Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
QVariant Class Reference

\inmodule QtCore More...

#include <qvariant.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for QVariant:


struct  Private
struct  PrivateShared

Public Types

typedef Private DataPtr

Public Member Functions

 QVariant () noexcept
 Constructs an invalid variant.
 ~QVariant ()
 Destroys the QVariant and the contained object.
 QVariant (QMetaType type, const void *copy=nullptr)
 Constructs a variant of type type, and initializes it with a copy of {*copy} if copy is not \nullptr (in which case, copy must point to an object of type type).
 QVariant (const QVariant &other)
 Constructs a copy of the variant, p, passed as the argument to this constructor.
template<typename T, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, Args... > = true>
 QVariant (std::in_place_type_t< T >, Args &&... args) noexcept(is_noexcept_constructible< q20::remove_cvref_t< T >, Args... >::value)
template<typename T, typename U, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, std::initializer_list< U > &, Args... > = true>
 QVariant (std::in_place_type_t< T >, std::initializer_list< U > il, Args &&... args) noexcept(is_noexcept_constructible< q20::remove_cvref_t< T >, std::initializer_list< U > &, Args... >::value)
 QVariant (int i) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with an integer value, val.
 QVariant (uint ui) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with an unsigned integer value, val.
 QVariant (qlonglong ll) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a long long integer value, val.
 QVariant (qulonglong ull) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with an unsigned long long integer value, val.
 QVariant (bool b) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a boolean value, val.
 QVariant (double d) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, val.
 QVariant (float f) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, val.
 QVariant (QChar qchar) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a char value, c.
 QVariant (QDate date) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a date value, val.
 QVariant (QTime time) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a time value, val.
 QVariant (const QBitArray &bitarray) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a bitarray value, val.
 QVariant (const QByteArray &bytearray) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a bytearray value, val.
 QVariant (const QDateTime &datetime) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a date/time value, val.
 QVariant (const QHash< QString, QVariant > &hash) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a hash of \l {QVariant}s, val.
 QVariant (const QJsonArray &jsonArray) noexcept
 QVariant (const QJsonObject &jsonObject) noexcept
 QVariant (const QList< QVariant > &list) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a list value, val.
 QVariant (const QLocale &locale) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a locale value, l.
 QVariant (const QMap< QString, QVariant > &map) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a map of \l {QVariant}s, val.
 QVariant (const QRegularExpression &re) noexcept
 QVariant (const QString &string) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a string value, val.
 QVariant (const QStringList &stringlist) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a string list value, val.
 QVariant (const QUrl &url) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a url value of val.
 QVariant (const QJsonValue &jsonValue) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< sizeof(CborValueStandIn)>)
 QVariant (const QModelIndex &modelIndex) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< 8+2 *sizeof(quintptr)>)
 QVariant (QUuid uuid) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< 16 >)
 QVariant (QSize size) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a size value of val.
 QVariant (QSizeF size) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< sizeof(qreal) *2 >)
 Constructs a new variant with a size value of val.
 QVariant (QPoint pt) noexcept
 Constructs a new variant with a point value of val.
 QVariant (QPointF pt) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< sizeof(qreal) *2 >)
 Constructs a new variant with a point value of val.
 QVariant (QLine line) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< sizeof(int) *4 >)
 Constructs a new variant with a line value of val.
 QVariant (QLineF line) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< sizeof(qreal) *4 >)
 Constructs a new variant with a line value of val.
 QVariant (QRect rect) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< sizeof(int) *4 >)
 Constructs a new variant with a rect value of val.
 QVariant (QRectF rect) noexcept(Private::FitsInInternalSize< sizeof(qreal) *4 >)
 Constructs a new variant with a rect value of val.
 QVariant (const QEasingCurve &easing) noexcept(false)
 QVariant (const QJsonDocument &jsonDocument) noexcept(false)
 QVariant (const QPersistentModelIndex &modelIndex) noexcept(false)
QT_ASCII_CAST_WARN QVariant (const char *str) noexcept(false)
 Constructs a new variant with a string value of val.
 QVariant (QLatin1StringView string) noexcept(false)
 Constructs a new variant with a QString value from the Latin-1 string viewed by val.
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t< std::disjunction_v< std::is_pointer< T >, std::is_member_pointer< T > >, bool > = false>
 QVariant (T)=delete
QVariantoperator= (const QVariant &other)
 Move-assigns other to this QVariant instance.
 QVariant (QVariant &&other) noexcept
 Move-constructs a QVariant instance, making it point at the same object that other was pointing to.
void swap (QVariant &other) noexcept
int userType () const
int typeId () const
 Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant.
const char * typeName () const
 Returns the name of the type stored in the variant.
QMetaType metaType () const
bool canConvert (QMetaType targetType) const
bool convert (QMetaType type)
 Casts the variant to the requested type, targetType.
bool canView (QMetaType targetType) const
bool isValid () const
 Returns true if the storage type of this variant is not QMetaType::UnknownType; otherwise returns false.
bool isNull () const
 Returns true if this is a null variant, false otherwise.
void clear ()
 Convert this variant to type QMetaType::UnknownType and free up any resources used.
void detach ()
bool isDetached () const
int toInt (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the variant as an int if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.
uint toUInt (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the variant as an unsigned int if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.
qlonglong toLongLong (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the variant as a long long int if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.
qulonglong toULongLong (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the variant as an unsigned long long int if the variant has type() \l QMetaType::ULongLong, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, or \l QMetaType::UInt; otherwise returns 0.
bool toBool () const
 Returns the variant as a bool if the variant has userType() Bool.
double toDouble (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the variant as a double if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.0.
float toFloat (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the variant as a float if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.0.
qreal toReal (bool *ok=nullptr) const
 Returns the variant as a qreal if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.0.
QByteArray toByteArray () const
 Returns the variant as a QByteArray if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QByteArray or \l QMetaType::QString (converted using QString::fromUtf8()); otherwise returns an empty byte array.
QBitArray toBitArray () const
 Returns the variant as a QBitArray if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QBitArray; otherwise returns an empty bit array.
QString toString () const
 Returns the variant as a QString if the variant has a userType() including, but not limited to:
QStringList toStringList () const
 Returns the variant as a QStringList if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QStringList, \l QMetaType::QString, or \l QMetaType::QVariantList of a type that can be converted to QString; otherwise returns an empty list.
QChar toChar () const
 Returns the variant as a QChar if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Int, or \l QMetaType::UInt; otherwise returns an invalid QChar.
QDate toDate () const
 Returns the variant as a QDate if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QDate, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, or \l QMetaType::QString; otherwise returns an invalid date.
QTime toTime () const
 Returns the variant as a QTime if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QTime, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, or \l QMetaType::QString; otherwise returns an invalid time.
QDateTime toDateTime () const
 Returns the variant as a QDateTime if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QDateTime, \l QMetaType::QDate, or \l QMetaType::QString; otherwise returns an invalid date/time.
QList< QVarianttoList () const
 Returns the variant as a QVariantList if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QVariantList.
QMap< QString, QVarianttoMap () const
 Returns the variant as a QVariantMap if the variant has type() \l QMetaType::QVariantMap.
QHash< QString, QVarianttoHash () const
 Returns the variant as a QHash<QString, QVariant> if the variant has type() \l QMetaType::QVariantHash; otherwise returns an empty map.
QPoint toPoint () const
 Returns the variant as a QPoint if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QPoint or \l QMetaType::QPointF; otherwise returns a null QPoint.
QPointF toPointF () const
 Returns the variant as a QPointF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QPoint or \l QMetaType::QPointF; otherwise returns a null QPointF.
QRect toRect () const
 Returns the variant as a QRect if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QRect; otherwise returns an invalid QRect.
QSize toSize () const
 Returns the variant as a QSize if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QSize; otherwise returns an invalid QSize.
QSizeF toSizeF () const
 Returns the variant as a QSizeF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QSizeF; otherwise returns an invalid QSizeF.
QLine toLine () const
 Returns the variant as a QLine if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QLine; otherwise returns an invalid QLine.
QLineF toLineF () const
 Returns the variant as a QLineF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QLineF; otherwise returns an invalid QLineF.
QRectF toRectF () const
 Returns the variant as a QRectF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QRect or \l QMetaType::QRectF; otherwise returns an invalid QRectF.
QLocale toLocale () const
 Returns the variant as a QLocale if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QLocale; otherwise returns an invalid QLocale.
QUuid toUuid () const
QUrl toUrl () const
 Returns the variant as a QUrl if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QUrl; otherwise returns an invalid QUrl.
QJsonValue toJsonValue () const
QJsonObject toJsonObject () const
QJsonArray toJsonArray () const
QJsonDocument toJsonDocument () const
void load (QDataStream &ds)
 Internal function for loading a variant from stream s.
void save (QDataStream &ds) const
 Internal function for saving a variant to the stream s.
voiddata ()
 Returns a pointer to the contained object as a generic void* that can be written to.
const voidconstData () const
const voiddata () const
 Returns a pointer to the contained object as a generic void* that cannot be written to.
template<typename T, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, Args... > = true>
T & emplace (Args &&... args)
template<typename T, typename U, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, std::initializer_list< U > &, Args... > = true>
T & emplace (std::initializer_list< U > list, Args &&... args)
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, QVariant>>>
void setValue (T &&avalue)
void setValue (const QVariant &avalue)
 Copies value over this QVariant.
void setValue (QVariant &&avalue)
 Moves value over this QVariant.
template<typename T>
value () const &
template<typename T>
view ()
 Returns a mutable view of template type {T} on the stored value.
template<typename T>
value () &&
template<typename T>
bool canConvert () const
 Returns true if the variant can be converted to the template type {T}, otherwise false.
template<typename T>
bool canView () const
 Returns true if a mutable view of the template type {T} can be created on this variant, otherwise false.
DataPtrdata_ptr ()
const DataPtrdata_ptr () const

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename T, if_rvalue< T > = true>
static auto fromValue (T &&value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v< T > &&Private::CanUseInternalSpace< T >) -> std::enable_if_t< std::conjunction_v< std::is_copy_constructible< T >, std::is_destructible< T > >, QVariant >
template<typename T>
static auto fromValue (const T &value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v< T > &&Private::CanUseInternalSpace< T >) -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_copy_constructible_v< T > &&std::is_destructible_v< T >, QVariant >
 Returns a QVariant containing a copy of value.
template<typename... Types>
static QVariant fromStdVariant (const std::variant< Types... > &value)
template<typename... Types>
static QVariant fromStdVariant (std::variant< Types... > &&value)
static QVariant fromMetaType (QMetaType type, const void *copy=nullptr)
static QPartialOrdering compare (const QVariant &lhs, const QVariant &rhs)
 Compares the objects at lhs and rhs for ordering.

Protected Member Functions

void create (int type, const void *copy)
void create (QMetaType type, const void *copy)
bool equals (const QVariant &other) const
bool convert (int type, void *ptr) const
bool view (int type, void *ptr)

Protected Attributes

Private d


bool comparesEqual (const QVariant &a, const QVariant &b)
template<typename T>
auto operator<< (const QDebug &debug, const T &variant) -> std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, QVariant >, QDebug >
template<typename T>
T * get_if (QVariant *v) noexcept
 If v contains an object of type T, returns a pointer to the contained object, otherwise returns \nullptr.
template<typename T>
const T * get_if (const QVariant *v) noexcept
template<typename T>
qvariant_cast (const QVariant &v)
 Returns the given value converted to the template type {T}.
template<typename T>
qvariant_cast (QVariant &&v)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

QDataStreamoperator>> (QDataStream &s, QVariant &p)
QDataStreamoperator<< (QDataStream &s, const QVariant &p)
 Writes a variant p to the stream s.
QDataStreamoperator>> (QDataStream &s, QVariant::Type &p)
QDataStreamoperator<< (QDataStream &s, const QVariant::Type p)
template< typename T > T qVariantValue (const QVariant &value)
bool qVariantCanConvert (const QVariant &value)
 Synonym for QList<QVariant>.
 Synonym for QMap<QString, QVariant>.

Detailed Description

\inmodule QtCore

The QVariant class acts like a union for the most common Qt data types.

\compares equality

Because C++ forbids unions from including types that have non-default constructors or destructors, most interesting Qt classes cannot be used in unions. Without QVariant, this would be a problem for QObject::property() and for database work, etc.

A QVariant object holds a single value of a single typeId() at a time. (Some types are multi-valued, for example a string list.) You can find out what type, T, the variant holds, convert it to a different type using convert(), get its value using one of the toT() functions (e.g., toSize()), and check whether the type can be converted to a particular type using canConvert().

The methods named toT() (e.g., toInt(), toString()) are const. If you ask for the stored type, they return a copy of the stored object. If you ask for a type that can be generated from the stored type, toT() copies and converts and leaves the object itself unchanged. If you ask for a type that cannot be generated from the stored type, the result depends on the type; see the function documentation for details.

Here is some example code to demonstrate the use of QVariant:

QVariant v(123); // The variant now contains an int
int x = v.toInt(); // x = 123
out << v; // Writes a type tag and an int to out
v = QVariant(tr("hello")); // The variant now contains a QString
int y = v.toInt(); // y = 0 since v cannot be converted to an int
QString s = v.toString(); // s = tr("hello") (see QObject::tr())
out << v; // Writes a type tag and a QString to out
QDataStream in(...); // (opening the previously written stream)
in >> v; // Reads an Int variant
int z = v.toInt(); // z = 123
qDebug("Type is %s", // prints "Type is int"
v = v.toInt() + 100; // The variant now holds the value 223
v = QVariant(QStringList()); // The variant now holds a QStringList

You can even store QList<QVariant> and QMap<QString, QVariant> values in a variant, so you can easily construct arbitrarily complex data structures of arbitrary types. This is very powerful and versatile, but may prove less memory and speed efficient than storing specific types in standard data structures.

QVariant also supports the notion of null values. A variant is null if the variant contains no initialized value, or contains a null pointer.

QVariant x; // x.isNull() == true
QVariant y = QVariant::fromValue(nullptr); // y.isNull() == true

QVariant can be extended to support other types than those mentioned in the \l QMetaType::Type enum. See \l{Creating Custom Qt Types}{Creating Custom Qt Types} for details.

Definition at line 64 of file qvariant.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DataPtr

Definition at line 698 of file qvariant.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QVariant() [1/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( )

Constructs an invalid variant.

Definition at line 217 of file qvariant.h.

◆ ~QVariant()

QVariant::~QVariant ( )

Destroys the QVariant and the contained object.

Definition at line 524 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [2/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QMetaType type,
const void * copy = nullptr )

Constructs a variant of type type, and initializes it with a copy of {*copy} if copy is not \nullptr (in which case, copy must point to an object of type type).

Note that you have to pass the address of the object you want stored.

Usually, you never have to use this constructor, use QVariant::fromValue() instead to construct variants from the pointer types represented by QMetaType::VoidStar, and QMetaType::QObjectStar.

If type does not support copy construction and copy is not \nullptr, the variant will be invalid. Similarly, if copy is \nullptr and type does not support default construction, the variant will be invalid.

See also
QVariant::fromMetaType, QVariant::fromValue(), QMetaType::Type

Definition at line 925 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [3/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QVariant & other)

Constructs a copy of the variant, p, passed as the argument to this constructor.

Definition at line 537 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [4/46]

template<typename T, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, Args... > = true>
QVariant::QVariant ( std::in_place_type_t< T > ,
Args &&... args )

Definition at line 232 of file qvariant.h.

◆ QVariant() [5/46]

template<typename T, typename U, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, std::initializer_list< U > &, Args... > = true>
QVariant::QVariant ( std::in_place_type_t< T > ,
std::initializer_list< U > il,
Args &&... args )

Definition at line 242 of file qvariant.h.

