Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
QColor Class Reference

The QColor class provides colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values. More...

#include <qcolor.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QColor:
+ Collaboration diagram for QColor:

Public Types

enum  Spec {
  Invalid , Rgb , Hsv , Cmyk ,
  Hsl , ExtendedRgb
 The type of color specified, either RGB, extended RGB, HSV, CMYK or HSL. More...
enum  NameFormat { HexRgb , HexArgb }
 How to format the output of the name() function. More...

Public Member Functions

constexpr QColor () noexcept
 Constructs an invalid color with the RGB value (0, 0, 0).
 QColor (Qt::GlobalColor color) noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Constructs a new color with a color value of color.
constexpr QColor (int r, int g, int b, int a=255) noexcept
 Constructs a color with the RGB value r, g, b, and the alpha-channel (transparency) value of a.
 QColor (QRgb rgb) noexcept
 Constructs a color with the value color.
 QColor (QRgba64 rgba64) noexcept
 QColor (const QString &name)
 Constructs a named color in the same way as setNamedColor() using the given name.
 QColor (QStringView name)
 QColor (const char *aname)
 Constructs a named color in the same way as setNamedColor() using the given name.
 QColor (QLatin1StringView name)
 Constructs a named color in the same way as setNamedColor() using the given name.
 QColor (Spec spec) noexcept
QColoroperator= (Qt::GlobalColor color) noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Assigns a copy of color and returns a reference to this color.
bool isValid () const noexcept
 Returns true if the color is valid; otherwise returns false.
QString name (NameFormat format=HexRgb) const
Spec spec () const noexcept
 Returns how the color was specified.
int alpha () const noexcept
 Returns the alpha color component of this color.
void setAlpha (int alpha)
 Sets the alpha of this color to alpha.
float alphaF () const noexcept
 Returns the alpha color component of this color.
void setAlphaF (float alpha)
 Sets the alpha of this color to alpha.
int red () const noexcept
 Returns the red color component of this color.
int green () const noexcept
 Returns the green color component of this color.
int blue () const noexcept
 Returns the blue color component of this color.
void setRed (int red)
 Sets the red color component of this color to red.
void setGreen (int green)
 Sets the green color component of this color to green.
void setBlue (int blue)
 Sets the blue color component of this color to blue.
float redF () const noexcept
 Returns the red color component of this color.
float greenF () const noexcept
 Returns the green color component of this color.
float blueF () const noexcept
 Returns the blue color component of this color.
void setRedF (float red)
 Sets the red color component of this color to red.
void setGreenF (float green)
 Sets the green color component of this color to green.
void setBlueF (float blue)
 Sets the blue color component of this color to blue.
void getRgb (int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a=nullptr) const
 Sets the contents pointed to by r, g, b, and a, to the red, green, blue, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's RGB value.
void setRgb (int r, int g, int b, int a=255)
 Sets the RGB value to r, g, b and the alpha value to a.
void getRgbF (float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a=nullptr) const
 Sets the contents pointed to by r, g, b, and a, to the red, green, blue, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's RGB value.
void setRgbF (float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0)
 Sets the color channels of this color to r (red), g (green), b (blue) and a (alpha, transparency).
QRgba64 rgba64 () const noexcept
void setRgba64 (QRgba64 rgba) noexcept
QRgb rgba () const noexcept
 Returns the RGB value of the color, including its alpha.
void setRgba (QRgb rgba) noexcept
 Sets the RGB value to rgba, including its alpha.
QRgb rgb () const noexcept
 Returns the RGB value of the color.
void setRgb (QRgb rgb) noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Sets the RGB value to rgb.
int hue () const noexcept
 Returns the HSV hue color component of this color.
int saturation () const noexcept
 Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.
int hsvHue () const noexcept
 Returns the HSV hue color component of this color.
int hsvSaturation () const noexcept
 Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.
int value () const noexcept
 Returns the value color component of this color.
float hueF () const noexcept
 Returns the HSV hue color component of this color.
float saturationF () const noexcept
 Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.
float hsvHueF () const noexcept
 Returns the hue color component of this color.
float hsvSaturationF () const noexcept
 Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.
float valueF () const noexcept
 Returns the value color component of this color.
void getHsv (int *h, int *s, int *v, int *a=nullptr) const
 Sets the contents pointed to by h, s, v, and a, to the hue, saturation, value, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's HSV value.
void setHsv (int h, int s, int v, int a=255)
 Sets a HSV color value; h is the hue, s is the saturation, v is the value and a is the alpha component of the HSV color.
void getHsvF (float *h, float *s, float *v, float *a=nullptr) const
 Sets the contents pointed to by h, s, v, and a, to the hue, saturation, value, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's HSV value.
void setHsvF (float h, float s, float v, float a=1.0)
 Sets a HSV color value; h is the hue, s is the saturation, v is the value and a is the alpha component of the HSV color.
int cyan () const noexcept
 Returns the cyan color component of this color.
int magenta () const noexcept
 Returns the magenta color component of this color.
int yellow () const noexcept
 Returns the yellow color component of this color.
int black () const noexcept
 Returns the black color component of this color.
float cyanF () const noexcept
 Returns the cyan color component of this color.
float magentaF () const noexcept
 Returns the magenta color component of this color.
float yellowF () const noexcept
 Returns the yellow color component of this color.
float blackF () const noexcept
 Returns the black color component of this color.
void getCmyk (int *c, int *m, int *y, int *k, int *a=nullptr) const
 Sets the contents pointed to by c, m, y, k, and a, to the cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's CMYK value.
void setCmyk (int c, int m, int y, int k, int a=255)
 Sets the color to CMYK values, c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
void getCmykF (float *c, float *m, float *y, float *k, float *a=nullptr) const
 Sets the contents pointed to by c, m, y, k, and a, to the cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's CMYK value.
void setCmykF (float c, float m, float y, float k, float a=1.0)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Sets the color to CMYK values, c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
int hslHue () const noexcept
int hslSaturation () const noexcept
int lightness () const noexcept
float hslHueF () const noexcept
float hslSaturationF () const noexcept
float lightnessF () const noexcept
void getHsl (int *h, int *s, int *l, int *a=nullptr) const
void setHsl (int h, int s, int l, int a=255)
void getHslF (float *h, float *s, float *l, float *a=nullptr) const
void setHslF (float h, float s, float l, float a=1.0)
QColor toRgb () const noexcept
 Create and returns an RGB QColor based on this color.
QColor toHsv () const noexcept
 Creates and returns an HSV QColor based on this color.
QColor toCmyk () const noexcept
 Creates and returns a CMYK QColor based on this color.
QColor toHsl () const noexcept
 Creates and returns an HSL QColor based on this color.
QColor toExtendedRgb () const noexcept
 Create and returns an extended RGB QColor based on this color.
QColor convertTo (Spec colorSpec) const noexcept
 Creates a copy of this color in the format specified by colorSpec.
QColor lighter (int f=150) const noexcept
QColor darker (int f=200) const noexcept
bool operator== (const QColor &c) const noexcept
 Returns true if this color has the same color specification and component values as color; otherwise returns false.
bool operator!= (const QColor &c) const noexcept
 Returns true if this color has different color specification or component values from color; otherwise returns false.
 operator QVariant () const
 Returns the color as a QVariant.

