bool | hasNext () |
Token | next () |
bool | test (Token) |
const Symbol & | symbol () const |
Token | token () |
QByteArray | lexem () const |
QByteArray | unquotedLexem () |
bool | dontReplaceSymbol (const QByteArray &name) const |
QSet< QByteArray > | excludeSymbols () const |
void | swap (QStack< SafeSymbols > &other) noexcept |
void | push (const SafeSymbols &t) |
| Adds element t to the top of the stack.
SafeSymbols | pop () |
| Removes the top item from the stack and returns it.
SafeSymbols & | top () |
| Returns a reference to the stack's top item.
const SafeSymbols & | top () const |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataPointer & | data_ptr () & |
const DataPointer & | data_ptr () const & |
DataPointer && | data_ptr () && |
| QList (DataPointer dd) noexcept |
constexpr | QList () noexcept=default |
| QList (qsizetype size) |
| QList (qsizetype size, parameter_type t) |
| QList (std::initializer_list< SafeSymbols > args) |
| QList (InputIterator i1, InputIterator i2) |
| QList (const String &str) |
| QList (qsizetype size, Qt::Initialization) |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator= (std::initializer_list< SafeSymbols > args) |
void | swap (QList &other) noexcept |
QTypeTraits::compare_eq_result_container< QList, U > | operator== (const QList &other) const |
QTypeTraits::compare_eq_result_container< QList, U > | operator!= (const QList &other) const |
QTypeTraits::compare_lt_result_container< QList, U > | operator< (const QList &other) const noexcept(noexcept(std::lexicographical_compare< typename QList< U >::const_iterator, typename QList::const_iterator >(std::declval< QList< U > >().begin(), std::declval< QList< U > >().end(), other.begin(), other.end()))) |
QTypeTraits::compare_lt_result_container< QList, U > | operator> (const QList &other) const noexcept(noexcept(other< std::declval< QList< U > >())) |
QTypeTraits::compare_lt_result_container< QList, U > | operator<= (const QList &other) const noexcept(noexcept(other< std::declval< QList< U > >())) |
QTypeTraits::compare_lt_result_container< QList, U > | operator>= (const QList &other) const noexcept(noexcept(std::declval< QList< U > >()< other)) |
constexpr qsizetype | size () const noexcept |
constexpr qsizetype | count () const noexcept |
qsizetype | count (const AT &t) const noexcept |
constexpr qsizetype | length () const noexcept |
constexpr bool | isEmpty () const noexcept |
void | resize (qsizetype size) |
void | resize (qsizetype size, parameter_type c) |
void | resizeForOverwrite (qsizetype size) |
qsizetype | capacity () const |
void | reserve (qsizetype size) |
void | squeeze () |
void | detach () |
bool | isDetached () const noexcept |
bool | isSharedWith (const QList< SafeSymbols > &other) const |
pointer | data () |
const_pointer | data () const noexcept |
const_pointer | constData () const noexcept |
void | clear () |
const_reference | at (qsizetype i) const noexcept |
reference | operator[] (qsizetype i) |
const_reference | operator[] (qsizetype i) const noexcept |
void | append (parameter_type t) |
void | append (const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2) |
void | append (rvalue_ref t) |
void | append (const QList< SafeSymbols > &l) |
void | append (QList< SafeSymbols > &&l) |
void | prepend (rvalue_ref t) |
void | prepend (parameter_type t) |
reference | emplaceBack (Args &&... args) |
reference | emplaceFront (Args &&... args) |
iterator | insert (qsizetype i, parameter_type t) |
iterator | insert (qsizetype i, qsizetype n, parameter_type t) |
iterator | insert (const_iterator before, parameter_type t) |
iterator | insert (const_iterator before, qsizetype n, parameter_type t) |
iterator | insert (const_iterator before, rvalue_ref t) |
iterator | insert (qsizetype i, rvalue_ref t) |
QList & | assign (qsizetype n, parameter_type t) |
QList & | assign (InputIterator first, InputIterator last) |
QList & | assign (std::initializer_list< SafeSymbols > l) |
iterator | emplace (const_iterator before, Args &&... args) |
iterator | emplace (qsizetype i, Args &&... args) |
void | replace (qsizetype i, parameter_type t) |
void | replace (qsizetype i, rvalue_ref t) |
void | remove (qsizetype i, qsizetype n=1) |
void | removeFirst () noexcept |
void | removeLast () noexcept |
value_type | takeFirst () |
value_type | takeLast () |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | fill (parameter_type t, qsizetype size=-1) |
void | removeAt (qsizetype i) |
qsizetype | removeAll (const AT &t) |
bool | removeOne (const AT &t) |
qsizetype | removeIf (Predicate pred) |
SafeSymbols | takeAt (qsizetype i) |
void | move (qsizetype from, qsizetype to) |
iterator | begin () |
const_iterator | begin () const noexcept |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | end () const noexcept |
const_iterator | cbegin () const noexcept |
const_iterator | cend () const noexcept |
const_iterator | constBegin () const noexcept |
const_iterator | constEnd () const noexcept |
reverse_iterator | rbegin () |
const_reverse_iterator | rbegin () const noexcept |
reverse_iterator | rend () |
const_reverse_iterator | rend () const noexcept |
const_reverse_iterator | crbegin () const noexcept |
const_reverse_iterator | crend () const noexcept |
iterator | erase (const_iterator begin, const_iterator end) |
iterator | erase (const_iterator pos) |
SafeSymbols & | first () |
const SafeSymbols & | first () const noexcept |
QList< SafeSymbols > | first (qsizetype n) const |
const SafeSymbols & | constFirst () const noexcept |
SafeSymbols & | last () |
const SafeSymbols & | last () const noexcept |
QList< SafeSymbols > | last (qsizetype n) const |
const SafeSymbols & | constLast () const noexcept |
bool | startsWith (parameter_type t) const |
bool | endsWith (parameter_type t) const |
QList< SafeSymbols > | mid (qsizetype pos, qsizetype len=-1) const |
QList< SafeSymbols > | sliced (qsizetype pos) const |
QList< SafeSymbols > | sliced (qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const |
SafeSymbols | value (qsizetype i) const |
SafeSymbols | value (qsizetype i, parameter_type defaultValue) const |
void | swapItemsAt (qsizetype i, qsizetype j) |
void | push_back (parameter_type t) |
void | push_back (rvalue_ref t) |
void | push_front (rvalue_ref t) |
void | push_front (parameter_type t) |
void | pop_back () noexcept |
void | pop_front () noexcept |
reference | emplace_back (Args &&... args) |
bool | empty () const noexcept |
reference | front () |
const_reference | front () const noexcept |
reference | back () |
const_reference | back () const noexcept |
void | shrink_to_fit () |
constexpr qsizetype | max_size () const noexcept |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator+= (const QList< SafeSymbols > &l) |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator+= (QList< SafeSymbols > &&l) |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator+= (parameter_type t) |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator+= (rvalue_ref t) |
QList< SafeSymbols > | operator+ (const QList< SafeSymbols > &l) const & |
QList< SafeSymbols > | operator+ (const QList< SafeSymbols > &l) && |
QList< SafeSymbols > | operator+ (QList< SafeSymbols > &&l) const & |
QList< SafeSymbols > | operator+ (QList< SafeSymbols > &&l) && |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator<< (parameter_type t) |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator<< (const QList< SafeSymbols > &l) |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator<< (QList< SafeSymbols > &&l) |
QList< SafeSymbols > & | operator<< (rvalue_ref t) |
QList< SafeSymbols > | toList () const noexcept |
QList< SafeSymbols > | toVector () const noexcept |
qsizetype | indexOf (const AT &t, qsizetype from=0) const noexcept |
qsizetype | lastIndexOf (const AT &t, qsizetype from=-1) const noexcept |
bool | contains (const AT &t) const noexcept |
Definition at line 82 of file symbols.h.