![]() |
Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
Namespaces | |
namespace | _testing |
namespace | BindableWarnings |
namespace | DateTimeConstants |
namespace | detail |
namespace | Hijri |
namespace | Invoke |
namespace | Jalali |
namespace | PropertyAdaptorSlotObjectHelpers |
namespace | QCheckedIntegers |
namespace | QMetaTypeCopyTraits |
namespace | QRoundImpl |
namespace | Roman |
namespace | Tok |
namespace | TypeNameHelper |
Typedefs | |
using | CompareUnderlyingType = qint8 |
template<typename Char> | |
using | IsCompatibleChar32TypeHelper |
template<typename Char> | |
using | IsCompatibleChar32Type = IsCompatibleChar32TypeHelper<q20::remove_cvref_t<Char>> |
template<typename... T> | |
using | QHashMultiReturnType |
template<typename Func> | |
using | FunctionStorage = QtPrivate::CompactStorage<Func> |
using | NonConstMetaTypeInterface = QMetaTypeInterface |
template<typename T> | |
using | IsRealGadget = std::bool_constant<IsGadgetHelper<T>::IsRealGadget> |
template<typename Tag, typename Result> | |
using | wrapped_t = typename wrapped<Tag, Result>::type |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | IfIsInputIterator |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | IfIsForwardIterator |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | IfIsNotForwardIterator |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | KeyAndValueTest |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | FirstAndSecondTest |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | IfAssociativeIteratorHasKeyAndValue |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | IfAssociativeIteratorHasFirstAndSecond |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | MoveBackwardsTest |
template<typename Iterator> | |
using | IfIteratorCanMoveBackwards |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
using | IfIsNotSame |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
using | IfIsNotConvertible = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<T, U>::value, bool>::type |
template<class T> | |
using | ArgumentType = typename Argument<T>::Type |
template<class T, class MapFunctor> | |
using | MapResultType = typename MapResult<T, MapFunctor>::Type |
template<class Callable, class Sequence> | |
using | isInvocable = std::is_invocable<Callable, typename std::decay_t<Sequence>::value_type> |
template<typename T> | |
using | if_volatile = std::enable_if_t<std::is_volatile_v<T>, bool> |
using | SlotObjUniquePtr |
template<typename T> | |
using | IsUntypedPropertyData = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<QUntypedPropertyData, T>, bool> |
using | QPropertyObserverCallback = void (*)(QUntypedPropertyData *) |
using | QPropertyBindingWrapper = bool(*)(QMetaType, QUntypedPropertyData *dataPtr, QPropertyBindingFunction) |
template<typename Char> | |
using | IsCompatibleChar8TypeHelper |
template<typename Char> | |
using | IsCompatibleChar8Type = IsCompatibleChar8TypeHelper<q20::remove_cvref_t<Char>> |
template<typename Pointer> | |
using | IsCompatiblePointer8 = IsCompatiblePointer8Helper<q20::remove_cvref_t<Pointer>> |
template<class T> | |
using | EnableForVoid = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, void>> |
template<class T> | |
using | EnableForNonVoid = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, void>> |
template<class Arg, class... Args> | |
using | FilterLastPrivateSignalArg |
template<class Class, class Callable> | |
using | EnableIfInvocable |
template<class T> | |
using | isQFuture = std::bool_constant<isQFutureV<T>> |
template<class... Args> | |
using | NotEmpty = std::bool_constant<(sizeof...(Args) > 0)> |
template<class Sequence> | |
using | IsRandomAccessible |
template<class Sequence> | |
using | HasInputIterator |
template<class Iterator> | |
using | IsForwardIterable |
template<class T, class U> | |
using | EnableIfSameOrConvertible = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<T, U>> |
template<typename Object, typename Tag = void> | |
using | CompactStorage |
template<typename ManualType, typename... Types> | |
using | ArrayType |
template<typename T, bool Predicate> | |
using | add_const_if_t = std::conditional_t<Predicate, std::add_const_t<T>, T> |
using | QAutoResetEvent = QAutoResetEventPipe |
Enumerations | |
enum class | Ordering : CompareUnderlyingType { Equal = 0 , Equivalent = Equal , Less = -1 , Greater = 1 } |
enum class | Uncomparable : CompareUnderlyingType { Unordered = } |
enum class | LegacyUncomparable : CompareUnderlyingType { Unordered = QtPrivate::LegacyUncomparableValue } |
enum class | Mutability { Mutable , Immutable } |
Functions | |
constexpr uint | qConstexprCountTrailingZeroBits (quint32 v) noexcept |
constexpr uint | qConstexprCountTrailingZeroBits (quint64 v) noexcept |
constexpr uint | qConstexprCountTrailingZeroBits (quint8 v) noexcept |
constexpr uint | qConstexprCountTrailingZeroBits (quint16 v) noexcept |
constexpr uint | qConstexprCountTrailingZeroBits (unsigned long v) noexcept |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::conjunction_v< std::is_integral< T >, std::is_unsigned< T > >, int > | log2i (T x) |
const QString & | asString (const QString &s) |
QString && | asString (QString &&s) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QString | argToQString (QAnyStringView pattern, size_t n, const ArgBase **args) |
template<typename... Args> | |
Q_ALWAYS_INLINE QString | argToQStringDispatch (QAnyStringView pattern, const Args &...args) |
constexpr QAnyStringArg | qStringLikeToArg (QAnyStringView s) noexcept |
template<typename Char> | |
static constexpr qsizetype | lengthHelperPointer (const Char *data) noexcept |
template<typename V, typename U> | |
qsizetype | indexOf (const QList< V > &list, const U &u, qsizetype from) noexcept |
template<typename V, typename U> | |
qsizetype | lastIndexOf (const QList< V > &list, const U &u, qsizetype from) noexcept |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
qsizetype | indexOf (const QList< T > &vector, const U &u, qsizetype from) noexcept |
template<typename T, typename U> | |
qsizetype | lastIndexOf (const QList< T > &vector, const U &u, qsizetype from) noexcept |
void Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_sort (QStringList *that, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
qsizetype Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_removeDuplicates (QStringList *that) |
QString Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_join (const QStringList *that, QStringView sep) |
QString Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_join (const QStringList *that, const QChar *sep, qsizetype seplen) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QString | QStringList_join (const QStringList &list, QLatin1StringView sep) |
QStringList Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_filter (const QStringList *that, QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QStringList | QStringList_filter (const QStringList &that, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QStringList | QStringList_filter (const QStringList &that, const QStringMatcher &matcher) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QStringList | QStringList_filter (const QStringList &that, const QLatin1StringMatcher &matcher) |
bool Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_contains (const QStringList *that, QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
bool Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_contains (const QStringList *that, QLatin1StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
void Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_replaceInStrings (QStringList *that, QStringView before, QStringView after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
qsizetype Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_indexOf (const QStringList &that, QStringView str, qsizetype from, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
qsizetype Q_CORE_EXPORT | QStringList_indexOf (const QStringList &that, QLatin1StringView str, qsizetype from, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT qsizetype | QStringList_lastIndexOf (const QStringList &that, QStringView str, qsizetype from, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT qsizetype | QStringList_lastIndexOf (const QStringList &that, QLatin1StringView str, qsizetype from, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) |
bool | shouldLogToStderr () |
Returns true if logging stderr should be ensured. | |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned_v< T >, bool > | qAddOverflowGeneric (T v1, T v2, T *r) |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, decltype(+T{})>, bool > | qMulOverflowWideMultiplication (T v1, T v2, T *r) |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(std::is_unsigned_v< T >||std::is_signed_v< T >), bool > | qMulOverflowGeneric (T v1, T v2, T *r) |
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T >, bool > = true> | |
constexpr auto | qUnsignedAbs (T t) |
template<typename Result, typename FP, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< Result >, bool > = true, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< FP >, bool > = true> | |
constexpr Result | qCheckedFPConversionToInteger (FP value) |
template<typename FP, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< FP >, bool > = true> | |
constexpr int | qSaturateRound (FP value) |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr const T & | min (const T &a, const T &b) |
template<typename SequentialContainer> | |
QDebug | printSequentialContainer (QDebug debug, const char *which, const SequentialContainer &c) |
template<typename AssociativeContainer> | |
QDebug | printAssociativeContainer (QDebug debug, const char *which, const AssociativeContainer &c) |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr const QMetaTypeInterface * | qMetaTypeInterfaceForType () |
template<typename... Args> | |
auto | invokeMethodHelper (QMetaMethodReturnArgument r, const Args &... arguments) |
template<typename Container> | |
QDataStream & | readArrayBasedContainer (QDataStream &s, Container &c) |
template<typename Container> | |
QDataStream & | readListBasedContainer (QDataStream &s, Container &c) |