Static Public Member Functions

static QColor fromString (QAnyStringView name) noexcept
static QStringList colorNames ()
 Returns a QStringList containing the color names Qt knows about.
static QColor fromRgb (QRgb rgb) noexcept
 Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given QRgb value rgb.
static QColor fromRgba (QRgb rgba) noexcept
 Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given QRgb value rgba.
static QColor fromRgb (int r, int g, int b, int a=255)
 Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the RGB color values, r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
static QColor fromRgbF (float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0)
 Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the RGB color values, r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
static QColor fromRgba64 (ushort r, ushort g, ushort b, ushort a=USHRT_MAX) noexcept
static QColor fromRgba64 (QRgba64 rgba) noexcept
static QColor fromHsv (int h, int s, int v, int a=255)
 Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the HSV color values, h (hue), s (saturation), v (value), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
static QColor fromHsvF (float h, float s, float v, float a=1.0)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the HSV color values, h (hue), s (saturation), v (value), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
static QColor fromCmyk (int c, int m, int y, int k, int a=255)
 Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given CMYK color values: c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
static QColor fromCmykF (float c, float m, float y, float k, float a=1.0)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given CMYK color values: c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.
static QColor fromHsl (int h, int s, int l, int a=255)
static QColor fromHslF (float h, float s, float l, float a=1.0)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
static bool isValidColorName (QAnyStringView) noexcept


class QColormap
Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStreamoperator<< (QDataStream &stream, const QColor &color)
 Writes the color to the stream.
Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStreamoperator>> (QDataStream &stream, QColor &color)
 Reads the color from the stream.

