 1691 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetNameHash().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetNextSameNameSibling() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T * CXFA_Node::GetNextSameNameSibling ( WideStringView wsNodeName) const

Definition at line 249 of file cxfa_node.h.

◆ GetNodeListForType()

std::vector< CXFA_Node * > CXFA_Node::GetNodeListForType ( XFA_Element eTypeFilter)

Definition at line 1201 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetNodeListWithFilter()

std::vector< CXFA_Node * > CXFA_Node::GetNodeListWithFilter ( Mask< XFA_NodeFilter > dwFilter)

Definition at line 1211 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), HasProperty(), HasPropertyFlag(), InsertChildAndNotify(), kChildren, kOneOf, kOneOfProperty, kProperties, and SetInitializedFlagAndNotify().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetNormalizeDataValue()

WideString CXFA_Node::GetNormalizeDataValue ( const WideString & wsValue)

Definition at line 4884 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_LocaleValue::CXFA_LocaleValue(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), GetLocale(), GetPictureContent(), CXFA_LocaleValue::GetType(), CXFA_LocaleValue::GetValue(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), kDataBind, CXFA_LocaleValue::operator=(), CXFA_LocaleValue::ValidateValue(), and XFA_GetLocaleValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetNumberOfCells()

absl::optional< int32_t > CXFA_Node::GetNumberOfCells ( )

Definition at line 4614 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetOccurIfExists()

CXFA_Occur * CXFA_Node::GetOccurIfExists ( )

Definition at line 1799 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetOneChildNamed()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetOneChildNamed ( WideStringView wsName)

Definition at line 1714 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetOneChildOfClass()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetOneChildOfClass ( WideStringView wsClass)

Definition at line 1718 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References Unknown.

◆ GetOrCreateBorderIfPossible()

CXFA_Border * CXFA_Node::GetOrCreateBorderIfPossible ( )

Definition at line 2269 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetOrCreateFontIfPossible()

CXFA_Font * CXFA_Node::GetOrCreateFontIfPossible ( )

Definition at line 2277 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetOrCreateProperty()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetOrCreateProperty ( int32_t index,
XFA_Element eProperty )

Definition at line 1136 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetPacketType(), HasPropertyFlag(), InsertChildAndNotify(), kOneOf, PropertyOccurrenceCount(), and SetInitializedFlagAndNotify().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetOrCreateValidateIfPossible()

CXFA_Validate * CXFA_Node::GetOrCreateValidateIfPossible ( )

Definition at line 2343 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetPacketType()

XFA_PacketType CXFA_Node::GetPacketType ( ) const

◆ GetParaIfExists()

CXFA_Para * CXFA_Node::GetParaIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2311 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by FindSplitPos(), GetLineHeight(), CXFA_FWLTheme::GetSpaceAboveBelow(), and CXFA_FWLTheme::GetUIMargin().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPictureContent()

WideString CXFA_Node::GetPictureContent ( XFA_ValuePicture ePicture)

Definition at line 4728 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), LocaleIface::GetDatePattern(), GetLocale(), CXFA_Bind::GetPicture(), LocaleIface::GetTimePattern(), CXFA_LocaleValue::GetType(), kDataBind, CXFA_LocaleValue::kDate, CXFA_LocaleValue::kDateTime, CXFA_LocaleValue::kDecimal, kDisplay, kEdit, CXFA_LocaleValue::kFloat, LocaleIface::kMedium, kRaw, LocaleIface::kShort, CXFA_LocaleValue::kTime, fxcrt::operator+(), fxcrt::operator+(), and XFA_GetLocaleValue().

Referenced by GetContainerNode(), GetFormatDataValue(), GetNormalizeDataValue(), GetValue(), and SetValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPrevContainerSibling()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetPrevContainerSibling ( ) const

Definition at line 1064 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References ContainerNode.

