26 QString name()
const override;
27 static QStringList nameList();
29 bool isLeapYear(
int year)
const override;
31 bool dateToJulianDay(
int year,
int month,
int day, qint64 *jd)
const override;
32 QCalendar::YearMonthDay julianDayToDate(qint64 jd)
const override;
The QCalendarBackend class provides basic calendaring functions.
The QGregorianCalendar class implements the Gregorian calendar.
The QJulianCalendar class provides Julian calendar system implementation.
The QRomanCalendar class is a shared base for calendars based on the ancient Roman calendar.
const QCalendarBackend * fromEnum(QCalendar::System system)
QStringList availableCalendars()
const QCalendarBackend * fromName(QAnyStringView name)
void registerCustomBackend(QCalendarBackend *backend, const QStringList &names)
bool isGregorian(const QCalendarBackend *backend) const
bool isBeingDestroyed() const
const QCalendarBackend * fromIndex(size_t index)
QStringList backendNames(const QCalendarBackend *backend)
const QCalendarBackend * gregorian()
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QtPrivate::QCalendarRegistry, calendarRegistry)
#define rangeGetter(name)
quint16 m_longMonthStandalone_size
quint16 m_shortMonthStandalone_idx
quint8 m_narrowMonthStandalone_size
quint8 m_shortMonthStandalone_size
quint16 m_narrowMonthStandalone_idx
quint8 m_narrowMonth_size
quint16 m_narrowMonth_idx
bool operator()(QAnyStringView lhs, QAnyStringView rhs) const