template<typename Container> | |
QDataStream & | readAssociativeContainer (QDataStream &s, Container &c) |
template<typename Container> | |
QDataStream & | writeSequentialContainer (QDataStream &s, const Container &c) |
template<typename Container> | |
QDataStream & | writeAssociativeContainer (QDataStream &s, const Container &c) |
template<typename Container> | |
QDataStream & | writeAssociativeMultiContainer (QDataStream &s, const Container &c) |
QObject & | deref_for_methodcall (QObject &o) |
QObject & | deref_for_methodcall (QObject *o) |
const QObject * | getQObject (const QObjectPrivate *d) |
template<typename ObjPrivate> | |
void | assertObjectType (QObjectPrivate *d) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | isAnyBindingEvaluating () |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | isPropertyInBindingWrapper (const QUntypedPropertyData *property) |
void Q_CORE_EXPORT | initBindingStatusThreadId () |
Q_CORE_EXPORT BindingEvaluationState * | suspendCurrentBindingStatus () |
Q_CORE_EXPORT void | restoreBindingStatus (BindingEvaluationState *status) |
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY (lcEventDispatcher, "qt.eventdispatcher") | |
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY (lcEventDispatcherTimers, "qt.eventdispatcher.timers") | |
template<typename From, typename To> | |
To | convertImplicit (const From &from) |
This template is used for implicit conversion from type From to type To. | |
template<typename T> | |
char | qt_getEnumMetaObject (const T &) |
template<typename X> | |
static constexpr bool | checkTypeIsSuitableForMetaType () |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | isBuiltinType (const QByteArray &type) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | hasRegisteredConverterFunctionToPairVariantInterface (QMetaType m) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | hasRegisteredConverterFunctionToIterableMetaSequence (QMetaType m) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | hasRegisteredMutableViewFunctionToIterableMetaSequence (QMetaType m) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | hasRegisteredConverterFunctionToIterableMetaAssociation (QMetaType m) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool | hasRegisteredMutableViewFunctionToIterableMetaAssociation (QMetaType m) |
constexpr int | qNormalizeType (const char *begin, const char *end, char *output) |
template<typename Unique, typename T> | |
constexpr const QMetaTypeInterface * | qTryMetaTypeInterfaceForType () |
QByteArray Q_CORE_EXPORT | QByteArrayList_join (const QByteArrayList *that, const char *sep, qsizetype len) |
QBindingStatus * | getBindingStatus (QtPrivate::QBindingStatusAccessToken) |
QSEIT_EXCLUDE (bool) | |
QSEIT_EXCLUDE (char) | |
QSEIT_EXCLUDE (char16_t) | |
QSEIT_EXCLUDE (char32_t) | |
QSEIT_EXCLUDE (wchar_t) | |
template<const char * Set, int ForcedLowest = -1> | |
constexpr auto | makeCharacterSetMatch () noexcept |
constexpr quint32 | qConstexprNextPowerOfTwo (quint32 v) |
constexpr quint64 | qConstexprNextPowerOfTwo (quint64 v) |
constexpr quint32 | qConstexprNextPowerOfTwo (qint32 v) |
constexpr quint64 | qConstexprNextPowerOfTwo (qint64 v) |
template<typename T, typename Cmp = std::less<>> | |
static constexpr bool | q_points_into_range (const T *p, const T *b, const T *e, Cmp less={}) noexcept |
template<typename C, typename T> | |
static constexpr bool | q_points_into_range (const T &p, const C &c) noexcept |
template<typename T, typename N> | |
QT_WARNING_PUSH void | q_uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_n (T *first, N n, T *out) |
template<typename T, typename N> | |
void | q_uninitialized_relocate_n (T *first, N n, T *out) |
template<typename T> | |
QT_WARNING_POP void | q_rotate (T *first, T *mid, T *last) |
template<typename T, typename Predicate> | |
T * | q_uninitialized_remove_copy_if (T *first, T *last, T *out, Predicate &pred) |
template<typename iterator, typename N> | |
void | q_relocate_overlap_n_left_move (iterator first, N n, iterator d_first) |
template<typename T, typename N> | |
void | q_relocate_overlap_n (T *first, N n, T *d_first) |
template<typename Container, typename InputIterator, IfIsNotForwardIterator< InputIterator > = true> | |
void | reserveIfForwardIterator (Container *, InputIterator, InputIterator) |
template<typename Container, typename ForwardIterator, IfIsForwardIterator< ForwardIterator > = true> | |
void | reserveIfForwardIterator (Container *c, ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l) |
template<typename Container, typename Predicate> | |
auto | sequential_erase_if (Container &c, Predicate &pred) |
template<typename Container, typename T> | |
auto | sequential_erase (Container &c, const T &t) |
template<typename Container, typename T> | |
auto | sequential_erase_with_copy (Container &c, const T &t) |
template<typename Container, typename T> | |
auto | sequential_erase_one (Container &c, const T &t) |
template<typename T, typename Predicate> | |
qsizetype | qset_erase_if (QSet< T > &set, Predicate &pred) |
template<typename Container, typename Predicate> | |
auto | associative_erase_if (Container &c, Predicate &pred) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | qustrlen (const char16_t *str) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | qustrnlen (const char16_t *str, qsizetype maxlen) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION const char16_t * | qustrchr (QStringView str, char16_t ch) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION const char16_t * | qustrcasechr (QStringView str, char16_t ch) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QStringView lhs, QStringView rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QStringView lhs, QLatin1StringView rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QStringView lhs, QBasicUtf8StringView< false > rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QLatin1StringView lhs, QStringView rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QLatin1StringView lhs, QLatin1StringView rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QLatin1StringView lhs, QBasicUtf8StringView< false > rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QBasicUtf8StringView< false > lhs, QStringView rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QBasicUtf8StringView< false > lhs, QLatin1StringView rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION int | compareStrings (QBasicUtf8StringView< false > lhs, QBasicUtf8StringView< false > rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QStringView lhs, QStringView rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QStringView lhs, QLatin1StringView rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QStringView lhs, QBasicUtf8StringView< false > rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QLatin1StringView lhs, QStringView rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QLatin1StringView lhs, QLatin1StringView rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QLatin1StringView lhs, QBasicUtf8StringView< false > rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QBasicUtf8StringView< false > lhs, QStringView rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QBasicUtf8StringView< false > lhs, QLatin1StringView rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | equalStrings (QBasicUtf8StringView< false > lhs, QBasicUtf8StringView< false > rhs) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | startsWith (QStringView haystack, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | startsWith (QStringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | startsWith (QLatin1StringView haystack, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | startsWith (QLatin1StringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | endsWith (QStringView haystack, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | endsWith (QStringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | endsWith (QLatin1StringView haystack, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | endsWith (QLatin1StringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
qsizetype | findString (QStringView str, qsizetype from, QChar needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | findString (QStringView haystack, qsizetype from, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | findString (QStringView haystack, qsizetype from, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | findString (QLatin1StringView haystack, qsizetype from, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | findString (QLatin1StringView haystack, qsizetype from, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | lastIndexOf (QStringView haystack, qsizetype from, char16_t needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | lastIndexOf (QStringView haystack, qsizetype from, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | lastIndexOf (QStringView haystack, qsizetype from, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | lastIndexOf (QLatin1StringView haystack, qsizetype from, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | lastIndexOf (QLatin1StringView haystack, qsizetype from, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION QStringView | trimmed (QStringView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION QLatin1StringView | trimmed (QLatin1StringView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isLower (QStringView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isUpper (QStringView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | count (QStringView haystack, QChar needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | count (QStringView haystack, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | count (QStringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | count (QLatin1StringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | count (QLatin1StringView haystack, QStringView needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | count (QLatin1StringView haystack, QChar needle, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QString | convertToQString (QAnyStringView s) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArray | convertToLatin1 (QStringView str) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArray | convertToUtf8 (QStringView str) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArray | convertToLocal8Bit (QStringView str) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QList< uint > | convertToUcs4 (QStringView str) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArray | convertToUtf8 (QLatin1StringView str) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isRightToLeft (QStringView string) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isAscii (QLatin1StringView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isAscii (QStringView s) noexcept |
