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qquickgeocoordinateanimation_p.h File Reference


#include <QtPositioningQuick/private/qpositioningquickglobal_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qquickanimation_p.h>
#include <QtPositioning/qgeocoordinate.h>
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class  QQuickGeoCoordinateAnimation


QVariant Q_POSITIONINGQUICK_EXPORT q_coordinateInterpolator (const QGeoCoordinate &from, const QGeoCoordinate &to, qreal progress)
 \qmltype CoordinateAnimation \inherits PropertyAnimation \inqmlmodule QtPositioning

Function Documentation

◆ q_coordinateInterpolator()

QVariant Q_POSITIONINGQUICK_EXPORT q_coordinateInterpolator ( const QGeoCoordinate & from,
const QGeoCoordinate & to,
qreal progress )

\qmltype CoordinateAnimation \inherits PropertyAnimation \inqmlmodule QtPositioning


A PropertyAnimation for geo coordinate properties.

A specialized \l{PropertyAnimation} that defines an animation between two \l{coordinate}{coordinates}.

By default, a \l{latitude} of the \l{coordinate} is animated in the direction of shortest (geodesic) distance between those coordinates. Since CoordinateAnimation uses Mercator map projection, the \l{latitude} animation is always between -90 and 90 degrees. The \l{longitude} animation path is not limited and can go over 180 degrees in both west and east directions.

The \l{direction} property can be set to specify the direction in which the \l{longitude} animation should occur.

See also
{Animation and Transitions in Qt Quick}

Definition at line 36 of file qquickgeocoordinateanimation.cpp.