26 QString name()
const override;
27 static QStringList nameList();
29 bool isLeapYear(
int year)
const override;
31 bool dateToJulianDay(
int year,
int month,
int day, qint64 *jd)
const override;
32 QCalendar::YearMonthDay julianDayToDate(qint64 jd)
const override;
The QCalendarBackend class provides basic calendaring functions.
The QGregorianCalendar class implements the Gregorian calendar.
The QJulianCalendar class provides Julian calendar system implementation.
The QMilankovicCalendar class provides Milanković calendar system implementation.
The QRomanCalendar class is a shared base for calendars based on the ancient Roman calendar.
const QCalendarBackend * fromEnum(QCalendar::System system)
QStringList availableCalendars()
const QCalendarBackend * fromName(QAnyStringView name)
void registerCustomBackend(QCalendarBackend *backend, const QStringList &names)
bool isGregorian(const QCalendarBackend *backend) const
bool isBeingDestroyed() const
const QCalendarBackend * fromIndex(size_t index)
QStringList backendNames(const QCalendarBackend *backend)
const QCalendarBackend * gregorian()
Combined button and popup list for selecting options.
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QtPrivate::QCalendarRegistry, calendarRegistry)
#define rangeGetter(name)
quint16 m_longMonthStandalone_size
quint16 m_shortMonthStandalone_idx
quint8 m_narrowMonthStandalone_size
quint8 m_shortMonthStandalone_size
quint16 m_narrowMonthStandalone_idx
quint8 m_narrowMonth_size
quint16 m_narrowMonth_idx
bool operator()(QAnyStringView lhs, QAnyStringView rhs) const