Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
fxcrt Namespace Reference


class  AutoNuller
class  AutoRestorer
class  BinaryBuffer
class  ByteString
class  FakeUniquePtr
class  FixedSizeDataVector
class  Mask
class  MaybeOwned
class  Observable
class  ObservedPtr
struct  ReleaseDeleter
class  Retainable
class  RetainPtr
class  ScopedSetInsertion
class  SharedCopyOnWrite
class  StringDataTemplate
class  StringPoolTemplate
class  StringViewTemplate
class  TestTreeNode
class  TreeNode
class  TreeNodeBase
class  UnownedPtr
class  WeakPtr
class  WideString
class  WideTextBuffer


template<typename T >
using DataVector = std::vector<T, FxAllocAllocator<T>>
using string
using ostringstream
using ByteStringView = StringViewTemplate<char>
using WideStringView = StringViewTemplate<wchar_t>


template<typename T , typename U , typename = pdfium::internal::EnableIfLegalSpanConversion<T, U>>
void spancpy (pdfium::span< T > dst, pdfium::span< U > src)
template<typename T , typename U , typename = pdfium::internal::EnableIfLegalSpanConversion<T, U>>
void spanmove (pdfium::span< T > dst, pdfium::span< U > src)
template<typename T >
void spanset (pdfium::span< T > dst, uint8_t val)
template<typename T >
void spanclr (pdfium::span< T > dst)
template<typename T , typename U , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_const_v<T> || !std::is_const_v<U>>>
pdfium::span< T > reinterpret_span (pdfium::span< U > s) noexcept
template<class T >
FakeUniquePtr< T > MakeFakeUniquePtr (T *arg)
template<typename ResultType , typename Collection >
ResultType CollectionSize (const Collection &collection)
template<typename IndexType , typename Collection >
bool IndexInBounds (const Collection &collection, IndexType index)
template<typename StrType >
std::vector< StrType > Split (const StrType &that, typename StrType::CharType ch)
template std::vector< ByteStringSplit< ByteString > (const ByteString &that, ByteString::CharType ch)
template std::vector< WideStringSplit< WideString > (const WideString &that, WideString::CharType ch)
bool operator== (const char *lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
bool operator== (ByteStringView lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
bool operator!= (const char *lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
bool operator!= (ByteStringView lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
bool operator< (const char *lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
bool operator< (const ByteStringView &lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
bool operator< (const ByteStringView &lhs, const char *rhs)
ByteString operator+ (ByteStringView str1, ByteStringView str2)
ByteString operator+ (ByteStringView str1, const char *str2)
ByteString operator+ (const char *str1, ByteStringView str2)
ByteString operator+ (ByteStringView str1, char ch)
ByteString operator+ (char ch, ByteStringView str2)
ByteString operator+ (const ByteString &str1, const ByteString &str2)
ByteString operator+ (const ByteString &str1, char ch)
ByteString operator+ (char ch, const ByteString &str2)
ByteString operator+ (const ByteString &str1, const char *str2)
ByteString operator+ (const char *str1, const ByteString &str2)
ByteString operator+ (const ByteString &str1, ByteStringView str2)
ByteString operator+ (ByteStringView str1, const ByteString &str2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ByteString &str)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ByteStringView str)
void PrintTo (const ByteString &str, std::ostream *os)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (const U *lhs, const ObservedPtr< T > &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (const U *lhs, const ObservedPtr< T > &rhs)
WideString operator+ (WideStringView str1, WideStringView str2)
WideString operator+ (WideStringView str1, const wchar_t *str2)
WideString operator+ (const wchar_t *str1, WideStringView str2)
WideString operator+ (WideStringView str1, wchar_t ch)
WideString operator+ (wchar_t ch, WideStringView str2)
WideString operator+ (const WideString &str1, const WideString &str2)
WideString operator+ (const WideString &str1, wchar_t ch)
WideString operator+ (wchar_t ch, const WideString &str2)
WideString operator+ (const WideString &str1, const wchar_t *str2)
WideString operator+ (const wchar_t *str1, const WideString &str2)
WideString operator+ (const WideString &str1, WideStringView str2)
WideString operator+ (WideStringView str1, const WideString &str2)
bool operator== (const wchar_t *lhs, const WideString &rhs)
bool operator== (WideStringView lhs, const WideString &rhs)
bool operator!= (const wchar_t *lhs, const WideString &rhs)
bool operator!= (WideStringView lhs, const WideString &rhs)
bool operator< (const wchar_t *lhs, const WideString &rhs)
std::wostream & operator<< (std::wostream &os, const WideString &str)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WideString &str)
std::wostream & operator<< (std::wostream &os, WideStringView str)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, WideStringView str)
void PrintTo (const WideString &str, std::ostream *os)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const T *lhs, const StringViewTemplate< T > &rhs)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const T *lhs, const StringViewTemplate< T > &rhs)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const T *lhs, const StringViewTemplate< T > &rhs)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, Empty)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, MoveConstruct)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, MoveAssign)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, Clear)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, AppendSpans)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, AppendBlocks)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, AppendStrings)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, AppendBytes)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, AppendUint16)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, AppendUint32)
 TEST (BinaryBuffer, AppendDouble)
 TEST (ByteOrder, ByteSwapToLE16)
 TEST (ByteOrder, ByteSwapToLE32)
 TEST (ByteOrder, ByteSwapToBE16)
 TEST (ByteOrder, ByteSwapToBE32)
uint16_t ByteSwapToLE16 (uint16_t x)
uint32_t ByteSwapToLE32 (uint32_t x)
uint16_t ByteSwapToBE16 (uint16_t x)
uint32_t ByteSwapToBE32 (uint32_t x)
 TEST (ByteString, ElementAccess)
 TEST (ByteString, Construct)
 TEST (ByteString, Assign)
 TEST (ByteString, OperatorLT)
 TEST (ByteString, OperatorEQ)
 TEST (ByteString, OperatorNE)
 TEST (ByteString, OperatorPlus)
 TEST (ByteString, Concat)
 TEST (ByteString, Remove)
 TEST (ByteString, RemoveCopies)
 TEST (ByteString, Replace)
 TEST (ByteString, Insert)
 TEST (ByteString, InsertAtFrontAndInsertAtBack)
 TEST (ByteString, Delete)
 TEST (ByteString, OneArgSubstr)
 TEST (ByteString, TwoArgSubstr)
 TEST (ByteString, First)
 TEST (ByteString, Last)
 TEST (ByteString, Find)
 TEST (ByteString, ReverseFind)
 TEST (ByteString, UpperLower)
 TEST (ByteString, Trim)
 TEST (ByteString, TrimLeft)
 TEST (ByteString, TrimLeftCopies)
 TEST (ByteString, TrimRight)
 TEST (ByteString, TrimRightCopies)
 TEST (ByteString, Reserve)
 TEST (ByteString, GetBuffer)
 TEST (ByteString, ReleaseBuffer)
 TEST (ByteString, EmptyReverseIterator)
 TEST (ByteString, OneCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (ByteString, MultiCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, Null)
 TEST (ByteStringView, NotNull)
 TEST (ByteStringView, FromChar)
 TEST (ByteStringView, FromVector)
 TEST (ByteStringView, GetID)
 TEST (ByteStringView, Find)
 TEST (ByteStringView, OneArgSubstr)
 TEST (ByteStringView, TwoArgSubstr)
 TEST (ByteStringView, TrimmedRight)
 TEST (ByteStringView, ElementAccess)
 TEST (ByteStringView, OperatorLT)
 TEST (ByteStringView, OperatorEQ)
 TEST (ByteStringView, OperatorNE)
 TEST (ByteStringView, NullIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, EmptyIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, OneCharIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, MultiCharIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, EmptyReverseIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, OneCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, MultiCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (ByteStringView, AnyAllNoneOf)