◆ GetProperty()

std::pair< CXFA_Node *, int32_t > CXFA_Node::GetProperty ( int32_t index,
XFA_Element eProperty ) const

Definition at line 1118 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and PropertyOccurrenceCount().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetRawValue()

WideString CXFA_Node::GetRawValue ( ) const

Definition at line 2255 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by ExecuteBoolScript(), GetCheckState(), GetSelectedItemsValue(), GetSelectedMember(), ProcessCalculate(), ProcessValidate(), SetItemState(), and XFA_GetLocaleValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRotate()

int32_t CXFA_Node::GetRotate ( ) const

Definition at line 2259 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CPDFXFA_DocEnvironment::GetPopupPos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSelectedItem()

int32_t CXFA_Node::GetSelectedItem ( int32_t nIndex)

Definition at line 4300 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by GetValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSelectedItems()

std::vector< int32_t > CXFA_Node::GetSelectedItems ( )

Definition at line 4313 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetSelectedItemsValue()

std::vector< WideString > CXFA_Node::GetSelectedItemsValue ( )

Definition at line 4327 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetRawValue(), and IsChoiceListMultiSelect().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSelectedMember()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetSelectedMember ( )

Definition at line 4072 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetCheckState(), GetRawValue(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), and kOn.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSiblings()

std::vector< CXFA_Node * > CXFA_Node::GetSiblings ( bool bIsClassName)

Definition at line 1726 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetClassHashCode(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetNameHash(), and HasProperty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTemplateNodeIfExists()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetTemplateNodeIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 1297 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CreateInstanceIfPossible(), and CXFA_ViewLayoutProcessor::InitLayoutPage().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTextColor()

FX_ARGB CXFA_Node::GetTextColor ( ) const

Definition at line 2302 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Font::GetColor(), and GetFontIfExists().

Referenced by CXFA_FWLTheme::GetTextColor().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTextLayout()

CXFA_TextLayout * CXFA_Node::GetTextLayout ( )

Definition at line 3900 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetUIBorder()

CXFA_Border * CXFA_Node::GetUIBorder ( )

Definition at line 2989 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

Referenced by CXFA_FFWidget::GetBorderColorAndThickness(), and GetUIMargin().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetUIChildNode()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::GetUIChildNode ( )

Definition at line 2965 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), kExclGroup, and kSubform.

Referenced by GetCheckButtonSize(), GetFFWidgetType(), GetNumberOfCells(), GetUIBorder(), GetUIMargin(), GetValue(), IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry(), IsChoiceListCommitOnSelect(), IsChoiceListMultiSelect(), IsHorizontalScrollPolicyOff(), IsListBox(), IsMultiLine(), IsVerticalScrollPolicyOff(), CXFA_FFNotify::OnCreateContentLayoutItem(), and SetValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetUIMargin()

CFX_RectF CXFA_Node::GetUIMargin ( )

Definition at line 2996 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CFX_RectF::CFX_RectF(), CXFA_Box::Get3DStyle(), CXFA_Box::GetPresence(), GetUIBorder(), and GetUIChildNode().

Referenced by FindSplitPos(), and CXFA_FWLTheme::GetUIMargin().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetValidateIfExists()

CXFA_Validate * CXFA_Node::GetValidateIfExists ( ) const

Definition at line 2339 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_FFWidgetHandler::HasEvent(), and ProcessValidate().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetValue()

WideString CXFA_Node::GetValue ( XFA_ValuePicture eValueType)

Definition at line 4815 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_LocaleValue::CXFA_LocaleValue(), fxcrt::WideString::clear(), CXFA_LocaleValue::FormatPatterns(), CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetLocale(), GetPictureContent(), GetSelectedItem(), CXFA_LocaleValue::GetType(), GetUIChildNode(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), CXFA_LocaleValue::kDate, kDisplay, kRaw, CXFA_LocaleValue::kTime, NormalizeNumStr(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), and XFA_GetLocaleValue().

Referenced by FindSplitPos(), and CXFA_TextProvider::GetEmbeddedObj().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetValueNodeType()

XFA_Element CXFA_Node::GetValueNodeType ( ) const

Reimplemented in CXFA_ChoiceList, CXFA_DateTimeEdit, CXFA_ImageEdit, and CXFA_NumericEdit.

Definition at line 2961 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ GetXMLMappingNode()

CFX_XMLNode * CXFA_Node::GetXMLMappingNode ( ) const

Definition at line 184 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by CloneTemplateToForm(), CXFA_DataExporter::Export(), CJX_Object::SetCDataImpl(), SetToXML(), CJX_Object::TryNamespace(), and XFA_DataExporter_DealWithDataGroupNode().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HasAttribute()

bool CXFA_Node::HasAttribute ( XFA_Attribute attr) const

Definition at line 1187 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ HasBindItem()

bool CXFA_Node::HasBindItem ( ) const

Definition at line 1359 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetPacketType().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ HasBindItems()

bool CXFA_Node::HasBindItems ( ) const

Definition at line 229 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by SetToXML().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HasButtonDown()

bool CXFA_Node::HasButtonDown ( ) const

Definition at line 3961 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ HasButtonRollover()

bool CXFA_Node::HasButtonRollover ( ) const

Definition at line 3945 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ HasProperty()

bool CXFA_Node::HasProperty ( XFA_Element property) const

Definition at line 1103 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CountChildren(), GetNodeListWithFilter(), GetSiblings(), and IsProperty().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HasPropertyFlag()

bool CXFA_Node::HasPropertyFlag ( XFA_Element property,
XFA_PropertyFlag flag ) const