◆ QVariant() [6/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( int i)

Constructs a new variant with an integer value, val.

Definition at line 931 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [7/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( uint ui)

Constructs a new variant with an unsigned integer value, val.

Definition at line 932 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [8/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( qlonglong ll)

Constructs a new variant with a long long integer value, val.

Definition at line 933 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [9/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( qulonglong ull)

Constructs a new variant with an unsigned long long integer value, val.

Definition at line 934 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [10/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( bool b)

Constructs a new variant with a boolean value, val.

Definition at line 935 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [11/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( double d)

Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, val.

Definition at line 936 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [12/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( float val)

Constructs a new variant with a floating point value, val.


Definition at line 937 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [13/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QChar qchar)

Constructs a new variant with a char value, c.

Definition at line 942 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [14/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QDate date)

Constructs a new variant with a date value, val.

Definition at line 945 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [15/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QTime time)

Constructs a new variant with a time value, val.

Definition at line 946 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [16/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QBitArray & bitarray)

Constructs a new variant with a bitarray value, val.

Definition at line 940 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [17/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QByteArray & bytearray)

Constructs a new variant with a bytearray value, val.

Definition at line 939 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [18/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QDateTime & datetime)

Constructs a new variant with a date/time value, val.

Definition at line 947 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [19/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QHash< QString, QVariant > & hash)

Constructs a new variant with a hash of \l {QVariant}s, val.

Definition at line 951 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [20/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QJsonArray & val)

Constructs a new variant with a json array value, val.

Definition at line 984 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [21/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QJsonObject & val)

Constructs a new variant with a json object value, val.

Definition at line 983 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [22/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QList< QVariant > & list)

Constructs a new variant with a list value, val.

Definition at line 949 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [23/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QLocale & locale)

Constructs a new variant with a locale value, l.

Definition at line 975 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [24/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QMap< QString, QVariant > & map)

Constructs a new variant with a map of \l {QVariant}s, val.

Definition at line 950 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [25/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QRegularExpression & re)

Constructs a new variant with the regular expression value re.

◆ QVariant() [26/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QString & string)

Constructs a new variant with a string value, val.

Definition at line 941 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [27/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QStringList & stringlist)

Constructs a new variant with a string list value, val.

Definition at line 943 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [28/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QUrl & url)

Constructs a new variant with a url value of val.

Definition at line 974 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [29/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QJsonValue & val)

Constructs a new variant with a json value, val.

Definition at line 980 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [30/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QModelIndex & val)

Constructs a new variant with a QModelIndex value, val.

◆ QVariant() [31/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QUuid val)

Constructs a new variant with an uuid value, val.

Definition at line 979 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [32/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QSize size)

Constructs a new variant with a size value of val.

Definition at line 970 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [33/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QSizeF size)

Constructs a new variant with a size value of val.

Definition at line 972 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [34/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QPoint pt)

Constructs a new variant with a point value of val.

Definition at line 958 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [35/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QPointF pt)

Constructs a new variant with a point value of val.

Definition at line 960 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [36/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QLine line)

Constructs a new variant with a line value of val.

Definition at line 966 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [37/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QLineF line)

Constructs a new variant with a line value of val.

Definition at line 968 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [38/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QRect rect)

Constructs a new variant with a rect value of val.

Definition at line 962 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [39/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QRectF rect)

Constructs a new variant with a rect value of val.

Definition at line 964 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [40/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QEasingCurve & val)

Constructs a new variant with an easing curve value, val.

◆ QVariant() [41/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QJsonDocument & val)

Constructs a new variant with a json document value, val.

Definition at line 985 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [42/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( const QPersistentModelIndex & val)

Constructs a new variant with a QPersistentModelIndex value, val.

◆ QVariant() [43/46]

QT_ASCII_CAST_WARN QVariant::QVariant ( const char * val)

Constructs a new variant with a string value of val.

The variant creates a deep copy of val into a QString assuming UTF-8 encoding on the input val.

Note that val is converted to a QString for storing in the variant and QVariant::userType() will return QMetaType::QString for the variant.

You can disable this operator by defining QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII when you compile your applications.

Definition at line 300 of file qvariant.h.

◆ QVariant() [44/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QLatin1StringView string)

Constructs a new variant with a QString value from the Latin-1 string viewed by val.

Definition at line 953 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ QVariant() [45/46]

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t< std::disjunction_v< std::is_pointer< T >, std::is_member_pointer< T > >, bool > = false>
QVariant::QVariant ( T )

◆ QVariant() [46/46]

QVariant::QVariant ( QVariant && other)

Move-constructs a QVariant instance, making it point at the same object that other was pointing to.


Definition at line 328 of file qvariant.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ canConvert() [1/2]

template<typename T>
bool QVariant::canConvert ( ) const

Returns true if the variant can be converted to the template type {T}, otherwise false.


QVariant v = 42;
v.canConvert<int>(); // returns true
v.canConvert<QString>(); // returns true
MyCustomStruct s;
v.canConvert<int>(); // returns false
v.canConvert<MyCustomStruct>(); // returns true

A QVariant containing a pointer to a type derived from QObject will also return true for this function if a qobject_cast to the template type {T} would succeed. Note that this only works for QObject subclasses which use the Q_OBJECT macro.

See also

Definition at line 586 of file qvariant.h.

◆ canConvert() [2/2]

bool QVariant::canConvert ( QMetaType type) const

Returns true if the variant's type can be cast to the requested type, type. Such casting is done automatically when calling the toInt(), toBool(), ... methods.

See also

Definition at line 340 of file qvariant.h.

◆ canView() [1/2]

template<typename T>
bool QVariant::canView ( ) const

Returns true if a mutable view of the template type {T} can be created on this variant, otherwise false.

See also

Definition at line 590 of file qvariant.h.

◆ canView() [2/2]

bool QVariant::canView ( QMetaType targetType) const

Definition at line 344 of file qvariant.h.

◆ clear()

void QVariant::clear ( )

Convert this variant to type QMetaType::UnknownType and free up any resources used.

Definition at line 1107 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ compare()

QPartialOrdering QVariant::compare ( const QVariant & lhs,
const QVariant & rhs )

Compares the objects at lhs and rhs for ordering.

Returns QPartialOrdering::Unordered if comparison is not supported or the values are unordered. Otherwise, returns QPartialOrdering::Less, QPartialOrdering::Equivalent or QPartialOrdering::Greater if lhs is less than, equivalent to or greater than rhs, respectively.

If the variants contain data with a different metatype, the values are considered unordered unless they are both of numeric or pointer types, where regular numeric or pointer comparison rules will be used.

: If a numeric comparison is done and at least one value is NaN, QPartialOrdering::Unordered is returned.

If both variants contain data of the same metatype, the method will use the QMetaType::compare method to determine the ordering of the two variants, which can also indicate that it can't establish an ordering between the two values.

See also
QMetaType::compare(), QMetaType::isOrdered()

Definition at line 2412 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ constData()

const void * QVariant::constData ( ) const

Definition at line 440 of file qvariant.h.

◆ convert() [1/2]

bool QVariant::convert ( int type,
void * ptr ) const

Created for qvariant_cast() usage

Definition at line 2117 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ convert() [2/2]

bool QVariant::convert ( QMetaType targetType)

Casts the variant to the requested type, targetType.

If the cast cannot be done, the variant is still changed to the requested type, but is left in a cleared null state similar to that constructed by QVariant(Type).

Returns true if the current type of the variant was successfully cast; otherwise returns false.

A QVariant containing a pointer to a type derived from QObject will also convert and return true for this function if a qobject_cast to the type described by targetType would succeed. Note that this only works for QObject subclasses which use the Q_OBJECT macro.

converting QVariants that are null due to not being initialized or having failed a previous conversion will always fail, changing the type, remaining null, and returning false.
See also
canConvert(), clear()

Definition at line 2091 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ create() [1/2]

void QVariant::create ( int type,
const void * copy )

Constructs a variant private of type type, and initializes with copy if copy is not \nullptr.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 502 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ create() [2/2]

void QVariant::create ( QMetaType type,
const void * copy )

Definition at line 513 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ data() [1/2]

void * QVariant::data ( )

Returns a pointer to the contained object as a generic void* that can be written to.

This function detaches the QVariant. When called on a \l{isNull}{null-QVariant}, the QVariant will not be null after the call.

See also
get_if(), QMetaType

Definition at line 2445 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ data() [2/2]

const void * QVariant::data ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the contained object as a generic void* that cannot be written to.

See also
get_if(), QMetaType

Definition at line 442 of file qvariant.h.

◆ data_ptr() [1/2]

DataPtr & QVariant::data_ptr ( )

Definition at line 699 of file qvariant.h.

◆ data_ptr() [2/2]

const DataPtr & QVariant::data_ptr ( ) const

Definition at line 700 of file qvariant.h.

◆ detach()

void QVariant::detach ( )

Definition at line 1072 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ emplace() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, Args... > = true>
T & QVariant::emplace ( Args &&... args)
6.6 Replaces the object currently held in {*this} with an object of type {T}, constructed from {args}{...}. If {*this} was non-null, the previously held object is destroyed first. If possible, this method will reuse memory allocated by the QVariant. Returns a reference to the newly-created object.

Definition at line 469 of file qvariant.h.

◆ emplace() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename U, typename... Args, if_constructible< T, std::initializer_list< U > &, Args... > = true>
T & QVariant::emplace ( std::initializer_list< U > list,
Args &&... args )
6.6 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. This overload exists to support types with constructors taking an initializer_list. It behaves otherwise equivalent to the non-initializer list overload.

Definition at line 476 of file qvariant.h.

◆ equals()

bool QVariant::equals ( const QVariant & v) const

Definition at line 2369 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ fromMetaType()

QVariant QVariant::fromMetaType ( QMetaType type,
const void * copy = nullptr )

Creates a variant of type type, and initializes it with a copy of {*copy} if copy is not \nullptr (in which case, copy must point to an object of type type).

Note that you have to pass the address of the object you want stored.

Usually, you never have to use this constructor, use QVariant::fromValue() instead to construct variants from the pointer types represented by QMetaType::VoidStar, and QMetaType::QObjectStar.

If type does not support copy construction and copy is not \nullptr, the variant will be invalid. Similarly, if copy is \nullptr and type does not support default construction, the variant will be invalid.

Returns the QVariant created as described above.

See also
QVariant::fromValue(), QMetaType::Type

Definition at line 2711 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ fromStdVariant() [1/2]

template<typename... Types>
static QVariant QVariant::fromStdVariant ( const std::variant< Types... > & value)

Returns a QVariant with the type and value of the active variant of value. If the active type is std::monostate a default QVariant is returned.

With this method you do not need to register the variant as a Qt metatype, since the std::variant is resolved before being stored. The component types should be registered however.
See also

Definition at line 572 of file qvariant.h.

◆ fromStdVariant() [2/2]

template<typename... Types>
static QVariant QVariant::fromStdVariant ( std::variant< Types... > && value)
6.6 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 578 of file qvariant.h.

◆ fromValue() [1/2]

template<typename T>
static auto QVariant::fromValue ( const T & value) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_constructible_v<T> && std::is_destructible_v<T>, QVariant>

Returns a QVariant containing a copy of value.

Behaves exactly like setValue() otherwise.


MyCustomStruct s;
See also
setValue(), value()

Definition at line 555 of file qvariant.h.

◆ fromValue() [2/2]

template<typename T, if_rvalue< T > = true>
static auto QVariant::fromValue ( T && value) -> std::enable_if_t<std::conjunction_v<std::is_copy_constructible<T>, std::is_destructible<T>>, QVariant>
6.6 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 526 of file qvariant.h.

◆ isDetached()

bool QVariant::isDetached ( ) const

Definition at line 734 of file qvariant.h.

◆ isNull()

bool QVariant::isNull ( ) const

Returns true if this is a null variant, false otherwise.

A variant is considered null if it contains no initialized value or a null pointer.

This behavior has been changed from Qt 5, where isNull() would also return true if the variant contained an object of a builtin type with an isNull() method that returned true for that object.
See also

Definition at line 2500 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ isValid()

bool QVariant::isValid ( ) const

Returns true if the storage type of this variant is not QMetaType::UnknownType; otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 703 of file qvariant.h.

◆ load()

void QVariant::load ( QDataStream & s)

Internal function for loading a variant from stream s.

Use the stream operators instead.

Definition at line 1201 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ metaType()

QMetaType QVariant::metaType ( ) const

Returns the QMetaType of the value stored in the variant.

Definition at line 1042 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ operator=()

QVariant & QVariant::operator= ( const QVariant & other)

Move-assigns other to this QVariant instance.

Assigns the value of the variant variant to this variant.


Definition at line 1050 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ save()

void QVariant::save ( QDataStream & s) const

Internal function for saving a variant to the stream s.

Use the stream operators instead.

Definition at line 1281 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ setValue() [1/3]

void QVariant::setValue ( const QVariant & value)

Copies value over this QVariant.

It is equivalent to simply assigning value to this QVariant.

Definition at line 495 of file qvariant.h.

◆ setValue() [2/3]

void QVariant::setValue ( QVariant && value)

Moves value over this QVariant.

It is equivalent to simply move assigning value to this QVariant.

Definition at line 500 of file qvariant.h.

◆ setValue() [3/3]

template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, QVariant>>>
void QVariant::setValue ( T && avalue)

Definition at line 482 of file qvariant.h.

◆ swap()

void QVariant::swap ( QVariant & other)
4.8 \memberswap{variant}

Definition at line 332 of file qvariant.h.

◆ toBitArray()

QBitArray QVariant::toBitArray ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QBitArray if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QBitArray; otherwise returns an empty bit array.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1832 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toBool()

bool QVariant::toBool ( ) const

Returns the variant as a bool if the variant has userType() Bool.

Returns true if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong and the value is non-zero, or if the variant has type \l QMetaType::QString or \l QMetaType::QByteArray and its lower-case content is not one of the following: empty, "0" or "false"; otherwise returns false.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1944 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toByteArray()

QByteArray QVariant::toByteArray ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QByteArray if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QByteArray or \l QMetaType::QString (converted using QString::fromUtf8()); otherwise returns an empty byte array.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1564 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toChar()

QChar QVariant::toChar ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QChar if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Int, or \l QMetaType::UInt; otherwise returns an invalid QChar.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1821 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toDate()

QDate QVariant::toDate ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QDate if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QDate, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, or \l QMetaType::QString; otherwise returns an invalid date.

If the type() is \l QMetaType::QString, an invalid date will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a Qt::ISODate format date.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1500 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toDateTime()

QDateTime QVariant::toDateTime ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QDateTime if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QDateTime, \l QMetaType::QDate, or \l QMetaType::QString; otherwise returns an invalid date/time.

If the type() is \l QMetaType::QString, an invalid date/time will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a Qt::ISODate format date/time.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1534 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toDouble()

double QVariant::toDouble ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the variant as a double if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.0.

If ok is non-null: {*}{ok} is set to true if the value could be converted to a double; otherwise {*}{ok} is set to false.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1967 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toFloat()

float QVariant::toFloat ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the variant as a float if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.0.


If ok is non-null: {*}{ok} is set to true if the value could be converted to a double; otherwise {*}{ok} is set to false.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1986 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toHash()

QVariantHash QVariant::toHash ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QHash<QString, QVariant> if the variant has type() \l QMetaType::QVariantHash; otherwise returns an empty map.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1483 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toInt()

int QVariant::toInt ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the variant as an int if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.

If ok is non-null: {*}{ok} is set to true if the value could be converted to an int; otherwise {*}{ok} is set to false.

{Warning:} If the value is convertible to a \l QMetaType::LongLong but is too large to be represented in an int, the resulting arithmetic overflow will not be reflected in ok. A simple workaround is to use QString::toInt().

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1871 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toJsonArray()

QJsonArray QVariant::toJsonArray ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QJsonArray if the variant has userType() \l QJsonArray; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonArray.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1794 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toJsonDocument()

QJsonDocument QVariant::toJsonDocument ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QJsonDocument if the variant has userType() \l QJsonDocument; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonDocument.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1807 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toJsonObject()

QJsonObject QVariant::toJsonObject ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QJsonObject if the variant has userType() \l QJsonObject; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonObject.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1781 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toJsonValue()

QJsonValue QVariant::toJsonValue ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QJsonValue if the variant has userType() \l QJsonValue; otherwise returns a default constructed QJsonValue.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1768 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toLine()

QLine QVariant::toLine ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QLine if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QLine; otherwise returns an invalid QLine.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1657 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toLineF()

QLineF QVariant::toLineF ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QLineF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QLineF; otherwise returns an invalid QLineF.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1644 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toList()

QVariantList QVariant::toList ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QVariantList if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QVariantList.

If it doesn't, QVariant will attempt to convert the type to a list and then return it. This will succeed for any type that has registered a converter to QVariantList or which was declared as a sequential container using \l{Q_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_CONTAINER_METATYPE}. If none of those conditions are true, this function will return an empty list.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 2021 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toLocale()

QLocale QVariant::toLocale ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QLocale if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QLocale; otherwise returns an invalid QLocale.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1697 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toLongLong()

qlonglong QVariant::toLongLong ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the variant as a long long int if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.

If ok is non-null: {*}{ok} is set to true if the value could be converted to an int; otherwise {*}{ok} is set to false.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1910 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toMap()

QVariantMap QVariant::toMap ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QVariantMap if the variant has type() \l QMetaType::QVariantMap.

If it doesn't, QVariant will attempt to convert the type to a map and then return it. This will succeed for any type that has registered a converter to QVariantMap or which was declared as a associative container using \l{Q_DECLARE_ASSOCIATIVE_CONTAINER_METATYPE}. If none of those conditions are true, this function will return an empty map.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1472 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toPoint()

QPoint QVariant::toPoint ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QPoint if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QPoint or \l QMetaType::QPointF; otherwise returns a null QPoint.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1578 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toPointF()

QPointF QVariant::toPointF ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QPointF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QPoint or \l QMetaType::QPointF; otherwise returns a null QPointF.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1671 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toReal()

qreal QVariant::toReal ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the variant as a qreal if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Float, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.0.


If ok is non-null: {*}{ok} is set to true if the value could be converted to a double; otherwise {*}{ok} is set to false.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 2005 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toRect()

QRect QVariant::toRect ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QRect if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QRect; otherwise returns an invalid QRect.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1591 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toRectF()

QRectF QVariant::toRectF ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QRectF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QRect or \l QMetaType::QRectF; otherwise returns an invalid QRectF.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1631 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toSize()

QSize QVariant::toSize ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QSize if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QSize; otherwise returns an invalid QSize.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1604 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toSizeF()

QSizeF QVariant::toSizeF ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QSizeF if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QSizeF; otherwise returns an invalid QSizeF.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1617 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toString()

QString QVariant::toString ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QString if the variant has a userType() including, but not limited to:

\l QMetaType::QString, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::QDate, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QStringList, \l QMetaType::QTime, \l QMetaType::UInt, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong.

Calling QVariant::toString() on an unsupported variant returns an empty string.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1456 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toStringList()

QStringList QVariant::toStringList ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QStringList if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QStringList, \l QMetaType::QString, or \l QMetaType::QVariantList of a type that can be converted to QString; otherwise returns an empty list.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1436 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toTime()

QTime QVariant::toTime ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QTime if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QTime, \l QMetaType::QDateTime, or \l QMetaType::QString; otherwise returns an invalid time.

If the type() is \l QMetaType::QString, an invalid time will be returned if the string cannot be parsed as a Qt::ISODate format time.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1517 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toUInt()

uint QVariant::toUInt ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the variant as an unsigned int if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::UInt, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, or \l QMetaType::ULongLong; otherwise returns 0.

If ok is non-null: {*}{ok} is set to true if the value could be converted to an unsigned int; otherwise {*}{ok} is set to false.

{Warning:} If the value is convertible to a \l QMetaType::ULongLong but is too large to be represented in an unsigned int, the resulting arithmetic overflow will not be reflected in ok. A simple workaround is to use QString::toUInt().

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1893 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toULongLong()

qulonglong QVariant::toULongLong ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

Returns the variant as an unsigned long long int if the variant has type() \l QMetaType::ULongLong, \l QMetaType::Bool, \l QMetaType::QByteArray, \l QMetaType::QChar, \l QMetaType::Double, \l QMetaType::Int, \l QMetaType::LongLong, \l QMetaType::QString, or \l QMetaType::UInt; otherwise returns 0.

If ok is non-null: {*}{ok} is set to true if the value could be converted to an int; otherwise {*}{ok} is set to false.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1927 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toUrl()

QUrl QVariant::toUrl ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QUrl if the variant has userType() \l QMetaType::QUrl; otherwise returns an invalid QUrl.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1684 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ toUuid()

QUuid QVariant::toUuid ( ) const

Returns the variant as a QUuid if the variant has type() \l QMetaType::QUuid, \l QMetaType::QByteArray or \l QMetaType::QString; otherwise returns a default-constructed QUuid.

See also
canConvert(), convert()

Definition at line 1755 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ typeId()

int QVariant::typeId ( ) const

Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant.

This is the same as metaType().id().

See also

Definition at line 335 of file qvariant.h.

◆ typeName()

const char * QVariant::typeName ( ) const

Returns the name of the type stored in the variant.

The returned strings describe the C++ datatype used to store the data: for example, "QFont", "QString", or "QVariantList". An Invalid variant returns 0.

Definition at line 1098 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ userType()

int QVariant::userType ( ) const

Definition at line 334 of file qvariant.h.

◆ value() [1/2]

template<typename T>
T QVariant::value ( ) &&

Definition at line 518 of file qvariant.h.

◆ value() [2/2]

template<typename T>
T QVariant::value ( ) const &

Definition at line 506 of file qvariant.h.

◆ view() [1/2]

template<typename T>
T QVariant::view ( )

Returns a mutable view of template type {T} on the stored value.

Call canView() to find out whether such a view is supported. If no such view can be created, returns the stored value converted to the template type {T}. Call canConvert() to find out whether a type can be converted. If the value can neither be viewed nor converted, a \l{default-constructed value} will be returned.

See also

Definition at line 510 of file qvariant.h.

◆ view() [2/2]

bool QVariant::view ( int type,
void * ptr )

Definition at line 2125 of file qvariant.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ comparesEqual

bool comparesEqual ( const QVariant & a,
const QVariant & b )

Definition at line 607 of file qvariant.h.

◆ get_if [1/2]

template<typename T>
const T * get_if ( const QVariant * v)

Definition at line 628 of file qvariant.h.

◆ get_if [2/2]

template<typename T>
T * get_if ( QVariant * v)

If v contains an object of type T, returns a pointer to the contained object, otherwise returns \nullptr.

The overload taking a mutable v detaches v: When called on a \l{isNull()}{null} v with matching type T, v will not be null after the call.

These functions are provided for compatibility with {std::variant}.

See also

Definition at line 620 of file qvariant.h.

◆ operator<< [1/3]

template<typename T>
auto operator<< ( const QDebug & debug,
const T & variant ) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, QVariant>, QDebug>

Definition at line 613 of file qvariant.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & s,
const QVariant & p )

Writes a variant p to the stream s.

See also
{Serializing Qt Data Types}{Format of the QDataStream operators}

Definition at line 1398 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & s,
const QVariant::Type p )
[6.0] Stream QMetaType::Type instead.

Writes a variant type p to the stream s.

[6.0] Stream QMetaType::Type instead.

Writes a variant type p to the stream s.

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & s,
QVariant & p )

Reads a variant p from the stream s.

If the stream contains types that aren't the built-in ones (see \l QMetaType::Type), those types must be registered using qRegisterMetaType() or QMetaType::registerType() before the variant can be properly loaded. If an unregistered type is found, QVariant will set the corrupt flag in the stream, stop processing and print a warning. For example, for QList<int> it would print the following:

\quotation QVariant::load: unknown user type with name QList<int> \endquotation

See also
{Serializing Qt Data Types}{Format of the QDataStream operators}

Definition at line 1386 of file qvariant.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & s,
QVariant::Type & p )
[6.0] Stream QMetaType::Type instead.

Reads a variant type p in enum representation from the stream s.

[6.0] Stream QMetaType::Type instead.

Reads a variant type p in enum representation from the stream s.

◆ qvariant_cast [1/2]

template<typename T>
T qvariant_cast ( const QVariant & value)

Returns the given value converted to the template type {T}.

This function is equivalent to QVariant::value().

See also

Definition at line 742 of file qvariant.h.

◆ qvariant_cast [2/2]

template<typename T>
T qvariant_cast ( QVariant && value)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Returns the given value converted to the template type {T}.

Definition at line 759 of file qvariant.h.

◆ qVariantCanConvert()

bool qVariantCanConvert ( const QVariant & value)

Returns true if the given value can be converted to the template type specified; otherwise returns false.

This function is equivalent to QVariant::canConvert(value).

This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6 which did not support member template functions. It is advised to use the other form in new code.
See also

Returns true if the given value can be converted to the template type specified; otherwise returns false.

This function is equivalent to QVariant::canConvert(value).

This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6 which did not support member template functions. It is advised to use the other form in new code.
See also

◆ QVariantHash()


Synonym for QHash<QString, QVariant>.

Definition at line 53 of file qcontainerfwd.h.

◆ QVariantList()


Synonym for QList<QVariant>.

Definition at line 15 of file qjsonarray.h.

◆ QVariantMap()


Synonym for QMap<QString, QVariant>.

Definition at line 52 of file qcontainerfwd.h.

◆ qVariantValue()

template< typename T > T qVariantValue ( const QVariant & value)

Returns the given value converted to the template type {T}.

This function is equivalent to \l{QVariant::value()}{QVariant::value}<T>(value).

This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6 which did not support member template functions. It is advised to use the other form in new code.
See also
QVariant::value(), qvariant_cast()

Returns the given value converted to the template type {T}.

This function is equivalent to \l{QVariant::value()}{QVariant::value}<T>(value).

This function was provided as a workaround for MSVC 6 which did not support member template functions. It is advised to use the other form in new code.
See also
QVariant::value(), qvariant_cast()

Member Data Documentation

◆ d

Private QVariant::d

Definition at line 661 of file qvariant.h.

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