constexpr bool | isLatin1 (QLatin1StringView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isLatin1 (QStringView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isValidUtf16 (QStringView s) noexcept |
template<typename Char, size_t N> | |
constexpr Q_ALWAYS_INLINE qsizetype | lengthHelperContainerLoop (const Char(&str)[N]) |
template<typename Char, size_t N> | |
constexpr Q_ALWAYS_INLINE std::enable_if_t< sizeof(Char)==sizeof(char16_t), qsizetype > | lengthHelperContainer (const Char(&str)[N]) |
qsizetype | qstrnlen_helper (const char *str, size_t maxlen) |
template<typename Char, size_t N> | |
constexpr std::enable_if_t< sizeof(Char)==1, qsizetype > | lengthHelperContainer (const Char(&str)[N]) |
template<typename Container> | |
constexpr qsizetype | lengthHelperContainer (const Container &c) noexcept |
static ResultIteratorBase | findResult (const QMap< int, ResultItem > &store, int index) |
QPixelFormat | QPixelFormat_createYUV (QPixelFormat::YUVLayout yuvLayout, uchar alphaSize, QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage, QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition, QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied premultiplied, QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation, QPixelFormat::ByteOrder byteOrder) |
static bool | intersect_rect (const QGraphicsItem *item, const QRectF &exposeRect, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, const QTransform &deviceTransform, const void *intersectData) |
static bool | intersect_point (const QGraphicsItem *item, const QRectF &exposeRect, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, const QTransform &deviceTransform, const void *intersectData) |
static bool | intersect_path (const QGraphicsItem *item, const QRectF &exposeRect, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode, const QTransform &deviceTransform, const void *intersectData) |
static size_t | roundUpToMultipleOf (size_t divisor, size_t x) |
QString | asString (const QHashedCStringRef &ref) |
QString | asString (const QHashedStringRef &ref) |
template<typename... Args> | |
constexpr int | channelConfig (Args... values) |
template<qsizetype N> | |
static Q_ALWAYS_INLINE QStringPrivate | qMakeStringPrivate (const char16_t(&literal)[N]) |
template<typename T, typename = decltype(std::declval<T>().detach())> | |
void | warnIfContainerIsNotShared (int) |
template<typename T> | |
QForeachContainer< typename std::decay< T >::type > | qMakeForeachContainer (T &&t) |
template<typename T, QtPrivate::if_volatile< T > = true> | |
auto | volatilePreIncrement (T &x) |
template<typename T, QtPrivate::if_volatile< T > = true> | |
auto | volatilePreDecrement (T &x) |
template<typename T> | |
T | legacyEnumValueFromModelData (const QVariant &data) |
template<typename T> | |
T | legacyFlagValueFromModelData (const QVariant &data) |
template<typename Obj> | |
void | assertObjectType (QObject *o) |
template<typename Prototype, typename Functor> | |
constexpr std::enable_if_t<!std::disjunction_v< std::is_convertible< Prototype, const char * >, std::is_same< std::decay_t< Prototype >, QMetaMethod >, std::is_convertible< Functor, const char * >, std::is_same< std::decay_t< Functor >, QMetaMethod > >, int > | countMatchingArguments () |
SlotObjUniquePtr | copy (const SlotObjUniquePtr &other) noexcept |
template<typename Prototype, typename Functor> | |
static constexpr std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::countMatchingArguments< Prototype, Functor >() >=0, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase * > | makeCallableObject (Functor &&func) |
template<typename Prototype, typename Functor> | |
constexpr bool | AssertCompatibleFunctions () |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | startsWith (QByteArrayView haystack, QByteArrayView needle) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | endsWith (QByteArrayView haystack, QByteArrayView needle) noexcept |
qsizetype | findByteArray (QByteArrayView haystack, qsizetype from, char needle) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | findByteArray (QByteArrayView haystack, qsizetype from, QByteArrayView needle) noexcept |
qsizetype | lastIndexOf (QByteArrayView haystack, qsizetype from, uchar needle) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | lastIndexOf (QByteArrayView haystack, qsizetype from, QByteArrayView needle) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION qsizetype | count (QByteArrayView haystack, QByteArrayView needle) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT int | compareMemory (QByteArrayView lhs, QByteArrayView rhs) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION QByteArrayView | trimmed (QByteArrayView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION bool | isValidUtf8 (QByteArrayView s) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION ParsedNumber< double > | toDouble (QByteArrayView a) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION ParsedNumber< float > | toFloat (QByteArrayView a) noexcept |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION ParsedNumber< qlonglong > | toSignedInteger (QByteArrayView data, int base) |
Q_CORE_EXPORT Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION ParsedNumber< qulonglong > | toUnsignedInteger (QByteArrayView data, int base) |
template<typename T, typename ByteArrayView, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<ByteArrayView, QByteArrayView>>> | |
static T | toIntegral (ByteArrayView data, bool *ok, int base) |
template<class Tuple, std::size_t... I> | |
auto | cutTuple (Tuple &&t, std::index_sequence< I... >) |
template<class Arg, class... Args> | |
auto | createTuple (Arg &&arg, Args &&... args) |
template<class T> | |
void | fulfillPromise (QPromise< T > &promise, QFuture< T > &future) |
template<class T, class Function> | |
void | fulfillPromise (QPromise< T > &promise, Function &&handler) |
template<typename ValueType> | |
QFuture< ValueType > | makeReadyRangeFutureImpl (const QList< ValueType > &values) |
template<qsizetype Index, typename ContextType, typename... Ts> | |
void | addCompletionHandlersImpl (const std::shared_ptr< ContextType > &context, const std::tuple< Ts... > &t) |
template<typename ContextType, typename... Ts> | |
void | addCompletionHandlers (const std::shared_ptr< ContextType > &context, const std::tuple< Ts... > &t) |
template<typename OutputSequence, typename InputIt, typename ValueType, std::enable_if_t< std::conjunction_v< IsForwardIterable< InputIt >, isQFuture< ValueType > >, bool > = true> | |
QFuture< OutputSequence > | whenAllImpl (InputIt first, InputIt last) |
template<typename OutputSequence, typename... Futures> | |
QFuture< OutputSequence > | whenAllImpl (Futures &&... futures) |
template<typename InputIt, typename ValueType, std::enable_if_t< std::conjunction_v< IsForwardIterable< InputIt >, isQFuture< ValueType > >, bool > = true> | |
QFuture< QtFuture::WhenAnyResult< typename Future< ValueType >::type > > | whenAnyImpl (InputIt first, InputIt last) |
template<typename... Futures> | |
QFuture< std::variant< std::decay_t< Futures >... > > | whenAnyImpl (Futures &&... futures) |
template<typename Map> | |
QKeyValueRange (Map &) -> QKeyValueRange< Map & > | |
template<typename Map, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_reference_v< Map >, bool > = false> | |
QKeyValueRange (Map &&) -> QKeyValueRange< std::remove_const_t< Map > > | |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr T && | Forward (typename std::remove_reference< T >::type &t) noexcept |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr T && | Forward (typename std::remove_reference< T >::type &&t) noexcept |
template<typename ... Right, typename ... Left> | |
constexpr QuickSortData< Right..., Left... > | quickSortConcat (QuickSortData< Right... >, QuickSortData< Left... >) noexcept |
template<typename ... Right, typename Middle, typename ... Left> | |
constexpr QuickSortData< Right..., Middle, Left... > | quickSortConcat (QuickSortData< Right... >, QuickSortData< Middle >, QuickSortData< Left... >) noexcept |
template<size_t Highest> | |
constexpr auto | minifyValue () |
template<typename Char, int... Nx> | |
constexpr auto | makeOffsetStringArray (const Char(&...entries)[Nx]) |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr void | swap (QExplicitlySharedDataPointerV2< T > &lhs, QExplicitlySharedDataPointerV2< T > &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr quint8 | nextByteSize (quint8 bits) |
qint64 | writeToDevice (QIODevice &device, QSpan< const std::byte > data) |
qint64 | readFromDevice (QIODevice &device, QSpan< std::byte > outputBuffer) |
template<typename SampleType> | |
qsizetype | pullFromQIODeviceToRingbuffer (QIODevice &device, QAudioRingBuffer< SampleType > &ringbuffer) |
template<typename SampleType> | |
qsizetype | pushToQIODeviceFromRingbuffer (QIODevice &device, QAudioRingBuffer< SampleType > &ringbuffer) |
template<typename SampleType> | |
void | validateBufferFormat (const QAudioBuffer &buffer, int channel) |
template<typename SampleType> | |
auto | makeChannelView (add_const_if_t< QAudioBuffer, std::is_const_v< SampleType > > &buffer, int channel) |
template<typename Trait> | |
void | swap (QSharedHandle< Trait > &lhs, QSharedHandle< Trait > &rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs))) |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr auto | typenameHelper () |
Variables | |
constexpr CompareUnderlyingType | LegacyUncomparableValue = -127 |
template<typename T, typename Enable = void> | |