Definition at line 1107 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by GetNodeListWithFilter(), and GetOrCreateProperty().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HasRemovedChildren()

bool CXFA_Node::HasRemovedChildren ( ) const

Definition at line 174 of file cxfa_node.h.

References kHasRemovedChildren.

◆ InsertChildAndNotify() [1/2]

void CXFA_Node::InsertChildAndNotify ( CXFA_Node * pNode,
CXFA_Node * pBeforeNode )

Definition at line 1611 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References ClearFlag(), IsNeedSavingXMLNode(), kHasRemovedChildren, and CXFA_FFNotify::OnChildAdded().

Referenced by Clone(), CloneTemplateToForm(), CXFA_DocumentBuilder::ConstructXFANode(), CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge(), GetNodeListWithFilter(), GetOrCreateProperty(), CJX_Object::SetContent(), CJX_Object::TryContent(), and XFA_NodeMerge_CloneOrMergeContainer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InsertChildAndNotify() [2/2]

void CXFA_Node::InsertChildAndNotify ( int32_t index,
CXFA_Node * pNode )

Definition at line 1607 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by InsertItem(), TEST_F(), TEST_F(), TEST_F(), TEST_F(), and TEST_F().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InsertItem() [1/2]

void CXFA_Node::InsertItem ( const WideString & wsLabel,
const WideString & wsValue,
bool bNotify )

Definition at line 4424 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), CreateSamePacketNode(), CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), InsertChildAndNotify(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ InsertItem() [2/2]

void CXFA_Node::InsertItem ( CXFA_Node * pNewInstance,
int32_t iPos,
int32_t iCount,
bool bMoveDataBindingNodes )

Definition at line 1920 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetBindData(), GetCount(), and GetItemIfExists().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsAncestorOf()

bool CXFA_Node::IsAncestorOf ( const CXFA_Node * that) const

Definition at line 1598 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by TEST_F().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsAttributeInXML()

bool CXFA_Node::IsAttributeInXML ( )

Definition at line 1828 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by Clone(), RemoveChildAndNotify(), and SetToXML().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry()

bool CXFA_Node::IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry ( )

Definition at line 4170 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

Referenced by CountSelectedItems().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsChoiceListCommitOnSelect()

bool CXFA_Node::IsChoiceListCommitOnSelect ( )

Definition at line 4161 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsChoiceListMultiSelect()

bool CXFA_Node::IsChoiceListMultiSelect ( )

Definition at line 4175 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

Referenced by ClearAllSelections(), GetContainerNode(), GetSelectedItemsValue(), SetItemState(), and SetSelectedItems().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsFormContainer()

bool CXFA_Node::IsFormContainer ( ) const

Definition at line 179 of file cxfa_node.h.

References CXFA_Object::IsContainerNode().

Referenced by CXFA_FFNotify::OnChildAdded(), and CXFA_FFNotify::OnValueChanging().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsHorizontalScrollPolicyOff()

bool CXFA_Node::IsHorizontalScrollPolicyOff ( )

Definition at line 4596 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsInitialized()

bool CXFA_Node::IsInitialized ( ) const

Definition at line 161 of file cxfa_node.h.

References kInitialized.

Referenced by SetInitializedFlagAndNotify().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsLayoutGeneratedNode()

bool CXFA_Node::IsLayoutGeneratedNode ( ) const

Definition at line 166 of file cxfa_node.h.

References kLayoutGeneratedNode.