 TEST (ByteString, FormatWidth)
 TEST (ByteString, FormatPrecision)
 TEST (ByteString, Empty)
 TEST (ByteString, InitializerList)
 TEST (ByteString, NullIterator)
 TEST (ByteString, EmptyIterator)
 TEST (ByteString, OneCharIterator)
 TEST (ByteString, MultiCharIterator)
 TEST (ByteString, StdBegin)
 TEST (ByteString, AnyAllNoneOf)
 TEST (CFX_BytrString, EqualNoCase)
 TEST (ByteString, OStreamOverload)
 TEST (ByteStringView, OStreamOverload)
 TEST (ByteString, FormatInteger)
 TEST (ByteString, FX_HashCode_Ascii)
 TEST (ByteString, FX_HashCode_Wide)
 TEST (Mask, Empty)
 TEST (Mask, FromOne)
 TEST (Mask, FromTwo)
 TEST (Mask, FromThree)
 TEST (Mask, FromFour)
 TEST (Mask, FromFive)
 TEST (Mask, FromSix)
 TEST (Mask, FromSeven)
 TEST (Mask, FromEight)
 TEST (Mask, FromUnderlying)
 TEST (Mask, AssignAndEQ)
 TEST (Mask, OrAndAnd)
 TEST (Mask, OrEqualsAndAndEquals)
 TEST (Mask, Clear)
 TEST (Mask, TestAll)
 TEST (MaybeOwned, Null)
 TEST (MaybeOwned, NotOwned)
 TEST (MaybeOwned, UnownedPtr)
 TEST (MaybeOwned, Owned)
 TEST (MaybeOwned, Release)
 TEST (MaybeOwned, Move)
 TEST (MaybeOwned, MoveElisionThwarted)
 TEST (ObservePtr, Null)
 TEST (ObservePtr, LivesLonger)
 TEST (ObservePtr, LivesShorter)
 TEST (ObservePtr, CopyConstruct)
 TEST (ObservePtr, CopyAssign)
 TEST (ObservePtr, Vector)
 TEST (ObservePtr, VectorAutoClear)
 TEST (ObservePtr, ResetNull)
 TEST (ObservePtr, Reset)
 TEST (ObservePtr, Equals)
 TEST (ObservePtr, NotEquals)
 TEST (ObservePtr, Bool)
 TEST (ObservePtr, SelfObservable)
 TEST (ObservePtr, PairwiseObservable)
 TEST (RetainPtr, DefaultCtor)
 TEST (RetainPtr, NullptrCtor)
 TEST (RetainPtr, RawCtor)
 TEST (RetainPtr, CopyCtor)
 TEST (RetainPtr, MoveCtor)
 TEST (RetainPtr, CopyConversionCtor)
 TEST (RetainPtr, MoveConversionCtor)
 TEST (RetainPtr, NullptrAssign)
 TEST (RetainPtr, RawAssign)
 TEST (RetainPtr, CopyAssign)
 TEST (RetainPtr, MoveAssign)
 TEST (RetainPtr, CopyConvertAssign)
 TEST (RetainPtr, MoveConvertAssign)
 TEST (RetainPtr, AmbiguousExpression)
 TEST (RetainPtr, ResetNull)
 TEST (RetainPtr, Reset)
 TEST (RetainPtr, Swap)
 TEST (RetainPtr, Leak)
 TEST (RetainPtr, SwapNull)
 TEST (RetainPtr, Equals)
 TEST (RetainPtr, EqualsReflexive)
 TEST (RetainPtr, NotEquals)
 TEST (RetainPtr, NotEqualsReflexive)
 TEST (RetainPtr, LessThan)
 TEST (RetainPtr, Bool)
 TEST (RetainPtr, MakeRetained)
 TEST (RetainPtr, VectorMove)
 TEST (RetainPtr, SetContains)
 TEST (RetainPtr, VectorContains)
 TEST (SharedCopyOnWrite, Null)
 TEST (SharedCopyOnWrite, Copy)
 TEST (SharedCopyOnWrite, AssignOverOld)
 TEST (SharedCopyOnWrite, AssignOverRetained)
 TEST (SharedCopyOnWrite, GetModify)
 TEST (StringPool, ByteString)
 TEST (StringPool, WideString)
 TEST (TreeNode, SelfAppendFirstChild)
 TEST (TreeNode, SelfAppendLastChild)
 TEST (TreeNode, SelfInsertBeforeOther)
 TEST (TreeNode, InsertOtherBeforeSelf)
 TEST (TreeNode, SelfInsertAfterOther)
 TEST (TreeNode, InsertOtherAfterSelf)
 TEST (TreeNode, RemoveParentless)
 TEST (TreeNode, RemoveFromWrongParent)
 TEST (TreeNode, SafeRemove)
 TEST (TreeNode, SafeRemoveParentless)
 TEST (TreeNode, RemoveAllChildren)
 TEST (TreeNode, NthChild)
 TEST (TreeNode, AppendFirstChild)
 TEST (TreeNode, RemoveChild)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, DefaultCtor)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, NullptrCtor)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, RawCtor)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, CopyCtor)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, MoveCtor)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, CopyConversionCtor)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, MoveConversionCtor)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, NullptrAssign)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, RawAssign)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, CopyAssign)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, MoveAssign)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, CopyConversionAssign)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, MoveConversionAssign)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, PtrOk)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, PtrNotOk)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, AssignOk)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, AssignNotOk)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, ReleaseOk)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, ReleaseNotOk)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, OperatorEQ)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, OperatorNE)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, OperatorLT)
 TEST (UnownedPtr, TransparentCompare)
 TEST (WeakPtr, Null)
 TEST (WeakPtr, NonNull)
 TEST (WeakPtr, ResetNull)
 TEST (WeakPtr, ResetNonNull)
 TEST (WeakPtr, DeleteObject)
 TEST (WeakPtr, Cyclic)
 TEST (WeakPtr, CyclicDeleteObject)
 TEST (WideString, ElementAccess)
 TEST (WideString, Construct)
 TEST (WideString, Assign)
 TEST (WideString, OperatorLT)
 TEST (WideString, OperatorEQ)
 TEST (WideString, OperatorNE)
 TEST (WideString, OperatorPlus)
 TEST (WideString, ConcatInPlace)
 TEST (WideString, Remove)
 TEST (WideString, RemoveCopies)
 TEST (WideString, Replace)
 TEST (WideString, Insert)
 TEST (WideString, InsertAtFrontAndInsertAtBack)
 TEST (WideString, Delete)
 TEST (WideString, OneArgSubstr)
 TEST (WideString, TwoArgSubstr)
 TEST (WideString, First)
 TEST (WideString, Last)
 TEST (WideString, Find)
 TEST (WideString, ReverseFind)
 TEST (WideString, UpperLower)
 TEST (WideString, Trim)
 TEST (WideString, TrimLeft)
 TEST (WideString, TrimLeftCopies)
 TEST (WideString, TrimRight)
 TEST (WideString, TrimRightCopies)
 TEST (WideString, Reserve)
 TEST (WideString, GetBuffer)
 TEST (WideString, ReleaseBuffer)
 TEST (WideString, EmptyReverseIterator)
 TEST (WideString, OneCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (WideString, MultiCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (WideString, FromUTF8)
 TEST (WideString, FromUTF8Supplementary)
 TEST (WideString, FromUTF8ErrorRecovery)
 TEST (WideString, UTF8EncodeDecodeConsistency)
 TEST (WideString, UTF8EncodeDecodeConsistencyUnpairedHighSurrogates)
 TEST (WideString, UTF8EncodeDecodeConsistencyUnpairedLowSurrogates)
 TEST (WideString, FromUTF16BE)
 TEST (WideString, FromUTF16LE)
 TEST (WideString, ToUTF16LE)
 TEST (WideString, EncodeEntities)
 TEST (WideString, IsASCII)
 TEST (WideString, EqualsASCII)
 TEST (WideString, EqualsASCIINoCase)
 TEST (WideString, ToASCII)
 TEST (WideString, ToLatin1)
 TEST (WideString, ToDefANSI)
 TEST (WideString, FromASCII)
 TEST (WideString, FromLatin1)
 TEST (WideString, FromDefANSI)
 TEST (WideStringView, FromVector)
 TEST (WideStringView, ElementAccess)
 TEST (WideStringView, OperatorLT)
 TEST (WideStringView, OperatorEQ)
 TEST (WideStringView, OperatorNE)
 TEST (WideStringView, Find)
 TEST (WideStringView, NullIterator)
 TEST (WideStringView, EmptyIterator)
 TEST (WideStringView, OneCharIterator)
 TEST (WideStringView, MultiCharIterator)
 TEST (WideStringView, EmptyReverseIterator)
 TEST (WideStringView, OneCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (WideStringView, MultiCharReverseIterator)
 TEST (WideStringView, AnyAllNoneOf)
 TEST (WideStringView, TrimmedRight)
 TEST (WideString, FormatWidth)
 TEST (WideString, FormatPrecision)
 TEST (WideString, FormatOutOfRangeChar)
 TEST (WideString, FormatString)
 TEST (WideString, Empty)
 TEST (CFX_WidString, InitializerList)
 TEST (WideString, NullIterator)
 TEST (WideString, EmptyIterator)
 TEST (WideString, OneCharIterator)
 TEST (WideString, MultiCharIterator)
 TEST (WideString, StdBegin)
 TEST (WideString, AnyAllNoneOf)
 TEST (WideString, OStreamOverload)
 TEST (WideString, WideOStreamOverload)
 TEST (WideStringView, OStreamOverload)
 TEST (WideStringView, WideOStreamOverload)
 TEST (WideString, FormatInteger)
 TEST (WideString, FX_HashCode_Wide)
 TEST (WideTextBuffer, EmptyBuf)
 TEST (WideTextBuffer, OperatorLtLt)
 TEST (WideTextBuffer, Deletion)
 TEST (WideTextBuffer, Move)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ByteStringView

