Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
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QtConcurrent Namespace Reference

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class  BlockSizeManager
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
struct  DefaultValueContainer
struct  DefaultValueContainer< void >
class  FilteredEachKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  FilteredReducedKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  FilterKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
struct  FunctionResolver
struct  FunctionResolverHelper
struct  FunctionResolverHelper< std::false_type, Function, PromiseType, Args... >
struct  FunctionResolverHelper< std::true_type, Function, PromiseType, Args... >
class  IntermediateResults
struct  InvokeResult
class  IterateKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  MapKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  MappedEachKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  MappedReducedKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  Median
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
struct  MemberFunctionResolver
struct  MemberFunctionResolver< Function, PromiseType, Arg, Args... >
struct  NonMemberFunctionResolver
struct  NonMemberFunctionResolver< Function, PromiseType, Args... >
struct  NonPromiseTaskResolver
struct  NonPromiseTaskResolver< Function, Args... >
struct  PromiseTaskResolver
struct  PromiseTaskResolver< Function, Args... >
class  QTaskBuilder
class  qValueType
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  qValueType< const T * >
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  qValueType< T * >
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  ReduceKernel
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  ResultReporter
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  ResultReporter< void >
class  RunFunctionTaskBase
struct  SelectSpecialization
struct  SelectSpecialization< void >
class  SequenceHolder1
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  SequenceHolder2
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
struct  StoredFunctionCall
struct  StoredFunctionCallWithPromise
struct  TaskResolver
struct  TaskResolverHelper
struct  TaskResolverHelper< std::false_type, Function, Args... >
struct  TaskResolverHelper< std::true_type, Function, Args... >
struct  TaskStartParameters
class  ThreadEngine
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class  ThreadEngineBarrier
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  ThreadEngineBase
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  ThreadEngineStarter
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...
class  ThreadEngineStarter< void >
class  ThreadEngineStarterBase
 \inmodule QtConcurrent More...


template<class Function, class ... Args>
using InvokeResultType = typename InvokeResult<Function, Args...>::Type
template<class ... Types>
using DecayedTuple = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Types>...>


enum  ThreadFunctionResult { ThrottleThread , ThreadFinished }
enum class  FutureResult { Ignore }
enum  { ReduceQueueStartLimit = 20 , ReduceQueueThrottleLimit = 30 }
enum  ReduceOption { UnorderedReduce = 0x1 , OrderedReduce = 0x2 , SequentialReduce = 0x4 }
 This enum specifies the order of which results from the map or filter function are passed to the reduce function. More...


bool selectIteration (std::bidirectional_iterator_tag)
bool selectIteration (std::forward_iterator_tag)
bool selectIteration (std::random_access_iterator_tag)
template<typename ThreadEngine>
ThreadEngineStarter< typename ThreadEngine::ResultTypestartThreadEngine (ThreadEngine *threadEngine)
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< voidfilterInternal (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce)
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< voidfilter (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< voidfilter (Sequence &sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > filteredReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename std::decay_t< Sequence >::value_typefiltered (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename std::decay_t< Sequence >::value_typefiltered (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename qValueType< Iterator >::value_typefiltered (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename qValueType< Iterator >::value_typefiltered (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
void blockingFilter (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
void blockingFilter (Sequence &sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingFilteredReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
std::decay_t< Sequence > blockingFiltered (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
std::decay_t< Sequence > blockingFiltered (Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename OutputSequence, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
OutputSequence blockingFiltered (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename OutputSequence, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
OutputSequence blockingFiltered (Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&keep)
 Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.
template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< typename qValueType< Iterator >::value_typestartFiltered (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, KeepFunctor &&functor)
template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
decltype(auto) startFiltered (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, KeepFunctor &&functor)
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ReduceOptions options)
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ReduceOptions options)
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ResultType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options)
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startFilteredReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ResultType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options)
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< voidmap (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item in sequence.
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< voidmap (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item in sequence.
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< voidmap (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item from begin to end.
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< voidmap (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item from begin to end.
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > mappedReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Sequence, MapFunctor > > mapped (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Sequence, MapFunctor > > mapped (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Iterator, MapFunctor > > mapped (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Iterator, MapFunctor > > mapped (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
void blockingMap (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor map)
 Calls function once for each item in sequence.
template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
void blockingMap (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item in sequence.
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
void blockingMap (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item from begin to end.
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
void blockingMap (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item from begin to end.
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType blockingMappedReduced (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map, ReduceFunctor &&reduce, InitialValueType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options=ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce|SequentialReduce))
template<typename OutputSequence, typename InputSequence, typename MapFunctor>
OutputSequence blockingMapped (QThreadPool *pool, InputSequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item in sequence and returns an OutputSequence containing the results.
template<typename OutputSequence, typename InputSequence, typename MapFunctor>
OutputSequence blockingMapped (InputSequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item in sequence and returns an OutputSequence containing the results.
template<typename MapFunctor, typename InputSequence>
auto blockingMapped (QThreadPool *pool, InputSequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename MapFunctor, typename InputSequence>
auto blockingMapped (InputSequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename Sequence, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
Sequence blockingMapped (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item from begin to end and returns a container with the results.
template<typename Sequence, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
Sequence blockingMapped (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
 Calls function once for each item from begin to end and returns a container with the results.
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
auto blockingMapped (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
auto blockingMapped (Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&map)
template<typename Iterator, typename Functor>
ThreadEngineStarter< voidstartMap (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Functor &&functor)
template<typename T, typename Iterator, typename Functor>
ThreadEngineStarter< T > startMapped (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Functor &&functor)
template<typename T, typename Sequence, typename Functor>
ThreadEngineStarter< T > startMapped (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, Functor &&functor)
template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ReduceOptions options)
template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ReduceOptions options)
template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ResultType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options)
template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > startMappedReduced (QThreadPool *pool, Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&mapFunctor, ReduceFunctor &&reduceFunctor, ResultType &&initialValue, ReduceOptions options)
template<class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto run (QThreadPool *pool, Function &&f, Args &&...args)
template<class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto run (QThreadPool *pool, std::reference_wrapper< const Function > &&functionWrapper, Args &&...args)
template<class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto run (Function &&f, Args &&...args)
template<class PromiseType, class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto run (QThreadPool *pool, Function &&f, Args &&...args)
template<class PromiseType, class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto run (Function &&f, Args &&...args)
template<class Task>
constexpr auto task (Task &&t)

Detailed Description

\inmodule QtConcurrent


The QtConcurrent namespace provides high-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives.

See the \l {Qt Concurrent} module documentation for an overview of available functions, or see below for detailed information on each function.

\inheaderfile QtConcurrent

Typedef Documentation

◆ DecayedTuple

template<class ... Types>
using QtConcurrent::DecayedTuple = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Types>...>

Definition at line 102 of file qtconcurrentstoredfunctioncall.h.

◆ InvokeResultType

template<class Function, class ... Args>
using QtConcurrent::InvokeResultType = typename InvokeResult<Function, Args...>::Type

Definition at line 99 of file qtconcurrentstoredfunctioncall.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 49 of file qtconcurrentreducekernel.h.

◆ FutureResult

enum class QtConcurrent::FutureResult

Definition at line 47 of file qtaskbuilder.h.

◆ ReduceOption

This enum specifies the order of which results from the map or filter function are passed to the reduce function.

\value UnorderedReduce Reduction is done in an arbitrary order. \value OrderedReduce Reduction is done in the order of the original sequence. \value SequentialReduce Reduction is done sequentially: only one thread will enter the reduce function at a time. (Parallel reduction might be supported in a future version of Qt Concurrent.)


Definition at line 66 of file qtconcurrentreducekernel.h.

◆ ThreadFunctionResult


Definition at line 44 of file qtconcurrentthreadengine.h.

Function Documentation

◆ blockingFilter() [1/2]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
void QtConcurrent::blockingFilter ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence & sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.

All calls to filterFunction are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. If filterFunction returns true, the item is kept in sequence; otherwise, the item is removed from sequence.

Note that this method doesn't have an overload working with iterators, because it invalidates the iterators of the sequence it operates on.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 368 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilter() [2/2]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
void QtConcurrent::blockingFilter ( Sequence & sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.

If filterFunction returns true, the item is kept in sequence; otherwise, the item is removed from sequence.

Note that this method doesn't have an overload working with iterators, because it invalidates the iterators of the sequence it operates on.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 375 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFiltered() [1/4]

template<typename OutputSequence, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
OutputSequence QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

This function will block until the iterator reaches the end of the sequence being processed.
See also
filtered(), {Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 706 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFiltered() [2/4]

template<typename OutputSequence, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
OutputSequence QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

All calls to filterFunction are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

This function will block until the iterator reaches the end of the sequence being processed.
See also
filtered(), {Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 698 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFiltered() [3/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
std::decay_t< Sequence > QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

All calls to filterFunction are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
filtered(), {Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 681 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFiltered() [4/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
std::decay_t< Sequence > QtConcurrent::blockingFiltered ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
filtered(), {Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 689 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [1/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 593 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [2/13]

template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 664 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [3/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 547 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [4/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 569 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [5/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 532 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [6/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 418 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [7/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 494 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [8/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 383 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [9/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 460 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [10/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 442 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [11/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 515 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [12/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 397 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingFilteredReduced() [13/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingFilteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                         | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 476 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ blockingMap() [1/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
void QtConcurrent::blockingMap ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item from begin to end.

The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in the sequence which the iterators belong to.

This function will block until the iterator reaches the end of the sequence being processed.
See also
map(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 419 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMap() [2/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
void QtConcurrent::blockingMap ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item from begin to end.

All calls to function are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in the sequence which the iterators belong to.

This function will block until the iterator reaches the end of the sequence being processed.
See also
map(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 412 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMap() [3/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
void QtConcurrent::blockingMap ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor function )

Calls function once for each item in sequence.

All calls to function are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in sequence.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
map(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 395 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMap() [4/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
void QtConcurrent::blockingMap ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item in sequence.

The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in sequence.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
map(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 403 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [1/8]

template<typename OutputSequence, typename InputSequence, typename MapFunctor>
OutputSequence QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( InputSequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item in sequence and returns an OutputSequence containing the results.

The type of the results will match the type returned by the MapFunctor.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
mapped(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 755 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [2/8]

template<typename MapFunctor, typename InputSequence>
auto QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( InputSequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 773 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [3/8]

template<typename Sequence, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
Sequence QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item from begin to end and returns a container with the results.

You can specify the type of container as the a template argument, like this:

QList<int> ints = QtConcurrent::blockingMapped<QList<int> >(beginIterator, endIterator, fn);
Definition qlist.h:80
EGLint EGLint EGLint EGLint int int * ints
OutputSequence blockingMapped(QThreadPool *pool, InputSequence &&sequence, MapFunctor &&map)
Calls function once for each item in sequence and returns an OutputSequence containing the results.
This function will block until the iterator reaches the end of the sequence being processed.
See also
mapped(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 792 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [4/8]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
auto QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 808 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [5/8]

template<typename OutputSequence, typename InputSequence, typename MapFunctor>
OutputSequence QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
InputSequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item in sequence and returns an OutputSequence containing the results.

All calls to function are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. The type of the results will match the type returned by the MapFunctor.

This function will block until all items in the sequence have been processed.
See also
mapped(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 747 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [6/8]

template<typename MapFunctor, typename InputSequence>
auto QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
InputSequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 763 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [7/8]

template<typename Sequence, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
Sequence QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item from begin to end and returns a container with the results.

All calls to function are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. You can specify the type of container as the a template argument, like this:

QList<int> ints = QtConcurrent::blockingMapped<QList<int> >(beginIterator, endIterator, fn);
This function will block until the iterator reaches the end of the sequence being processed.
See also
mapped(), {Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 785 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMapped() [8/8]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
auto QtConcurrent::blockingMapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 800 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [1/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 649 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [2/13]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 731 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [3/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 602 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [4/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 624 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [5/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 587 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [6/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 465 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [7/13]

template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 546 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [8/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 428 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [9/13]

template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 506 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [10/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 489 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [11/13]

template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 571 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [12/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 443 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ blockingMappedReduced() [13/13]

template<typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename Sequence, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
ResultType QtConcurrent::blockingMappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                       | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 523 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ filter() [1/2]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< void > QtConcurrent::filter ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence & sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.

All calls to filterFunction are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. If filterFunction returns true, the item is kept in sequence; otherwise, the item is removed from sequence.

Note that this method doesn't have an overload working with iterators, because it invalidates the iterators of the sequence it operates on.

See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 35 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filter() [2/2]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< void > QtConcurrent::filter ( Sequence & sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence.

If filterFunction returns true, the item is kept in sequence; otherwise, the item is removed from sequence.

Note that this method doesn't have an overload working with iterators, because it invalidates the iterators of the sequence it operates on.

See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 42 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filtered() [1/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename qValueType< Iterator >::value_type > QtConcurrent::filtered ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 358 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filtered() [2/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename qValueType< Iterator >::value_type > QtConcurrent::filtered ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item from begin to end and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

All calls to filterFunction are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 349 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filtered() [3/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename std::decay_t< Sequence >::value_type > QtConcurrent::filtered ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

All calls to filterFunction are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 333 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filtered() [4/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
QFuture< typename std::decay_t< Sequence >::value_type > QtConcurrent::filtered ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && filterFunction )

Calls filterFunction once for each item in sequence and returns a new Sequence of kept items.

If filterFunction returns true, a copy of the item is put in the new Sequence. Otherwise, the item will not appear in the new Sequence.

See also
{Concurrent Filter and Filter-Reduce}

Definition at line 340 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [1/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 248 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [2/13]

template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 316 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [3/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 204 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [4/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 225 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [5/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 191 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [6/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 83 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [7/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 155 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [8/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 50 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [9/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 123 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [10/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 106 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [11/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 175 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [12/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 63 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filteredReduced() [13/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< KeepFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::filteredReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                          | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 138 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ filterInternal()

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< void > QtConcurrent::filterInternal ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence & sequence,
KeepFunctor && keep,
ReduceFunctor && reduce )


Definition at line 24 of file qtconcurrentfilter.h.

◆ map() [1/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< void > QtConcurrent::map ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item from begin to end.

The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in the sequence which the iterators belong to.

See also
{Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 47 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ map() [2/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< void > QtConcurrent::map ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item from begin to end.

All calls to function are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in the sequence which the iterators belong to.

See also
{Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 41 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ map() [3/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< void > QtConcurrent::map ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item in sequence.

All calls to function are invoked from the threads taken from the QThreadPool pool. The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in sequence.

See also
{Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 27 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ map() [4/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< void > QtConcurrent::map ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && function )

Calls function once for each item in sequence.

The function takes a reference to the item, so that any modifications done to the item will appear in sequence.

See also
{Concurrent Map and Map-Reduce}

Definition at line 33 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mapped() [1/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Iterator, MapFunctor > > QtConcurrent::mapped ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 384 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mapped() [2/4]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Iterator, MapFunctor > > QtConcurrent::mapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 373 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mapped() [3/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Sequence, MapFunctor > > QtConcurrent::mapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 352 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mapped() [4/4]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor>
QFuture< QtPrivate::MapResultType< Sequence, MapFunctor > > QtConcurrent::mapped ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map )

Definition at line 362 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [1/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 258 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [2/13]

template<typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isIterator_v< Iterator >, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 336 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [3/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 214 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [4/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 235 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [5/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 200 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [6/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 87 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [7/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 161 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [8/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 54 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [9/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 125 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [10/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 109 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [11/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, typename InitialValueType, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInitialValueCompatible_v< InitialValueType, ResultType >, int > = 0>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
InitialValueType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 185 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [12/13]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 67 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ mappedReduced() [13/13]

template<typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor, std::enable_if_t< QtPrivate::isInvocable< MapFunctor, Sequence >::value, int > = 0, typename ResultType = typename QtPrivate::ReduceResultTypeHelper<ReduceFunctor>::type>
QFuture< ResultType > QtConcurrent::mappedReduced ( Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && map,
ReduceFunctor && reduce,
ReduceOptions options = ReduceOptions(UnorderedReduce                                                                        | SequentialReduce) )

Definition at line 140 of file qtconcurrentmap.h.

◆ run() [1/5]

template<class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto QtConcurrent::run ( Function && f,
Args &&... args )

Definition at line 62 of file qtconcurrentrun.h.

◆ run() [2/5]

template<class PromiseType, class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto QtConcurrent::run ( Function && f,
Args &&... args )

Definition at line 80 of file qtconcurrentrun.h.

◆ run() [3/5]

template<class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto QtConcurrent::run ( QThreadPool * pool,
Function && f,
Args &&... args )

Definition at line 43 of file qtconcurrentrun.h.

◆ run() [4/5]

template<class PromiseType, class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto QtConcurrent::run ( QThreadPool * pool,
Function && f,
Args &&... args )

Definition at line 71 of file qtconcurrentrun.h.

◆ run() [5/5]

template<class Function, class ... Args>
QTCONCURRENT_RUN_NODISCARD auto QtConcurrent::run ( QThreadPool * pool,
std::reference_wrapper< const Function > && functionWrapper,
Args &&... args )

Definition at line 53 of file qtconcurrentrun.h.

◆ selectIteration() [1/3]

bool QtConcurrent::selectIteration ( std::bidirectional_iterator_tag )

Definition at line 130 of file qtconcurrentiteratekernel.h.

◆ selectIteration() [2/3]

bool QtConcurrent::selectIteration ( std::forward_iterator_tag )

Definition at line 135 of file qtconcurrentiteratekernel.h.

◆ selectIteration() [3/3]

bool QtConcurrent::selectIteration ( std::random_access_iterator_tag )

Definition at line 140 of file qtconcurrentiteratekernel.h.

◆ startFiltered() [1/2]

template<typename Iterator, typename KeepFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< typename qValueType< Iterator >::value_type > QtConcurrent::startFiltered ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
KeepFunctor && functor )


Definition at line 270 of file qtconcurrentfilterkernel.h.

◆ startFiltered() [2/2]

template<typename Sequence, typename KeepFunctor>
decltype(auto) QtConcurrent::startFiltered ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
KeepFunctor && functor )


Definition at line 278 of file qtconcurrentfilterkernel.h.

◆ startFilteredReduced() [1/4]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 316 of file qtconcurrentfilterkernel.h.

◆ startFilteredReduced() [2/4]

template<typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ResultType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 360 of file qtconcurrentfilterkernel.h.

◆ startFilteredReduced() [3/4]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 291 of file qtconcurrentfilterkernel.h.

◆ startFilteredReduced() [4/4]

template<typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startFilteredReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ResultType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 335 of file qtconcurrentfilterkernel.h.

◆ startMap()

template<typename Iterator, typename Functor>
ThreadEngineStarter< void > QtConcurrent::startMap ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
Functor && functor )


Definition at line 176 of file qtconcurrentmapkernel.h.

◆ startMapped() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename Iterator, typename Functor>
ThreadEngineStarter< T > QtConcurrent::startMapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
Functor && functor )


Definition at line 185 of file qtconcurrentmapkernel.h.

◆ startMapped() [2/2]

template<typename T, typename Sequence, typename Functor>
ThreadEngineStarter< T > QtConcurrent::startMapped ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
Functor && functor )


Definition at line 216 of file qtconcurrentmapkernel.h.

◆ startMappedReduced() [1/4]

template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 257 of file qtconcurrentmapkernel.h.

◆ startMappedReduced() [2/4]

template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Iterator, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Iterator begin,
Iterator end,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ResultType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 303 of file qtconcurrentmapkernel.h.

◆ startMappedReduced() [3/4]

template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 233 of file qtconcurrentmapkernel.h.

◆ startMappedReduced() [4/4]

template<typename IntermediateType, typename ResultType, typename Sequence, typename MapFunctor, typename ReduceFunctor>
ThreadEngineStarter< ResultType > QtConcurrent::startMappedReduced ( QThreadPool * pool,
Sequence && sequence,
MapFunctor && mapFunctor,
ReduceFunctor && reduceFunctor,
ResultType && initialValue,
ReduceOptions options )


Definition at line 277 of file qtconcurrentmapkernel.h.

◆ startThreadEngine()

template<typename ThreadEngine>
ThreadEngineStarter< typename ThreadEngine::ResultType > QtConcurrent::startThreadEngine ( ThreadEngine * threadEngine)


Definition at line 211 of file qtconcurrentthreadengine.h.

◆ task()

template<class Task>
auto QtConcurrent::task ( Task && t)

Definition at line 29 of file qtconcurrenttask.h.