constexpr bool | HasLargerInt = false |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | HasLargerInt< T, std::void_t< typename QIntegerForSize< sizeof(T) *2 >::Unsigned > > = true |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | QNothrowHashableHelper_v = noexcept(qHash(std::declval<const T &>())) |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | QNothrowHashable_v = QNothrowHashable<T>::value |
template<> | |
constexpr bool | qIsRelocatable< QVariant > = true |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | IsQmlListType = false |
template<typename T, bool = std::is_enum<T>::value> | |
constexpr bool | IsUnsignedEnum = false |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | IsUnsignedEnum< T, true > = !std::is_signed_v<std::underlying_type_t<T>> |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | is_standard_or_extended_integer_type_v = is_standard_or_extended_integer_type<T>::value |
constexpr char | ascii_space_chars [] |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | isLatin1OrUtf16View = false |
template<> | |
constexpr bool | isLatin1OrUtf16View< QLatin1StringView > = true |
template<> | |
constexpr bool | isLatin1OrUtf16View< QStringView > = true |
template<typename R, typename F, typename ... ArgTypes> | |
constexpr bool | is_invocable_explicit_r_v |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | is_function_pointer_v |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | is_std_function_v = false |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | is_std_function_v< std::function< T > > = true |
constexpr quintptr | IdealMutexAlignment |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | qIsRelocatable = std::is_trivially_copyable_v<T> && std::is_trivially_destructible_v<T> |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | qIsValueInitializationBitwiseZero |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | IsQmlListType< QQmlListProperty< T > > = true |
template<QMetaType::Type type> | |
constexpr BindingFunctionVTable | bindingFunctionVTableForQQmlPropertyBinding |
template<typename Binding> | |
constexpr BindingFunctionVTable | bindingFunctionVTableForQQmlPropertyToBindablePropertyBinding |
template<class T> | |
constexpr bool | IsIterableValue = IsIterable<T>::value |
template<class T> | |
constexpr bool | IsDereferenceableValue = IsDereferenceable<T>::value |
template<class T, class Enable = void> | |
constexpr bool | hasCallOperator_v = false |
template<class T> | |
constexpr bool | hasCallOperator_v< T, std::void_t< decltype(&T::operator())> > = true |
template<class T, class Enable = void> | |
constexpr bool | isIterator_v = false |
template<class T> | |
constexpr bool | isIterator_v< T, std::void_t< typename std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type > > |
template<class InitialValueType, class ResultType> | |
constexpr bool | isInitialValueCompatible_v |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | IsIntegralType_v |
template<typename T> | |
constexpr bool | IsFloatType_v = std::is_floating_point_v<T> |
template<typename Functor, typename... Args> | |
constexpr bool | HasCallOperatorAcceptingArgs_v = HasCallOperatorAcceptingArgs<Functor, Args...>::value |
template<typename Callable, typename PropertyType = MSVCWorkAround> | |
constexpr BindingFunctionVTable | bindingFunctionVTable = BindingFunctionVTable::createFor<Callable, PropertyType>() |
template<class T, class Enable = void> | |
constexpr bool | IsPrivateSignalArg = false |
template<class T> | |
constexpr bool | IsPrivateSignalArg< T, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_class_v< class T::QPrivateSignal > > > = true |
template<class T> | |
constexpr bool | isQFutureV = false |
template<class T> | |
constexpr bool | isQFutureV< QFuture< T > > = true |
constexpr size_t | MaxPrimitiveAlignment = alignof(std::max_align_t) |
constexpr qsizetype | MaxAllocSize = (std::numeric_limits<qsizetype>::max)() |
constexpr Mutability | QAudioBufferMutable = Mutability::Mutable |
constexpr Mutability | QAudioBufferImmutable = Mutability::Immutable |
constexpr std::array | allSupportedSampleRates |
constexpr std::array | allSupportedSampleFormats |
\qmltype ShaderEffect \nativetype QQuickShaderEffect \inqmlmodule QtQuick \inherits Item \ingroup qtquick-effects \brief Applies custom shaders to a rectangle. The ShaderEffect type applies a custom \l{vertexShader}{vertex} and \l{fragmentShader}{fragment (pixel)} shader to a rectangle. It allows adding effects such as drop shadow, blur, colorize and page curl into the QML scene. \note Depending on the Qt Quick scenegraph backend in use, the ShaderEffect type may not be supported. For example, with the \c software backend effects will not be rendered at all. \section1 Shaders In Qt 5, effects were provided in form of GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) source code, often embedded as strings into QML. Starting with Qt 5.8, referring to files, either local ones or in the Qt resource system, became possible as well. In Qt 6, Qt Quick has support for graphics APIs, such as Vulkan, Metal, and Direct3D 11 as well. Therefore, working with GLSL source strings is no longer feasible. Rather, the new shader pipeline is based on compiling Vulkan-compatible GLSL code into \l{https://www.khronos.org/spir/}{SPIR-V}, followed by gathering reflection information and translating into other shading languages, such as HLSL, the Metal Shading Language, and various GLSL versions. The resulting assets are packed together into a single package, typically stored in files with an extension of \c{.qsb}. This process is done offline or at application build time at latest. At run time, the scene graph and the underlying graphics abstraction consumes these \c{.qsb} files. Therefore, ShaderEffect expects file (local or qrc) references in Qt 6 in place of inline shader code. The \l vertexShader and \l fragmentShader properties are URLs in Qt 6, and work very similarly to \l{Image::source}{Image.source}, for example. Only the \c file and \c qrc schemes are supported with ShaderEffect, however. It is also possible to omit the \c file scheme, allowing to specify a relative path in a convenient way. Such a path is resolved relative to the component's (the \c{.qml} file's) location. \section1 Shader Inputs and Resources There are two types of input to the \l vertexShader: uniforms and vertex inputs. The following inputs are predefined: \list \li vec4 qt_Vertex with location 0 - vertex position, the top-left vertex has position (0, 0), the bottom-right (\l{Item::width}{width}, \l{Item::height}{height}). \li vec2 qt_MultiTexCoord0 with location 1 - texture coordinate, the top-left coordinate is (0, 0), the bottom-right (1, 1). If \l supportsAtlasTextures is true, coordinates will be based on position in the atlas instead. \endlist \note It is only the vertex input location that matters in practice. The names are freely changeable, while the location must always be \c 0 for vertex position, \c 1 for texture coordinates. However, be aware that this applies to vertex inputs only, and is not necessarily true for output variables from the vertex shader that are then used as inputs in the fragment shader (typically, the interpolated texture coordinates). The following uniforms are predefined: \list \li mat4 qt_Matrix - combined transformation matrix, the product of the matrices from the root item to this ShaderEffect, and an orthogonal projection. \li float qt_Opacity - combined opacity, the product of the opacities from the root item to this ShaderEffect. \endlist \note Vulkan-style GLSL has no separate uniform variables. Instead, shaders must always use a uniform block with a binding point of \c 0. \note The uniform block layout qualifier must always be \c std140. \note Unlike vertex inputs, the predefined names (qt_Matrix, qt_Opacity) must not be changed. In addition, any property that can be mapped to a GLSL type can be made available to the shaders. The following list shows how properties are mapped: \list \li bool, int, qreal -> bool, int, float - If the type in the shader is not the same as in QML, the value is converted automatically. \li QColor -> vec4 - When colors are passed to the shader, they are first premultiplied. Thus Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 0.5) becomes vec4(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5) in the shader, for example. \li QRect, QRectF -> vec4 - Qt.rect(x, y, w, h) becomes vec4(x, y, w, h) in the shader. \li QPoint, QPointF, QSize, QSizeF -> vec2 \li QVector3D -> vec3 \li QVector4D -> vec4 \li QTransform -> mat3 \li QMatrix4x4 -> mat4 \li QQuaternion -> vec4, scalar value is \c w. \li \l Image -> sampler2D - Origin is in the top-left corner, and the color values are premultiplied. The texture is provided as is, excluding the Image item's fillMode. To include fillMode, use a ShaderEffectSource or Image::layer::enabled. \li \l ShaderEffectSource -> sampler2D - Origin is in the top-left corner, and the color values are premultiplied. \endlist Samplers are still declared as separate uniform variables in the shader code. The shaders are free to choose any binding point for these, except for \c 0 because that is reserved for the uniform block. Some shading languages and APIs have a concept of separate image and sampler objects. Qt Quick always works with combined image sampler objects in shaders, as supported by SPIR-V. Therefore shaders supplied for ShaderEffect should always use \c{layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D tex;} style sampler declarations. The underlying abstraction layer and the shader pipeline takes care of making this work for all the supported APIs and shading languages, transparently to the applications. The QML scene graph back-end may choose to allocate textures in texture atlases. If a texture allocated in an atlas is passed to a ShaderEffect, it is by default copied from the texture atlas into a stand-alone texture so that the texture coordinates span from 0 to 1, and you get the expected wrap modes. However, this will increase the memory usage. To avoid the texture copy, set \l supportsAtlasTextures for simple shaders using qt_MultiTexCoord0, or for each "uniform sampler2D <name>" declare a "uniform vec4 qt_SubRect_<name>" which will be assigned the texture's normalized source rectangle. For stand-alone textures, the source rectangle is [0, 1]x[0, 1]. For textures in an atlas, the source rectangle corresponds to the part of the texture atlas where the texture is stored. The correct way to calculate the texture coordinate for a texture called "source" within a texture atlas is "qt_SubRect_source.xy + qt_SubRect_source.zw * qt_MultiTexCoord0". The output from the \l fragmentShader should be premultiplied. If \l blending is enabled, source-over blending is used. However, additive blending can be achieved by outputting zero in the alpha channel. \table 70% \row \li \image declarative-shadereffectitem.png \li \qml import QtQuick 2.0 Rectangle { width: 200; height: 100 Row { Image { id: img; sourceSize { width: 100; height: 100 } source: "qt-logo.png" } ShaderEffect { width: 100; height: 100 property variant src: img vertexShader: "myeffect.vert.qsb" fragmentShader: "myeffect.frag.qsb" } } } \endqml \endtable The example assumes \c{myeffect.vert} and \c{myeffect.frag} contain Vulkan-style GLSL code, processed by the \c qsb tool in order to generate the \c{.qsb} files. \badcode #version 440 layout(location = 0) in vec4 qt_Vertex; layout(location = 1) in vec2 qt_MultiTexCoord0; layout(location = 0) out vec2 coord; layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf { mat4 qt_Matrix; float qt_Opacity; }; void main() { coord = qt_MultiTexCoord0; gl_Position = qt_Matrix * qt_Vertex; } \endcode \badcode #version 440 layout(location = 0) in vec2 coord; layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor; layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf { mat4 qt_Matrix; float qt_Opacity; }; layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D src; void main() { vec4 tex = texture(src, coord); fragColor = vec4(vec3(dot(tex.rgb, vec3(0.344, 0.5, 0.156))), tex.a) * qt_Opacity; } \endcode \note Scene Graph textures have origin in the top-left corner rather than bottom-left which is common in OpenGL. \section1 Having One Shader Only Specifying both \l vertexShader and \l fragmentShader is not mandatory. Many ShaderEffect implementations will want to provide a fragment shader only in practice, while relying on the default, built-in vertex shader. The default vertex shader passes the texture coordinate along to the fragment shader as \c{vec2 qt_TexCoord0} at location \c 0. The default fragment shader expects the texture coordinate to be passed from the vertex shader as \c{vec2 qt_TexCoord0} at location \c 0, and it samples from a sampler2D named \c source at binding point \c 1. \warning When only one of the shaders is specified, the writer of the shader must be aware of the uniform block layout expected by the default shaders: qt_Matrix must always be at offset 0, followed by qt_Opacity at offset 64. Any custom uniforms must be placed after these two. This is mandatory even when the application-provided shader does not use the matrix or the opacity, because at run time there is one single uniform buffer that is exposed to both the vertex and fragment shader. \warning Unlike with vertex inputs, passing data between the vertex and fragment shader may, depending on the underlying graphics API, require the same names to be used, a matching location is not always sufficient. Most prominently, when specifying a fragment shader while relying on the default, built-in vertex shader, the texture coordinates are passed on as \c qt_TexCoord0 at location \c 0, and therefore it is strongly advised that the fragment shader declares the input with the same name (qt_TexCoord0). Failing to do so may lead to issues on some platforms, for example when running with a non-core profile OpenGL context where the underlying GLSL shader source code has no location qualifiers and matching is based on the variable names during to shader linking process. \section1 ShaderEffect and Item Layers The ShaderEffect type can be combined with \l {Item Layers} {layered items}. \table \row \li \b {Layer with effect disabled} \inlineimage qml-shadereffect-nolayereffect.png \li \b {Layer with effect enabled} \inlineimage qml-shadereffect-layereffect.png \row \li \qml Item { id: layerRoot layer.enabled: true layer.effect: ShaderEffect { fragmentShader: "effect.frag.qsb" } } \endqml \badcode #version 440 layout(location = 0) in vec2 qt_TexCoord0; layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor; layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf { mat4 qt_Matrix; float qt_Opacity; }; layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D source; void main() { vec4 p = texture(source, qt_TexCoord0); float g = dot(p.xyz, vec3(0.344, 0.5, 0.156)); fragColor = vec4(g, g, g, p.a) * qt_Opacity; } \endcode \endtable It is also possible to combine multiple layered items: \table \row \li \inlineimage qml-shadereffect-opacitymask.png \row \li \qml Rectangle { id: gradientRect; width: 10 height: 10 gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0; color: "white" } GradientStop { position: 1; color: "steelblue" } } visible: false; // should not be visible on screen. layer.enabled: true; layer.smooth: true } Text { id: textItem font.pixelSize: 48 text: "Gradient Text" anchors.centerIn: parent layer.enabled: true
This item should be used as the 'mask' layer.samplerName: "maskSource" layer.effect: ShaderEffect { property var colorSource: gradientRect; fragmentShader: "mask.frag.qsb" } } \endqml
\badcode #version 440 layout(location = 0) in vec2 qt_TexCoord0; layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor; layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf { mat4 qt_Matrix; float qt_Opacity; }; layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D colorSource; layout(binding = 2) uniform sampler2D maskSource; void main() { fragColor = texture(colorSource, qt_TexCoord0) texture(maskSource, qt_TexCoord0).a qt_Opacity; } \endtable
using QtPrivate::add_const_if_t = std::conditional_t<Predicate, std::add_const_t<T>, T> |
Definition at line 61 of file qaudiobuffer_support_p.h.
using QtPrivate::ArgumentType = typename Argument<T>::Type |
Definition at line 55 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
using QtPrivate::ArrayType |
Definition at line 51 of file qmakearray_p.h.
Definition at line 62 of file qfunctionaltools_impl.h.
Definition at line 26 of file qcompare.h.
using QtPrivate::EnableForNonVoid = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, void>> |
Definition at line 57 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::EnableForVoid = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, void>> |
Definition at line 54 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::EnableIfInvocable |
Definition at line 246 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::EnableIfSameOrConvertible = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<T, U>> |
Definition at line 19 of file qpromise.h.
using QtPrivate::FilterLastPrivateSignalArg |
Definition at line 133 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::FirstAndSecondTest |
Definition at line 301 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::FunctionStorage = QtPrivate::CompactStorage<Func> |
Definition at line 248 of file qobject_p.h.
using QtPrivate::HasInputIterator |
Definition at line 279 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::if_volatile = std::enable_if_t<std::is_volatile_v<T>, bool> |
Definition at line 24 of file qvolatile_p.h.
using QtPrivate::IfAssociativeIteratorHasFirstAndSecond |
Definition at line 311 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IfAssociativeIteratorHasKeyAndValue |
Definition at line 307 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IfIsForwardIterator |
Definition at line 270 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IfIsInputIterator |
Definition at line 265 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IfIsNotConvertible = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<T, U>::value, bool>::type |
Definition at line 332 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IfIsNotForwardIterator |
Definition at line 275 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IfIsNotSame |
Definition at line 328 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IfIteratorCanMoveBackwards |
Definition at line 324 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IsCompatibleChar32Type = IsCompatibleChar32TypeHelper<q20::remove_cvref_t<Char>> |
using QtPrivate::IsCompatibleChar32TypeHelper |
using QtPrivate::IsCompatibleChar8Type = IsCompatibleChar8TypeHelper<q20::remove_cvref_t<Char>> |
Definition at line 34 of file qutf8stringview.h.
using QtPrivate::IsCompatibleChar8TypeHelper |
Definition at line 25 of file qutf8stringview.h.
using QtPrivate::IsCompatiblePointer8 = IsCompatiblePointer8Helper<q20::remove_cvref_t<Pointer>> |
Definition at line 42 of file qutf8stringview.h.
using QtPrivate::IsForwardIterable |
Definition at line 285 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::isInvocable = std::is_invocable<Callable, typename std::decay_t<Sequence>::value_type> |
Definition at line 123 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
using QtPrivate::isQFuture = std::bool_constant<isQFutureV<T>> |
Definition at line 256 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IsRandomAccessible |
Definition at line 273 of file qfuture_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::IsRealGadget = std::bool_constant<IsGadgetHelper<T>::IsRealGadget> |
Definition at line 957 of file qmetatype.h.
using QtPrivate::IsUntypedPropertyData = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<QUntypedPropertyData, T>, bool> |
Definition at line 128 of file qpropertyprivate.h.
using QtPrivate::KeyAndValueTest |
Definition at line 295 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::MapResultType = typename MapResult<T, MapFunctor>::Type |
Definition at line 66 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
using QtPrivate::MoveBackwardsTest |
Definition at line 319 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
Definition at line 264 of file qmetatype.h.
using QtPrivate::NotEmpty = std::bool_constant<(sizeof...(Args) > 0)> |
Definition at line 270 of file qfuture_impl.h.