Definition at line 285 of file string_view_template.h.

◆ DataVector

template<typename T >
using fxcrt::DataVector = std::vector<T, FxAllocAllocator<T>>

Definition at line 15 of file data_vector.h.

◆ ostringstream

Initial value:
basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, FxStringAllocator<char>>

Definition at line 20 of file fx_string_wrappers.h.

◆ string

Initial value:
std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, FxStringAllocator<char>>

Definition at line 16 of file fx_string_wrappers.h.

◆ WideStringView

Definition at line 286 of file string_view_template.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ByteSwapToBE16()

uint16_t fxcrt::ByteSwapToBE16 ( uint16_t x)

Definition at line 25 of file byteorder.h.

◆ ByteSwapToBE32()

uint32_t fxcrt::ByteSwapToBE32 ( uint32_t x)

Definition at line 33 of file byteorder.h.

◆ ByteSwapToLE16()

uint16_t fxcrt::ByteSwapToLE16 ( uint16_t x)

Definition at line 15 of file byteorder.h.

◆ ByteSwapToLE32()

uint32_t fxcrt::ByteSwapToLE32 ( uint32_t x)

Definition at line 19 of file byteorder.h.

◆ CollectionSize()

template<typename ResultType , typename Collection >
ResultType fxcrt::CollectionSize ( const Collection & collection)

Definition at line 32 of file stl_util.h.

