Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
QByteArray Class Reference

\inmodule QtCore More...

#include <qbytearray.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QByteArray:
+ Collaboration diagram for QByteArray:


class  FromBase64Result
 \inmodule QtCore More...

Public Types

enum  Base64Option {
  Base64Encoding = 0 , Base64UrlEncoding = 1 , KeepTrailingEquals = 0 , OmitTrailingEquals = 2 ,
  IgnoreBase64DecodingErrors = 0 , AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors = 4
enum class  Base64DecodingStatus { Ok , IllegalInputLength , IllegalCharacter , IllegalPadding }
using DataPointer = QByteArrayData
typedef char * iterator
 This typedef provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QByteArray.
typedef const char * const_iterator
 This typedef provides an STL-style const iterator for QByteArray.
typedef iterator Iterator
typedef const_iterator ConstIterator
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iteratorreverse_iterator
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iteratorconst_reverse_iterator
typedef qsizetype size_type
typedef qptrdiff difference_type
typedef const char & const_reference
typedef char & reference
typedef char * pointer
typedef const char * const_pointer
typedef char value_type

Public Member Functions

constexpr QByteArray () noexcept
 Constructs an empty byte array.
 QByteArray (const char *, qsizetype size=-1)
 Constructs a byte array containing the first size bytes of array data.
 QByteArray (qsizetype size, char c)
 Constructs a byte array of size size with every byte set to ch.
 QByteArray (qsizetype size, Qt::Initialization)
 Constructs a byte array of size size with uninitialized contents.
 QByteArray (QByteArrayView v)
 QByteArray (const QByteArray &) noexcept
 Constructs a copy of other.
 ~QByteArray ()
 Destroys the byte array.
QByteArrayoperator= (const QByteArray &) noexcept
 Assigns other to this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayoperator= (const char *str)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Assigns str to this byte array.
 QByteArray (QByteArray &&other) noexcept=default
 Move-constructs a QByteArray instance, making it point at the same object that other was pointing to.
void swap (QByteArray &other) noexcept
constexpr bool isEmpty () const noexcept
 Returns true if the byte array has size 0; otherwise returns false.
void resize (qsizetype size)
 Sets the size of the byte array to size bytes.
void resize (qsizetype size, char c)
void resizeForOverwrite (qsizetype size)
QByteArrayfill (char c, qsizetype size=-1)
 Sets every byte in the byte array to ch.
qsizetype capacity () const
 Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the byte array without forcing a reallocation.
void reserve (qsizetype size)
 Attempts to allocate memory for at least size bytes.
void squeeze ()
 Releases any memory not required to store the array's data.
 operator const char * () const
 operator const void * () const
char * data ()
const char * data () const noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
const char * constData () const noexcept
 Returns a pointer to the const data stored in the byte array.
void detach ()
bool isDetached () const
bool isSharedWith (const QByteArray &other) const noexcept
void clear ()
 Clears the contents of the byte array and makes it null.
char at (qsizetype i) const
 Returns the byte at index position i in the byte array.
char operator[] (qsizetype i) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as at(i).
char & operator[] (qsizetype i)
 Returns the byte at index position i as a modifiable reference.
char front () const
char & front ()
char back () const
char & back ()
qsizetype indexOf (char c, qsizetype from=0) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns the index position of the start of the first occurrence of the byte ch in this byte array, searching forward from index position from.
qsizetype indexOf (QByteArrayView bv, qsizetype from=0) const
qsizetype lastIndexOf (char c, qsizetype from=-1) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns the index position of the start of the last occurrence of byte ch in this byte array, searching backward from index position from.
qsizetype lastIndexOf (QByteArrayView bv) const
qsizetype lastIndexOf (QByteArrayView bv, qsizetype from) const
bool contains (char c) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns true if the byte array contains the byte ch; otherwise returns false.
bool contains (QByteArrayView bv) const
qsizetype count (char c) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns the number of occurrences of byte ch in the byte array.
qsizetype count (QByteArrayView bv) const
int compare (QByteArrayView a, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const noexcept
QByteArray left (qsizetype n) const &
QByteArray left (qsizetype n) &&
QByteArray right (qsizetype n) const &
QByteArray right (qsizetype n) &&
QByteArray mid (qsizetype index, qsizetype len=-1) const &
QByteArray mid (qsizetype index, qsizetype len=-1) &&
QByteArray first (qsizetype n) const &
QByteArray last (qsizetype n) const &
QByteArray sliced (qsizetype pos) const &
QByteArray sliced (qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const &
QByteArray chopped (qsizetype len) const &
QByteArray first (qsizetype n) &&
QByteArray last (qsizetype n) &&
QByteArray sliced (qsizetype pos) &&
QByteArray sliced (qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) &&
QByteArray chopped (qsizetype len) &&
bool startsWith (QByteArrayView bv) const
bool startsWith (char c) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns true if this byte array starts with byte ch; otherwise returns false.
bool endsWith (char c) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns true if this byte array ends with byte ch; otherwise returns false.
bool endsWith (QByteArrayView bv) const
bool isUpper () const
 Returns true if this byte array is uppercase, that is, if it's identical to its toUpper() folding.
bool isLower () const
 Returns true if this byte array is lowercase, that is, if it's identical to its toLower() folding.
bool isValidUtf8 () const noexcept
 Returns true if this byte array contains valid UTF-8 encoded data, or false otherwise.
void truncate (qsizetype pos)
 Truncates the byte array at index position pos.
void chop (qsizetype n)
 Removes n bytes from the end of the byte array.
QByteArrayslice (qsizetype pos)
QByteArrayslice (qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)
QByteArray toLower () const &
QByteArray toLower () &&
QByteArray toUpper () const &
QByteArray toUpper () &&
QByteArray trimmed () const &
QByteArray trimmed () &&
QByteArray simplified () const &
QByteArray simplified () &&
QByteArray leftJustified (qsizetype width, char fill=' ', bool truncate=false) const
 Returns a byte array of size width that contains this byte array padded with the fill byte.
QByteArray rightJustified (qsizetype width, char fill=' ', bool truncate=false) const
 Returns a byte array of size width that contains the fill byte followed by this byte array.
QByteArrayprepend (char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Prepends the byte ch to this byte array.
QByteArrayprepend (qsizetype count, char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArrayprepend (const char *s)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Prepends the '\0'-terminated string str to this byte array.
QByteArrayprepend (const char *s, qsizetype len)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArrayprepend (const QByteArray &a)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Prepends ba to this byte array.
QByteArrayprepend (QByteArrayView a)
 Prepends the byte array view ba to this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayappend (char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the byte ch to this byte array.
QByteArrayappend (qsizetype count, char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArrayappend (const char *s)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the '\0'-terminated string str to this byte array.
QByteArrayappend (const char *s, qsizetype len)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the first len bytes starting at str to this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayappend (const QByteArray &a)
 Appends the byte array ba onto the end of this byte array.
QByteArrayappend (QByteArrayView a)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends data to this byte array.
QByteArrayassign (QByteArrayView v)
QByteArrayassign (qsizetype n, char c)
template<typename InputIterator, if_input_iterator< InputIterator > = true>
QByteArrayassign (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
QByteArrayinsert (qsizetype i, QByteArrayView data)
QByteArrayinsert (qsizetype i, const char *s)
 Inserts s at index position i and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayinsert (qsizetype i, const QByteArray &data)
 Inserts data at index position i and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayinsert (qsizetype i, qsizetype count, char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArrayinsert (qsizetype i, char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Inserts byte ch at index position i in the byte array.
QByteArrayinsert (qsizetype i, const char *s, qsizetype len)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArrayremove (qsizetype index, qsizetype len)
 Removes len bytes from the array, starting at index position pos, and returns a reference to the array.
QByteArrayremoveAt (qsizetype pos)
QByteArrayremoveFirst ()
QByteArrayremoveLast ()
template<typename Predicate>
QByteArrayremoveIf (Predicate pred)
QByteArrayreplace (qsizetype index, qsizetype len, const char *s, qsizetype alen)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces len bytes from index position pos with alen bytes starting at position after.
QByteArrayreplace (qsizetype index, qsizetype len, QByteArrayView s)
 Replaces len bytes from index position pos with the byte array after, and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayreplace (char before, QByteArrayView after)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces every occurrence of the byte before with the byte array after.
QByteArrayreplace (const char *before, qsizetype bsize, const char *after, qsizetype asize)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces every occurrence of the bsize bytes starting at before with the asize bytes starting at after.
QByteArrayreplace (QByteArrayView before, QByteArrayView after)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArrayreplace (char before, char after)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces every occurrence of the byte before with the byte after.
QByteArrayoperator+= (char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the byte ch onto the end of this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayoperator+= (const char *s)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the '\0'-terminated string str onto the end of this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayoperator+= (const QByteArray &a)
 Appends the byte array ba onto the end of this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.
QByteArrayoperator+= (QByteArrayView a)
QList< QByteArraysplit (char sep) const
 Splits the byte array into subarrays wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those arrays.
QByteArray repeated (qsizetype times) const
short toShort (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
 Returns the byte array converted to a short using base base, which is ten by default.
ushort toUShort (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
 Returns the byte array converted to an {unsigned short} using base base, which is ten by default.
int toInt (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
 Returns the byte array converted to an int using base base, which is ten by default.
uint toUInt (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
 Returns the byte array converted to an {unsigned int} using base base, which is ten by default.
long toLong (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
ulong toULong (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
qlonglong toLongLong (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
 Returns the byte array converted to a {long long} using base base, which is ten by default.
qulonglong toULongLong (bool *ok=nullptr, int base=10) const
 Returns the byte array converted to an {unsigned long long} using base base, which is ten by default.
float toFloat (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the byte array converted to a float value.
double toDouble (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the byte array converted to a double value.
QByteArray toBase64 (Base64Options options=Base64Encoding) const
QByteArray toHex (char separator='\0') const
 Returns a hex encoded copy of the byte array.
QByteArray toPercentEncoding (const QByteArray &exclude=QByteArray(), const QByteArray &include=QByteArray(), char percent='%') const
QByteArray percentDecoded (char percent='%') const
QByteArraysetNum (short, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArraysetNum (ushort, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArraysetNum (int, int base=10)
 Represent the whole number n as text.
QByteArraysetNum (uint, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArraysetNum (long, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArraysetNum (ulong, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArraysetNum (qlonglong, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArraysetNum (qulonglong, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QByteArraysetNum (float, char format='g', int precision=6)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Represent the floating-point number n as text.
QByteArraysetNum (double, char format='g', int precision=6)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Represent the floating-point number n as text.
QByteArraysetRawData (const char *a, qsizetype n)
iterator begin ()
 Returns an \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the first byte in the byte-array.
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
const_iterator constBegin () const noexcept
 Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the first byte in the byte-array.
iterator end ()
 Returns an \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing just after the last byte in the byte-array.
const_iterator end () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
const_iterator constEnd () const noexcept
 Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing just after the last byte in the byte-array.
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
reverse_iterator rend ()
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rend () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crend () const noexcept
void push_back (char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as append(ch).
void push_back (const char *s)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as append(str).
void push_back (const QByteArray &a)
 This function is provided for STL compatibility.
void push_back (QByteArrayView a)
void push_front (char c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as prepend(ch).
void push_front (const char *c)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as prepend(str).
void push_front (const QByteArray &a)
 This function is provided for STL compatibility.
void push_front (QByteArrayView a)
void shrink_to_fit ()
iterator erase (const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
iterator erase (const_iterator it)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
constexpr qsizetype max_size () const noexcept
std::string toStdString () const
constexpr qsizetype size () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes in this byte array.
constexpr qsizetype length () const noexcept
 Same as size().
bool isNull () const noexcept
 Returns true if this byte array is null; otherwise returns false.
const DataPointerdata_ptr () const
DataPointerdata_ptr ()
 QByteArray (DataPointer &&dd)
QByteArray nullTerminated () const &
QByteArray nullTerminated () &&
QByteArraynullTerminate ()

Static Public Member Functions

static QByteArray number (int, int base=10)
 Returns a byte-array representing the whole number n as text.
static QByteArray number (uint, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
static QByteArray number (long, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
static QByteArray number (ulong, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
static QByteArray number (qlonglong, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
static QByteArray number (qulonglong, int base=10)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
static QByteArray number (double, char format='g', int precision=6)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Returns a byte-array representing the floating-point number n as text.
static QByteArray fromRawData (const char *data, qsizetype size)
 Constructs a QByteArray that uses the first size bytes of the data array.
static FromBase64Result fromBase64Encoding (QByteArray &&base64, Base64Options options=Base64Encoding)
static FromBase64Result fromBase64Encoding (const QByteArray &base64, Base64Options options=Base64Encoding)
static QByteArray fromBase64 (const QByteArray &base64, Base64Options options=Base64Encoding)
static QByteArray fromHex (const QByteArray &hexEncoded)
 Returns a decoded copy of the hex encoded array hexEncoded.
static QByteArray fromPercentEncoding (const QByteArray &pctEncoded, char percent='%')
static QByteArray fromStdString (const std::string &s)
static constexpr qsizetype maxSize () noexcept


class ::tst_QByteArray
class QString
bool comparesEqual (const QByteArray &lhs, const QByteArrayView &rhs) noexcept
Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay (const QByteArray &lhs, const QByteArrayView &rhs) noexcept
bool comparesEqual (const QByteArray &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay (const QByteArray &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool comparesEqual (const QByteArray &lhs, const QChar &rhs)
Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay (const QByteArray &lhs, const QChar &rhs)
Q_CORE_EXPORT bool comparesEqual (const QByteArray &lhs, char16_t rhs)
Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay (const QByteArray &lhs, char16_t rhs)
Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArray qUncompress (const uchar *data, qsizetype nbytes)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Uncompresses the first nbytes of data and returns a new byte array with the uncompressed data.
template<typename T>
qsizetype erase (QByteArray &ba, const T &t)
template<typename Predicate>
qsizetype erase_if (QByteArray &ba, Predicate pred)

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

const voidqmemrchr (const void *s, int needle, size_t size) noexcept
char * qstrdup (const char *src)
 Returns a duplicate string.
char * qstrcpy (char *dst, const char *src)
 Copies all the characters up to and including the '\0' from src into dst and returns a pointer to dst.
char * qstrncpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t len)
 A safe strncpy() function.
size_t qstrlen (const char *str)
 A safe strlen() function.
size_t qstrnlen (const char *str, size_t maxlen)
int qstrcmp (const char *str1, const char *str2)
 A safe strcmp() function.
int qstrncmp (const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t len)
 A safe strncmp() function.
int qstricmp (const char *str1, const char *str2)
 A safe stricmp() function.
int qstrnicmp (const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t len)
 A safe strnicmp() function.
quint16 qChecksum (QByteArrayView data, Qt::ChecksumType standard)
QByteArray qCompress (const QByteArray &data, int compressionLevel)
 Compresses the data byte array and returns the compressed data in a new byte array.
QByteArray qCompress (const uchar *data, qsizetype nbytes, int compressionLevel)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Compresses the first nbytes of data at compression level compressionLevel and returns the compressed data in a new byte array.
QByteArray qUncompress (const QByteArray &data)
 Uncompresses the data byte array and returns a new byte array with the uncompressed data.
QDataStreamoperator<< (QDataStream &out, const QByteArray &ba)
 Writes byte array ba to the stream out and returns a reference to the stream.
QDataStreamoperator>> (QDataStream &in, QByteArray &ba)
 Reads a byte array into ba from the stream in and returns a reference to the stream.
QByteArray operator+ (const QByteArray &a1, const QByteArray &a2)
 Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte array a1 and byte array a2.
QByteArray operator+ (const QByteArray &a1, const char *a2)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte array a1 and '\0'-terminated string a2.
QByteArray operator+ (const QByteArray &a1, char a2)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte array a1 and byte a2.
QByteArray operator+ (const char *a1, const QByteArray &a2)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating '\0'-terminated string a1 and byte array a2.
QByteArray operator+ (char a1, const QByteArray &a2)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte a1 and byte array a2.
QByteArray operator+ (QByteArrayView lhs, const QByteArray &rhs)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
 operator""_ba (const char *str, size_t size)
 \macro QByteArrayLiteral(ba)

Detailed Description

\inmodule QtCore

The QByteArray class provides an array of bytes.


\compares strong \compareswith strong {const char *} QByteArrayView \endcompareswith \compareswith strong QChar char16_t QString QStringView QLatin1StringView \ QUtf8StringView When comparing with string types, the content is interpreted as UTF-8. \endcompareswith

QByteArray can be used to store both raw bytes (including '\0's) and traditional 8-bit '\0'-terminated strings. Using QByteArray is much more convenient than using {const char *}. Behind the scenes, it always ensures that the data is followed by a '\0' terminator, and uses \l{implicit sharing} (copy-on-write) to reduce memory usage and avoid needless copying of data.

In addition to QByteArray, Qt also provides the QString class to store string data. For most purposes, QString is the class you want to use. It understands its content as Unicode text (encoded using UTF-16) where QByteArray aims to avoid assumptions about the encoding or semantics of the bytes it stores (aside from a few legacy cases where it uses ASCII). Furthermore, QString is used throughout in the Qt API. The two main cases where QByteArray is appropriate are when you need to store raw binary data, and when memory conservation is critical (e.g., with Qt for Embedded Linux).

One way to initialize a QByteArray is simply to pass a {const char *} to its constructor. For example, the following code creates a byte array of size 5 containing the data "Hello":

Although the size() is 5, the byte array also maintains an extra '\0' byte at the end so that if a function is used that asks for a pointer to the underlying data (e.g. a call to data()), the data pointed to is guaranteed to be '\0'-terminated.

QByteArray makes a deep copy of the {const char *} data, so you can modify it later without experiencing side effects. (If, for example for performance reasons, you don't want to take a deep copy of the data, use QByteArray::fromRawData() instead.)

Another approach is to set the size of the array using resize() and to initialize the data byte by byte. QByteArray uses 0-based indexes, just like C++ arrays. To access the byte at a particular index position, you can use operator[](). On non-const byte arrays, operator[]() returns a reference to a byte that can be used on the left side of an assignment. For example:

For read-only access, an alternative syntax is to use at():

at() can be faster than operator[](), because it never causes a \l{deep copy} to occur.

To extract many bytes at a time, use first(), last(), or sliced().

A QByteArray can embed '\0' bytes. The size() function always returns the size of the whole array, including embedded '\0' bytes, but excluding the terminating '\0' added by QByteArray. For example:

QByteArray ba1("ca\0r\0t");
ba1.size(); // Returns 2.
ba1.constData(); // Returns "ca" with terminating \0.
QByteArray ba2("ca\0r\0t", 3);
ba2.size(); // Returns 3.
ba2.constData(); // Returns "ca\0" with terminating \0.
QByteArray ba3("ca\0r\0t", 4);
ba3.size(); // Returns 4.
ba3.constData(); // Returns "ca\0r" with terminating \0.
const char cart[] = {'c', 'a', '\0', 'r', '\0', 't'};
ba4.size(); // Returns 6.
ba4.constData(); // Returns "ca\0r\0t" without terminating \0.

If you want to obtain the length of the data up to and excluding the first '\0' byte, call qstrlen() on the byte array.

After a call to resize(), newly allocated bytes have undefined values. To set all the bytes to a particular value, call fill().

To obtain a pointer to the actual bytes, call data() or constData(). These functions return a pointer to the beginning of the data. The pointer is guaranteed to remain valid until a non-const function is called on the QByteArray. It is also guaranteed that the data ends with a '\0' byte unless the QByteArray was created from \l{fromRawData()}{raw data}. This '\0' byte is automatically provided by QByteArray and is not counted in size().

QByteArray provides the following basic functions for modifying the byte data: append(), prepend(), insert(), replace(), and remove(). For example:

In the above example the replace() function's first two arguments are the position from which to start replacing and the number of bytes that should be replaced.

When data-modifying functions increase the size of the array, they may lead to reallocation of memory for the QByteArray object. When this happens, QByteArray expands by more than it immediately needs so as to have space for further expansion without reallocation until the size of the array has greatly increased.

The insert(), remove() and, when replacing a sub-array with one of different size, replace() functions can be slow (\l{linear time}) for large arrays, because they require moving many bytes in the array by at least one position in memory.

If you are building a QByteArray gradually and know in advance approximately how many bytes the QByteArray will contain, you can call reserve(), asking QByteArray to preallocate a certain amount of memory. You can also call capacity() to find out how much memory the QByteArray actually has allocated.

Note that using non-const operators and functions can cause QByteArray to do a deep copy of the data, due to \l{implicit sharing}.

QByteArray provides \l{STL-style iterators} (QByteArray::const_iterator and QByteArray::iterator). In practice, iterators are handy when working with generic algorithms provided by the C++ standard library.

Iterators and references to individual QByteArray elements are subject to stability issues. They are often invalidated when a QByteArray-modifying operation (e.g. insert() or remove()) is called. When stability and iterator-like functionality is required, you should use indexes instead of iterators as they are not tied to QByteArray's internal state and thus do not get invalidated.
Iterators over a QByteArray, and references to individual bytes within one, cannot be relied on to remain valid when any non-const method of the QByteArray is called. Accessing such an iterator or reference after the call to a non-const method leads to undefined behavior. When stability for iterator-like functionality is required, you should use indexes instead of iterators as they are not tied to QByteArray's internal state and thus do not get invalidated.

If you want to find all occurrences of a particular byte or sequence of bytes in a QByteArray, use indexOf() or lastIndexOf(). The former searches forward starting from a given index position, the latter searches backward. Both return the index position of the byte sequence if they find it; otherwise, they return -1. For example, here's a typical loop that finds all occurrences of a particular string:

If you simply want to check whether a QByteArray contains a particular byte sequence, use contains(). If you want to find out how many times a particular byte sequence occurs in the byte array, use count(). If you want to replace all occurrences of a particular value with another, use one of the two-parameter replace() overloads.

\l{QByteArray}s can be compared using overloaded operators such as operator<(), operator<=(), operator==(), operator>=(), and so on. The comparison is based exclusively on the numeric values of the bytes and is very fast, but is not what a human would expect. QString::localeAwareCompare() is a better choice for sorting user-interface strings.

For historical reasons, QByteArray distinguishes between a null byte array and an empty byte array. A null byte array is a byte array that is initialized using QByteArray's default constructor or by passing (const char *)0 to the constructor. An empty byte array is any byte array with size 0. A null byte array is always empty, but an empty byte array isn't necessarily null:

All functions except isNull() treat null byte arrays the same as empty byte arrays. For example, data() returns a valid pointer (not nullptr) to a '\0' byte for a null byte array and QByteArray() compares equal to QByteArray(""). We recommend that you always use isEmpty() and avoid isNull().

Definition at line 56 of file qbytearray.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

typedef const char* QByteArray::const_iterator

This typedef provides an STL-style const iterator for QByteArray.

See also
QByteArray::const_reverse_iterator, QByteArray::iterator

Definition at line 438 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ const_pointer

typedef const char* QByteArray::const_pointer

Definition at line 464 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ const_reference

typedef const char& QByteArray::const_reference

Definition at line 461 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ const_reverse_iterator

typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> QByteArray::const_reverse_iterator

This typedef provides an STL-style const reverse iterator for QByteArray.

See also
QByteArray::reverse_iterator, QByteArray::const_iterator

Definition at line 442 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ ConstIterator

Definition at line 440 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ DataPointer

Definition at line 59 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ difference_type

Definition at line 460 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ Iterator

Definition at line 439 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ iterator

typedef char* QByteArray::iterator

This typedef provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QByteArray.

See also
QByteArray::reverse_iterator, QByteArray::const_iterator

Definition at line 437 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ pointer

typedef char* QByteArray::pointer

Definition at line 463 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ reference

typedef char& QByteArray::reference

Definition at line 462 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ reverse_iterator

typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> QByteArray::reverse_iterator

This typedef provides an STL-style non-const reverse iterator for QByteArray.

See also
QByteArray::const_reverse_iterator, QByteArray::iterator

Definition at line 441 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ size_type

Definition at line 459 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ value_type

typedef char QByteArray::value_type

Definition at line 465 of file qbytearray.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Base64DecodingStatus


Definition at line 83 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ Base64Option


This enum contains the options available for encoding and decoding Base64. Base64 is defined by \l{RFC 4648}, with the following options:

\value Base64Encoding (default) The regular Base64 alphabet, called simply "base64" \value Base64UrlEncoding An alternate alphabet, called "base64url", which replaces two characters in the alphabet to be more friendly to URLs. \value KeepTrailingEquals (default) Keeps the trailing padding equal signs at the end of the encoded data, so the data is always a size multiple of four. \value OmitTrailingEquals Omits adding the padding equal signs at the end of the encoded data. \value IgnoreBase64DecodingErrors When decoding Base64-encoded data, ignores errors in the input; invalid characters are simply skipped. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.15. \value AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors When decoding Base64-encoded data, stops at the first decoding error. This enum value has been added in Qt 5.15.

QByteArray::fromBase64Encoding() and QByteArray::fromBase64() ignore the KeepTrailingEquals and OmitTrailingEquals options. If the IgnoreBase64DecodingErrors option is specified, they will not flag errors in case trailing equal signs are missing or if there are too many of them. If instead the AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors is specified, then the input must either have no padding or have the correct amount of equal signs.


Definition at line 71 of file qbytearray.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QByteArray() [1/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( )

Constructs an empty byte array.

See also

Definition at line 632 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ QByteArray() [2/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( const char * data,
qsizetype size = -1 )

Constructs a byte array containing the first size bytes of array data.

If data is 0, a null byte array is constructed.

If size is negative, data is assumed to point to a '\0'-terminated string and its length is determined dynamically.

QByteArray makes a deep copy of the string data.

See also

Definition at line 1834 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ QByteArray() [3/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( qsizetype size,
char ch )

Constructs a byte array of size size with every byte set to ch.

See also

Definition at line 1858 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ QByteArray() [4/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( qsizetype size,
Qt::Initialization  )

Constructs a byte array of size size with uninitialized contents.

Definition at line 1874 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ QByteArray() [5/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( QByteArrayView v)

Definition at line 94 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ QByteArray() [6/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( const QByteArray & other)

Constructs a copy of other.

This operation takes \l{constant time}, because QByteArray is \l{implicitly shared}. This makes returning a QByteArray from a function very fast. If a shared instance is modified, it will be copied (copy-on-write), taking \l{linear time}.

See also

Definition at line 664 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ ~QByteArray()

QByteArray::~QByteArray ( )

Destroys the byte array.

Definition at line 633 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ QByteArray() [7/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( QByteArray && other)

Move-constructs a QByteArray instance, making it point at the same object that other was pointing to.


◆ QByteArray() [8/8]

QByteArray::QByteArray ( DataPointer && dd)

Definition at line 519 of file qbytearray.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ append() [1/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::append ( char c)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the byte ch to this byte array.

Definition at line 2188 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ append() [2/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::append ( const char * s)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the '\0'-terminated string str to this byte array.

Definition at line 292 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ append() [3/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::append ( const char * str,
qsizetype len )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the first len bytes starting at str to this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.

The bytes appended may include '\0' bytes.

If len is negative, str will be assumed to be a '\0'-terminated string and the length to be copied will be determined automatically using qstrlen().

If len is zero or str is null, nothing is appended to the byte array. Ensure that len is not longer than str.

Definition at line 294 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ append() [4/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::append ( const QByteArray & ba)

Appends the byte array ba onto the end of this byte array.


QByteArray x("free");
QByteArray y("dom");
// x == "freedom"

This is the same as insert(size(), ba).

Note: QByteArray is an \l{implicitly shared} class. Consequently, if you append to an empty byte array, then the byte array will just share the data held in ba. In this case, no copying of data is done, taking \l{constant time}. If a shared instance is modified, it will be copied (copy-on-write), taking \l{linear time}.

If the byte array being appended to is not empty, a deep copy of the data is performed, taking \l{linear time}.

The append() function is typically very fast (\l{constant time}), because QByteArray preallocates extra space at the end of the data, so it can grow without reallocating the entire array each time.

See also
operator+=(), prepend(), insert()

Definition at line 2126 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ append() [5/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::append ( QByteArrayView a)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends data to this byte array.

Definition at line 297 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ append() [6/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::append ( qsizetype count,
char ch )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Appends count copies of byte ch to this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.

If count is negative or zero nothing is appended to the byte array.

Definition at line 691 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ assign() [1/3]

template<typename InputIterator, if_input_iterator< InputIterator > = true>
QByteArray & QByteArray::assign ( InputIterator first,
InputIterator last )

Definition at line 307 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ assign() [2/3]

QByteArray & QByteArray::assign ( QByteArrayView v)

Replaces the contents of this byte array with a copy of v and returns a reference to this byte array.

The size of this byte array will be equal to the size of v.

This function only allocates memory if the size of v exceeds the capacity of this byte array or this byte array is shared.

Definition at line 2245 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ assign() [3/3]

QByteArray & QByteArray::assign ( qsizetype n,
char c )

Replaces the contents of this byte array with n copies of c and returns a reference to this byte array.

The size of this byte array will be equal to n, which has to be non-negative.

This function will only allocate memory if n exceeds the capacity of this byte array or this byte array is shared.

See also

Definition at line 301 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ at()

char QByteArray::at ( qsizetype i) const

Returns the byte at index position i in the byte array.

i must be a valid index position in the byte array (i.e., 0 <= i < size()).

See also

Definition at line 635 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ back() [1/2]

char & QByteArray::back ( )

Returns a reference to the last byte in the byte array. Same as {operator[](size() - 1)}.

This function is provided for STL compatibility.

Calling this function on an empty byte array constitutes undefined behavior.
See also
front(), at(), operator[]()

Definition at line 690 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ back() [2/2]

char QByteArray::back ( ) const

Returns the last byte in the byte array. Same as {at(size() - 1)}.

This function is provided for STL compatibility.

Calling this function on an empty byte array constitutes undefined behavior.
See also
front(), at(), operator[]()

Definition at line 135 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ begin() [1/2]

iterator QByteArray::begin ( )

Returns an \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the first byte in the byte-array.

! [iterator-invalidation-func-desc]

The returned iterator is invalidated on detachment or when the QByteArray is modified. ! [iterator-invalidation-func-desc]
\sa constBegin(), end()

Definition at line 443 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ begin() [2/2]

const_iterator QByteArray::begin ( ) const

Definition at line 444 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ capacity()

qsizetype QByteArray::capacity ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be stored in the byte array without forcing a reallocation.

The sole purpose of this function is to provide a means of fine tuning QByteArray's memory usage. In general, you will rarely ever need to call this function. If you want to know how many bytes are in the byte array, call size().

a statically allocated byte array will report a capacity of 0, even if it's not empty.
The free space position in the allocated memory block is undefined. In other words, one should not assume that the free memory is always located after the initialized elements.
See also
reserve(), squeeze()

Definition at line 667 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ cbegin()

const_iterator QByteArray::cbegin ( ) const

Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the first byte in the byte-array.


See also
begin(), cend()

Definition at line 445 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ cend()

const_iterator QByteArray::cend ( ) const

Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing just after the last byte in the byte-array.


See also
cbegin(), end()

Definition at line 449 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ chop()

void QByteArray::chop ( qsizetype n)

Removes n bytes from the end of the byte array.

If n is greater than size(), the result is an empty byte array.


QByteArray ba("STARTTLS\r\n");
ba.chop(2); // ba == "STARTTLS"
See also
truncate(), resize(), first()

Definition at line 1746 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ chopped() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::chopped ( qsizetype len) &&

Definition at line 218 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ chopped() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::chopped ( qsizetype len) const &

Definition at line 203 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ clear()

void QByteArray::clear ( )

Clears the contents of the byte array and makes it null.

See also
resize(), isNull()

Definition at line 3339 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ compare()

int QByteArray::compare ( QByteArrayView bv,
Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive ) const

Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero depending on whether this QByteArray sorts before, at the same position as, or after the QByteArrayView bv. The comparison is performed according to case sensitivity cs.

See also
operator==, {Character Case}

Definition at line 699 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ constBegin()

const_iterator QByteArray::constBegin ( ) const

Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing to the first byte in the byte-array.


See also
begin(), constEnd()

Definition at line 446 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ constData()

const char * QByteArray::constData ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the const data stored in the byte array.

The pointer can be used to access the bytes that compose the array. The data is '\0'-terminated unless the QByteArray object was created from raw data.


This function is mostly useful to pass a byte array to a function that accepts a {const char *}.

Note: A QByteArray can store any byte values including '\0's, but most functions that take {char *} arguments assume that the data ends at the first '\0' they encounter.

See also
data(), operator[](), fromRawData()

Definition at line 123 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ constEnd()

const_iterator QByteArray::constEnd ( ) const

Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing just after the last byte in the byte-array.


See also
constBegin(), end()

Definition at line 450 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ contains() [1/2]

bool QByteArray::contains ( char c) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns true if the byte array contains the byte ch; otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 695 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ contains() [2/2]

bool QByteArray::contains ( QByteArrayView bv) const

Returns true if this byte array contains an occurrence of the sequence of bytes viewed by bv; otherwise returns false.

See also
indexOf(), count()

Definition at line 697 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ count() [1/2]

qsizetype QByteArray::count ( char ch) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns the number of occurrences of byte ch in the byte array.

See also
contains(), indexOf()

Definition at line 2917 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ count() [2/2]

qsizetype QByteArray::count ( QByteArrayView bv) const

Returns the number of (potentially overlapping) occurrences of the sequence of bytes viewed by bv in this byte array.

See also
contains(), indexOf()

Definition at line 153 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ crbegin()

const_reverse_iterator QByteArray::crbegin ( ) const

Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style} reverse iterator pointing to the first byte in the byte-array, in reverse order.


See also
begin(), rbegin(), rend()

Definition at line 455 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ crend()

const_reverse_iterator QByteArray::crend ( ) const

Returns a const \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style} reverse iterator pointing just after the last byte in the byte-array, in reverse order.


See also
end(), rend(), rbegin()

Definition at line 456 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ data() [1/2]

char * QByteArray::data ( )


Disables automatic conversions from QByteArray to const char * or const void *.

See also

Returns a pointer to the data stored in the byte array. The pointer can be used to access and modify the bytes that compose the array. The data is '\0'-terminated, i.e. the number of bytes you can access following the returned pointer is size() + 1, including the '\0' terminator.


QByteArray ba("Hello world");
char *data = ba.data();
while (*data) {
cout << "[" << *data << "]" << endl;


For read-only access, constData() is faster because it never causes a \l{deep copy} to occur.

This function is mostly useful to pass a byte array to a function that accepts a {const char *}.

The following example makes a copy of the char* returned by data(), but it will corrupt the heap and cause a crash because it does not allocate a byte for the '\0' at the end:

QString tmp = "test";
char *data = new char[text.size()];
strcpy(data, text.data());
delete [] data;

This one allocates the correct amount of space:

QString tmp = "test";
char *data = new char[text.size() + 1];
strcpy(data, text.data());
delete [] data;

Note: A QByteArray can store any byte values including '\0's, but most functions that take {char *} arguments assume that the data ends at the first '\0' they encounter.

See also
constData(), operator[]()

Definition at line 646 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ data() [2/2]

const char * QByteArray::data ( ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 652 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ data_ptr() [1/2]

DataPointer & QByteArray::data_ptr ( )

Definition at line 515 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ data_ptr() [2/2]

const DataPointer & QByteArray::data_ptr ( ) const

Definition at line 514 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ detach()

void QByteArray::detach ( )

Definition at line 660 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ end() [1/2]

iterator QByteArray::end ( )

Returns an \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style iterator} pointing just after the last byte in the byte-array.


See also
begin(), constEnd()

Definition at line 447 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ end() [2/2]

const_iterator QByteArray::end ( ) const

Definition at line 448 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ endsWith() [1/2]

bool QByteArray::endsWith ( char c) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns true if this byte array ends with byte ch; otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 226 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ endsWith() [2/2]

bool QByteArray::endsWith ( QByteArrayView bv) const

Returns true if this byte array ends with the sequence of bytes viewed by bv; otherwise returns false.


QByteArray url("http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtdoc/index.html");
if (url.endsWith(".html"))
See also
startsWith(), last()

Definition at line 227 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ erase() [1/2]


Removes from the byte array the characters in the half-open range [ first , last ). Returns an iterator to the character referred to by last before the erase.

Definition at line 1303 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ erase() [2/2]

iterator QByteArray::erase ( QByteArray::const_iterator it)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Removes the character denoted by it from the byte array. Returns an iterator to the character immediately after the erased character.

QByteArray ba = "abcdefg";
auto it = ba.erase(ba.cbegin()); // ba is now "bcdefg" and it points to "b"
constexpr QByteArray() noexcept
Constructs an empty byte array.
Definition qbytearray.h:632
QSet< QString >::iterator it
QByteArray ba

Definition at line 484 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ fill()

QByteArray & QByteArray::fill ( char ch,
qsizetype size = -1 )

Sets every byte in the byte array to ch.

If size is different from -1 (the default), the byte array is resized to size size beforehand.


QByteArray ba("Istambul");
// ba == "oooooooo"
ba.fill('X', 2);
// ba == "XX"
See also

Definition at line 1963 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ first() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::first ( qsizetype n) &&

Definition at line 206 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ first() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::first ( qsizetype n) const &

Definition at line 195 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ fromBase64()

QByteArray QByteArray::fromBase64 ( const QByteArray & base64,
Base64Options options = Base64Encoding )

Returns a decoded copy of the Base64 array base64, using the options defined by options. If options contains {IgnoreBase64DecodingErrors} (the default), the input is not checked for validity; invalid characters in the input are skipped, enabling the decoding process to continue with subsequent characters. If options contains {AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors}, then decoding will stop at the first invalid character.

For example:

QByteArray text = QByteArray::fromBase64("UXQgaXMgZ3JlYXQh");
text.data(); // returns "Qt is great!"
QByteArray::fromBase64("PHA+SGVsbG8/PC9wPg==", QByteArray::Base64Encoding); // returns "<p>Hello?</p>"
QByteArray::fromBase64("PHA-SGVsbG8_PC9wPg==", QByteArray::Base64UrlEncoding); // returns "<p>Hello?</p>"

The algorithm used to decode Base64-encoded data is defined in \l{RFC 4648}.

Returns the decoded data, or, if the {AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors} option was passed and the input data was invalid, an empty byte array.

The fromBase64Encoding() function is recommended in new code.
See also
toBase64(), fromBase64Encoding()

Definition at line 4641 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ fromBase64Encoding() [1/2]

QByteArray::FromBase64Result QByteArray::fromBase64Encoding ( const QByteArray & base64,
Base64Options options = Base64Encoding )
5.15 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Decodes the Base64 array base64, using the options defined by options. If options contains {IgnoreBase64DecodingErrors} (the default), the input is not checked for validity; invalid characters in the input are skipped, enabling the decoding process to continue with subsequent characters. If options contains {AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors}, then decoding will stop at the first invalid character.

For example:

void process(const QByteArray &);
if (auto result = QByteArray::fromBase64Encoding(encodedData))

The algorithm used to decode Base64-encoded data is defined in \l{RFC 4648}.

Returns a QByteArrayFromBase64Result object, containing the decoded data and a flag telling whether decoding was successful. If the {AbortOnBase64DecodingErrors} option was passed and the input data was invalid, it is unspecified what the decoded data contains.

See also

Definition at line 4605 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ fromBase64Encoding() [2/2]

QByteArray::FromBase64Result QByteArray::fromBase64Encoding ( QByteArray && base64,
Base64Options options = Base64Encoding )

Definition at line 4588 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ fromHex()

QByteArray QByteArray::fromHex ( const QByteArray & hexEncoded)

Returns a decoded copy of the hex encoded array hexEncoded.

Input is not checked for validity; invalid characters in the input are skipped, enabling the decoding process to continue with subsequent characters.

For example:

QByteArray text = QByteArray::fromHex("517420697320677265617421");
text.data(); // returns "Qt is great!"
See also

Definition at line 4659 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ fromPercentEncoding()

QByteArray QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding ( const QByteArray & input,
char percent = '%' )

Decodes input from URI/URL-style percent-encoding.

Returns a byte array containing the decoded text. The percent parameter allows use of a different character than '' (for instance, '_' or '=') as the escape character. Equivalent to input.percentDecoded(percent).

For example:

qDebug("%s", text.data()); // reports "Qt is great!"
See also

Definition at line 4799 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ fromRawData()

static QByteArray QByteArray::fromRawData ( const char * data,
qsizetype size )

Constructs a QByteArray that uses the first size bytes of the data array.

The bytes are not copied. The QByteArray will contain the data pointer. The caller guarantees that data will not be deleted or modified as long as this QByteArray and any copies of it exist that have not been modified. In other words, because QByteArray is an \l{implicitly shared} class and the instance returned by this function contains the data pointer, the caller must not delete data or modify it directly as long as the returned QByteArray and any copies exist. However, QByteArray does not take ownership of data, so the QByteArray destructor will never delete the raw data, even when the last QByteArray referring to data is destroyed.

A subsequent attempt to modify the contents of the returned QByteArray or any copy made from it will cause it to create a deep copy of the data array before doing the modification. This ensures that the raw data array itself will never be modified by QByteArray.

Here is an example of how to read data using a QDataStream on raw data in memory without copying the raw data into a QByteArray:

static const char mydata[] = {
'\x00', '\x00', '\x03', '\x84', '\x78', '\x9c', '\x3b', '\x76',
'\xec', '\x18', '\xc3', '\x31', '\x0a', '\xf1', '\xcc', '\x99',
'\x6d', '\x5b'
QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromRawData(mydata, sizeof(mydata));
A byte array created with fromRawData() is not '\0'-terminated, unless the raw data contains a '\0' byte at position size. While that does not matter for QDataStream or functions like indexOf(), passing the byte array to a function accepting a {const char *} expected to be '\0'-terminated will fail.
See also
setRawData(), data(), constData(), nullTerminate(), nullTerminated()

Definition at line 409 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ fromStdString()

QByteArray QByteArray::fromStdString ( const std::string & str)

Returns a copy of the str string as a QByteArray.

See also
toStdString(), QString::fromStdString()

Definition at line 4811 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ front() [1/2]

char & QByteArray::front ( )

Returns a reference to the first byte in the byte array. Same as {operator[](0)}.

This function is provided for STL compatibility.

Calling this function on an empty byte array constitutes undefined behavior.
See also
back(), at(), operator[]()

Definition at line 689 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ front() [2/2]

char QByteArray::front ( ) const

Returns the first byte in the byte array. Same as {at(0)}.

This function is provided for STL compatibility.

Calling this function on an empty byte array constitutes undefined behavior.
See also
back(), at(), operator[]()

Definition at line 133 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ indexOf() [1/2]

qsizetype QByteArray::indexOf ( char ch,
qsizetype from = 0 ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns the index position of the start of the first occurrence of the byte ch in this byte array, searching forward from index position from.

Returns -1 if no match is found.


QByteArray ba("ABCBA");
ba.indexOf("B"); // returns 1
ba.indexOf("B", 1); // returns 1
ba.indexOf("B", 2); // returns 3
ba.indexOf("X"); // returns -1
See also
lastIndexOf(), contains()

◆ indexOf() [2/2]

qsizetype QByteArray::indexOf ( QByteArrayView bv,
qsizetype from = 0 ) const

Returns the index position of the start of the first occurrence of the sequence of bytes viewed by bv in this byte array, searching forward from index position from. Returns -1 if no match is found.


QByteArray x("sticky question");
x.indexOf(y); // returns 0
x.indexOf(y, 1); // returns 10
x.indexOf(y, 10); // returns 10
x.indexOf(y, 11); // returns -1
See also
lastIndexOf(), contains(), count()

Definition at line 140 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ insert() [1/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::insert ( qsizetype i,
char ch )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Inserts byte ch at index position i in the byte array.


Definition at line 321 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ insert() [2/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::insert ( qsizetype i,
const char * s )

Inserts s at index position i and returns a reference to this byte array.


The function is equivalent to {insert(i, QByteArrayView(s))}

See also
append(), prepend(), replace(), remove()

Definition at line 316 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ insert() [3/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::insert ( qsizetype i,
const char * data,
qsizetype len )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Inserts len bytes, starting at data, at position i in the byte array.


Definition at line 323 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ insert() [4/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::insert ( qsizetype i,
const QByteArray & data )

Inserts data at index position i and returns a reference to this byte array.


See also
append(), prepend(), replace(), remove()

Definition at line 318 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ insert() [5/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::insert ( qsizetype i,
QByteArrayView data )
Inserts \a data at index position \a i and returns a
reference to this byte array.

\snippet code/src_corelib_text_qbytearray.cpp 17
\since 6.0

For large byte arrays, this operation can be slow (\l{linear time}),
because it requires moving all the bytes at indexes \a i and
above by at least one position further in memory.

! [array-grow-at-insertion] This array grows to accommodate the insertion. If i is beyond the end of the array, the array is first extended with space characters to reach this i. ! [array-grow-at-insertion]

\sa append(), prepend(), replace(), remove()

Definition at line 2282 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ insert() [6/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::insert ( qsizetype i,
qsizetype count,
char ch )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Inserts count copies of byte ch at index position i in the byte array.


Definition at line 2367 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ isDetached()

bool QByteArray::isDetached ( ) const

Definition at line 662 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ isEmpty()

bool QByteArray::isEmpty ( ) const

Returns true if the byte array has size 0; otherwise returns false.


See also

Definition at line 106 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ isLower()

bool QByteArray::isLower ( ) const

Returns true if this byte array is lowercase, that is, if it's identical to its toLower() folding.

Note that this does not mean that the byte array only contains lowercase letters; only that it contains no ASCII uppercase letters.

See also
isUpper(), toLower()

Definition at line 3045 of file qbytearray.cpp.

References isUpperCaseAscii().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isNull()

bool QByteArray::isNull ( ) const

Returns true if this byte array is null; otherwise returns false.


QByteArray().isNull(); // returns true
QByteArray("").isNull(); // returns false
QByteArray("abc").isNull(); // returns false

Qt makes a distinction between null byte arrays and empty byte arrays for historical reasons. For most applications, what matters is whether or not a byte array contains any data, and this can be determined using isEmpty().

See also

◆ isSharedWith()

bool QByteArray::isSharedWith ( const QByteArray & other) const

Definition at line 126 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ isUpper()

bool QByteArray::isUpper ( ) const

Returns true if this byte array is uppercase, that is, if it's identical to its toUpper() folding.

Note that this does not mean that the byte array only contains uppercase letters; only that it contains no ASCII lowercase letters.

See also
isLower(), toUpper()

Definition at line 3029 of file qbytearray.cpp.

References isLowerCaseAscii().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isValidUtf8()

bool QByteArray::isValidUtf8 ( ) const

Returns true if this byte array contains valid UTF-8 encoded data, or false otherwise.


Definition at line 233 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ last() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::last ( qsizetype n) &&

Definition at line 212 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ last() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::last ( qsizetype n) const &

Definition at line 197 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ lastIndexOf() [1/3]

qsizetype QByteArray::lastIndexOf ( char ch,
qsizetype from = -1 ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns the index position of the start of the last occurrence of byte ch in this byte array, searching backward from index position from.

If from is -1 (the default), the search starts at the last byte (at index size() - 1). Returns -1 if no match is found.


QByteArray ba("ABCBA");
ba.lastIndexOf("B"); // returns 3
ba.lastIndexOf("B", 3); // returns 3
ba.lastIndexOf("B", 2); // returns 1
ba.lastIndexOf("X"); // returns -1
See also
indexOf(), contains()

◆ lastIndexOf() [2/3]

qsizetype QByteArray::lastIndexOf ( QByteArrayView bv) const
6.2 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Returns the index position of the start of the last occurrence of the sequence of bytes viewed by bv in this byte array, searching backward from the end of the byte array. Returns -1 if no match is found.


QByteArray x("crazy azimuths");
x.lastIndexOf(y); // returns 6
x.lastIndexOf(y, 6); // returns 6
x.lastIndexOf(y, 5); // returns 2
x.lastIndexOf(y, 1); // returns -1
See also
indexOf(), contains(), count()

Definition at line 145 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ lastIndexOf() [3/3]

qsizetype QByteArray::lastIndexOf ( QByteArrayView bv,
qsizetype from ) const

Returns the index position of the start of the last occurrence of the sequence of bytes viewed by bv in this byte array, searching backward from index position from.


Returns -1 if no match is found.


QByteArray x("crazy azimuths");
x.lastIndexOf(y); // returns 6
x.lastIndexOf(y, 6); // returns 6
x.lastIndexOf(y, 5); // returns 2
x.lastIndexOf(y, 1); // returns -1
When searching for a 0-length bv, the match at the end of the data is excluded from the search by a negative from, even though {-1} is normally thought of as searching from the end of the byte array: the match at the end is after the last character, so it is excluded. To include such a final empty match, either give a positive value for from or omit the from parameter entirely.
See also
indexOf(), contains(), count()

Definition at line 147 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ left() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::left ( qsizetype n) &&

Definition at line 174 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ left() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::left ( qsizetype n) const &

Definition at line 168 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ leftJustified()

QByteArray QByteArray::leftJustified ( qsizetype width,
char fill = ' ',
bool truncate = false ) const

Returns a byte array of size width that contains this byte array padded with the fill byte.

If truncate is false and the size() of the byte array is more than width, then the returned byte array is a copy of this byte array.

If truncate is true and the size() of the byte array is more than width, then any bytes in a copy of the byte array after position width are removed, and the copy is returned.


QByteArray x("apple");
QByteArray y = x.leftJustified(8, '.'); // y == "apple..."
See also

Definition at line 3703 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ length()

qsizetype QByteArray::length ( ) const

Same as size().

Definition at line 510 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ max_size()

qsizetype QByteArray::max_size ( ) const

Definition at line 485 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ maxSize()

static constexpr qsizetype QByteArray::maxSize ( )

It returns the maximum number of elements that the byte array can theoretically hold. In practice, the number can be much smaller, limited by the amount of memory available to the system.

Definition at line 493 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ mid() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::mid ( qsizetype index,
qsizetype len = -1 ) &&

Definition at line 3131 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ mid() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::mid ( qsizetype index,
qsizetype len = -1 ) const &

Definition at line 3111 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ nullTerminate()

QByteArray & QByteArray::nullTerminate ( )

If this byte array's data isn't null-terminated, this method will make a deep-copy of the data and make it null-terminated.

A QByteArray is null-terminated by default, however in some cases (e.g. when using fromRawData()), the data doesn't necessarily end with a {\0} character, which could be a problem when calling methods that expect a null-terminated string (for example, C API).

See also
nullTerminated(), fromRawData(), setRawData()

Definition at line 537 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ nullTerminated() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::nullTerminated ( ) &&

Definition at line 529 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ nullTerminated() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::nullTerminated ( ) const &

Definition at line 521 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ number() [1/7]

QByteArray QByteArray::number ( double n,
char format = 'g',
int precision = 6 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Returns a byte-array representing the floating-point number n as text.

Returns a byte array containing a string representing n, with a given format and precision, with the same meanings as for \l {QString::number(double, char, int)}. For example:

QByteArray ba = QByteArray::number(12.3456, 'E', 3);
// ba == 1.235E+01
See also
toDouble(), QLocale::FloatingPointPrecisionOption

Definition at line 4403 of file qbytearray.cpp.

References QLocaleData::DFDecimal, QLocaleData::DFExponent, QLocaleData::DFSignificantDigits, isUpperCaseAscii(), and qdtoAscii().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ number() [2/7]

QByteArray QByteArray::number ( int n,
int base = 10 )

Returns a byte-array representing the whole number n as text.

Returns a byte array containing a string representing n, using the specified base (ten by default). Bases 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9: A is ten, B is eleven and so on.


int n = 63;
QByteArray::number(n); // returns "63"
QByteArray::number(n, 16); // returns "3f"
QByteArray::number(n, 16).toUpper(); // returns "3F"
The format of the number is not localized; the default C locale is used regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
See also
setNum(), toInt()

Definition at line 4324 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ number() [3/7]

QByteArray QByteArray::number ( long n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 4348 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ number() [4/7]

QByteArray QByteArray::number ( qlonglong n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 4372 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ number() [5/7]

QByteArray QByteArray::number ( qulonglong n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 4384 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ number() [6/7]

QByteArray QByteArray::number ( uint n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 4336 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ number() [7/7]

QByteArray QByteArray::number ( ulong n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 4360 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ operator const char *()

QByteArray::operator const char * ( ) const

Definition at line 641 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator const void *()

QByteArray::operator const void * ( ) const
Use constData() instead in new code.

Returns a pointer to the data stored in the byte array. The pointer can be used to access the bytes that compose the array. The data is '\0'-terminated.

! [pointer-invalidation-desc] The pointer remains valid as long as no detach happens and the QByteArray is not modified. ! [pointer-invalidation-desc]

This operator is mostly useful to pass a byte array to a function
that accepts a \c{const char *}.

You can disable this operator by defining \c
QT_NO_CAST_FROM_BYTEARRAY when you compile your applications.

Note: A QByteArray can store any byte values including '\\0's,
but most functions that take \c{char *} arguments assume that the
data ends at the first '\\0' they encounter.

\sa constData()

Definition at line 643 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+=() [1/4]

QByteArray & QByteArray::operator+= ( char c)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the byte ch onto the end of this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.

Definition at line 349 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+=() [2/4]

QByteArray & QByteArray::operator+= ( const char * s)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Appends the '\0'-terminated string str onto the end of this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.

Definition at line 351 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+=() [3/4]

QByteArray & QByteArray::operator+= ( const QByteArray & ba)

Appends the byte array ba onto the end of this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.


QByteArray x("free");
QByteArray y("dom");
x += y;
// x == "freedom"

Note: QByteArray is an \l{implicitly shared} class. Consequently, if you append to an empty byte array, then the byte array will just share the data held in ba. In this case, no copying of data is done, taking \l{constant time}. If a shared instance is modified, it will be copied (copy-on-write), taking \l{linear time}.

If the byte array being appended to is not empty, a deep copy of the data is performed, taking \l{linear time}.

This operation typically does not suffer from allocation overhead, because QByteArray preallocates extra space at the end of the data so that it may grow without reallocating for each append operation.

See also
append(), prepend()

Definition at line 353 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+=() [4/4]

QByteArray & QByteArray::operator+= ( QByteArrayView a)

Definition at line 355 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

QByteArray & QByteArray::operator= ( const char * str)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Assigns str to this byte array.

str is assumed to point to a null-terminated string, and its length is determined dynamically.

Definition at line 1379 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

QByteArray & QByteArray::operator= ( const QByteArray & other)

Assigns other to this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.

Definition at line 1363 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

char & QByteArray::operator[] ( qsizetype i)

Returns the byte at index position i as a modifiable reference.

i must be a valid index position in the byte array (i.e., 0 <= i < size()).


QByteArray ba("Hello, world");
cout << ba[0]; // prints H
ba[7] = 'W';
// ba == "Hello, World"
See also

Definition at line 687 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

char QByteArray::operator[] ( qsizetype i) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as at(i).

Definition at line 637 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ percentDecoded()

QByteArray QByteArray::percentDecoded ( char percent = '%') const

Decodes URI/URL-style percent-encoding.

Returns a byte array containing the decoded text. The percent parameter allows use of a different character than '' (for instance, '_' or '=') as the escape character.

For example:

QByteArray encoded("Qt%20is%20great%33");
QByteArray decoded = encoded.percentDecoded(); // Set to "Qt is great!"
Given invalid input (such as a string containing the sequence "%G5", which is not a valid hexadecimal number) the output will be invalid as well. As an example: the sequence "%G5" could be decoded to 'W'.
See also
toPercentEncoding(), QUrl::fromPercentEncoding()

Definition at line 4775 of file qbytearray.cpp.

References q_fromPercentEncoding().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ prepend() [1/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::prepend ( char c)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Prepends the byte ch to this byte array.

Definition at line 279 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ prepend() [2/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::prepend ( const char * s)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Prepends the '\0'-terminated string str to this byte array.

Definition at line 282 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ prepend() [3/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::prepend ( const char * str,
qsizetype len )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Prepends len bytes starting at str to this byte array. The bytes prepended may include '\0' bytes.

Definition at line 284 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ prepend() [4/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::prepend ( const QByteArray & a)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Prepends ba to this byte array.

Definition at line 2064 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ prepend() [5/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::prepend ( QByteArrayView ba)

Prepends the byte array view ba to this byte array and returns a reference to this byte array.

This operation is typically very fast (\l{constant time}), because QByteArray preallocates extra space at the beginning of the data, so it can grow without reallocating the entire array each time.


QByteArray x("ship");
QByteArray y("air");
// x == "airship"

This is the same as insert(0, ba).

See also
append(), insert()

Definition at line 287 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ prepend() [6/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::prepend ( qsizetype count,
char ch )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Prepends count copies of byte ch to this byte array.

Definition at line 693 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_back() [1/4]

void QByteArray::push_back ( char c)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as append(ch).

Definition at line 466 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_back() [2/4]

void QByteArray::push_back ( const char * s)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as append(str).

Definition at line 468 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_back() [3/4]

void QByteArray::push_back ( const QByteArray & other)

This function is provided for STL compatibility.

It is equivalent to append(other).

Definition at line 470 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_back() [4/4]

void QByteArray::push_back ( QByteArrayView str)
6.0 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Same as append(str).

Definition at line 472 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_front() [1/4]

void QByteArray::push_front ( char c)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as prepend(ch).

Definition at line 474 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_front() [2/4]

void QByteArray::push_front ( const char * c)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Same as prepend(str).

Definition at line 476 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_front() [3/4]

void QByteArray::push_front ( const QByteArray & other)

This function is provided for STL compatibility.

It is equivalent to prepend(other).

Definition at line 478 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ push_front() [4/4]

void QByteArray::push_front ( QByteArrayView str)
6.0 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Same as prepend(str).

Definition at line 480 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ rbegin() [1/2]

reverse_iterator QByteArray::rbegin ( )

Returns a \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style} reverse iterator pointing to the first byte in the byte-array, in reverse order.


See also
begin(), crbegin(), rend()

Definition at line 451 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ rbegin() [2/2]

const_reverse_iterator QByteArray::rbegin ( ) const
5.6 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 453 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ remove()

QByteArray & QByteArray::remove ( qsizetype pos,
qsizetype len )

Removes len bytes from the array, starting at index position pos, and returns a reference to the array.

If pos is out of range, nothing happens. If pos is valid, but pos + len is larger than the size of the array, the array is truncated at position pos.


QByteArray ba("Montreal");
ba.remove(1, 4);
// ba == "Meal"

Element removal will preserve the array's capacity and not reduce the amount of allocated memory. To shed extra capacity and free as much memory as possible, call squeeze() after the last change to the array's size.

See also
insert(), replace(), squeeze()

Definition at line 2405 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ removeAt()

QByteArray & QByteArray::removeAt ( qsizetype pos)

Removes the character at index pos. If pos is out of bounds (i.e. pos >= size()) this function does nothing.

See also

Definition at line 327 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ removeFirst()

QByteArray & QByteArray::removeFirst ( )

Removes the first character in this byte array. If the byte array is empty, this function does nothing.

See also

Definition at line 329 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ removeIf()

template<typename Predicate>
QByteArray & QByteArray::removeIf ( Predicate pred)

Removes all bytes for which the predicate pred returns true from the byte array. Returns a reference to the byte array.

See also

Definition at line 333 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ removeLast()

QByteArray & QByteArray::removeLast ( )

Removes the last character in this byte array. If the byte array is empty, this function does nothing.

See also

Definition at line 330 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ rend() [1/2]

reverse_iterator QByteArray::rend ( )

Returns a \l{STL-style iterators}{STL-style} reverse iterator pointing just after the last byte in the byte-array, in reverse order.


See also
end(), crend(), rbegin()

Definition at line 452 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ rend() [2/2]

const_reverse_iterator QByteArray::rend ( ) const
5.6 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 454 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ repeated()

QByteArray QByteArray::repeated ( qsizetype times) const

Returns a copy of this byte array repeated the specified number of times.

If times is less than 1, an empty byte array is returned.


QByteArray ba("ab");
ba.repeated(4); // returns "abababab"

Definition at line 2705 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ replace() [1/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::replace ( char before,
char after )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces every occurrence of the byte before with the byte after.

Definition at line 2653 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ replace() [2/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::replace ( char before,
QByteArrayView after )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces every occurrence of the byte before with the byte array after.

Definition at line 342 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ replace() [3/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::replace ( const char * before,
qsizetype bsize,
const char * after,
qsizetype asize )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces every occurrence of the bsize bytes starting at before with the asize bytes starting at after.

Since the sizes of the strings are given by bsize and asize, they may contain '\0' bytes and do not need to be '\0'-terminated.

Definition at line 344 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ replace() [4/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::replace ( QByteArrayView before,
QByteArrayView after )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Replaces every occurrence of the byte array before with the byte array after.


QByteArray ba("colour behaviour flavour neighbour");
ba.replace(QByteArray("ou"), QByteArray("o"));
// ba == "color behavior flavor neighbor"

Definition at line 2528 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ replace() [5/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::replace ( qsizetype pos,
qsizetype len,
const char * after,
qsizetype alen )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Replaces len bytes from index position pos with alen bytes starting at position after.

The bytes inserted may include '\0' bytes.


Definition at line 339 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ replace() [6/6]

QByteArray & QByteArray::replace ( qsizetype pos,
qsizetype len,
QByteArrayView after )

Replaces len bytes from index position pos with the byte array after, and returns a reference to this byte array.


QByteArray x("Say yes!");
QByteArray y("no");
x.replace(4, 3, y);
// x == "Say no!"
See also
insert(), remove()

Definition at line 2477 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ reserve()

void QByteArray::reserve ( qsizetype size)

Attempts to allocate memory for at least size bytes.

If you know in advance how large the byte array will be, you can call this function, and if you call resize() often you are likely to get better performance.

If in doubt about how much space shall be needed, it is usually better to use an upper bound as size, or a high estimate of the most likely size, if a strict upper bound would be much bigger than this. If size is an underestimate, the array will grow as needed once the reserved size is exceeded, which may lead to a larger allocation than your best overestimate would have and will slow the operation that triggers it.

reserve() reserves memory but does not change the size of the byte array. Accessing data beyond the end of the byte array is undefined behavior. If you need to access memory beyond the current end of the array, use resize().

The sole purpose of this function is to provide a means of fine tuning QByteArray's memory usage. In general, you will rarely ever need to call this function.

See also
squeeze(), capacity()

Definition at line 669 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ resize() [1/2]

void QByteArray::resize ( qsizetype size)

Sets the size of the byte array to size bytes.

If size is greater than the current size, the byte array is extended to make it size bytes with the extra bytes added to the end. The new bytes are uninitialized.

If size is less than the current size, bytes beyond position size are excluded from the byte array.

While resize() will grow the capacity if needed, it never shrinks capacity. To shed excess capacity, use squeeze().
See also
size(), truncate(), squeeze()

Definition at line 1900 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ resize() [2/2]

void QByteArray::resize ( qsizetype newSize,
char c )

Sets the size of the byte array to newSize bytes.

If newSize is greater than the current size, the byte array is extended to make it newSize bytes with the extra bytes added to the end. The new bytes are initialized to c.

If newSize is less than the current size, bytes beyond position newSize are excluded from the byte array.

While resize() will grow the capacity if needed, it never shrinks capacity. To shed excess capacity, use squeeze().
See also
size(), truncate(), squeeze()

Definition at line 1930 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ resizeForOverwrite()

void QByteArray::resizeForOverwrite ( qsizetype size)

Resizes the byte array to size bytes. If the size of the byte array grows, the new bytes are uninitialized.

The behavior is identical to {resize(size)}.

See also

Definition at line 1948 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ right() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::right ( qsizetype n) &&

Definition at line 186 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ right() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::right ( qsizetype n) const &

Definition at line 180 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ rightJustified()

QByteArray QByteArray::rightJustified ( qsizetype width,
char fill = ' ',
bool truncate = false ) const

Returns a byte array of size width that contains the fill byte followed by this byte array.

If truncate is false and the size of the byte array is more than width, then the returned byte array is a copy of this byte array.

If truncate is true and the size of the byte array is more than width, then the resulting byte array is truncated at position width.


QByteArray x("apple");
QByteArray y = x.rightJustified(8, '.'); // y == "...apple"
See also

Definition at line 3740 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ setNum() [1/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( double n,
char format = 'g',
int precision = 6 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Represent the floating-point number n as text.

Sets this byte array to a string representing n, with a given format and precision (with the same meanings as for \l {QString::number(double, char, int)}), and returns a reference to this byte array.

See also
toDouble(), QLocale::FloatingPointPrecisionOption

Definition at line 4290 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ setNum() [2/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( float n,
char format = 'g',
int precision = 6 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Represent the floating-point number n as text.

Sets this byte array to a string representing n, with a given format and precision (with the same meanings as for \l {QString::number(double, char, int)}), and returns a reference to this byte array.

See also

Definition at line 747 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ setNum() [3/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( int n,
int base = 10 )

Represent the whole number n as text.

Sets this byte array to a string representing n in base base (ten by default) and returns a reference to this byte array. Bases 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.


int n = 63;
ba.setNum(n); // ba == "63"
ba.setNum(n, 16); // ba == "3f"
The format of the number is not localized; the default C locale is used regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
See also
number(), toInt()

Definition at line 739 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ setNum() [4/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( long n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 743 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ setNum() [5/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( qlonglong n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 4246 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ setNum() [6/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( qulonglong n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 4269 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ setNum() [7/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( short n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 735 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ setNum() [8/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( uint n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 741 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ setNum() [9/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( ulong n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 745 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ setNum() [10/10]

QByteArray & QByteArray::setNum ( ushort n,
int base = 10 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also

Definition at line 737 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ setRawData()

QByteArray & QByteArray::setRawData ( const char * data,
qsizetype size )

Resets the QByteArray to use the first size bytes of the data array. The bytes are not copied. The QByteArray will contain the data pointer. The caller guarantees that data will not be deleted or modified as long as this QByteArray and any copies of it exist that have not been modified.

This function can be used instead of fromRawData() to re-use existing QByteArray objects to save memory re-allocations.

See also
fromRawData(), data(), constData(), nullTerminate(), nullTerminated()

Definition at line 4477 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ shrink_to_fit()

void QByteArray::shrink_to_fit ( )

This function is provided for STL compatibility. It is equivalent to squeeze().

Definition at line 482 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ simplified() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::simplified ( ) &&

Definition at line 267 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ simplified() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::simplified ( ) const &

Definition at line 265 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ size()

qsizetype QByteArray::size ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes in this byte array.

The last byte in the byte array is at position size() - 1. In addition, QByteArray ensures that the byte at position size() is always '\0', so that you can use the return value of data() and constData() as arguments to functions that expect '\0'-terminated strings. If the QByteArray object was created from a \l{fromRawData()}{raw data} that didn't include the trailing '\0'-termination byte, then QByteArray doesn't add it automatically unless a \l{deep copy} is created.


QByteArray ba("Hello");
qsizetype n = ba.size(); // n == 5
ba.data()[0]; // returns 'H'
ba.data()[4]; // returns 'o'
ba.data()[5]; // returns '\0'
See also
isEmpty(), resize()

Definition at line 498 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ slice() [1/2]

QByteArray & QByteArray::slice ( qsizetype pos)
6.8 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Modifies this byte array to start at position pos, extending to its end, and returns a reference to this byte array.

The behavior is undefined if pos < 0 or pos > size().
See also
sliced(), first(), last(), chopped(), chop(), truncate()

Definition at line 241 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ slice() [2/2]

QByteArray & QByteArray::slice ( qsizetype pos,
qsizetype n )

Modifies this byte array to start at position pos, extending for n bytes, and returns a reference to this byte array.

The behavior is undefined if pos < 0, n < 0, or pos + n > size().


QByteArray x = "Five pineapples"_ba;
x.slice(5); // x == "pineapples"
x.slice(4, 3); // x == "app"
See also
sliced(), first(), last(), chopped(), chop(), truncate()

Definition at line 243 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ sliced() [1/4]

QByteArray QByteArray::sliced ( qsizetype pos) &&

Definition at line 214 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ sliced() [2/4]

QByteArray QByteArray::sliced ( qsizetype pos) const &

Definition at line 199 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ sliced() [3/4]

QByteArray QByteArray::sliced ( qsizetype pos,
qsizetype n ) &&

Definition at line 216 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ sliced() [4/4]

QByteArray QByteArray::sliced ( qsizetype pos,
qsizetype n ) const &

Definition at line 201 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ split()

QList< QByteArray > QByteArray::split ( char sep) const

Splits the byte array into subarrays wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those arrays.

If sep does not match anywhere in the byte array, split() returns a single-element list containing this byte array.

Definition at line 2681 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ squeeze()

void QByteArray::squeeze ( )

Releases any memory not required to store the array's data.

The sole purpose of this function is to provide a means of fine tuning QByteArray's memory usage. In general, you will rarely ever need to call this function.

See also
reserve(), capacity()

Definition at line 677 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ startsWith() [1/2]

bool QByteArray::startsWith ( char c) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns true if this byte array starts with byte ch; otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 224 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ startsWith() [2/2]

bool QByteArray::startsWith ( QByteArrayView bv) const

Returns true if this byte array starts with the sequence of bytes viewed by bv; otherwise returns false.


QByteArray url("ftp://ftp.qt-project.org/");
if (url.startsWith("ftp:"))
See also
endsWith(), first()

Definition at line 222 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ swap()

void QByteArray::swap ( QByteArray & other)
4.8 \memberswap{byte array}

Definition at line 103 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ toBase64()

QByteArray QByteArray::toBase64 ( Base64Options options = Base64Encoding) const

Returns a copy of the byte array, encoded using the options options.

QByteArray text("Qt is great!");
text.toBase64(); // returns "UXQgaXMgZ3JlYXQh"
QByteArray text("<p>Hello?</p>");
text.toBase64(QByteArray::Base64Encoding | QByteArray::OmitTrailingEquals); // returns "PHA+SGVsbG8/PC9wPg"
text.toBase64(QByteArray::Base64Encoding); // returns "PHA+SGVsbG8/PC9wPg=="
text.toBase64(QByteArray::Base64UrlEncoding); // returns "PHA-SGVsbG8_PC9wPg=="
text.toBase64(QByteArray::Base64UrlEncoding | QByteArray::OmitTrailingEquals); // returns "PHA-SGVsbG8_PC9wPg"

The algorithm used to encode Base64-encoded data is defined in \l{RFC 4648}.

See also

Definition at line 4130 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toDouble()

double QByteArray::toDouble ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the byte array converted to a double value.

Returns an infinity if the conversion overflows or 0.0 if the conversion fails for other reasons (e.g. underflow).

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

QByteArray string("1234.56");
bool ok;
double a = string.toDouble(&ok); // a == 1234.56, ok == true
string = "1234.56 Volt";
a = str.toDouble(&ok); // a == 0, ok == false
The QByteArray content may only contain valid numerical characters which includes the plus/minus sign, the character e used in scientific notation, and the decimal point. Including the unit or additional characters leads to a conversion error.
The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.

This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.

See also

Definition at line 4064 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toFloat()

float QByteArray::toFloat ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the byte array converted to a float value.

Returns an infinity if the conversion overflows or 0.0 if the conversion fails for other reasons (e.g. underflow).

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

QByteArray string("1234.56");
bool ok;
float a = string.toFloat(&ok); // a == 1234.56, ok == true
string = "1234.56 Volt";
a = str.toFloat(&ok); // a == 0, ok == false
The QByteArray content may only contain valid numerical characters which includes the plus/minus sign, the character e used in scientific notation, and the decimal point. Including the unit or additional characters leads to a conversion error.
The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.

This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace.

See also

Definition at line 4103 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toHex()

QByteArray QByteArray::toHex ( char separator = '\0') const

Returns a hex encoded copy of the byte array.

The hex encoding uses the numbers 0-9 and the letters a-f.

If separator is not '\0', the separator character is inserted between the hex bytes.


QByteArray macAddress = QByteArray::fromHex("123456abcdef");
macAddress.toHex(':'); // returns "12:34:56:ab:cd:ef"
macAddress.toHex(0); // returns "123456abcdef"
See also

Definition at line 4698 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toInt()

int QByteArray::toInt ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to an int using base base, which is ten by default.

Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

bool ok;
int hex = str.toInt(&ok, 16); // hex == 255, ok == true
int dec = str.toInt(&ok, 10); // dec == 0, ok == false
The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 3880 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toLong()

long QByteArray::toLong ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to a long int using base base, which is ten by default. Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

bool ok;
long hex = str.toLong(&ok, 16); // hex == 255, ok == true
long dec = str.toLong(&ok, 10); // dec == 0, ok == false
The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 3943 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toLongLong()

qlonglong QByteArray::toLongLong ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to a {long long} using base base, which is ten by default.

Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 3818 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toLower() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::toLower ( ) &&

Definition at line 255 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ toLower() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::toLower ( ) const &

Definition at line 253 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ toPercentEncoding()

QByteArray QByteArray::toPercentEncoding ( const QByteArray & exclude = QByteArray(),
const QByteArray & include = QByteArray(),
char percent = '%' ) const

Returns a URI/URL-style percent-encoded copy of this byte array. The percent parameter allows you to override the default '' character for another.

By default, this function will encode all bytes that are not one of the following:

ALPHA ("a" to "z" and "A" to "Z") / DIGIT (0 to 9) / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"

To prevent bytes from being encoded pass them to exclude. To force bytes to be encoded pass them to include. The percent character is always encoded.


QByteArray text = "{a fishy string?}";
QByteArray ba = text.toPercentEncoding("{}", "s");
qDebug("%s", ba.constData());
// prints "{a fi%73hy %73tring%3F}"

The hex encoding uses the numbers 0-9 and the uppercase letters A-F.

See also
fromPercentEncoding(), QUrl::toPercentEncoding()

Definition at line 4857 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toShort()

short QByteArray::toShort ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to a short using base base, which is ten by default.

Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 4004 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toStdString()

std::string QByteArray::toStdString ( ) const

Returns a std::string object with the data contained in this QByteArray.

This operator is mostly useful to pass a QByteArray to a function that accepts a std::string object.

See also
fromStdString(), QString::toStdString()

Definition at line 4828 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toUInt()

uint QByteArray::toUInt ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to an {unsigned int} using base base, which is ten by default.

Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 3910 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toULong()

ulong QByteArray::toULong ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to an {unsigned long int} using base base, which is ten by default. Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 3974 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toULongLong()

qulonglong QByteArray::toULongLong ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to an {unsigned long long} using base base, which is ten by default.

Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 3848 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ toUpper() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::toUpper ( ) &&

Definition at line 259 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ toUpper() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::toUpper ( ) const &

Definition at line 257 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ toUShort()

ushort QByteArray::toUShort ( bool * ok = nullptr,
int base = 10 ) const

Returns the byte array converted to an {unsigned short} using base base, which is ten by default.

Bases 0 and 2 through 36 are supported, using letters for digits beyond 9; A is ten, B is eleven and so on.

If base is 0, the base is determined automatically using the following rules: If the byte array begins with "0x", it is assumed to be hexadecimal (base 16); otherwise, if it begins with "0b", it is assumed to be binary (base 2); otherwise, if it begins with "0", it is assumed to be octal (base 8); otherwise it is assumed to be decimal.

Returns 0 if the conversion fails.

If ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *{ok} to false, and success by setting *{ok} to true.

The conversion of the number is performed in the default C locale, regardless of the user's locale. Use QLocale to perform locale-aware conversions between numbers and strings.
Support for the "0b" prefix was added in Qt 6.4.
See also

Definition at line 4034 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ trimmed() [1/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::trimmed ( ) &&

Definition at line 263 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ trimmed() [2/2]

QByteArray QByteArray::trimmed ( ) const &

Definition at line 261 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ truncate()

void QByteArray::truncate ( qsizetype pos)

Truncates the byte array at index position pos.

If pos is beyond the end of the array, nothing happens.


QByteArray ba("Stockholm");
ba.truncate(5); // ba == "Stock"
See also
chop(), resize(), first()

Definition at line 1727 of file qbytearray.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ ::tst_QByteArray

friend class ::tst_QByteArray

Definition at line 66 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ comparesEqual [1/4]

Q_CORE_EXPORT bool comparesEqual ( const QByteArray & lhs,
char16_t rhs )

Definition at line 6813 of file qstring.cpp.

◆ comparesEqual [2/4]

bool comparesEqual ( const QByteArray & lhs,
const QByteArrayView & rhs )

Definition at line 546 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ comparesEqual [3/4]

Q_CORE_EXPORT bool comparesEqual ( const QByteArray & lhs,
const QChar & rhs )

Definition at line 6802 of file qstring.cpp.

◆ comparesEqual [4/4]

bool comparesEqual ( const QByteArray & lhs,
std::nullptr_t  )

Definition at line 573 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ compareThreeWay [1/4]

Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay ( const QByteArray & lhs,
char16_t rhs )

Definition at line 6818 of file qstring.cpp.

◆ compareThreeWay [2/4]

Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay ( const QByteArray & lhs,
const QByteArrayView & rhs )

Definition at line 549 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ compareThreeWay [3/4]

Q_CORE_EXPORT Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay ( const QByteArray & lhs,
const QChar & rhs )

Definition at line 6807 of file qstring.cpp.

◆ compareThreeWay [4/4]

Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay ( const QByteArray & lhs,
std::nullptr_t  )

Definition at line 575 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ erase

template<typename T>
qsizetype erase ( QByteArray & ba,
const T & t )

Removes all elements that compare equal to t from the byte array ba. Returns the number of elements removed, if any.

See also

Definition at line 830 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ erase_if

template<typename Predicate>
qsizetype erase_if ( QByteArray & ba,
Predicate pred )

Removes all elements for which the predicate pred returns true from the byte array ba. Returns the number of elements removed, if any.

See also

Definition at line 836 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator""_ba()

operator""_ba ( const char * str,
size_t size )

\macro QByteArrayLiteral(ba)

The macro generates the data for a QByteArray out of the string literal ba at compile time. Creating a QByteArray from it is free in this case, and the generated byte array data is stored in the read-only segment of the compiled object file.

For instance:

QByteArray ba = QByteArrayLiteral("byte array contents");

Using QByteArrayLiteral instead of a double quoted plain C++ string literal can significantly speed up creation of QByteArray instances from data known at compile time.

See also

Literal operator that creates a QByteArray out of the first size characters in the char string literal str.

The QByteArray is created at compile time, and the generated string data is stored in the read-only segment of the compiled object file. Duplicate literals may share the same read-only memory. This functionality is interchangeable with QByteArrayLiteral, but saves typing when many string literals are present in the code.

The following code creates a QByteArray:

auto str = "hello"_ba;
QString str
See also

Definition at line 853 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+() [1/6]

QByteArray operator+ ( char a1,
const QByteArray & a2 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte a1 and byte array a2.

Definition at line 719 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+() [2/6]

QByteArray operator+ ( const char * a1,
const QByteArray & a2 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating '\0'-terminated string a1 and byte array a2.

Definition at line 717 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+() [3/6]

QByteArray operator+ ( const QByteArray & a1,
char a2 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte array a1 and byte a2.

Definition at line 713 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+() [4/6]

QByteArray operator+ ( const QByteArray & a1,
const char * a2 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte array a1 and '\0'-terminated string a2.

Definition at line 709 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+() [5/6]

QByteArray operator+ ( const QByteArray & a1,
const QByteArray & a2 )

Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating byte array a1 and byte array a2.

See also

Definition at line 705 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator+() [6/6]

QByteArray operator+ ( QByteArrayView lhs,
const QByteArray & rhs )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Returns a byte array that is the result of concatenating lhs and rhs.

See also

Definition at line 728 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ operator<<()

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & out,
const QByteArray & ba )

Writes byte array ba to the stream out and returns a reference to the stream.

See also
{Serializing Qt Data Types}

Definition at line 3354 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ operator>>()

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & in,
QByteArray & ba )

Reads a byte array into ba from the stream in and returns a reference to the stream.

See also
{Serializing Qt Data Types}

Definition at line 3371 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qChecksum()

quint16 qChecksum ( QByteArrayView data,
Qt::ChecksumType standard )

Returns the CRC-16 checksum of data.

The checksum is independent of the byte order (endianness) and will be calculated accorded to the algorithm published in standard. By default the algorithm published in ISO 3309 (Qt::ChecksumIso3309) is used.

This function is a 16-bit cache conserving (16 entry table) implementation of the CRC-16-CCITT algorithm.

Definition at line 491 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qCompress() [1/2]

QByteArray qCompress ( const QByteArray & data,
int compressionLevel )

Compresses the data byte array and returns the compressed data in a new byte array.

The compressionLevel parameter specifies how much compression should be used. Valid values are between 0 and 9, with 9 corresponding to the greatest compression (i.e. smaller compressed data) at the cost of using a slower algorithm. Smaller values (8, 7, ..., 1) provide successively less compression at slightly faster speeds. The value 0 corresponds to no compression at all. The default value is -1, which specifies zlib's default compression.

See also
qUncompress(const QByteArray &data)

Definition at line 776 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ qCompress() [2/2]

QByteArray qCompress ( const uchar * data,
qsizetype nbytes,
int compressionLevel )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Compresses the first nbytes of data at compression level compressionLevel and returns the compressed data in a new byte array.

◆ qmemrchr()

const void * qmemrchr ( const void * s,
int needle,
size_t size )

Wrapper around memrchr() for systems that don't have it. It's provided in every system because, as a GNU extension, memrchr() may not be declared in string.h depending on how strict the compiler was asked to be.

Used in QByteArrayView::lastIndexOf() overload for a single char.

Definition at line 74 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qstrcmp()

int qstrcmp ( const char * str1,
const char * str2 )

A safe strcmp() function.

Compares str1 and str2. Returns a negative value if str1 is less than str2, 0 if str1 is equal to str2 or a positive value if str1 is greater than str2.

If both strings are \nullptr, they are deemed equal; otherwise, if either is \nullptr, it is treated as less than the other (even if the other is an empty string).

See also
qstrncmp(), qstricmp(), qstrnicmp(), {Character Case}, QByteArray::compare()

Definition at line 209 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qstrcpy()

char * qstrcpy ( char * dst,
const char * src )

Copies all the characters up to and including the '\0' from src into dst and returns a pointer to dst.

If src is \nullptr, it immediately returns \nullptr.

This function assumes that dst is large enough to hold the contents of src.

If dst and src overlap, the behavior is undefined.
See also

Definition at line 123 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qstrdup()

char * qstrdup ( const char * src)

Returns a duplicate string.

Allocates space for a copy of src, copies it, and returns a pointer to the copy. If src is \nullptr, it immediately returns \nullptr.

Ownership is passed to the caller, so the returned string must be deleted using delete[].

Definition at line 101 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qstricmp()

int qstricmp ( const char * str1,
const char * str2 )

A safe stricmp() function.

Compares str1 and str2, ignoring differences in the case of any ASCII characters.

Returns a negative value if str1 is less than str2, 0 if str1 is equal to str2 or a positive value if str1 is greater than str2.

If both strings are \nullptr, they are deemed equal; otherwise, if either is \nullptr, it is treated as less than the other (even if the other is an empty string).

See also
qstrcmp(), qstrncmp(), qstrnicmp(), {Character Case}, QByteArray::compare()

Definition at line 254 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ QString

friend class QString

Definition at line 623 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ qstrlen()

size_t qstrlen ( const char * str)

A safe strlen() function.

Returns the number of characters that precede the terminating '\0', or 0 if str is \nullptr.

See also

Definition at line 106 of file qbytearrayalgorithms.h.

◆ qstrncmp()

int qstrncmp ( const char * str1,
const char * str2,
size_t len )

A safe strncmp() function.

Compares at most len bytes of str1 and str2.

Returns a negative value if str1 is less than str2, 0 if str1 is equal to str2 or a positive value if str1 is greater than str2.

If both strings are \nullptr, they are deemed equal; otherwise, if either is \nullptr, it is treated as less than the other (even if the other is an empty string or len is 0).

See also
qstrcmp(), qstricmp(), qstrnicmp(), {Character Case}, QByteArray::compare()

Definition at line 132 of file qbytearrayalgorithms.h.

◆ qstrncpy()

char * qstrncpy ( char * dst,
const char * src,
size_t len )

A safe strncpy() function.

Copies at most len bytes from src (stopping at len or the terminating '\0' whichever comes first) into dst. Guarantees that dst is '\0'-terminated, except when dst is \nullptr or len is 0. If src is \nullptr, returns \nullptr, otherwise returns dst.

This function assumes that dst is at least len characters long.

If dst and src overlap, the behavior is undefined.
Unlike strncpy(), this function does not write '\0' to all len bytes of dst, but stops after the terminating '\0'. In this sense, it's similar to C11's strncpy_s().
See also

Definition at line 160 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qstrnicmp()

int qstrnicmp ( const char * str1,
const char * str2,
size_t len )

A safe strnicmp() function.

Compares at most len bytes of str1 and str2, ignoring differences in the case of any ASCII characters.

Returns a negative value if str1 is less than str2, 0 if str1 is equal to str2 or a positive value if str1 is greater than str2.

If both strings are \nullptr, they are deemed equal; otherwise, if either is \nullptr, it is treated as less than the other (even if the other is an empty string or len is 0).

See also
qstrcmp(), qstrncmp(), qstricmp(), {Character Case}, QByteArray::compare()

Definition at line 344 of file qbytearray.cpp.

◆ qstrnlen()

size_t qstrnlen ( const char * str,
size_t maxlen )

A safe strnlen() function.

Returns the number of characters that precede the terminating '\0', but at most maxlen. If str is \nullptr, returns 0.

See also

Definition at line 118 of file qbytearrayalgorithms.h.

◆ qUncompress() [1/2]

QByteArray qUncompress ( const QByteArray & data)

Uncompresses the data byte array and returns a new byte array with the uncompressed data.

Returns an empty QByteArray if the input data was corrupt.

This function will uncompress data compressed with qCompress() from this and any earlier Qt version, back to Qt 3.1 when this feature was added.

{Note:} If you want to use this function to uncompress external data that was compressed using zlib, you first need to prepend a four byte header to the byte array containing the data. The header must contain the expected length (in bytes) of the uncompressed data, expressed as an unsigned, big-endian, 32-bit integer. This number is just a hint for the initial size of the output buffer size, though. If the indicated size is too small to hold the result, the output buffer size will still be increased until either the output fits or the system runs out of memory. So, despite the 32-bit header, this function, on 64-bit platforms, can produce more than 4GiB of output.

In Qt versions prior to Qt 6.5, more than 2GiB of data worked unreliably; in Qt versions prior to Qt 6.0, not at all.
See also

Definition at line 778 of file qbytearray.h.

◆ qUncompress [2/2]

QByteArray qUncompress ( const uchar * data,
qsizetype nbytes )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Uncompresses the first nbytes of data and returns a new byte array with the uncompressed data.

Definition at line 785 of file qbytearray.cpp.

References Decompression.

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