#include <qvarlengtharray.h>
Inherited by QVLABase< KeyValuePair >, QVLABase< QString >, QVLABase< QQmlSA::Element >, QVLABase< EGLImageKHR >, QVLABase< float >, QVLABase< QQmlBindEntry >, QVLABase< PerQuadData >, QVLABase< QMacNotificationObserver >, QVLABase< QByteArray >, QVLABase< QRhiBufferData >, QVLABase< QImage >, QVLABase< QRhiShaderResourceBinding >, QVLABase< QD3D11ShaderResourceBindings::BoundResourceData >, QVLABase< QRhiBatchedBindings::Batch >, QVLABase< int >, QVLABase< QRhiPassResourceTracker >, QVLABase< QRingBuffer >, QVLABase< QMetaObject::Connection >, QVLABase< QMetalBufferData::BufferUpdate >, QVLABase< QMetalShaderResourceBindings::BoundResourceData >, QVLABase< QMetalShaderResourceBindingsData::Stage::Buffer >, QVLABase< QMetalShaderResourceBindingsData::Stage::Texture >, QVLABase< QMetalShaderResourceBindingsData::Stage::Sampler >, QVLABase< std::array< QImage, QRhi::MAX_MIP_LEVELS > >, QVLABase< GLuint >, QVLABase< QOpenGLFramebufferObjectPrivate::ColorAttachment >, QVLABase< QPainterPrivate * >, QVLABase< QQmlJS::SourceLocation >, QVLABase< QQuick3DShaderUtilsShader * >, QVLABase< QQuick3DCamera * >, QVLABase< TouchState >, QVLABase< QPointF >, QVLABase< QQuickItem * >, QVLABase< QQuickParticlePainter * >, QVLABase< QQuickParticleGroupData * >, QVLABase< QQuickTextNodeEngine::BinaryTreeNode >, QVLABase< QReadWriteLockPrivate::Reader >, QVLABase< quint8 >, QVLABase< QRhiD3D11::TextureReadback >, QVLABase< QRhiD3D11::BufferReadback >, QVLABase< QRhiGles2::Scratch::data32_t >, QVLABase< QRhiGles2::Scratch::SeparateTexture >, QVLABase< QRhiGles2::Scratch::SeparateSampler >, QVLABase< QRhiGraphicsPipeline::TargetBlend >, QVLABase< QRhiShaderStage >, QVLABase< QRhiResourceUpdateBatch * >, QVLABase< QRhi::CleanupCallback >, QVLABase< QRhiMetalData::TextureReadback >, QVLABase< QRhiMetalData::BufferReadback >, QVLABase< QRhiResourceUpdateBatchPrivate::BufferOp >, QVLABase< QRhiResourceUpdateBatchPrivate::TextureOp >, QVLABase< MipLevelUploadList >, QVLABase< QRhiColorAttachment >, QVLABase< QRhiTextureUploadEntry >, QVLABase< QRhiVertexInputBinding >, QVLABase< QRhiVertexInputAttribute >, QVLABase< QRhiVulkan::DescriptorPoolData >, QVLABase< VkCommandBuffer >, QVLABase< QRhiVulkan::TextureReadback >, QVLABase< QRhiVulkan::BufferReadback >, QVLABase< VkSemaphore >, QVLABase< VkPipelineStageFlags >, QVLABase< QMatrix4x4 >, QVLABase< QSGBatchRenderer::Renderer::PreparedRenderBatch >, QVLABase< Pipeline >, QVLABase< QSGTexture * >, QVLABase< QRhiSampler * >, QVLABase< QSSGRenderPass * >, QVLABase< QRhiTextureRenderTarget * >, QVLABase< QRhiShaderResourceBindings * >, QVLABase< QSSGRenderLight * >, QVLABase< InputSemantic >, QVLABase< QSSGRhiShaderUniform >, QVLABase< QSSGRhiShaderUniformArray >, QVLABase< QSSGRhiShadowMapProperties >, QVLABase< QSSGRhiTexture >, QVLABase< QSSGRhiShaderPipeline::CommonUniformIndices::ImageIndices >, QVLABase< QList< int > >, QVLABase< QList< QImage > >, QVLABase< QMetaType >, QVLABase< QQmlType >, QVLABase< QV4::InternalClassTransition >, QVLABase< QPainterPath::ElementType >, QVLABase< qreal >, QVLABase< QVkBuffer::DynamicUpdate >, QVLABase< VkClearValue >, QVLABase< uint32_t >, QVLABase< VkBuffer >, QVLABase< VkDeviceSize >, QVLABase< VkImageMemoryBarrier >, QVLABase< VkBufferMemoryBarrier >, QVLABase< VkAttachmentDescription >, QVLABase< VkAttachmentReference >, QVLABase< VkSubpassDependency >, QVLABase< QVkShaderResourceBindings::BoundResourceData >, QVLABase< VkPresentModeKHR >, QVLABase< QVkSwapChain::ImageResources >, QVLABase< const QtPrivate::QPropertyBindingData * >, and QVLABase< T >.
Definition at line 49 of file qvarlengtharray.h.
◆ malloced_ptr
◆ size_type
◆ QVLABaseBase()
QVLABaseBase::QVLABaseBase |
( |
| ) |
protecteddefault |
◆ capacity()
◆ empty()
bool QVLABaseBase::empty |
( |
| ) |
const |
inlineconstexprnoexcept |
◆ size()
◆ verify()
◆ ptr
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: