Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
4#include "qquadpath_p.h"
6#include <private/qsgcurveprocessor_p.h>
8#include <QtGui/private/qbezier_p.h>
9#include <QtMath>
10#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
11#include <QtCore/QVarLengthArray>
17 static bool init = false;
18 const int numSteps = 21;
19 Q_STATIC_ASSERT(numSteps % 2 == 1); // numTries must be odd
20 static qreal t2s[numSteps];
21 static qreal tmts[numSteps];
22 if (!init) {
23 // Precompute bezier factors
24 qreal t = 0.20;
25 const qreal step = (1 - (2 * t)) / (numSteps - 1);
26 for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) {
27 t2s[i] = t * t;
28 tmts[i] = 2 * t * (1 - t);
29 t += step;
30 }
31 init = true;
32 }
34 const QPointF midPoint = b.midPoint();
35 auto distForIndex = [&](int i) -> qreal {
36 QPointF qp = (t2s[numSteps - 1 - i] * b.pt1()) + (tmts[i] * qcp) + (t2s[i] * b.pt4());
37 QPointF d = midPoint - qp;
38 return QPointF::dotProduct(d, d);
39 };
41 const int halfSteps = (numSteps - 1) / 2;
42 bool foundIt = false;
43 const qreal centerDist = distForIndex(halfSteps);
44 qreal minDist = centerDist;
45 // Search for the minimum in right half
46 for (int i = 0; i < halfSteps; i++) {
47 qreal tDist = distForIndex(halfSteps + 1 + i);
48 if (tDist < minDist) {
49 minDist = tDist;
50 } else {
51 foundIt = (i > 0);
52 break;
53 }
54 }
55 if (!foundIt) {
56 // Search in left half
57 minDist = centerDist;
58 for (int i = 0; i < halfSteps; i++) {
59 qreal tDist = distForIndex(halfSteps - 1 - i);
60 if (tDist < minDist) {
61 minDist = tDist;
62 } else {
63 foundIt = (i > 0);
64 break;
65 }
66 }
67 }
68 return foundIt ? minDist : centerDist;
73 const QLineF st = b.startTangent();
74 const QLineF et = b.endTangent();
75 const QPointF midPoint = b.midPoint();
76 bool valid = true;
77 QPointF quadControlPoint;
78 if (st.intersects(et, &quadControlPoint) == QLineF::NoIntersection) {
79 valid = false;
80 } else {
81 // Check if intersection is on wrong side
82 const QPointF bl = b.pt4() - b.pt1();
83 const QPointF ml = midPoint - b.pt1();
84 const QPointF ql = quadControlPoint - b.pt1();
85 qreal cx1 = (ml.x() * bl.y()) - (ml.y() * bl.x());
86 qreal cx2 = (ql.x() * bl.y()) - (ql.y() * bl.x());
87 valid = (std::signbit(cx1) == std::signbit(cx2));
88 }
89 return valid ? quadControlPoint : midPoint;
92static int qt_getInflectionPoints(const QBezier &orig, qreal *tpoints)
94 auto isValidRoot = [](qreal r) {
95 return qIsFinite(r) && (r > 0) && (!qFuzzyIsNull(float(r))) && (r < 1)
96 && (!qFuzzyIsNull(float(r - 1)));
97 };
99 // normalize so pt1.x,pt1.y,pt4.y == 0
100 QTransform xf;
101 const QLineF l(orig.pt1(), orig.pt4());
102 xf.rotate(l.angle());
103 xf.translate(-orig.pt1().x(), -orig.pt1().y());
104 const QBezier n = orig.mapBy(xf);
106 const qreal x2 = n.pt2().x();
107 const qreal x3 = n.pt3().x();
108 const qreal x4 = n.pt4().x();
109 const qreal y2 = n.pt2().y();
110 const qreal y3 = n.pt3().y();
112 const qreal p = x3 * y2;
113 const qreal q = x4 * y2;
114 const qreal r = x2 * y3;
115 const qreal s = x4 * y3;
117 const qreal a = 18 * ((-3 * p) + (2 * q) + (3 * r) - s);
118 if (qFuzzyIsNull(float(a))) {
119 if (std::signbit(y2) != std::signbit(y3) && qFuzzyCompare(float(x4 - x3), float(x2))) {
120 tpoints[0] = 0.5; // approx
121 return 1;
122 } else if (!a) {
123 return 0;
124 }
125 }
126 const qreal b = 18 * (((3 * p) - q) - (3 * r));
127 const qreal c = 18 * (r - p);
128 const qreal rad = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);
129 if (rad < 0)
130 return 0;
131 const qreal sqr = qSqrt(rad);
132 const qreal root1 = (-b + sqr) / (2 * a);
133 const qreal root2 = (-b - sqr) / (2 * a);
135 int res = 0;
136 if (isValidRoot(root1))
137 tpoints[res++] = root1;
138 if (root2 != root1 && isValidRoot(root2))
139 tpoints[res++] = root2;
141 if (res == 2 && tpoints[0] > tpoints[1])
142 qSwap(tpoints[0], tpoints[1]);
144 return res;
147static void qt_addToQuadratics(const QBezier &b, QPolygonF *p, int maxSplits, qreal maxDiff)
150 if (maxSplits <= 0 || qt_scoreQuadratic(b, qcp) < maxDiff) {
151 p->append(qcp);
152 p->append(b.pt4());
153 } else {
154 QBezier rhs = b;
155 QBezier lhs;