◆ IndexInBounds()

template<typename IndexType , typename Collection >
bool fxcrt::IndexInBounds ( const Collection & collection,
IndexType index )

Definition at line 39 of file stl_util.h.

◆ MakeFakeUniquePtr()

template<class T >
FakeUniquePtr< T > fxcrt::MakeFakeUniquePtr ( T * arg)

Definition at line 25 of file stl_util.h.

◆ operator!=() [1/6]

bool fxcrt::operator!= ( ByteStringView lhs,
const ByteString & rhs )

Definition at line 242 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator!=() [2/6]

bool fxcrt::operator!= ( const char * lhs,
const ByteString & rhs )

Definition at line 239 of file bytestring.h.

References fxcrt::ByteString::operator!=().

Referenced by TEST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [3/6]

template<typename T >
bool fxcrt::operator!= ( const T * lhs,
const StringViewTemplate< T > & rhs )

Definition at line 274 of file string_view_template.h.

◆ operator!=() [4/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool fxcrt::operator!= ( const U * lhs,
const ObservedPtr< T > & rhs )

Definition at line 104 of file observed_ptr.h.

◆ operator!=() [5/6]

bool fxcrt::operator!= ( const wchar_t * lhs,
const WideString & rhs )

Definition at line 296 of file widestring.h.

References fxcrt::WideString::operator!=().

Referenced by TEST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [6/6]

bool fxcrt::operator!= ( WideStringView lhs,
const WideString & rhs )

Definition at line 299 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [1/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( ByteStringView str1,
ByteStringView str2 )

Definition at line 255 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator+() [2/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( ByteStringView str1,
char ch )

Definition at line 264 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator+() [3/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( ByteStringView str1,
const ByteString & str2 )

Definition at line 288 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator+() [4/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( ByteStringView str1,
const char * str2 )

Definition at line 258 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator+() [5/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( char ch,
ByteStringView str2 )

Definition at line 267 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator+() [6/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( char ch,
const ByteString & str2 )

Definition at line 276 of file bytestring.h.

Referenced by CBC_OnedCodaBarWriter::Encode(), and CBC_OnedUPCAWriter::Encode().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [7/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( const ByteString & str1,
ByteStringView str2 )

Definition at line 285 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator+() [8/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( const ByteString & str1,
char ch )

Definition at line 273 of file bytestring.h.

Referenced by CBC_OnedCodaBarWriter::Encode().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [9/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( const ByteString & str1,
const ByteString & str2 )

Definition at line 270 of file bytestring.h.

Referenced by CPDFSDK_AppStream::SetAsCheckBox(), CPDFSDK_AppStream::SetAsListBox(), CPDFSDK_AppStream::SetAsPushButton(), and CPDFSDK_AppStream::SetAsRadioButton().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [10/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( const ByteString & str1,
const char * str2 )

Definition at line 279 of file bytestring.h.

Referenced by TEST().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [11/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( const char * str1,
ByteStringView str2 )

Definition at line 261 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator+() [12/24]

ByteString fxcrt::operator+ ( const char * str1,
const ByteString & str2 )

Definition at line 282 of file bytestring.h.

Referenced by CFX_Font::GetBaseFontName(), CFX_Font::GetFaceName(), CFX_FolderFontInfo::ReportFace(), and TEST().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [13/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( const wchar_t * str1,
const WideString & str2 )

Definition at line 281 of file widestring.h.

Referenced by CPDF_LinkExtract::CheckMailLink(), CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Format(), CFGAS_StringFormatter::FormatNum(), CXFA_FFDocView::GetWidgetByName(), CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Parse(), CJX_Object::SetCDataImpl(), TEST(), CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Time2Num(), and XFA_FDEExtension_ResolveNamespaceQualifier().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [14/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( const wchar_t * str1,
WideStringView str2 )

Definition at line 260 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [15/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( const WideString & str1,
const wchar_t * str2 )

Definition at line 278 of file widestring.h.

Referenced by CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Format(), CXFA_Node::GetPictureContent(), CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Parse(), TEST(), TEST_F(), and CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Time2Num().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [16/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( const WideString & str1,
const WideString & str2 )

Definition at line 269 of file widestring.h.

Referenced by CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Format(), CFGAS_StringFormatter::FormatNum(), CPDF_FormField::GetFullNameForDict(), CXFA_Node::GetPictureContent(), and CFXJSE_FormCalcContext::Parse().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [17/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( const WideString & str1,
wchar_t ch )

Definition at line 272 of file widestring.h.

Referenced by CPDF_FormField::GetFullNameForDict().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [18/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( const WideString & str1,
WideStringView str2 )

Definition at line 284 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [19/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( wchar_t ch,
const WideString & str2 )

Definition at line 275 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [20/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( wchar_t ch,
WideStringView str2 )

Definition at line 266 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [21/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( WideStringView str1,
const wchar_t * str2 )

Definition at line 257 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [22/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( WideStringView str1,
const WideString & str2 )

Definition at line 287 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [23/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( WideStringView str1,
wchar_t ch )

Definition at line 263 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator+() [24/24]

WideString fxcrt::operator+ ( WideStringView str1,
WideStringView str2 )

Definition at line 254 of file widestring.h.

◆ operator<() [1/5]

bool fxcrt::operator< ( const ByteStringView & lhs,
const ByteString & rhs )

Definition at line 248 of file bytestring.h.

References fxcrt::ByteString::Compare().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<() [2/5]

bool fxcrt::operator< ( const ByteStringView & lhs,
const char * rhs )

Definition at line 251 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator<() [3/5]

bool fxcrt::operator< ( const char * lhs,
const ByteString & rhs )

Definition at line 245 of file bytestring.h.

References fxcrt::ByteString::Compare().

Referenced by TEST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<() [4/5]

template<typename T >
bool fxcrt::operator< ( const T * lhs,
const StringViewTemplate< T > & rhs )

Definition at line 278 of file string_view_template.h.

◆ operator<() [5/5]

bool fxcrt::operator< ( const wchar_t * lhs,
const WideString & rhs )

Definition at line 302 of file widestring.h.

References fxcrt::WideString::Compare().