◆ IsListBox()

bool CXFA_Node::IsListBox ( )

Definition at line 4184 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

Referenced by CountSelectedItems(), and CXFA_FFNotify::OnCreateContentLayoutItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsMultiLine()

bool CXFA_Node::IsMultiLine ( )

Definition at line 4626 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

Referenced by CXFA_FWLTheme::GetUIMargin().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsNeedSavingXMLNode()

bool CXFA_Node::IsNeedSavingXMLNode ( ) const

Definition at line 1855 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by Clone(), InsertChildAndNotify(), RemoveChildAndNotify(), CJX_Object::SetAttributeValueImpl(), and CJX_Object::SetCDataImpl().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsNull()

bool CXFA_Node::IsNull ( ) const

Definition at line 323 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by SetValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsOpenAccess()

bool CXFA_Node::IsOpenAccess ( ) const

Definition at line 2315 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetContainerParent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsProperty()

bool CXFA_Node::IsProperty ( ) const

Definition at line 5037 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and HasProperty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsRadioButton()

bool CXFA_Node::IsRadioButton ( )

Definition at line 3975 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsTransparent()

bool CXFA_Node::IsTransparent ( ) const

Definition at line 5031 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), CXFA_Object::IsContainerNode(), and IsUnnamed().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsUnnamed()

bool CXFA_Node::IsUnnamed ( ) const

Definition at line 191 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by IsTransparent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsUnusedNode()

bool CXFA_Node::IsUnusedNode ( ) const

Definition at line 165 of file cxfa_node.h.

References kUnusedNode.

Referenced by CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge(), and XFA_DataMerge_FindFormDOMInstance().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsUserInteractive()

bool CXFA_Node::IsUserInteractive ( ) const

Definition at line 162 of file cxfa_node.h.

References kUserInteractive.

Referenced by CXFA_FFField::CalculateNode(), ProcessCalculate(), CXFA_FFWidgetHandler::ProcessEvent(), and XFA_ProcessEvent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsVerticalScrollPolicyOff()

bool CXFA_Node::IsVerticalScrollPolicyOff ( )

Definition at line 4605 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetUIChildNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsWidgetReady()

bool CXFA_Node::IsWidgetReady ( ) const

Definition at line 327 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by CXFA_FFField::CalculateOverride(), CXFA_FFDocView::ExecEventActivityByDeepFirst(), CXFA_FFDocView::GetWidgetByName(), CXFA_FFWidget::HasEventUnderHandler(), CXFA_FFWidget::ProcessEventUnderHandler(), and ResetData().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadCaption()

bool CXFA_Node::LoadCaption ( CXFA_FFDoc * doc)

Definition at line 3890 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ LoadEditImage()

bool CXFA_Node::LoadEditImage ( CXFA_FFDoc * doc)

Definition at line 3439 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ LoadLayoutImage()

bool CXFA_Node::LoadLayoutImage ( CXFA_FFDoc * doc)

Definition at line 3434 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ NormalizeNumStr()

WideString CXFA_Node::NormalizeNumStr ( const WideString & wsValue)

Definition at line 4960 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), GetFracDigits(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), fxcrt::WideString::operator[](), and fxcrt::WideString::TrimLeft().

Referenced by GetValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ NumericLimit()

WideString CXFA_Node::NumericLimit ( const WideString & wsValue)

Definition at line 4985 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References FXSYS_IsDecimalDigit(), GetFracDigits(), GetLeadDigits(), fxcrt::WideString::operator+=(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), fxcrt::WideString::operator[](), CFGAS_Decimal::SetScale(), and CFGAS_Decimal::ToWideString().

Referenced by SetValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PresenceRequiresSpace()

bool CXFA_Node::PresenceRequiresSpace ( ) const

Definition at line 5042 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_ViewLayoutProcessor::PrepareFirstPage().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ProcessCalculate()

XFA_EventError CXFA_Node::ProcessCalculate ( CXFA_FFDocView * pDocView)

Definition at line 2481 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_EventParam::CXFA_EventParam(), ExecuteScript(), GetCalculateIfExists(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetRawValue(), CXFA_Calculate::GetScriptIfExists(), IsUserInteractive(), kDisabled, kNotExist, kRaw, kSuccess, CXFA_EventParam::m_bTargeted, SetValue(), CXFA_FFDocView::UpdateUIDisplay(), and XFA_EVENT_Calculate.

Referenced by XFA_ProcessEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ProcessEvent()

XFA_EventError CXFA_Node::ProcessEvent ( CXFA_FFDocView * pDocView,
XFA_AttributeValue iActivity,
CXFA_EventParam * pEventParam )

Definition at line 2424 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), and kNotExist.