156 rhs.parameterSplitLeft(0.5, &lhs);
157 qt_addToQuadratics(lhs, p, maxSplits - 1, maxDiff);
158 qt_addToQuadratics(rhs, p, maxSplits - 1, maxDiff);
159 }
162static void qt_toQuadratics(const QBezier &b, QPolygonF *out, qreal errorLimit = 0.01)
164 out->resize(0);
165 out->append(b.pt1());
167 {
168 // Shortcut if the cubic is really a quadratic
169 const qreal f = 3.0 / 2.0;
170 const QPointF c1 = b.pt1() + f * (b.pt2() - b.pt1());
171 const QPointF c2 = b.pt4() + f * (b.pt3() - b.pt4());
172 if (c1 == c2) {
173 out->append(c1);
174 out->append(b.pt4());
175 return;
176 }
177 }
179 const QRectF cpr = b.bounds();
180 const QPointF dim = cpr.bottomRight() - cpr.topLeft();
181 qreal maxDiff = QPointF::dotProduct(dim, dim) * errorLimit * errorLimit; // maxdistance^2
183 qreal infPoints[2];
184 int numInfPoints = qt_getInflectionPoints(b, infPoints);
185 const int maxSubSplits = numInfPoints > 0 ? 2 : 3;
186 qreal t0 = 0;
187 // number of main segments == #inflectionpoints + 1
188 for (int i = 0; i < numInfPoints + 1; i++) {
189 qreal t1 = (i < numInfPoints) ? infPoints[i] : 1;
191 qt_addToQuadratics(segment, out, maxSubSplits, maxDiff);
192 t0 = t1;
193 }
198 if (isLine()) {
199 return sp + t * (ep - sp);
200 } else {
201 const float r = 1 - t;
202 return (r * r * sp) + (2 * t * r * cp) + (t * t * ep);
203 }
208 if (t0 <= 0 && t1 >= 1)
209 return *this;
211 Element part;
212 part.sp = pointAtFraction(t0);
213 part.ep = pointAtFraction(t1);
215 if (isLine()) {
216 part.cp = 0.5f * (part.sp + part.ep);
217 part.m_isLine = true;
218 } else {
219 // Split curve right at t0, yields { t0, rcp, endPoint } quad segment
220 const QVector2D rcp = (1 - t0) * controlPoint() + t0 * endPoint();
221 // Split that left at t1, yields { t0, lcp, t1 } quad segment
222 float segmentT = (t1 - t0) / (1 - t0);
223 part.cp = (1 - segmentT) * part.sp + segmentT * rcp;
224 }
225 return part;
229 Element swappedElement;
230 swappedElement.ep = sp;
231 swappedElement.cp = cp;
232 swappedElement.sp = ep;
233 swappedElement.m_isLine = m_isLine;
234 return swappedElement;
239 // TBD: cache this value if we start using it a lot
240 QVector2D min(qMin(sp.x(), ep.x()), qMin(sp.y(), ep.y()));
241 QVector2D max(qMax(sp.x(), ep.x()), qMax(sp.y(), ep.y()));
242 if (!isLine()) {
243 min = QVector2D(qMin(min.x(), cp.x()), qMin(min.y(), cp.y()));
244 max = QVector2D(qMax(max.x(), cp.x()), qMax(max.y(), cp.y()));
245 }
246 return (max - min).length();
249// Returns the number of intersections between element and a horizontal line at y.
250// The t values of max 2 intersection(s) are stored in the fractions array
251int QQuadPath::Element::intersectionsAtY(float y, float *fractions, bool swapXY) const
253 Q_ASSERT(!isLine());
255 auto getY = [=](QVector2D p) -> float { return swapXY ? -p.x() : p.y(); };
257 const float y0 = getY(startPoint()) - y;
258 const float y1 = getY(controlPoint()) - y;
259 const float y2 = getY(endPoint()) - y;
261 int numRoots = 0;
262 const float a = y0 - (2 * y1) + y2;
263 if (a) {
264 const float b = (y1 * y1) - (y0 * y2);
265 if (b >= 0) {
266 const float sqr = qSqrt(b);
267 const float root1 = -(-y0 + y1 + sqr) / a;
268 if (qIsFinite(root1) && root1 >= 0 && root1 <= 1)
269 fractions[numRoots++] = root1;
270 const float root2 = (y0 - y1 + sqr) / a;
271 if (qIsFinite(root2) && root2 != root1 && root2 >= 0 && root2 <= 1)
272 fractions[numRoots++] = root2;
273 }
274 } else if (y1 != y2) {
275 const float root1 = (y2 - (2 * y1)) / (2 * (y2 - y1));
276 if (qIsFinite(root1) && root1 >= 0 && root1 <= 1)
277 fractions[numRoots++] = root1;
278 }
280 return numRoots;
283static float crossProduct(const QVector2D &sp, const QVector2D &p, const QVector2D &ep)
285 QVector2D v1 = ep - sp;
286 QVector2D v2 = p - sp;
287 return (v2.x() * v1.y()) - (v2.y() * v1.x());
292 // Use cross product to compare directions of base vector and vector from start to p
293 return crossProduct(sp, p, ep) >= 0.0f;
298 return qFuzzyIsNull(crossProduct(sp, p, ep));
301// Assumes sp != ep
304 // epsilon is max length of p-to-baseline relative to length of baseline. So 0.01 means that
305 // the distance from p to the baseline must be less than 1% of the length of the baseline.