Referenced by TEST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [1/6]

std::ostream & fxcrt::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
ByteStringView str )

Definition at line 784 of file bytestring.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/6]

std::ostream & fxcrt::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const ByteString & str )

Definition at line 780 of file bytestring.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::c_str().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [3/6]

std::ostream & fxcrt::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const WideString & str )

Definition at line 1211 of file widestring.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::ToUTF8().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [4/6]

std::ostream & fxcrt::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
WideStringView str )

Definition at line 1220 of file widestring.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/6]

std::wostream & fxcrt::operator<< ( std::wostream & os,
const WideString & str )

Definition at line 1207 of file widestring.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::c_str().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [6/6]

std::wostream & fxcrt::operator<< ( std::wostream & os,
WideStringView str )

Definition at line 1216 of file widestring.cpp.

◆ operator==() [1/6]

bool fxcrt::operator== ( ByteStringView lhs,
const ByteString & rhs )

Definition at line 236 of file bytestring.h.

◆ operator==() [2/6]

bool fxcrt::operator== ( const char * lhs,
const ByteString & rhs )

Definition at line 233 of file bytestring.h.

References fxcrt::ByteString::operator==().

Referenced by FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetDuplex(), and TEST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [3/6]

template<typename T >
bool fxcrt::operator== ( const T * lhs,
const StringViewTemplate< T > & rhs )

Definition at line 270 of file string_view_template.h.

◆ operator==() [4/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool fxcrt::operator== ( const U * lhs,
const ObservedPtr< T > & rhs )

Definition at line 99 of file observed_ptr.h.

◆ operator==() [5/6]

bool fxcrt::operator== ( const wchar_t * lhs,
const WideString & rhs )

Definition at line 290 of file widestring.h.

References fxcrt::WideString::operator==().

Referenced by TEST().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [6/6]

bool fxcrt::operator== ( WideStringView lhs,
const WideString & rhs )

Definition at line 293 of file widestring.h.

◆ PrintTo() [1/2]

void fxcrt::PrintTo ( const ByteString & str,
std::ostream * os )

Definition at line 12 of file string_test_support.cpp.

◆ PrintTo() [2/2]

void fxcrt::PrintTo ( const WideString & str,
std::ostream * os )

Definition at line 16 of file string_test_support.cpp.

◆ reinterpret_span()

template<typename T , typename U , typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_const_v<T> || !std::is_const_v<U>>>
pdfium::span< T > fxcrt::reinterpret_span ( pdfium::span< U > s)

Definition at line 50 of file span_util.h.

◆ spanclr()

template<typename T >
void fxcrt::spanclr ( pdfium::span< T > dst)

Definition at line 42 of file span_util.h.

◆ spancpy()

template<typename T , typename U , typename = pdfium::internal::EnableIfLegalSpanConversion<T, U>>
void fxcrt::spancpy ( pdfium::span< T > dst,
pdfium::span< U > src )

Definition at line 20 of file span_util.h.

◆ spanmove()

template<typename T , typename U , typename = pdfium::internal::EnableIfLegalSpanConversion<T, U>>
void fxcrt::spanmove ( pdfium::span< T > dst,
pdfium::span< U > src )

Definition at line 29 of file span_util.h.

◆ spanset()

template<typename T >
void fxcrt::spanset ( pdfium::span< T > dst,
uint8_t val )

Definition at line 36 of file span_util.h.

◆ Split()

template<typename StrType >
std::vector< StrType > fxcrt::Split ( const StrType & that,
typename StrType::CharType ch )

Definition at line 38 of file fx_string.h.

◆ Split< ByteString >()

template std::vector< ByteString > fxcrt::Split< ByteString > ( const ByteString & that,
ByteString::CharType ch )

◆ Split< WideString >()

template std::vector< WideString > fxcrt::Split< WideString > ( const WideString & that,
WideString::CharType ch )

◆ TEST() [1/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
AppendBlocks  )

Definition at line 84 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendSpan().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [2/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
AppendBytes  )

Definition at line 112 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendUint8().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [3/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
AppendDouble  )

Definition at line 144 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendDouble().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [4/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
AppendSpans  )

Definition at line 67 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendSpan(), and fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::IsEmpty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [5/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
AppendStrings  )

Definition at line 100 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [6/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
AppendUint16  )

Definition at line 123 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendUint16().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [7/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
AppendUint32  )

Definition at line 133 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendUint32().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [8/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
Clear  )

Definition at line 57 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendUint8(), fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::Clear(), fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::GetSpan(), and fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::IsEmpty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [9/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
Empty  )

Definition at line 15 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::GetSpan(), and fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::IsEmpty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [10/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
MoveAssign  )

Definition at line 40 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendUint8(), fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::GetSpan(), and fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::IsEmpty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [11/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( BinaryBuffer ,
MoveConstruct  )

Definition at line 23 of file binary_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::AppendUint8(), fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::GetSpan(), and fxcrt::BinaryBuffer::IsEmpty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [12/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteOrder ,
ByteSwapToBE16  )

Definition at line 47 of file byteorder_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [13/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteOrder ,
ByteSwapToBE32  )

Definition at line 61 of file byteorder_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [14/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteOrder ,
ByteSwapToLE16  )

Definition at line 21 of file byteorder_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [15/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteOrder ,
ByteSwapToLE32  )

Definition at line 35 of file byteorder_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [16/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
AnyAllNoneOf  )

Definition at line 1812 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::begin(), and fxcrt::ByteString::end().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [17/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Assign  )

Definition at line 88 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::IsEmpty(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator=(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator=(), and fxcrt::ByteString::ReferenceCountForTesting().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [18/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Concat  )

Definition at line 478 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [19/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Construct  )

Definition at line 67 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::IsEmpty(), and fxcrt::ByteString::ReferenceCountForTesting().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [20/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Delete  )

Definition at line 642 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [21/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
ElementAccess  )

Definition at line 22 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::c_str(), and fxcrt::ByteString::operator[]().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [22/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Empty  )

Definition at line 1727 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::c_str(), fxcrt::ByteString::IsEmpty(), and fxcrt::ByteString::raw_str().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [23/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
EmptyIterator  )

Definition at line 1767 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [24/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
EmptyReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1066 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [25/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Find  )

Definition at line 728 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [26/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
First  )

Definition at line 698 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [27/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
FormatInteger  )

Definition at line 1961 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::FormatInteger().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [28/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
FormatPrecision  )

Definition at line 1719 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::Format().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [29/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
FormatWidth  )

Definition at line 1711 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::Format().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [30/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
FX_HashCode_Ascii  )

Definition at line 1976 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [31/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
FX_HashCode_Wide  )

Definition at line 1985 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [32/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
GetBuffer  )

Definition at line 1007 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [33/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
InitializerList  )

