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1// Copyright 2021 The PDFium Authors
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <set>
9#include <utility>
11#include "core/fxcrt/fx_memory.h"
12#include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h"
13#include "third_party/base/check.h"
15namespace fxcrt {
17// Track the addition of an object to a set, removing it automatically when
18// the ScopedSetInsertion goes out of scope.
19template <typename T>
21 public:
24 ScopedSetInsertion(std::set<T>* org_set, const T& elem)
26 CHECK(insert_results_.second);
27 }
30 ~ScopedSetInsertion() { set_->erase(insert_results_.first); }
32 private:
33 UnownedPtr<std::set<T>> const set_;
34 const std::pair<typename std::set<T>::iterator, bool> insert_results_;
37} // namespace fxcrt
39using fxcrt::ScopedSetInsertion;
bool IsEmpty() const
Definition cpdf_array.h:40
CPDF_BasedCS(Family family)
virtual const CPDF_IndexedCS * AsIndexedCS() const
static void InitializeGlobals()
Family GetFamily() const
~CPDF_ColorSpace() override
static void DestroyGlobals()
virtual const CPDF_PatternCS * AsPatternCS() const
virtual bool IsNormal() const
virtual void EnableStdConversion(bool bEnabled)
std::vector< float > CreateBufAndSetDefaultColor() const
CPDF_ColorSpace(Family family)
virtual bool GetRGB(pdfium::span< const float > pBuf, float *R, float *G, float *B) const =0
static uint32_t ComponentsForFamily(Family family)
virtual void TranslateImageLine(pdfium::span< uint8_t > dest_span, pdfium::span< const uint8_t > src_span, int pixels, int image_width, int image_height, bool bTransMask) const
static RetainPtr< CPDF_ColorSpace > GetStockCSForName(const ByteString &name)
bool HasSameArray(const CPDF_Object *pObj) const
void SetComponentsForStockCS(uint32_t nComponents)
static RetainPtr< CPDF_ColorSpace > GetStockCS(Family family)
uint32_t CountComponents() const
virtual void GetDefaultValue(int iComponent, float *value, float *min, float *max) const
~CPDF_DeviceCS() override
void TranslateImageLine(pdfium::span< uint8_t > dest_span, pdfium::span< const uint8_t > src_span, int pixels, int image_width, int image_height, bool bTransMask) const override
uint32_t v_Load(CPDF_Document *pDoc, const CPDF_Array *pArray, std::set< const CPDF_Object * > *pVisited) override
bool GetRGB(pdfium::span< const float > pBuf, float *R, float *G, float *B) const override
uint32_t m_nOutputs
uint32_t m_nInputs
virtual bool v_Call(pdfium::span< const float > inputs, pdfium::span< float > results) const =0
std::vector< float > m_Ranges
virtual ~CPDF_Function()
static std::unique_ptr< CPDF_Function > Load(RetainPtr< const CPDF_Object > pFuncObj, VisitedSet *pVisited)
float GetRange(int i) const
bool Init(const CPDF_Object *pObj, VisitedSet *pVisited)
CPDF_Function(Type type)
const Type m_Type
std::vector< float > m_Domains
absl::optional< uint32_t > Call(pdfium::span< const float > inputs, pdfium::span< float > results) const
uint32_t CountOutputs() const
float GetDomain(int i) const
virtual bool v_Init(const CPDF_Object *pObj, VisitedSet *pVisited)=0
uint32_t CountInputs() const
static std::unique_ptr< CPDF_Function > Load(RetainPtr< const CPDF_Object > pFuncObj)
float Interpolate(float x, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax) const
bool IsNormal() const
void TranslateScanline(pdfium::span< uint8_t > pDest, pdfium::span< const uint8_t > pSrc, int pixels)
bool IsSRGB() const
void Translate(pdfium::span< const float > pSrcValues, pdfium::span< float > pDestValues)
uint32_t GetComponents() const
~CPDF_IccProfile() override
bool IsSupported() const
bool IsValid() const
const CPDF_IndexedCS * AsIndexedCS() const override
int GetMaxIndex() const
bool GetRGB(pdfium::span< const float > pBuf, float *R, float *G, float *B) const override
uint32_t v_Load(CPDF_Document *pDoc, const CPDF_Array *pArray, std::set< const CPDF_Object * > *pVisited) override
~CPDF_IndexedCS() override
virtual ByteString GetString() const
bool IsName() const
const CPDF_Array * AsArray() const
const CPDF_Stream * AsStream() const
void SetComps(pdfium::span< const float > comps)
PatternValue(const PatternValue &that)
static bool IsValidIccComponents(int components)
void Translate(pdfium::span< const float > pSrcValues, pdfium::span< float > pDestValues)
static std::unique_ptr< IccTransform > CreateTransformSRGB(pdfium::span< const uint8_t > span)
void TranslateScanline(pdfium::span< uint8_t > pDest, pdfium::span< const uint8_t > pSrc, int pixels)
bool operator==(const char *ptr) const
ScopedSetInsertion & operator=(const ScopedSetInsertion &)=delete
ScopedSetInsertion(const ScopedSetInsertion &)=delete
ScopedSetInsertion(std::set< T > *org_set, const T &elem)
size_t Fx2DSizeOrDie(const T &w, const U &h)
Definition fx_2d_size.h:11
constexpr uint32_t FXBSTR_ID(uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2, uint8_t c3, uint8_t c4)
Definition fx_string.h:19
int FXSYS_roundf(float f)
Definition fx_system.cpp:92
void ReverseRGB(uint8_t *pDestBuf, const uint8_t *pSrcBuf, int pixels)
Definition fx_codec.cpp:21
#define CHECK(cvref)
Definition retain_ptr.h:224