306 constexpr float epsilon = 0.01f;
307 QVector2D bv = ep - sp;
308 float bl2 = QVector2D::dotProduct(bv, bv);
309 float t = QVector2D::dotProduct(p - sp, bv) / bl2;
310 QVector2D pv = p - (sp + t * bv);
311 return (QVector2D::dotProduct(pv, pv) / bl2) < (epsilon * epsilon);
316 QVector2D line = ep - sp;
318 return sp + qBound(0.0f, t, 1.0f) * line;
321// NOTE: it is assumed that subpaths are closed
322bool QQuadPath::contains(const QVector2D &point) const
324 return contains(point, 0, elementCount() - 1);
327bool QQuadPath::contains(const QVector2D &point, int fromIndex, int toIndex) const
329 // if (!controlPointRect().contains(pt) : good opt when we add cpr caching
330 // return false;
332 int winding_number = 0;
333 for (int ei = fromIndex; ei <= toIndex; ei++) {
334 const Element &e = m_elements.at(ei);
335 int dir = 1;
336 float y1 = e.startPoint().y();
337 float y2 = e.endPoint().y();
338 if (y2 < y1) {
339 qSwap(y1, y2);
340 dir = -1;
341 }
342 if (e.m_isLine) {
343 if (point.y() < y1 || point.y() >= y2 || y1 == y2)
344 continue;
345 const float t = (point.y() - e.startPoint().y()) / (e.endPoint().y() - e.startPoint().y());
346 const float x = e.startPoint().x() + t * (e.endPoint().x() - e.startPoint().x());
347 if (x <= point.x())
348 winding_number += dir;
349 } else {
350 y1 = qMin(y1, e.controlPoint().y());
351 y2 = qMax(y2, e.controlPoint().y());
352 if (point.y() < y1 || point.y() >= y2)
353 continue;
354 float ts[2];
355 const int numRoots = e.intersectionsAtY(point.y(), ts);
356 // Count if there is exactly one intersection to the left
357 bool oneHit = false;
358 float tForHit = -1;
359 for (int i = 0; i < numRoots; i++) {
360 if (e.pointAtFraction(ts[i]).x() <= point.x()) {
361 oneHit = !oneHit;
362 tForHit = ts[i];
363 }
364 }
365 if (oneHit) {
366 dir = e.tangentAtFraction(tForHit).y() < 0 ? -1 : 1;
367 winding_number += dir;
368 }
369 }
370 };
372 return (fillRule() == Qt::WindingFill ? (winding_number != 0) : ((winding_number % 2) != 0));
375// similar as contains. But we treat the element with the index elementIdx in a special way
376// that should be numerically more stable. The result is a contains for a point on the left
377// and for the right side of the element.
378QQuadPath::Element::FillSide QQuadPath::fillSideOf(int elementIdx, float elementT) const
380 constexpr float toleranceT = 1e-3f;
381 const QVector2D point = m_elements.at(elementIdx).pointAtFraction(elementT);
382 const QVector2D tangent = m_elements.at(elementIdx).tangentAtFraction(elementT);
384 const bool swapXY = qAbs(tangent.x()) > qAbs(tangent.y());
385 auto getX = [=](QVector2D p) -> float { return swapXY ? p.y() : p.x(); };
386 auto getY = [=](QVector2D p) -> float { return swapXY ? -p.x() : p.y(); };
388 int winding_number = 0;
389 for (int i = 0; i < elementCount(); i++) {
390 const Element &e = m_elements.at(i);
391 int dir = 1;
392 float y1 = getY(e.startPoint());
393 float y2 = getY(e.endPoint());
394 if (y2 < y1) {
395 qSwap(y1, y2);
396 dir = -1;
397 }
398 if (e.m_isLine) {
399 if (getY(point) < y1 || getY(point) >= y2 || y1 == y2)
400 continue;
401 const float t = (getY(point) - getY(e.startPoint())) / (getY(e.endPoint()) - getY(e.startPoint()));
402 const float x = getX(e.startPoint()) + t * (getX(e.endPoint()) - getX(e.startPoint()));
403 if (x <= getX(point) && (i != elementIdx || qAbs(t - elementT) > toleranceT))
404 winding_number += dir;
405 } else {
406 y1 = qMin(y1, getY(e.controlPoint()));
407 y2 = qMax(y2, getY(e.controlPoint()));
408 if (getY(point) < y1 || getY(point) >= y2)
409 continue;
410 float ts[2];
411 const int numRoots = e.intersectionsAtY(getY(point), ts, swapXY);
412 // Count if there is exactly one intersection to the left
413 bool oneHit = false;
414 float tForHit = -1;
415 for (int j = 0; j < numRoots; j++) {
416 const float x = getX(e.pointAtFraction(ts[j]));
417 if (x <= getX(point) && (i != elementIdx || qAbs(ts[j] - elementT) > toleranceT)) {
418 oneHit = !oneHit;
419 tForHit = ts[j];
420 }
421 }
422 if (oneHit) {
423 dir = getY(e.tangentAtFraction(tForHit)) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
424 winding_number += dir;
425 }
426 }
427 };
429 int left_winding_number = winding_number;
430 int right_winding_number = winding_number;
432 int dir = getY(tangent) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
434 if (dir > 0)
435 left_winding_number += dir;
436 else
437 right_winding_number += dir;
439 bool leftInside = (fillRule() == Qt::WindingFill ? (left_winding_number != 0) : ((left_winding_number % 2) != 0));
440 bool rightInside = (fillRule() == Qt::WindingFill ? (right_winding_number != 0) : ((right_winding_number % 2) != 0));
442 if (leftInside && rightInside)
443 return QQuadPath::Element::FillSideBoth;
444 else if (leftInside)
445 return QQuadPath::Element::FillSideLeft;
446 else if (rightInside)
447 return QQuadPath::Element::FillSideRight;
448 else
449 return QQuadPath::Element::FillSideUndetermined; //should not happen except for numerical error.
452void QQuadPath::addElement(const QVector2D &control, const QVector2D &endPoint, bool isLine)
454 if (qFuzzyCompare(m_currentPoint, endPoint))
455 return; // 0 length element, skip
457 isLine = isLine || isPointNearLine(control, m_currentPoint, endPoint); // Turn flat quad into line
459 m_elements.resize(m_elements.size() + 1);
460 Element &elem = m_elements.last();
461 elem.sp = m_currentPoint;
462 elem.cp = isLine ? (0.5f * (m_currentPoint + endPoint)) : control;
463 elem.ep = endPoint;
464 elem.m_isLine = isLine;
465 elem.m_isSubpathStart = m_subPathToStart;
466 m_subPathToStart = false;
467 m_currentPoint = endPoint;
470void QQuadPath::addElement(const Element &e)
472 m_subPathToStart = false;
473 m_currentPoint = e.endPoint();
474 m_elements.append(e);
481QQuadPath::Element::CurvatureFlags QQuadPath::coordinateOrderOfElement(const QQuadPath::Element &element) const
483 QVector2D baseLine = element.endPoint() - element.startPoint();
484 QVector2D midPoint = element.midPoint();
485 // At the midpoint, the tangent of a quad is parallel to the baseline
486 QVector2D normal = QVector2D(-baseLine.y(), baseLine.x()).normalized();
487 float delta = qMin(element.extent() / 100, QQUICKSHAPECURVERENDERER_CONVEX_CHECK_ERROR_MARGIN);
488 QVector2D justRightOfMid = midPoint + (normal * delta);
489 bool pathContainsPoint = contains(justRightOfMid);
490 return pathContainsPoint ? Element::FillOnRight : Element::CurvatureFlags(0);
496 res.reserve(path.elementCount());
497 res.setFillRule(path.fillRule());
499 const bool isQuadratic = hints & PathQuadratic;
501 QPolygonF quads;
502 QPointF sp;
503 for (int i = 0; i < path.elementCount(); ++i) {
504 QPainterPath::Element element = path.elementAt(i);
506 QPointF ep(element);
507 switch (element.type) {
509 res.moveTo(QVector2D(ep));
510 break;
512 res.lineTo(QVector2D(ep));
513 break;
515 QPointF cp1 = ep;
516 QPointF cp2(path.elementAt(++i));
517 ep = path.elementAt(++i);
518 if (isQuadratic) {
519 const qreal f = 3.0 / 2.0;
520 const QPointF cp = sp + f * (cp1 - sp);
521 res.quadTo(QVector2D(cp), QVector2D(ep));
522 } else {
523 QBezier b = QBezier::fromPoints(sp, cp1, cp2, ep);
524 qt_toQuadratics(b, &quads);
525 for (int i = 1; i < quads.size(); i += 2) {
526 QVector2D cp(quads[i]);
527 QVector2D ep(quads[i + 1]);
528 res.quadTo(cp, ep);
529 }
530 }
531 break;
532 }
533 default:
535 break;
536 }
537 sp = ep;
538 }
540 res.setPathHints(hints | PathQuadratic);
541 return res;
546 // We use the convention that the inside of a curve is on the *right* side of the
547 // direction of the baseline.Thus, as long as this is true: if the control point is
548 // on the left side of the baseline, the curve is convex and otherwise it is
549 // concave. The paths we get can be arbitrary order, but each subpath will have a
550 // consistent order. Therefore, for the first curve element in a subpath, we can
551 // determine if the direction already follows the convention or not, and then we
552 // can easily detect curvature of all subsequent elements in the subpath.
554 static bool checkAnomaly = qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_QUICKSHAPES_CHECK_ALL_CURVATURE") != 0;
555 const bool pathHasFillOnRight = testHint(PathFillOnRight);
557 Element::CurvatureFlags flags = Element::CurvatureUndetermined;
558 for (QQuadPath::Element &element : m_elements) {
559 Q_ASSERT(element.childCount() == 0);
560 if (element.isSubpathStart()) {
561 if (pathHasFillOnRight && !checkAnomaly)
562 flags = Element::FillOnRight;
563 else
564 flags = coordinateOrderOfElement(element);
565 } else if (checkAnomaly) {
566 Element::CurvatureFlags newFlags = coordinateOrderOfElement(element);
567 if (flags != newFlags) {
568 qDebug() << "Curvature anomaly detected:" << element
569 << "Subpath fill on right:" << (flags & Element::FillOnRight)
570 << "Element fill on right:" << (newFlags & Element::FillOnRight);
571 flags = newFlags;
572 }
573 }
575 if (element.isLine()) {
576 element.m_curvatureFlags = flags;
577 } else {
578 bool controlPointOnLeft = element.isControlPointOnLeft();
579 bool isFillOnRight = flags & Element::FillOnRight;
580 bool isConvex = controlPointOnLeft == isFillOnRight;
582 if (isConvex)
583 element.m_curvatureFlags = Element::CurvatureFlags(flags | Element::Convex);
584 else
585 element.m_curvatureFlags = flags;
586 }
587 }
592 QRectF res;
593 if (elementCount()) {
594 QVector2D min, max;
595 min = max = m_elements.constFirst().sp;
596 // No need to recurse, as split curve's controlpoints are within the parent curve's
597 for (const QQuadPath::Element &e : std::as_const(m_elements)) {
598 min.setX(std::min({ min.x(), e.sp.x(), e.cp.x(), e.ep.x() }));
599 min.setY(std::min({ min.y(), e.sp.y(), e.cp.y(), e.ep.y() }));
600 max.setX(std::max({ max.x(), e.sp.x(), e.cp.x(), e.ep.x() }));
601 max.setY(std::max({ max.y(), e.sp.y(), e.cp.y(), e.ep.y() }));
602 }
603 res = QRectF(min.toPointF(), max.toPointF());
604 }
605 return res;
608// Count leaf elements
611 int count = 0;
612 iterateElements([&](const QQuadPath::Element &, int) { count++; });
613 return count;
618 // Currently only converts the main, unsplit path; no need for the split path identified
621 res.setFillRule(fillRule());
622 for (const Element &element : m_elements) {
623 if (element.m_isSubpathStart)
624 res.moveTo(element.startPoint().toPointF());
625 if (element.m_isLine)
626 res.lineTo(element.endPoint().toPointF());
627 else
628 res.quadTo(element.controlPoint().toPointF(), element.endPoint().toPointF());
629 };
630 return res;
635 QString res;
637 for (const Element &element : m_elements) {
638 if (element.isSubpathStart())
639 str << "M " << element.startPoint().x() << " " << element.startPoint().y() << " ";
640 if (element.isLine())
641 str << "L " << element.endPoint().x() << " " << element.endPoint().y() << " ";
642 else
643 str << "Q " << element.controlPoint().x() << " " << element.controlPoint().y() << " "
644 << element.endPoint().x() << " " << element.endPoint().y() << " ";
645 }
646 return res;
649// Returns a new path since doing it inline would probably be less efficient
650// (technically changing it from O(n) to O(n^2))
651// Note that this function should be called before splitting any elements,
652// so we can assume that the structure is a list and not a tree
655 Q_ASSERT(m_childElements.isEmpty());
656 bool closed = false;
657 QQuadPath res = *this;
658 res.m_subPathToStart = false;
659 res.m_elements = {};
660 res.m_elements.reserve(elementCount());
661 int subStart = -1;
662 int prevElement = -1;
663 for (int i = 0; i < elementCount(); i++) {
664 const auto &element = m_elements.at(i);
665 if (element.m_isSubpathStart) {
666 if (subStart >= 0 && m_elements[i - 1].ep != m_elements[subStart].sp) {
667 res.m_currentPoint = m_elements[i - 1].ep;
668 res.lineTo(m_elements[subStart].sp);
669 closed = true;
670 auto &endElement = res.m_elements.last();
671 endElement.m_isSubpathEnd = true;
672 // lineTo() can bail out if the points are too close.
673 // In that case, just change the end point to be equal to the start
674 // (No need to test because the assignment is a no-op otherwise).
675 endElement.ep = m_elements[subStart].sp;
676 } else if (prevElement >= 0) {
677 res.m_elements[prevElement].m_isSubpathEnd = true;
678 }
679 subStart = i;
680 }
681 res.m_elements.append(element);
682 prevElement = res.m_elements.size() - 1;
683 }
685 if (subStart >= 0 && m_elements.last().ep != m_elements[subStart].sp) {
686 res.m_currentPoint = m_elements.last().ep;
687 res.lineTo(m_elements[subStart].sp);
688 closed = true;
689 }
690 if (!res.m_elements.isEmpty()) {
691 auto &endElement = res.m_elements.last();
692 endElement.m_isSubpathEnd = true;
693 endElement.ep = m_elements[subStart].sp;
694 }
696 if (didClose)
697 *didClose = closed;
698 return res;
705 iterateElements([&](const QQuadPath::Element &elem, int) { res.m_elements.append(elem); });
706 res.setPathHints(pathHints());
707 res.setFillRule(fillRule());
708 return res;
715 : m_element(element)
716 {
717 m_currentPoint = m_element.startPoint();
718 if (m_element.isLine())
719 m_lineLength = (m_element.endPoint() - m_element.startPoint()).length();
720 else
721 fillLUT();
722 }
724 bool consume(float length)
725 {
726 m_lastT = m_currentT;
727 m_lastPoint = m_currentPoint;
728 float nextCut = m_consumed + length;
729 float cutT = m_element.isLine() ? nextCut / m_lineLength : tForLength(nextCut);