Definition at line 1748 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [34/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Insert  )

Definition at line 582 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [35/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
InsertAtFrontAndInsertAtBack  )

Definition at line 606 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [36/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Last  )

Definition at line 713 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [37/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
MultiCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1791 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [38/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
MultiCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1088 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [39/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
NullIterator  )

Definition at line 1755 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [40/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OneArgSubstr  )

Definition at line 662 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [41/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OneCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1779 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [42/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OneCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1074 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [43/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OperatorEQ  )

Definition at line 249 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator==(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator==(), and operator==().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [44/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OperatorLT  )

Definition at line 141 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator<(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator<(), and operator<().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [45/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OperatorNE  )

Definition at line 352 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator!=(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator!=(), and operator!=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [46/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OperatorPlus  )

Definition at line 453 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::c_str(), fxcrt::ByteString::Format(), operator+(), operator+(), and fxcrt::ByteString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [47/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
OStreamOverload  )

Definition at line 1841 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::operator=(), and fxcrt::ByteString::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [48/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
ReleaseBuffer  )

Definition at line 1027 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::c_str(), and fxcrt::ByteString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [49/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Remove  )

Definition at line 498 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [50/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
RemoveCopies  )

Definition at line 516 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), and fxcrt::ByteString::c_str().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [51/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Replace  )

Definition at line 545 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [52/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Reserve  )

Definition at line 986 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::c_str(), and fxcrt::ByteString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [53/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
ReverseFind  )

Definition at line 776 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [54/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
StdBegin  )

Definition at line 1803 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [55/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
Trim  )

Definition at line 834 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::Trim(), and fxcrt::ByteString::Trim().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [56/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
TrimLeft  )

Definition at line 868 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::TrimLeft(), and fxcrt::ByteString::TrimLeft().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [57/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
TrimLeftCopies  )

Definition at line 896 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::c_str(), and fxcrt::ByteString::TrimLeft().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [58/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
TrimRight  )

Definition at line 927 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::TrimRight(), and fxcrt::ByteString::TrimRight().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [59/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
TrimRightCopies  )

Definition at line 955 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::c_str(), and fxcrt::ByteString::TrimRight().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [60/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
TwoArgSubstr  )

Definition at line 675 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [61/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteString ,
UpperLower  )

Definition at line 809 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), fxcrt::ByteString::MakeLower(), fxcrt::ByteString::MakeUpper(), and fxcrt::ByteString::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [62/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
AnyAllNoneOf  )

Definition at line 1695 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [63/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
ElementAccess  )

Definition at line 1399 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [64/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
EmptyIterator  )

Definition at line 1592 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [65/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
EmptyReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1628 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [66/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
Find  )

Definition at line 1306 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [67/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
FromChar  )

Definition at line 1252 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [68/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
FromVector  )

Definition at line 1274 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [69/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
GetID  )

Definition at line 1292 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References FXBSTR_ID().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [70/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
MultiCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1616 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [71/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
MultiCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1650 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [72/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
NotNull  )

Definition at line 1203 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [73/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
Null  )

Definition at line 1151 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [74/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
NullIterator  )

Definition at line 1580 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [75/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
OneArgSubstr  )

Definition at line 1340 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [76/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
OneCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1604 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [77/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
OneCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1636 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [78/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
OperatorEQ  )

Definition at line 1470 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [79/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
OperatorLT  )

Definition at line 1410 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [80/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
OperatorNE  )

Definition at line 1528 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [81/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
OStreamOverload  )

Definition at line 1890 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [82/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
TrimmedRight  )

Definition at line 1391 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [83/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ByteStringView ,
TwoArgSubstr  )

Definition at line 1361 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [84/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( CFX_BytrString ,
EqualNoCase  )

Definition at line 1828 of file bytestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString(), and fxcrt::ByteString::EqualNoCase().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [85/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( CFX_WidString ,
InitializerList  )

Definition at line 1848 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [86/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
AssignAndEQ  )

Definition at line 123 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [87/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
Clear  )

Definition at line 152 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [88/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
Empty  )

Definition at line 34 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [89/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromEight  )

Definition at line 106 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [90/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromFive  )

Definition at line 81 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [91/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromFour  )

Definition at line 71 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [92/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromOne  )

Definition at line 43 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [93/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromSeven  )

Definition at line 97 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [94/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromSix  )

Definition at line 89 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [95/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromThree  )

Definition at line 62 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [96/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromTwo  )

Definition at line 52 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [97/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
FromUnderlying  )

Definition at line 115 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [98/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
OrAndAnd  )

Definition at line 133 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [99/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
OrEqualsAndAndEquals  )

Definition at line 143 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [100/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( Mask ,
TestAll  )

Definition at line 158 of file mask_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [101/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( MaybeOwned ,
Move  )

Definition at line 156 of file maybe_owned_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [102/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( MaybeOwned ,
MoveElisionThwarted  )

Definition at line 227 of file maybe_owned_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [103/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( MaybeOwned ,
NotOwned  )

Definition at line 41 of file maybe_owned_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [104/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( MaybeOwned ,
Null  )

Definition at line 30 of file maybe_owned_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [105/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( MaybeOwned ,
Owned  )

Definition at line 97 of file maybe_owned_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [106/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( MaybeOwned ,
Release  )

Definition at line 138 of file maybe_owned_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [107/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( MaybeOwned ,
UnownedPtr  )

Definition at line 82 of file maybe_owned_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [108/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
Bool  )

Definition at line 193 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [109/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
CopyAssign  )

Definition at line 71 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [110/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
CopyConstruct  )

Definition at line 55 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [111/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
Equals  )

Definition at line 145 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [112/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
LivesLonger  )

Definition at line 34 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [113/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
LivesShorter  )

Definition at line 45 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [114/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
NotEquals  )

Definition at line 170 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [115/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
Null  )

Definition at line 29 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [116/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
PairwiseObservable  )

Definition at line 210 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [117/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
Reset  )

Definition at line 134 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [118/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
ResetNull  )

Definition at line 126 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [119/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
SelfObservable  )

Definition at line 203 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [120/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
Vector  )

Definition at line 88 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [121/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( ObservePtr ,
VectorAutoClear  )

Definition at line 112 of file observed_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [122/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
AmbiguousExpression  )

Definition at line 231 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [123/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
Bool  )

Definition at line 405 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [124/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
CopyAssign  )

Definition at line 143 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [125/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
CopyConversionCtor  )

Definition at line 95 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [126/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
CopyConvertAssign  )

Definition at line 188 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [127/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
CopyCtor  )

Definition at line 61 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [128/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
DefaultCtor  )

Definition at line 39 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [129/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
Equals  )

Definition at line 333 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [130/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
EqualsReflexive  )

Definition at line 356 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [131/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
Leak  )

Definition at line 293 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [132/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
LessThan  )

Definition at line 397 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [133/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
MakeRetained  )

Definition at line 415 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [134/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
MoveAssign  )

Definition at line 167 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [135/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
MoveConversionCtor  )

Definition at line 111 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [136/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
MoveConvertAssign  )

Definition at line 212 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [137/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
MoveCtor  )

Definition at line 77 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [138/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
NotEquals  )

Definition at line 367 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [139/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
NotEqualsReflexive  )

Definition at line 386 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [140/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
NullptrAssign  )

Definition at line 129 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [141/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
NullptrCtor  )

Definition at line 44 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [142/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
RawAssign  )

Definition at line 136 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [143/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
RawCtor  )

Definition at line 49 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [144/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
Reset  )

Definition at line 252 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [145/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
ResetNull  )

Definition at line 240 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [146/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
SetContains  )

Definition at line 448 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [147/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
Swap  )

Definition at line 269 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [148/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
SwapNull  )

Definition at line 314 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [149/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
VectorContains  )

Definition at line 502 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [150/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( RetainPtr ,
VectorMove  )

Definition at line 425 of file retain_ptr_unittest.cpp.

References PseudoRetainable::release_count(), and PseudoRetainable::retain_count().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [151/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( SharedCopyOnWrite ,
AssignOverOld  )

Definition at line 83 of file shared_copy_on_write_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [152/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( SharedCopyOnWrite ,
AssignOverRetained  )

Definition at line 97 of file shared_copy_on_write_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [153/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( SharedCopyOnWrite ,
Copy  )

Definition at line 62 of file shared_copy_on_write_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [154/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( SharedCopyOnWrite ,
GetModify  )

Definition at line 113 of file shared_copy_on_write_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [155/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( SharedCopyOnWrite ,
Null  )

Definition at line 54 of file shared_copy_on_write_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [156/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( StringPool ,
ByteString  )

Definition at line 11 of file string_pool_template_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::ByteString::ByteString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [157/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( StringPool ,
WideString  )

Definition at line 54 of file string_pool_template_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [158/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
AppendFirstChild  )

Definition at line 123 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [159/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
InsertOtherAfterSelf  )

Definition at line 49 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [160/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
InsertOtherBeforeSelf  )

Definition at line 35 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [161/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
NthChild  )

Definition at line 101 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [162/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
RemoveAllChildren  )

Definition at line 84 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [163/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
RemoveChild  )

Definition at line 135 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [164/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
RemoveFromWrongParent  )

Definition at line 61 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [165/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
RemoveParentless  )

Definition at line 56 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [166/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
SafeRemove  )

Definition at line 69 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [167/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
SafeRemoveParentless  )

Definition at line 78 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [168/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
SelfAppendFirstChild  )

Definition at line 18 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [169/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
SelfAppendLastChild  )

Definition at line 23 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [170/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
SelfInsertAfterOther  )

Definition at line 42 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [171/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( TreeNode ,
SelfInsertBeforeOther  )

Definition at line 28 of file tree_node_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [172/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
AssignNotOk  )

Definition at line 186 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [173/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
AssignOk  )

Definition at line 177 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [174/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
CopyAssign  )

Definition at line 125 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [175/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
CopyConversionAssign  )

Definition at line 143 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [176/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
CopyConversionCtor  )

Definition at line 95 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [177/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
CopyCtor  )

Definition at line 79 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [178/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
DefaultCtor  )

Definition at line 63 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [179/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
MoveAssign  )

Definition at line 134 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [180/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
MoveConversionAssign  )

Definition at line 152 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [181/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
MoveConversionCtor  )

Definition at line 103 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [182/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
MoveCtor  )

Definition at line 87 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [183/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
NullptrAssign  )

Definition at line 111 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [184/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
NullptrCtor  )

Definition at line 68 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [185/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
OperatorEQ  )

Definition at line 211 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [186/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
OperatorLT  )

Definition at line 245 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [187/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
OperatorNE  )

Definition at line 228 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [188/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
PtrNotOk  )

Definition at line 169 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [189/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
PtrOk  )

Definition at line 161 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [190/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
RawAssign  )

Definition at line 118 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [191/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
RawCtor  )

Definition at line 73 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [192/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
ReleaseNotOk  )

Definition at line 203 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [193/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
ReleaseOk  )

Definition at line 194 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [194/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( UnownedPtr ,
TransparentCompare  )

Definition at line 255 of file unowned_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [195/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WeakPtr ,
Cyclic  )

Definition at line 141 of file weak_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [196/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WeakPtr ,
CyclicDeleteObject  )

Definition at line 157 of file weak_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [197/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WeakPtr ,
DeleteObject  )

Definition at line 123 of file weak_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [198/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WeakPtr ,
NonNull  )

Definition at line 54 of file weak_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [199/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WeakPtr ,
Null  )

Definition at line 37 of file weak_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [200/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WeakPtr ,
ResetNonNull  )

Definition at line 101 of file weak_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [201/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WeakPtr ,
ResetNull  )

Definition at line 83 of file weak_ptr_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [202/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
AnyAllNoneOf  )

Definition at line 1912 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::begin(), and fxcrt::WideString::end().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [203/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Assign  )

Definition at line 82 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), and fxcrt::WideString::ReferenceCountForTesting().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [204/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
ConcatInPlace  )

Definition at line 470 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [205/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Construct  )

Definition at line 61 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), and fxcrt::WideString::ReferenceCountForTesting().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [206/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Delete  )

Definition at line 634 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [207/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
ElementAccess  )

Definition at line 20 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator[]().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [208/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Empty  )

Definition at line 1834 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), and fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [209/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
EmptyIterator  )

Definition at line 1867 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [210/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
EmptyReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1055 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [211/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
EncodeEntities  )

Definition at line 1292 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::EncodeEntities().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [212/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
EqualsASCII  )

Definition at line 1303 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::EqualsASCII().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [213/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
EqualsASCIINoCase  )

Definition at line 1314 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::EqualsASCIINoCase().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [214/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Find  )

Definition at line 720 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [215/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
First  )

Definition at line 690 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [216/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FormatInteger  )

Definition at line 2192 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FormatInteger().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [217/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FormatOutOfRangeChar  )

Definition at line 1814 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::Format().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [218/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FormatPrecision  )

Definition at line 1805 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::Format().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [219/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FormatString  )

Definition at line 1818 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), and fxcrt::WideString::Format().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [220/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FormatWidth  )

Definition at line 1796 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::Format().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [221/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromASCII  )

Definition at line 1383 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromASCII().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [222/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromDefANSI  )

Definition at line 1409 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromDefANSI().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [223/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromLatin1  )

Definition at line 1396 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromLatin1().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [224/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromUTF16BE  )

Definition at line 1233 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF16BE().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [225/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromUTF16LE  )

Definition at line 1252 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF16LE().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [226/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromUTF8  )

Definition at line 1140 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF8().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [227/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromUTF8ErrorRecovery  )

Definition at line 1171 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF8().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [228/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FromUTF8Supplementary  )

Definition at line 1161 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF8().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [229/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
FX_HashCode_Wide  )

Definition at line 2207 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [230/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
GetBuffer  )

Definition at line 998 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [231/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Insert  )

Definition at line 574 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [232/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
InsertAtFrontAndInsertAtBack  )

Definition at line 598 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [233/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,

Definition at line 1297 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::IsASCII().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [234/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Last  )

Definition at line 705 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [235/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
MultiCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1891 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [236/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
MultiCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1077 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [237/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
NullIterator  )

Definition at line 1855 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [238/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OneArgSubstr  )

Definition at line 654 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [239/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OneCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1879 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [240/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OneCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1063 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [241/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OperatorEQ  )

Definition at line 241 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), operator==(), fxcrt::WideString::operator==(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator==().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [242/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OperatorLT  )

Definition at line 135 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), operator<(), fxcrt::WideString::operator<(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator<().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [243/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OperatorNE  )

Definition at line 344 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), operator!=(), fxcrt::WideString::operator!=(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator!=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [244/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OperatorPlus  )

Definition at line 445 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), fxcrt::WideString::Format(), operator+(), operator+(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [245/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
OStreamOverload  )

Definition at line 1928 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [246/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
ReleaseBuffer  )

Definition at line 1016 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [247/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Remove  )

Definition at line 490 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [248/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
RemoveCopies  )

Definition at line 508 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::c_str().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [249/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Replace  )

Definition at line 537 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [250/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Reserve  )

Definition at line 977 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [251/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
ReverseFind  )

Definition at line 767 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [252/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
StdBegin  )

Definition at line 1903 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [253/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,

Definition at line 1323 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::ToASCII().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [254/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
ToDefANSI  )

Definition at line 1357 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::ToDefANSI().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [255/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
ToLatin1  )

Definition at line 1340 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), and fxcrt::WideString::ToLatin1().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [256/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
ToUTF16LE  )

Definition at line 1271 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [257/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
Trim  )

Definition at line 825 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::Trim(), and fxcrt::WideString::Trim().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [258/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
TrimLeft  )

Definition at line 859 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::TrimLeft(), and fxcrt::WideString::TrimLeft().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [259/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
TrimLeftCopies  )

Definition at line 887 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), and fxcrt::WideString::TrimLeft().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [260/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
TrimRight  )

Definition at line 918 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::TrimRight(), and fxcrt::WideString::TrimRight().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [261/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
TrimRightCopies  )

Definition at line 946 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::c_str(), and fxcrt::WideString::TrimRight().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [262/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
TwoArgSubstr  )

Definition at line 667 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [263/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
UpperLower  )

Definition at line 800 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::MakeLower(), fxcrt::WideString::MakeUpper(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [264/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
UTF8EncodeDecodeConsistency  )

Definition at line 1188 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF8(), pdfium::IsHighSurrogate(), pdfium::IsLowSurrogate(), pdfium::kMinimumSupplementaryCodePoint, and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [265/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
UTF8EncodeDecodeConsistencyUnpairedHighSurrogates  )

Definition at line 1205 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF8(), pdfium::kMaximumHighSurrogateCodeUnit, pdfium::kMinimumHighSurrogateCodeUnit, and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [266/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
UTF8EncodeDecodeConsistencyUnpairedLowSurrogates  )

Definition at line 1219 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::FromUTF8(), pdfium::kMaximumLowSurrogateCodeUnit, pdfium::kMinimumLowSurrogateCodeUnit, and fxcrt::WideString::operator+=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [267/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideString ,
WideOStreamOverload  )

Definition at line 1982 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString(), fxcrt::WideString::operator=(), and fxcrt::WideString::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [268/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
AnyAllNoneOf  )

Definition at line 1772 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [269/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
ElementAccess  )

Definition at line 1449 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [270/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
EmptyIterator  )

Definition at line 1669 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [271/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
EmptyReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1705 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [272/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
Find  )

Definition at line 1623 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [273/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
FromVector  )

Definition at line 1430 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [274/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
MultiCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1693 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [275/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
MultiCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1727 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [276/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
NullIterator  )

Definition at line 1657 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [277/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
OneCharIterator  )

Definition at line 1681 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [278/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
OneCharReverseIterator  )

Definition at line 1713 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [279/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
OperatorEQ  )

Definition at line 1519 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [280/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
OperatorLT  )

Definition at line 1459 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [281/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
OperatorNE  )

Definition at line 1571 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideString::WideString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [282/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
OStreamOverload  )

Definition at line 2036 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [283/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
TrimmedRight  )

Definition at line 1788 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [284/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideStringView ,
WideOStreamOverload  )

Definition at line 2115 of file widestring_unittest.cpp.

◆ TEST() [285/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideTextBuffer ,
Deletion  )

Definition at line 26 of file widetext_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideTextBuffer::AsStringView().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [286/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideTextBuffer ,
EmptyBuf  )

Definition at line 13 of file widetext_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideTextBuffer::AsStringView(), fxcrt::WideTextBuffer::GetWideSpan(), fxcrt::WideString::IsEmpty(), and fxcrt::WideTextBuffer::MakeString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [287/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideTextBuffer ,
Move  )

Definition at line 47 of file widetext_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideTextBuffer::MakeString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TEST() [288/288]

fxcrt::TEST ( WideTextBuffer ,
OperatorLtLt  )

Definition at line 20 of file widetext_buffer_unittest.cpp.

References fxcrt::WideTextBuffer::MakeString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function: