Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
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1// Copyright 2022 The PDFium Authors
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <iosfwd>
9#include <string>
11#include "core/fxcrt/fx_memory_wrappers.h"
13namespace fxcrt {
15// String that uses partition alloc for backing store.
16using string =
17 std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, FxStringAllocator<char>>;
19// String stream that uses PartitionAlloc for backing store.
23} // namespace fxcrt
uint32_t FX_HashCode_GetLoweredAsIfW(ByteStringView str)
uint32_t FX_HashCode_GetLoweredA(ByteStringView str)
uint32_t FX_HashCode_GetAsIfW(ByteStringView str)
uint32_t FX_HashCode_GetA(ByteStringView str)
CPDF_Creator(CPDF_Document *pDoc, RetainPtr< IFX_RetainableWriteStream > archive)
bool SetFileVersion(int32_t fileVersion)
void RemoveSecurity()
bool Create(uint32_t flags)
virtual FX_FILESIZE CurrentOffset() const =0
static RetainPtr< IFX_SeekableReadStream > CreateFromFilename(const char *filename)
Definition fx_stream.cpp:68
virtual size_t ReadBlock(pdfium::span< uint8_t > buffer)
Definition fx_stream.cpp:88
virtual FX_FILESIZE GetPosition()
Definition fx_stream.cpp:84
virtual bool ReadBlockAtOffset(pdfium::span< uint8_t > buffer, FX_FILESIZE offset)=0
virtual bool IsEOF()
Definition fx_stream.cpp:80
bool WriteBlock(pdfium::span< const uint8_t > buffer) override
Definition fx_stream.cpp:92
virtual bool WriteBlockAtOffset(pdfium::span< const uint8_t > data, FX_FILESIZE offset)=0
bool WriteBlock(pdfium::span< const uint8_t > buffer) override
Definition fx_stream.cpp:76
virtual bool Flush()=0
virtual FX_FILESIZE GetSize()=0
bool WriteFilesize(FX_FILESIZE size)
Definition fx_stream.cpp:61
bool WriteByte(uint8_t byte)
Definition fx_stream.cpp:51
bool WriteString(ByteStringView str)
Definition fx_stream.cpp:47
virtual ~IFX_WriteStream()=default
bool WriteDWord(uint32_t i)
Definition fx_stream.cpp:55
virtual bool WriteBlock(pdfium::span< const uint8_t > data)=0
void TrimLeft(ByteStringView targets)
bool IsValidLength(size_t length) const
Definition bytestring.h:121
bool Contains(ByteStringView lpszSub, size_t start=0) const
Definition bytestring.h:187
const_iterator begin() const
Definition bytestring.h:102
bool IsValidIndex(size_t index) const
Definition bytestring.h:120
static ByteString FormatFloat(float f)
ByteStringView AsStringView() const
Definition bytestring.h:87
uint32_t GetID() const
Definition bytestring.h:213
void Reserve(size_t len)
ByteString(const char *ptr)
bool EqualNoCase(ByteStringView str) const
static ByteString Format(const char *pFormat,...)
ByteString & operator+=(const ByteString &str)
bool operator!=(ByteStringView str) const
Definition bytestring.h:131
size_t GetLength() const
Definition bytestring.h:115
ByteString Substr(size_t first, size_t count) const
size_t GetStringLength() const
Definition bytestring.h:116
size_t InsertAtBack(char ch)
Definition bytestring.h:162
bool operator==(ByteStringView str) const
pdfium::span< const uint8_t > raw_span() const
Definition bytestring.h:97
void AllocCopy(ByteString &dest, size_t nCopyLen, size_t nCopyIndex) const
void AssignCopy(const char *pSrcData, size_t nSrcLen)
bool Contains(char ch, size_t start=0) const
Definition bytestring.h:191
absl::optional< size_t > ReverseFind(char ch) const
intptr_t ReferenceCountForTesting() const
size_t Delete(size_t index, size_t count=1)
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
Definition bytestring.h:111
ByteString & operator+=(char ch)
const uint8_t * raw_str() const
Definition bytestring.h:80
void ReallocBeforeWrite(size_t nNewLen)
ByteString(ByteStringView bstrc)
RetainPtr< StringData > m_pData
Definition bytestring.h:225
static ByteString FormatInteger(int i)
pdfium::span< char > GetBuffer(size_t nMinBufLength)
void Trim(char target)
bool operator==(const ByteString &other) const
bool operator==(const char *ptr) const
const_iterator end() const
Definition bytestring.h:103
ByteString(const ByteString &other)
size_t Remove(char ch)
ByteString(const char *pStr, size_t len)
bool operator<(ByteStringView str) const
ByteString & operator+=(const char *str)
ByteString & operator+=(ByteStringView str)
ByteString(const uint8_t *pStr, size_t len)
size_t Replace(ByteStringView pOld, ByteStringView pNew)
absl::optional< size_t > Find(ByteStringView subStr, size_t start=0) const
bool operator!=(const ByteString &other) const
Definition bytestring.h:132
void SetAt(size_t index, char c)
ByteString & operator=(ByteStringView str)
ByteString(ByteStringView str1, ByteStringView str2)
void Trim(ByteStringView targets)
ByteString & operator=(const char *str)
static ByteString FormatV(const char *pFormat, va_list argList)
void TrimRight(char target)
const char * c_str() const
Definition bytestring.h:76
ByteString Substr(size_t offset) const
ByteString & operator=(const ByteString &that)
ByteString & operator=(ByteString &&that) noexcept
bool IsEmpty() const
Definition bytestring.h:119
void TrimRight(ByteStringView targets)
bool operator<(const ByteString &other) const
ByteString(const std::initializer_list< ByteStringView > &list)
CharType operator[](const size_t index) const
Definition bytestring.h:150
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
Definition bytestring.h:108
CharType Back() const
Definition bytestring.h:156
CharType Front() const
Definition bytestring.h:155
bool operator!=(const char *ptr) const
Definition bytestring.h:130
int Compare(ByteStringView str) const
size_t Insert(size_t index, char ch)
void ReleaseBuffer(size_t nNewLength)
ByteString(const fxcrt::ostringstream &outStream)
void TrimLeft(char target)
size_t InsertAtFront(char ch)
Definition bytestring.h:161
ByteString First(size_t count) const
void AllocBeforeWrite(size_t nNewLen)
bool operator<(const char *ptr) const
void Concat(const char *pSrcData, size_t nSrcLen)
absl::optional< size_t > Find(char ch, size_t start=0) const
ByteString(ByteString &&other) noexcept
ByteString Last(size_t count) const
void * FX_Random_MT_Start(uint32_t dwSeed)
Definition fx_random.cpp:85
uint32_t FX_Random_MT_Generate(void *pContext)
Definition fx_random.cpp:96
void FX_Random_MT_Close(void *pContext)
Definition fx_types.h:19
bool operator==(const char *lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
Definition bytestring.h:233
bool operator<(const ByteStringView &lhs, const char *rhs)
Definition bytestring.h:251
ByteString operator+(const ByteString &str1, const ByteString &str2)
Definition bytestring.h:270
ByteString operator+(ByteStringView str1, const char *str2)
Definition bytestring.h:258
bool operator<(const ByteStringView &lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
Definition bytestring.h:248
ByteString operator+(const ByteString &str1, char ch)
Definition bytestring.h:273
ByteString operator+(const ByteString &str1, const char *str2)
Definition bytestring.h:279
void PrintTo(const ByteString &str, std::ostream *os)
ByteString operator+(char ch, const ByteString &str2)
Definition bytestring.h:276
ByteString operator+(const ByteString &str1, ByteStringView str2)
Definition bytestring.h:285
ByteString operator+(const char *str1, const ByteString &str2)
Definition bytestring.h:282
bool operator!=(ByteStringView lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
Definition bytestring.h:242
bool operator!=(const char *lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
Definition bytestring.h:239
ByteString operator+(ByteStringView str1, ByteStringView str2)
Definition bytestring.h:255
ByteString operator+(ByteStringView str1, char ch)
Definition bytestring.h:264
bool operator<(const char *lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
Definition bytestring.h:245
ByteString operator+(char ch, ByteStringView str2)
Definition bytestring.h:267
ByteString operator+(ByteStringView str1, const ByteString &str2)
Definition bytestring.h:288
ByteString operator+(const char *str1, ByteStringView str2)
Definition bytestring.h:261
bool operator==(ByteStringView lhs, const ByteString &rhs)
Definition bytestring.h:236
#define CHECK(cvref)
size_t operator()(const ByteString &str) const
Definition bytestring.h:315