730 if (cutT < 1) {
731 m_currentT = cutT;
732 m_currentPoint = m_element.pointAtFraction(m_currentT);
733 m_consumed = nextCut;
734 return true;
735 } else {
736 m_currentT = 1;
737 m_currentPoint = m_element.endPoint();
738 return false;
739 }
740 }
743 {
744 return m_currentPoint;
745 }
748 {
749 Q_ASSERT(!m_element.isLine());
750 // Split curve right at lastT, yields { lastPoint, rcp, endPoint } quad segment
751 QVector2D rcp = (1 - m_lastT) * m_element.controlPoint() + m_lastT * m_element.endPoint();
752 // Split that left at currentT, yields { lastPoint, lcp, currentPoint } quad segment
753 float segmentT = (m_currentT - m_lastT) / (1 - m_lastT);
754 QVector2D lcp = (1 - segmentT) * m_lastPoint + segmentT * rcp;
755 return lcp;
756 }
759 {
760 float elemLength = m_element.isLine() ? m_lineLength : m_lut.last();
761 return elemLength - m_consumed;
762 }
765 void fillLUT()
766 {
767 Q_ASSERT(!m_element.isLine());
768 QVector2D ap = m_element.startPoint() - 2 * m_element.controlPoint() + m_element.endPoint();
769 QVector2D bp = 2 * m_element.controlPoint() - 2 * m_element.startPoint();
770 float A = 4 * QVector2D::dotProduct(ap, ap);
771 float B = 4 * QVector2D::dotProduct(ap, bp);
772 float C = QVector2D::dotProduct(bp, bp);
773 float b = B / (2 * A);
774 float c = C / A;
775 float k = c - (b * b);
776 float l2 = b * std::sqrt(b * b + k);
777 float lnom = b + std::sqrt(b * b + k);
778 float l0 = 0.5f * std::sqrt(A);
780 m_lut.resize(LUTSize, 0);
781 for (int i = 1; i < LUTSize; i++) {
782 float t = float(i) / (LUTSize - 1);
783 float u = t + b;
784 float w = std::sqrt(u * u + k);
785 float l1 = u * w;
786 float lden = u + w;
787 float l3 = k * std::log(std::fabs(lden / lnom));
788 float res = l0 * (l1 - l2 + l3);
789 m_lut[i] = res;
790 }
791 }
793 float tForLength(float length)
794 {
795 Q_ASSERT(!m_element.isLine());
796 Q_ASSERT(!m_lut.isEmpty());
798 float res = 2; // I.e. invalid, outside [0, 1] range
799 auto it = std::upper_bound(m_lut.cbegin(), m_lut.cend(), length);
800 if (it != m_lut.cend()) {
801 float nextLength = *it--;
802 float prevLength = *it;
803 int prevIndex = std::distance(m_lut.cbegin(), it);
804 float fraction = (length - prevLength) / (nextLength - prevLength);
805 res = (prevIndex + fraction) / (LUTSize - 1);
806 }
807 return res;
808 }
810 const QQuadPath::Element &m_element;
811 float m_lastT = 0;
812 float m_currentT = 0;
813 QVector2D m_lastPoint;
814 QVector2D m_currentPoint;
815 float m_consumed = 0;
816 // For line elements:
817 float m_lineLength;
818 // For quadratic curve elements:
819 static constexpr int LUTSize = 21;
820 QVarLengthArray<float, LUTSize> m_lut;
823QQuadPath QQuadPath::dashed(qreal lineWidth, const QList<qreal> &dashPattern, qreal dashOffset) const
825 QVarLengthArray<float, 16> pattern;
826 float patternLength = 0;
827 for (int i = 0; i < 2 * (dashPattern.length() / 2); i++) {
828 float dashLength = qMax(lineWidth * dashPattern[i], qreal(0));
829 pattern.append(dashLength);
830 patternLength += dashLength;
831 }
832 if (patternLength == 0)
833 return {};
835 int startIndex = 0;
836 float startOffset = std::fmod(lineWidth * dashOffset, patternLength);
837 if (startOffset < 0)
838 startOffset += patternLength;
839 for (float dashLength : pattern) {
840 if (dashLength > startOffset)
841 break;
842 startIndex = (startIndex + 1) % pattern.size(); // The % guards against accuracy issues
843 startOffset -= dashLength;
844 }
846 int dashIndex = startIndex;
847 float offset = startOffset;
849 for (int i = 0; i < elementCount(); i++) {
850 const Element &element = elementAt(i);
851 if (element.isSubpathStart()) {
852 res.moveTo(element.startPoint());
853 dashIndex = startIndex;
854 offset = startOffset;
855 }
856 ElementCutter cutter(element);
857 while (true) {
858 bool gotAll = cutter.consume(pattern.at(dashIndex) - offset);
859 QVector2D nextPoint = cutter.currentCutPoint();
860 if (dashIndex & 1)
861 res.moveTo(nextPoint); // gap
862 else if (element.isLine())
863 res.lineTo(nextPoint); // dash in line
864 else
865 res.quadTo(cutter.currentControlPoint(), nextPoint); // dash in curve
866 if (gotAll) {
867 offset = 0;
868 dashIndex = (dashIndex + 1) % pattern.size();
869 } else {
870 offset += cutter.lastLength();
871 break;
872 }
873 }
874 }
875 res.setFillRule(fillRule());
876 res.setPathHints(pathHints());
877 return res;
882 const int newChildIndex = m_childElements.size();
883 m_childElements.resize(newChildIndex + 2);
884 Element &parent = elementAt(index);
885 parent.m_numChildren = 2;
886 parent.m_firstChildIndex = newChildIndex;
888 Element &quad1 = m_childElements[newChildIndex];
889 const QVector2D mp = parent.midPoint();
890 quad1.sp = parent.sp;
891 quad1.cp = 0.5f * (parent.sp + parent.cp);
892 quad1.ep = mp;
893 quad1.m_isSubpathStart = parent.m_isSubpathStart;
894 quad1.m_isSubpathEnd = false;
895 quad1.m_curvatureFlags = parent.m_curvatureFlags;
896 quad1.m_isLine = parent.m_isLine; //### || isPointNearLine(quad1.cp, quad1.sp, quad1.ep);
898 Element &quad2 = m_childElements[newChildIndex + 1];
899 quad2.sp = mp;
900 quad2.cp = 0.5f * (parent.ep + parent.cp);
901 quad2.ep = parent.ep;
902 quad2.m_isSubpathStart = false;
903 quad2.m_isSubpathEnd = parent.m_isSubpathEnd;
904 quad2.m_curvatureFlags = parent.m_curvatureFlags;
905 quad2.m_isLine = parent.m_isLine; //### || isPointNearLine(quad2.cp, quad2.sp, quad2.ep);
907#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
908 if (qFuzzyCompare(quad1.sp, quad1.ep) || qFuzzyCompare(quad2.sp, quad2.ep))
909 qCDebug(lcSGCurveProcessor) << "Splitting has resulted in ~null quad";
913static void printElement(QDebug stream, const QQuadPath::Element &element)
915 auto printPoint = [&](QVector2D p) { stream << "(" << p.x() << ", " << p.y() << ") "; };
916 stream << "{ ";
917 printPoint(element.startPoint());
918 printPoint(element.controlPoint());
919 printPoint(element.endPoint());
920 stream << "} " << (element.isLine() ? "L " : "C ") << (element.isConvex() ? "X " : "O ")
921 << (element.isSubpathStart() ? "S" : element.isSubpathEnd() ? "E" : "");
927 stream.nospace();
928 stream << "QuadPath::Element( ";
929 printElement(stream, element);
930 stream << " )";
931 return stream;
937 stream.nospace();
938 stream << "QuadPath(" << path.elementCount() << " main elements, "
939 << path.elementCountRecursive() << " leaf elements, "
940 << (path.fillRule() == Qt::OddEvenFill ? "OddEven" : "Winding") << Qt::endl;
941 int count = 0;
942 path.iterateElements([&](const QQuadPath::Element &e, int) {
943 stream << " " << count++ << (e.isSubpathStart() ? " >" : " ");
945 stream << Qt::endl;
946 });
947 stream << ")";
948 return stream;
bool consume(float length)
float lastLength()
QVector2D currentControlPoint()
QVector2D currentCutPoint()
ElementCutter(const QQuadPath::Element &element)
QPointF pt1() const
Definition qbezier_p.h:58
static QBezier fromPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4)
Definition qbezier_p.h:33
void parameterSplitLeft(qreal t, QBezier *left)
Definition qbezier_p.h:205
QBezier bezierOnInterval(qreal t0, qreal t1) const
Definition qbezier.cpp:578
QBezier mapBy(const QTransform &transform) const
Definition qbezier.cpp:40
QPointF pt4() const
Definition qbezier_p.h:61
QPointF pt2() const
Definition qbezier_p.h:59
\inmodule QtCore
\inmodule QtCore
\inmodule QtCore\compares equality \compareswith equality QLine \endcompareswith
Definition qline.h:192
qreal angle() const
Definition qline.cpp:564
@ NoIntersection
Definition qline.h:195
qsizetype size() const noexcept
Definition qlist.h:398
bool isEmpty() const noexcept
Definition qlist.h:402
T & last()
Definition qlist.h:649
const_reference at(qsizetype i) const noexcept
Definition qlist.h:447
const T & constFirst() const noexcept
Definition qlist.h:648
void resize(qsizetype size)
Definition qlist.h:404
void append(parameter_type t)
Definition qlist.h:459
\inmodule QtGui
\inmodule QtGui
void reserve(int size)
Reserves a given amount of elements in QPainterPath's internal memory.
\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
Definition qpoint.h:217
constexpr qreal x() const noexcept
Returns the x coordinate of this point.
Definition qpoint.h:343
static constexpr qreal dotProduct(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
Definition qpoint.h:242
constexpr qreal y() const noexcept
Returns the y coordinate of this point.
Definition qpoint.h:348
The QPolygonF class provides a list of points using floating point precision.
Definition qpolygon.h:96
bool isSubpathStart() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:55
Element segmentFromTo(float t0, float t1) const
bool isLine() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:65
Element reversed() const
QVector2D tangentAtFraction(float t) const
bool isSubpathEnd() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:60
QVector2D startPoint() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:75
QVector2D midPoint() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:90
bool isConvex() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:70
QVector2D endPoint() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:85
float extent() const
QVector2D pointAtFraction(float t) const
QVector2D controlPoint() const
Definition qquadpath_p.h:80
QQuadPath flattened() const
QPainterPath toPainterPath() const
static QVector2D closestPointOnLine(const QVector2D &p, const QVector2D &sp, const QVector2D &ep)
Element & elementAt(int i)
bool contains(const QVector2D &point) const
QString asSvgString() const
void iterateElements(Func &&lambda)
static bool isPointOnLine(const QVector2D &p, const QVector2D &sp, const QVector2D &ep)
void splitElementAt(int index)
QQuadPath subPathsClosed(bool *didClose=nullptr) const
void reserve(int size)
static bool isPointOnLeft(const QVector2D &p, const QVector2D &sp, const QVector2D &ep)
static bool isPointNearLine(const QVector2D &p, const QVector2D &sp, const QVector2D &ep)
int elementCountRecursive() const
@ PathFillOnRight
Definition qquadpath_p.h:35
QQuadPath dashed(qreal lineWidth, const QList< qreal > &dashPattern, qreal dashOffset=0) const
PathHints pathHints() const
QRectF controlPointRect() const
Element::FillSide fillSideOf(int elementIdx, float elementT) const
Qt::FillRule fillRule() const
bool testHint(PathHint hint) const
static QQuadPath fromPainterPath(const QPainterPath &path, PathHints hints={})
void addCurvatureData()
friend Q_QUICK_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QQuadPath &)
int elementCount() const
\inmodule QtCore\reentrant
Definition qrect.h:484
const_iterator cend() const noexcept
Definition qset.h:143
Definition qstring.h:129
\inmodule QtCore
The QTransform class specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system.
Definition qtransform.h:20
The QVector2D class represents a vector or vertex in 2D space.
Definition qvectornd.h:31
constexpr float y() const noexcept
Returns the y coordinate of this point.
Definition qvectornd.h:502
QVector2D normalized() const noexcept
Returns the normalized unit vector form of this vector.
Definition qvectornd.h:529
constexpr float x() const noexcept
Returns the x coordinate of this point.
Definition qvectornd.h:501
static constexpr float dotProduct(QVector2D v1, QVector2D v2) noexcept
Returns the dot product of v1 and v2.
Definition qvectornd.h:604
constexpr void setY(float y) noexcept
Sets the y coordinate of this point to the given finite y coordinate.
Definition qvectornd.h:505
constexpr QPointF toPointF() const noexcept
Returns the QPointF form of this 2D vector.
Definition qvectornd.h:628
constexpr void setX(float x) noexcept
Sets the x coordinate of this point to the given finite x coordinate.
Definition qvectornd.h:504
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition qwidget.h:99
int y
the y coordinate of the widget relative to its parent and including any window frame
Definition qwidget.h:110
int x
the x coordinate of the widget relative to its parent including any window frame
Definition qwidget.h:109
QString str
QSet< QString >::iterator it
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
@ WindingFill
@ OddEvenFill
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &stream)
Writes '\n' to the stream and flushes the stream.
#define Q_STATIC_ASSERT(Condition)
Definition qassert.h:108
EGLStreamKHR stream
bool qIsFinite(qfloat16 f) noexcept
Definition qfloat16.h:285
bool qFuzzyCompare(qfloat16 p1, qfloat16 p2) noexcept
Definition qfloat16.h:333
bool qFuzzyIsNull(qfloat16 f) noexcept
Definition qfloat16.h:349
qfloat16 qSqrt(qfloat16 f)
Definition qfloat16.h:289
#define qDebug
Definition qlogging.h:165
#define qCDebug(category,...)
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE constexpr const T & qMin(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition qminmax.h:19
constexpr const T & qBound(const T &min, const T &val, const T &max)
Definition qminmax.h:23
constexpr const T & qMax(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition qminmax.h:21
constexpr T qAbs(const T &t)
Definition qnumeric.h:328
n varying highp vec2 A
GLint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v2
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint x
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat w
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat y1
GLuint index
GLboolean r
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei length
GLenum GLenum GLsizei count
GLfloat GLfloat f
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat t1
GLbitfield flags
GLint GLfloat GLfloat v1
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat t0
GLenum GLuint GLintptr offset
GLfloat n
GLuint GLfloat GLfloat y0
GLint y
GLdouble s
Definition qopenglext.h:235
GLuint res
const GLubyte * c
GLfixed GLfixed GLfixed y2
GLuint segment
GLfixed GLfixed x2
GLdouble GLdouble t
Definition qopenglext.h:243
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble q
Definition qopenglext.h:259
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
GLfloat GLfloat p
GLubyte * pattern
static bool isLine(const QBezier &bezier)
static void qt_addToQuadratics(const QBezier &b, QPolygonF *p, int maxSplits, qreal maxDiff)
static QPointF qt_quadraticForCubic(const QBezier &b)
Definition qquadpath.cpp:71
static float crossProduct(const QVector2D &sp, const QVector2D &p, const QVector2D &ep)
static void qt_toQuadratics(const QBezier &b, QPolygonF *out, qreal errorLimit=0.01)
static QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE qreal qt_scoreQuadratic(const QBezier &b, QPointF qcp)
Definition qquadpath.cpp:15
static void printElement(QDebug stream, const QQuadPath::Element &element)
static int qt_getInflectionPoints(const QBezier &orig, qreal *tpoints)
Definition qquadpath.cpp:92
static const qreal epsilon
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition qrandom.cpp:47
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE constexpr void qSwap(T &value1, T &value2) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_swappable_v< T >)
Definition qswap.h:20
#define sp
#define t0
#define t1
Q_CORE_EXPORT int qEnvironmentVariableIntValue(const char *varName, bool *ok=nullptr) noexcept
static QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE void init(QTextBoundaryFinder::BoundaryType type, QStringView str, QCharAttributes *attributes)
double qreal
Definition qtypes.h:187
static uint toIndex(ExecutionEngine *e, const Value &v)
QTextStream out(stdout)
MyCustomStruct c2
QString dir