| QCborContainerPrivate ()=default |
| QCborContainerPrivate (const QCborContainerPrivate &)=default |
| QCborContainerPrivate (QCborContainerPrivate &&)=default |
QCborContainerPrivate & | operator= (const QCborContainerPrivate &)=delete |
QCborContainerPrivate & | operator= (QCborContainerPrivate &&)=delete |
void | deref () |
void | compact () |
qptrdiff | addByteData (const char *block, qsizetype len) |
const QtCbor::ByteData * | byteData (QtCbor::Element e) const |
const QtCbor::ByteData * | byteData (qsizetype idx) const |
QCborContainerPrivate * | containerAt (qsizetype idx, QCborValue::Type type) const |
void | replaceAt_complex (QtCbor::Element &e, const QCborValue &value, ContainerDisposition disp) |
void | replaceAt_internal (QtCbor::Element &e, const QCborValue &value, ContainerDisposition disp) |
void | replaceAt (qsizetype idx, const QCborValue &value, ContainerDisposition disp=CopyContainer) |
void | insertAt (qsizetype idx, const QCborValue &value, ContainerDisposition disp=CopyContainer) |
void | append (QtCbor::Undefined) |
void | append (qint64 value) |
void | append (QCborTag tag) |
void | appendByteData (const char *data, qsizetype len, QCborValue::Type type, QtCbor::Element::ValueFlags extraFlags={}) |
void | appendAsciiString (const QString &s) |
void | appendAsciiString (const char *str, qsizetype len) |
void | appendUtf8String (const char *str, qsizetype len) |
void | append (QLatin1StringView s) |
void | appendAsciiString (QStringView s) |
void | appendNonAsciiString (QStringView s) |
void | append (const QString &s) |
void | append (QStringView s) |
void | append (const QCborValue &v) |
void | append (QCborValue &&v) |
QByteArray | byteArrayAt (qsizetype idx) const |
QString | stringAt (qsizetype idx) const |
QAnyStringView | anyStringViewAt (qsizetype idx) const |
QCborValue | valueAt (qsizetype idx) const |
QCborValue | extractAt_complex (QtCbor::Element e) |
QCborValue | extractAt (qsizetype idx) |
template<typename String> |
int | stringCompareElement (const QtCbor::Element &e, String s, QtCbor::Comparison mode) const |
template<typename String> |
bool | stringEqualsElement (const QtCbor::Element &e, String s) const |
template<typename String> |
bool | stringEqualsElement (qsizetype idx, String s) const |
int | compareElement (qsizetype idx, const QCborValue &value, QtCbor::Comparison mode) const |
void | removeAt (qsizetype idx) |
template<typename KeyType> |
QCborValueConstRef | findCborMapKey (KeyType key) |
| QSharedData () noexcept |
| Constructs a QSharedData object with a reference count of 0.
| QSharedData (const QSharedData &) noexcept |
| Constructs a QSharedData object with reference count 0.
QSharedData & | operator= (const QSharedData &)=delete |
| ~QSharedData ()=default |
static QCborContainerPrivate * | clone (QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype reserved=-1) |
static QCborContainerPrivate * | detach (QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype reserved) |
static QCborContainerPrivate * | grow (QCborContainerPrivate *d, qsizetype index) |
| Prepare for an insertion at position index.
static qptrdiff | addByteDataImpl (QByteArray &target, QByteArray::size_type &targetUsed, const char *block, qsizetype len) |
static void | resetValue (QCborValue &v) |
static QCborValue | makeValue (QCborValue::Type type, qint64 n, QCborContainerPrivate *d=nullptr, ContainerDisposition disp=CopyContainer) |
static QtCbor::Element | elementFromValue (const QCborValue &value) |
static int | compareUtf8 (const QtCbor::ByteData *b, QLatin1StringView s) |
static int | compareUtf8 (const QtCbor::ByteData *b, QStringView s) |
static int | compareElement_helper (const QCborContainerPrivate *c1, QtCbor::Element e1, const QCborContainerPrivate *c2, QtCbor::Element e2, QtCbor::Comparison mode) noexcept |
template<typename KeyType> |
static QCborValue | findCborMapKey (const QCborValue &self, KeyType key) |
template<typename KeyType> |
static QCborValueRef | findOrAddMapKey (QCborContainerPrivate *container, KeyType key) |
template<typename KeyType> |
static QCborValueRef | findOrAddMapKey (QCborMap &map, KeyType key) |
template<typename KeyType> |
static QCborValueRef | findOrAddMapKey (QCborValue &self, KeyType key) |
template<typename KeyType> |
static QCborValueRef | findOrAddMapKey (QCborValueRef self, KeyType key) |
Definition at line 98 of file qcborvalue_p.h.