Definition at line 54 of file qautoresetevent_p.h.
using QtPrivate::QHashMultiReturnType |
Definition at line 323 of file qhashfunctions.h.
using QtPrivate::QPropertyBindingWrapper = bool(*)(QMetaType, QUntypedPropertyData *dataPtr, QPropertyBindingFunction) |
Definition at line 219 of file qpropertyprivate.h.
using QtPrivate::QPropertyObserverCallback = void (*)(QUntypedPropertyData *) |
Definition at line 218 of file qpropertyprivate.h.
Definition at line 481 of file qobjectdefs_impl.h.
using QtPrivate::wrapped_t = typename wrapped<Tag, Result>::type |
Definition at line 26 of file qanystringview.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Unordered |
Definition at line 680 of file qcompare.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Mutable | |
Immutable |
Definition at line 25 of file qaudiobuffer_support_p.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Equal | |
Equivalent | |
Less | |
Greater |
Definition at line 30 of file qcompare.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Unordered |
Definition at line 38 of file qcompare.h.
void QtPrivate::addCompletionHandlers | ( | const std::shared_ptr< ContextType > & | context, |
const std::tuple< Ts... > & | t ) |
Definition at line 1110 of file qfuture_impl.h.
void QtPrivate::addCompletionHandlersImpl | ( | const std::shared_ptr< ContextType > & | context, |
const std::tuple< Ts... > & | t ) |
Definition at line 1093 of file qfuture_impl.h.
nodiscard |
Definition at line 9169 of file qstring.cpp.
References asString().
nodiscard |
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 630 of file qobjectdefs_impl.h.
Definition at line 94 of file qobjectdefs_impl.h.
inline |
Definition at line 250 of file qobject_p.h.
auto QtPrivate::associative_erase_if | ( | Container & | c, |
Predicate & | pred ) |
Definition at line 430 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
inline |
Definition at line 436 of file qhashedstring_p.h.
inline |
Definition at line 437 of file qhashedstring_p.h.
Definition at line 1661 of file qstring.h.
Referenced by CPP::WriteInitialization::acceptActionRef(), CPP::WriteInitialization::acceptConnection(), CPP::WriteInitialization::acceptTabStops(), argToQString(), Python::WriteImports::doAdd(), openFile(), openFile(), parseProvider(), parseTracepoint(), printErr(), printOut(), runRcc(), uiLibWarning(), and Uic::write().
constexpr |
Definition at line 17 of file qaudioformat.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 1201 of file qmetatype.h.
nodiscard |
Definition at line 413 of file qbytearray.cpp.
To QtPrivate::convertImplicit | ( | const From & | from | ) |
This template is used for implicit conversion from type From to type To.
Definition at line 320 of file qmetatype.h.
nodiscard |
inlinenoexcept |
Definition at line 483 of file qobjectdefs_impl.h.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 2879 of file qbytearray.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9726 of file qstring.cpp.
References QtPrivate::QCaseInsensitiveLatin1Hash::matcher().
nodiscard |
Definition at line 9683 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscard |
Definition at line 9695 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9673 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscard |
Definition at line 9717 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9658 of file qstring.cpp.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 398 of file qobjectdefs_impl.h.
auto QtPrivate::createTuple | ( | Arg && | arg, |
Args &&... | args ) |
Definition at line 114 of file qfuture_impl.h.
auto QtPrivate::cutTuple | ( | Tuple && | t, |
std::index_sequence< I... > | ) |
Definition at line 108 of file qfuture_impl.h.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 2972 of file qbytearray.cpp.
Definition at line 9815 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9810 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9805 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9800 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1429 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1424 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1409 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1419 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1403 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1398 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1414 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1392 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 1386 of file qstring.cpp.
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 413 of file qbytearrayview.h.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 241 of file qbytearraymatcher.cpp.
static |
Finds result in store by index
Definition at line 15 of file qresultstore.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9921 of file qstring.cpp.
References QtPrivate::QCaseInsensitiveLatin1Hash::matcher().
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9903 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9894 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9820 of file qstring.cpp.
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 494 of file qstringview.h.
References QStringView::utf16().
constexprnoexcept |
Definition at line 34 of file qmakearray_p.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Definition at line 28 of file qmakearray_p.h.
void QtPrivate::fulfillPromise | ( | QPromise< T > & | promise, |
Function && | handler ) |
Definition at line 657 of file qfuture_impl.h.
Definition at line 646 of file qfuture_impl.h.
QBindingStatus * QtPrivate::getBindingStatus | ( | QtPrivate::QBindingStatusAccessToken | ) |
Returns the binding statusof the current thread.
Definition at line 2428 of file qproperty.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 245 of file qobject_p.h.
bool QtPrivate::hasRegisteredConverterFunctionToIterableMetaAssociation | ( | QMetaType | m | ) |
Non-template helper ("SCARY") for AssociativeKeyTypeIsMetaType::registerConverter().
Definition at line 2656 of file qmetatype.cpp.
bool QtPrivate::hasRegisteredConverterFunctionToIterableMetaSequence | ( | QMetaType | m | ) |
Non-template helper ("SCARY") for SequentialValueTypeIsMetaType::registerConverter().
Definition at line 2646 of file qmetatype.cpp.
bool QtPrivate::hasRegisteredConverterFunctionToPairVariantInterface | ( | QMetaType | m | ) |
Non-template helper ("SCARY") for IsMetaTypePair::registerConverter().
Definition at line 2636 of file qmetatype.cpp.
bool QtPrivate::hasRegisteredMutableViewFunctionToIterableMetaAssociation | ( | QMetaType | m | ) |
Non-template helper ("SCARY") for AssociativeKeyTypeIsMetaType::registerMutableView().
Definition at line 2693 of file qmetatype.cpp.
bool QtPrivate::hasRegisteredMutableViewFunctionToIterableMetaSequence | ( | QMetaType | m | ) |
Non-template helper ("SCARY") for SequentialValueTypeIsMetaType::registerMutableView().
Definition at line 2683 of file qmetatype.cpp.
noexcept |
void QtPrivate::initBindingStatusThreadId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2356 of file qproperty.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 124 of file qgraphicssceneindex.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 82 of file qgraphicssceneindex.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 33 of file qgraphicssceneindex.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 209 of file qobjectdefs.h.
References QMetaMethodReturnArgument::data, QMetaMethodReturnArgument::metaType, and QMetaMethodReturnArgument::name.
bool QtPrivate::isAnyBindingEvaluating | ( | ) |
This function can be used to detect whether we are currently evaluating a binding. This can e.g. be used to defer the allocation of extra data for a QPropertyBindingStorage in a getter. Note that this function accesses TLS storage, and is therefore soemwhat costly to call.
Definition at line 2381 of file qproperty.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 850 of file qstring.cpp.
References qt_is_ascii().
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 877 of file qstring.cpp.
References isAscii_helper().
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool QtPrivate::isBuiltinType | ( | const QByteArray & | type | ) |
Definition at line 46 of file qmetaobjectbuilder.cpp.
inlinenodiscardconstexprnoexcept |
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 885 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 5570 of file qstring.cpp.
bool QtPrivate::isPropertyInBindingWrapper | ( | const QUntypedPropertyData * | property | ) |
Definition at line 2386 of file qproperty.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 5575 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 905 of file qstring.cpp.
References QStringIterator::hasNext(), and QStringIterator::next().
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 429 of file qbytearray.cpp.
noexcept |
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 2802 of file qbytearray.cpp.
inlinenodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 427 of file qbytearrayview.h.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9998 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9993 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9978 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9988 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9983 of file qstring.cpp.
T QtPrivate::legacyEnumValueFromModelData | ( | const QVariant & | data | ) |
This is a workaround for QTBUG-75172.
Some predefined model roles are supposed to use certain enum/flag types (e.g. fetching Qt::TextAlignmentRole is supposed to return a variant containing a Qt::Alignment object).
For historical reasons, a plain int
was used sometimes. This is surprising to end-users and also sloppy on Qt's part; users were forced to use int
rather than the correct datatype.
This function tries both the "right" type and plain int
, for a given QVariant. This fixes the problem (using the correct datatype) but also keeps compatibility with existing code using int
Definition at line 169 of file qabstractitemmodel_p.h.
T QtPrivate::legacyFlagValueFromModelData | ( | const QVariant & | data | ) |
Definition at line 183 of file qabstractitemmodel_p.h.
nodiscardconstexpr |
Definition at line 153 of file qstringalgorithms.h.
inlinenodiscardconstexpr |
Definition at line 192 of file qstringalgorithms.h.
constexprnoexcept |
Definition at line 203 of file qstringalgorithms.h.
nodiscardconstexpr |
Definition at line 133 of file qstringalgorithms.h.
staticconstexprnoexcept |
Definition at line 69 of file qbytearrayview.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 464 of file qalgorithms.h.
staticconstexpr |
Definition at line 604 of file qobjectdefs_impl.h.
auto QtPrivate::makeChannelView | ( | add_const_if_t< QAudioBuffer, std::is_const_v< SampleType > > & | buffer, |
int | channel ) |
Definition at line 64 of file qaudiobuffer_support_p.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Definition at line 80 of file qlocale_p.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 118 of file qoffsetstringarray_p.h.
QFuture< ValueType > QtPrivate::makeReadyRangeFutureImpl | ( | const QList< ValueType > & | values | ) |
Definition at line 885 of file qfuture_impl.h.
References QFutureInterface< T >::~QFutureInterface().
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 575 of file qnumeric.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 103 of file qoffsetstringarray_p.h.
Definition at line 15 of file qtaggedpointer.h.
qsizetype QtPrivate::pullFromQIODeviceToRingbuffer | ( | QIODevice & | device, |
QAudioRingBuffer< SampleType > & | ringbuffer ) |
Definition at line 180 of file qaudio_qiodevice_support_p.h.
qsizetype QtPrivate::pushToQIODeviceFromRingbuffer | ( | QIODevice & | device, |
QAudioRingBuffer< SampleType > & | ringbuffer ) |
Definition at line 212 of file qaudio_qiodevice_support_p.h.
QtPrivate::Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY | ( | lcEventDispatcher | , |
"qt.eventdispatcher" | ) |
QtPrivate::Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY | ( | lcEventDispatcherTimers | , |
"qt.eventdispatcher.timers" | ) |
staticconstexprnoexcept |
Returns whether p is within container c. In its simplest form equivalent to: c.data() <= p < c.data() + c.size()
Definition at line 49 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
staticconstexprnoexcept |
Returns whether p is within a range [b, e). In simplest form equivalent to: b <= p < e.
Definition at line 36 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
void QtPrivate::q_relocate_overlap_n | ( | T * | first, |
N | n, | ||
T * | d_first ) |
Relocates a range [first, n) to [d_first, n) taking care of potential memory overlaps. This is a generic equivalent of memmove.
If an exception is thrown during the relocation, all the relocated elements are destroyed and [first, n) may contain valid but unspecified values, including moved-from values (basic exception safety).
Definition at line 236 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
void QtPrivate::q_relocate_overlap_n_left_move | ( | iterator | first, |
N | n, | ||
iterator | d_first ) |
Definition at line 147 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
QT_WARNING_POP void QtPrivate::q_rotate | ( | T * | first, |
T * | mid, | ||
T * | last ) |
A wrapper around std::rotate(), with an optimization for Q_RELOCATABLE_TYPEs. We omit the return value, as it would be more work to compute in the Q_RELOCATABLE_TYPE case and, unlike std::rotate on ForwardIterators, callers can compute the result in constant time themselves.
Definition at line 101 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
QT_WARNING_PUSH void QtPrivate::q_uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_n | ( | T * | first, |
N | n, | ||
T * | out ) |
Definition at line 63 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
void QtPrivate::q_uninitialized_relocate_n | ( | T * | first, |
N | n, | ||
T * | out ) |
Definition at line 72 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
T * QtPrivate::q_uninitialized_remove_copy_if | ( | T * | first, |
T * | last, | ||
T * | out, | ||
Predicate & | pred ) |
Copies all elements, except the ones for which pred returns true
, from range [first, last), to the uninitialized memory buffer starting at out.
It's undefined behavior if out points into [first, last).
Returns a pointer one past the last copied element.
If an exception is thrown, all the already copied elements in the destination buffer are destroyed.
Definition at line 124 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 110 of file qnumeric.h.
QByteArray QtPrivate::QByteArrayList_join | ( | const QByteArrayList * | that, |
const char * | sep, | ||
qsizetype | len ) |
Definition at line 105 of file qbytearraylist.cpp.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 495 of file qnumeric.h.
Definition at line 303 of file qalgorithms.h.
Definition at line 271 of file qalgorithms.h.
Definition at line 285 of file qalgorithms.h.
Definition at line 292 of file qalgorithms.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
Definition at line 315 of file qalgorithms.h.
QForeachContainer< typename std::decay< T >::type > QtPrivate::qMakeForeachContainer | ( | T && | t | ) |
Definition at line 49 of file qforeach.h.
static |
Definition at line 28 of file qstringliteral.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 2644 of file qmetatype.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 232 of file qnumeric.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 124 of file qnumeric.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 2232 of file qmetatype.h.
References QtPrivate::QTypeNormalizer::normalizeType().
QPixelFormat QtPrivate::QPixelFormat_createYUV | ( | QPixelFormat::YUVLayout | yuvLayout, |
uchar | alphaSize, | ||
QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage | alphaUsage, | ||
QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition | alphaPosition, | ||
QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied | premultiplied, | ||
QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation | typeInterpretation, | ||
QPixelFormat::ByteOrder | byteOrder ) |
Definition at line 492 of file qpixelformat.cpp.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 540 of file qnumeric.h.
QtPrivate::QSEIT_EXCLUDE | ( | bool | ) |
QtPrivate::QSEIT_EXCLUDE | ( | char | ) |
QtPrivate::QSEIT_EXCLUDE | ( | char16_t | ) |
QtPrivate::QSEIT_EXCLUDE | ( | char32_t | ) |
QtPrivate::QSEIT_EXCLUDE | ( | wchar_t | ) |
qsizetype QtPrivate::qset_erase_if | ( | QSet< T > & | set, |
Predicate & | pred ) |
Definition at line 398 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
bool QtPrivate::QStringList_contains | ( | const QStringList * | that, |
QLatin1StringView | str, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 375 of file qstringlist.cpp.
bool QtPrivate::QStringList_contains | ( | const QStringList * | that, |
QStringView | str, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 357 of file qstringlist.cpp.
QStringList QtPrivate::QStringList_filter | ( | const QStringList & | that, |
const QLatin1StringMatcher & | matcher ) |
Definition at line 303 of file qstringlist.cpp.
QStringList QtPrivate::QStringList_filter | ( | const QStringList & | that, |
const QStringMatcher & | matcher ) |
Definition at line 293 of file qstringlist.cpp.
QStringList QtPrivate::QStringList_filter | ( | const QStringList & | that, |
QLatin1StringView | needle, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 319 of file qstringlist.cpp.
QStringList QtPrivate::QStringList_filter | ( | const QStringList * | that, |
QStringView | str, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 254 of file qstringlist.cpp.
qsizetype QtPrivate::QStringList_indexOf | ( | const QStringList & | that, |
QLatin1StringView | str, | ||
qsizetype | from, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 655 of file qstringlist.cpp.
qsizetype QtPrivate::QStringList_indexOf | ( | const QStringList & | that, |
QStringView | str, | ||
qsizetype | from, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 649 of file qstringlist.cpp.
QString QtPrivate::QStringList_join | ( | const QStringList & | list, |
QLatin1StringView | sep ) |
Definition at line 548 of file qstringlist.cpp.
QString QtPrivate::QStringList_join | ( | const QStringList * | that, |
const QChar * | sep, | ||
qsizetype | seplen ) |
Definition at line 526 of file qstringlist.cpp.
QString QtPrivate::QStringList_join | ( | const QStringList * | that, |
QStringView | sep ) |
Definition at line 569 of file qstringlist.cpp.
qsizetype QtPrivate::QStringList_lastIndexOf | ( | const QStringList & | that, |
QLatin1StringView | str, | ||
qsizetype | from, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 695 of file qstringlist.cpp.
qsizetype QtPrivate::QStringList_lastIndexOf | ( | const QStringList & | that, |
QStringView | str, | ||
qsizetype | from, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 701 of file qstringlist.cpp.
qsizetype QtPrivate::QStringList_removeDuplicates | ( | QStringList * | that | ) |
Definition at line 777 of file qstringlist.cpp.
void QtPrivate::QStringList_replaceInStrings | ( | QStringList * | that, |
QStringView | before, | ||
QStringView | after, | ||
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
Definition at line 439 of file qstringlist.cpp.
void QtPrivate::QStringList_sort | ( | QStringList * | that, |
Qt::CaseSensitivity | cs ) |
\fn void QStringList::sort(Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) Sorts the list of strings in ascending order.
! [comparison-case-sensitivity] If cs is \l Qt::CaseSensitive (the default), the string comparison is case sensitive; otherwise the comparison is case insensitive. ! [comparison-case-sensitivity]
Sorting is performed using the STL's std::sort() algorithm, which averages \l{linear-logarithmic time}, i.e. O(\e{n} log \e{n}). If you want to sort your strings in an arbitrary order, consider using the QMap class. For example, you could use a QMap<QString, QString> to create a case-insensitive ordering (e.g. with the keys being lower-case versions of the strings, and the values being the strings), or a QMap<int, QString> to sort the strings by some integer index.
Definition at line 207 of file qstringlist.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 182 of file qstringalgorithms.h.
char QtPrivate::qt_getEnumMetaObject | ( | const T & | ) |
constexpr |
Definition at line 2657 of file qmetatype.h.
constexprnoexcept |
constexprnoexcept |
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 485 of file qnumeric.h.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Searches case-insensitively for character c in the string str and returns a pointer to it. Iif the character is not found, this function returns a pointer to the end of the string – that is, {str.end()}.
Definition at line 775 of file qstring.cpp.
References foldCase().
nodiscardnoexcept |
Searches for character c in the string str and returns a pointer to it. Unlike strchr() and wcschr() (but like glibc's strchrnul()), if the character is not found, this function returns a pointer to the end of the string – that is, {str.end()}.
Definition at line 687 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 658 of file qstring.cpp.
Definition at line 673 of file qstring.cpp.
QDataStream & QtPrivate::readArrayBasedContainer | ( | QDataStream & | s, |
Container & | c ) |
Definition at line 291 of file qdatastream.h.
QDataStream & QtPrivate::readAssociativeContainer | ( | QDataStream & | s, |
Container & | c ) |
Definition at line 342 of file qdatastream.h.
Definition at line 174 of file qaudio_qiodevice_support_p.h.
QDataStream & QtPrivate::readListBasedContainer | ( | QDataStream & | s, |
Container & | c ) |
Definition at line 317 of file qdatastream.h.
void QtPrivate::reserveIfForwardIterator | ( | Container * | , |
InputIterator | , | ||
InputIterator | ) |
Definition at line 282 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
void QtPrivate::reserveIfForwardIterator | ( | Container * | c, |
ForwardIterator | f, | ||
ForwardIterator | l ) |
Definition at line 289 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
void QtPrivate::restoreBindingStatus | ( | BindingEvaluationState * | status | ) |
Definition at line 2368 of file qproperty.cpp.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 21 of file qv4compiler.cpp.
auto QtPrivate::sequential_erase | ( | Container & | c, |
const T & | t ) |
Definition at line 372 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
auto QtPrivate::sequential_erase_if | ( | Container & | c, |
Predicate & | pred ) |
Definition at line 335 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
auto QtPrivate::sequential_erase_one | ( | Container & | c, |
const T & | t ) |
Definition at line 387 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
auto QtPrivate::sequential_erase_with_copy | ( | Container & | c, |
const T & | t ) |
Definition at line 380 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
bool QtPrivate::shouldLogToStderr | ( | ) |
Returns true if logging stderr
should be ensured.
This is normally the case if stderr
has a console attached, but may be overridden by the user by setting the QT_FORCE_STDERR_LOGGING environment variable to 1
Definition at line 265 of file qlogging.cpp.
References stderrHasConsoleAttached().
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 2943 of file qbytearray.cpp.
Definition at line 9775 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9770 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9765 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 9760 of file qstring.cpp.
BindingEvaluationState * QtPrivate::suspendCurrentBindingStatus | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2361 of file qproperty.cpp.
constexprnoexcept |
Definition at line 140 of file qshareddata_impl.h.
noexcept |
Definition at line 158 of file qsharedhandle_p.h.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 4069 of file qbytearray.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 4108 of file qbytearray.cpp.
References QLocaleData::convertDoubleToFloat().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 80 of file qbytearrayalgorithms.h.
nodiscard |
Definition at line 3759 of file qbytearray.cpp.
nodiscard |
Definition at line 3776 of file qbytearray.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 3679 of file qbytearray.cpp.
Definition at line 6227 of file qstring.cpp.
nodiscardnoexcept |
Definition at line 6222 of file qstring.cpp.
constexpr |
Definition at line 2248 of file qmetatype.h.
void QtPrivate::validateBufferFormat | ( | const QAudioBuffer & | buffer, |
int | channel ) |
Definition at line 45 of file qaudiobuffer_support_p.h.
auto QtPrivate::volatilePreDecrement | ( | T & | x | ) |
Definition at line 42 of file qvolatile_p.h.
auto QtPrivate::volatilePreIncrement | ( | T & | x | ) |
Definition at line 34 of file qvolatile_p.h.
inline |
Definition at line 37 of file qforeach.h.
QFuture< OutputSequence > QtPrivate::whenAllImpl | ( | Futures &&... | futures | ) |
Definition at line 1142 of file qfuture_impl.h.
QFuture< OutputSequence > QtPrivate::whenAllImpl | ( | InputIt | first, |
InputIt | last ) |
Definition at line 1119 of file qfuture_impl.h.
QFuture< std::variant< std::decay_t< Futures >... > > QtPrivate::whenAnyImpl | ( | Futures &&... | futures | ) |
Definition at line 1185 of file qfuture_impl.h.
QFuture< QtFuture::WhenAnyResult< typename Future< ValueType >::type > > QtPrivate::whenAnyImpl | ( | InputIt | first, |
InputIt | last ) |
Definition at line 1157 of file qfuture_impl.h.
QDataStream & QtPrivate::writeAssociativeContainer | ( | QDataStream & | s, |
const Container & | c ) |
Definition at line 379 of file qdatastream.h.
QDataStream & QtPrivate::writeAssociativeMultiContainer | ( | QDataStream & | s, |
const Container & | c ) |
Definition at line 394 of file qdatastream.h.
QDataStream & QtPrivate::writeSequentialContainer | ( | QDataStream & | s, |
const Container & | c ) |
Definition at line 368 of file qdatastream.h.
Definition at line 169 of file qaudio_qiodevice_support_p.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 32 of file qaudioformat_p.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 27 of file qaudioformat_p.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 71 of file qlocale_p.h.
Referenced by ascii_isspace().
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 209 of file qpropertyprivate.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 188 of file qqmlpropertybinding_p.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 178 of file qqmlpropertytopropertybinding.cpp.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 110 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 113 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 363 of file qobjectdefs_impl.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 225 of file qnumeric.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 227 of file qnumeric.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 31 of file qwaitcondition_p.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 102 of file qrunnable.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 424 of file qcontainertools_impl.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 88 of file qttypetraits.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 107 of file qrunnable.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 109 of file qrunnable.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 34 of file qtconcurrentcompilertest.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 889 of file qcomparehelpers.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 126 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 885 of file qcomparehelpers.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 24 of file qtconcurrentcompilertest.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 116 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 119 of file qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 17 of file qlatin1stringmatcher.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 18 of file qlatin1stringmatcher.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 19 of file qlatin1stringmatcher.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 99 of file qfuture_impl.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 102 of file qfuture_impl.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 250 of file qfuture_impl.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 253 of file qfuture_impl.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 1272 of file qmetatype.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 232 of file qqmllist.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 1275 of file qmetatype.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 1277 of file qmetatype.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 27 of file qcompare.h.
Definition at line 59 of file qcontainerfwd.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 115 of file qarraydata.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 31 of file qaudiobuffer_support_p.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 30 of file qaudiobuffer_support_p.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 31 of file qtypeinfo.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 62 of file qvariant.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 40 of file qtypeinfo.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 341 of file qhashfunctions.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Definition at line 332 of file qhashfunctions.h.