Referenced by CXFA_FFCheckButton::OnProcessEvent(), and XFA_ProcessEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ProcessValidate()

XFA_EventError CXFA_Node::ProcessValidate ( CXFA_FFDocView * pDocView,
int32_t iFlags )

Definition at line 2664 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_EventParam::CXFA_EventParam(), ClearFlag(), ExecuteBoolScript(), CXFA_Document::GetCurVersionMode(), CXFA_FFDocView::GetDoc(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), CXFA_FFDocView::GetLayoutStatus(), GetRawValue(), CXFA_Validate::GetScriptIfExists(), GetValidateIfExists(), CXFA_FFDoc::GetXFADoc(), CXFA_Document::is_scripting(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), CXFA_FFDocView::kEnd, kNeedsInitApp, kNotExist, kSuccess, CXFA_Node::BoolScriptResult::script_result, CXFA_Node::BoolScriptResult::xfa_event_result, XFA_EVENT_Validate, XFA_EventErrorAccumulate(), and XFA_VERSION_208.

Referenced by XFA_ProcessEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PropertyOccurrenceCount()

uint8_t CXFA_Node::PropertyOccurrenceCount ( XFA_Element property) const

Definition at line 1113 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Node::PropertyData::occurrence_count.

Referenced by GetOrCreateProperty(), and GetProperty().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveBindItem()

bool CXFA_Node::RemoveBindItem ( CXFA_Node * pFormNode)

Definition at line 1337 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References SetBindingNode().

Referenced by RemoveItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveChildAndNotify()

void CXFA_Node::RemoveChildAndNotify ( CXFA_Node * pNode,
bool bNotify )

Definition at line 1629 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), IsAttributeInXML(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), IsNeedSavingXMLNode(), kHasRemovedChildren, CFX_XMLElement::RemoveAttribute(), and SetFlag().

Referenced by CXFA_AttachNodeList::Append(), ClearAllSelections(), CreateInstanceIfPossible(), DeleteItem(), CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge(), CXFA_Document::DoDataRemerge(), CXFA_AttachNodeList::Insert(), RemoveItem(), CJX_Object::SetContent(), and XFA_NodeMerge_CloneOrMergeContainer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveItem()

void CXFA_Node::RemoveItem ( CXFA_Node * pRemoveInstance,
bool bRemoveDataBinding )

Definition at line 1993 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetBindData(), RemoveBindItem(), RemoveChildAndNotify(), and SetBindingNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ResetData()

void CXFA_Node::ResetData ( )

◆ SendAttributeChangeMessage()

void CXFA_Node::SendAttributeChangeMessage ( XFA_Attribute eAttribute,
bool bScriptModify )

Definition at line 2099 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetPacketType(), CXFA_Object::IsContainerNode(), CXFA_FFNotify::OnContainerChanged(), and CXFA_FFNotify::OnValueChanged().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetBindingNode()

void CXFA_Node::SetBindingNode ( CXFA_Node * node)

Definition at line 5049 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by AddBindItem(), Clone(), CXFA_Document::DoDataRemerge(), RemoveBindItem(), and RemoveItem().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetCheckState()

void CXFA_Node::SetCheckState ( XFA_CheckState eCheckState)

Definition at line 4012 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::clear(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetExclGroupIfExists(), kOff, and fxcrt::WideString::operator!=().

Referenced by SetSelectedMember().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetDataDescriptionNode()

void CXFA_Node::SetDataDescriptionNode ( CXFA_Node * pDataDescriptionNode)

Definition at line 1537 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ SetEditImage()

void CXFA_Node::SetEditImage ( RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmap > newImage)

Definition at line 3923 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_ImageEditData::SetBitmap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetFlag()

void CXFA_Node::SetFlag ( XFA_NodeFlag dwFlag)

Definition at line 1820 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CXFA_FFField::CalculateNode(), CXFA_DocumentBuilder::ConstructXFANode(), CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge(), CXFA_FFNotify::OnNodeReady(), RemoveChildAndNotify(), and SetNodeAndDescendantsUnused().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetInitializedFlagAndNotify()

void CXFA_Node::SetInitializedFlagAndNotify ( )

Definition at line 1811 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References IsInitialized(), and CXFA_FFNotify::OnNodeReady().

Referenced by Clone(), CloneTemplateToForm(), CreateSamePacketNode(), CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge(), GetNodeListWithFilter(), GetOrCreateProperty(), CXFA_ViewLayoutProcessor::InitLayoutPage(), and XFA_NodeMerge_CloneOrMergeContainer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetIsNull()

void CXFA_Node::SetIsNull ( bool val)

Definition at line 324 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by SetValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetItemState()

void CXFA_Node::SetItemState ( int32_t nIndex,
bool bSelected,
bool bNotify,
bool bScriptModify )

Definition at line 4343 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), GetFormatDataValue(), GetRawValue(), IsChoiceListMultiSelect(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

Referenced by DeleteItem().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetLayoutImage()

void CXFA_Node::SetLayoutImage ( RetainPtr< CFX_DIBitmap > newImage)

Definition at line 3917 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_ImageLayoutData::SetBitmap().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetNodeAndDescendantsUnused()

void CXFA_Node::SetNodeAndDescendantsUnused ( )

Definition at line 5055 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References kUnusedNode, and SetFlag().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetPreNull()

void CXFA_Node::SetPreNull ( bool val)

Definition at line 322 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by SetValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetSelectedItems()

void CXFA_Node::SetSelectedItems ( const std::vector< int32_t > & iSelArray,
bool bNotify,
bool bScriptModify,
bool bSyncData )

Definition at line 4391 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), GetFormatDataValue(), IsChoiceListMultiSelect(), fxcrt::WideString::operator+=(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetSelectedMember()

CXFA_Node * CXFA_Node::SetSelectedMember ( WideStringView wsName)

Definition at line 4088 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetNameHash(), kOn, and SetCheckState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetSelectedMemberByValue()

void CXFA_Node::SetSelectedMemberByValue ( WideStringView wsValue,
bool bNotify,
bool bScriptModify,
bool bSyncData )

Definition at line 4100 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::clear(), and CXFA_Object::GetElementType().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetTemplateNode()

void CXFA_Node::SetTemplateNode ( CXFA_Node * pTemplateNode)

Definition at line 1301 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by CloneTemplateToForm(), and XFA_NodeMerge_CloneOrMergeContainer().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetToXML()

void CXFA_Node::SetToXML ( const WideString & value)

Definition at line 5063 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetPacketType(), CFX_XMLNode::GetType(), GetXMLMappingNode(), HasBindItems(), IsAttributeInXML(), CFX_XMLNode::kElement, CFX_XMLNode::kText, CFX_XMLElement::SetAttribute(), CFX_XMLText::SetText(), and ToXMLText().

Referenced by CJX_Object::SetAttributeValueImpl(), and CJX_Object::SetCDataImpl().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetValue()

bool CXFA_Node::SetValue ( XFA_ValuePicture eValueType,
const WideString & wsValue )

Definition at line 4682 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_LocaleValue::CXFA_LocaleValue(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::EqualsASCII(), CXFA_Object::GetDocument(), CXFA_Object::GetElementType(), GetLocale(), GetPictureContent(), CXFA_LocaleValue::GetType(), GetUIChildNode(), CXFA_LocaleValue::GetValue(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), IsNull(), NumericLimit(), CXFA_LocaleValue::operator=(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), SetIsNull(), SetPreNull(), CXFA_LocaleValue::ValidateValue(), and XFA_GetLocaleValue().

Referenced by ExecuteBoolScript(), ProcessCalculate(), and ResetData().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetWidgetReady()

void CXFA_Node::SetWidgetReady ( )

Definition at line 326 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by CXFA_FFNotify::OnNodeReady().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetXMLMappingNode()

void CXFA_Node::SetXMLMappingNode ( CFX_XMLNode * node)

Definition at line 183 of file cxfa_node.h.

Referenced by Clone(), CloneTemplateToForm(), CXFA_DocumentBuilder::ConstructXFANode(), and CXFA_Document::DoDataMerge().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StartWidgetLayout()

void CXFA_Node::StartWidgetLayout ( CXFA_FFDoc * doc,
float * pCalcWidth,
float * pCalcHeight )

Definition at line 3501 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References GetFFWidgetType(), and kText.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Trace()

void CXFA_Node::Trace ( cppgc::Visitor * visitor) const

Reimplemented from CXFA_Object.

Definition at line 1006 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

References CXFA_Object::Trace().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TryWidth()

absl::optional< float > CXFA_Node::TryWidth ( )

Definition at line 2393 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

◆ UpdateNameHash()

void CXFA_Node::UpdateNameHash ( )

Definition at line 1842 of file cxfa_node.cpp.

Referenced by Clone(), CloneTemplateToForm(), and CJX_Object::SetCDataImpl().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: