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QSqlRelationalDelegate Class Reference

\inmodule QtSql More...

+ Collaboration diagram for QSqlRelationalDelegate:

Detailed Description

\inmodule QtSql

The QSqlRelationalDelegate class provides a delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel.

Unlike the default delegate, QSqlRelationalDelegate provides a combobox for fields that are foreign keys into other tables. To use the class, simply call QAbstractItemView::setItemDelegate() on the view with an instance of QSqlRelationalDelegate:

The \l{relationaltablemodel}{Relational Table Model} example (shown below) illustrates how to use QSqlRelationalDelegate in conjunction with QSqlRelationalTableModel to provide tables with foreign key support.

See also
QSqlRelationalTableModel, {Model/View Programming}

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