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

int qRed (QRgb rgb)
 Returns the red component of the ARGB quadruplet rgb.
int qGreen (QRgb rgb)
 Returns the green component of the ARGB quadruplet rgb.
int qBlue (QRgb rgb)
 Returns the blue component of the ARGB quadruplet rgb.
int qAlpha (QRgb rgba)
 Returns the alpha component of the ARGB quadruplet rgba.
QRgb qRgb (int r, int g, int b)
 Returns the ARGB quadruplet (255, {r}, {g}, {b}).
QRgb qRgba (int r, int g, int b, int a)
 Returns the ARGB quadruplet ({a}, {r}, {g}, {b}).
int qGray (int r, int g, int b)
 Returns a gray value (0 to 255) from the (r, g, b) triplet.
int qGray (QRgb rgb)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QRgb qPremultiply (QRgb rgb)
QRgb qUnpremultiply (QRgb rgb)
 An ARGB quadruplet on the format #AARRGGBB, equivalent to an unsigned int.

Detailed Description

The QColor class provides colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values.

\inmodule QtGui

A color is normally specified in terms of RGB (red, green, and blue) components, but it is also possible to specify it in terms of HSV (hue, saturation, and value) and CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) components. In addition a color can be specified using a color name. The color name can be any of the SVG 1.0 color names.

\table \header

  • RGB
  • HSV
  • CMYK \row
  • \inlineimage qcolor-rgb.png
  • \inlineimage qcolor-hsv.png
  • \inlineimage qcolor-cmyk.png \endtable

The QColor constructor creates the color based on RGB values. To create a QColor based on either HSV or CMYK values, use the toHsv() and toCmyk() functions respectively. These functions return a copy of the color using the desired format. In addition the static fromRgb(), fromHsv() and fromCmyk() functions create colors from the specified values. Alternatively, a color can be converted to any of the three formats using the convertTo() function (returning a copy of the color in the desired format), or any of the setRgb(), setHsv() and setCmyk() functions altering this color's format. The spec() function tells how the color was specified.

A color can be set by passing an RGB string (such as "#112233"), or an ARGB string (such as "#ff112233") or a color name (such as "blue"), to the fromString() function. The color names are taken from the SVG 1.0 color names. The name() function returns the name of the color in the format "#RRGGBB". Colors can also be set using setRgb(), setHsv() and setCmyk(). To get a lighter or darker color use the lighter() and darker() functions respectively.

The isValid() function indicates whether a QColor is legal at all. For example, a RGB color with RGB values out of range is illegal. For performance reasons, QColor mostly disregards illegal colors, and for that reason, the result of using an invalid color is undefined.

The color components can be retrieved individually, e.g with red(), hue() and cyan(). The values of the color components can also be retrieved in one go using the getRgb(), getHsv() and getCmyk() functions. Using the RGB color model, the color components can in addition be accessed with rgb().

There are several related non-members: QRgb is a typdef for an unsigned int representing the RGB value triplet (r, g, b). Note that it also can hold a value for the alpha-channel (for more information, see the \l {QColor#Alpha-Blended Drawing}{Alpha-Blended Drawing} section). The qRed(), qBlue() and qGreen() functions return the respective component of the given QRgb value, while the qRgb() and qRgba() functions create and return the QRgb triplet based on the given component values. Finally, the qAlpha() function returns the alpha component of the provided QRgb, and the qGray() function calculates and return a gray value based on the given value.

QColor is platform and device independent. The QColormap class maps the color to the hardware.

For more information about painting in general, see the \l{Paint System} documentation.

Definition at line 30 of file qcolor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ NameFormat

How to format the output of the name() function.

\value HexRgb #RRGGBB A "#" character followed by three two-digit hexadecimal numbers (i.e. {#RRGGBB}). \value HexArgb #AARRGGBB A "#" character followed by four two-digit hexadecimal numbers (i.e. {#AARRGGBB}).

See also

Definition at line 36 of file qcolor.h.

◆ Spec

The type of color specified, either RGB, extended RGB, HSV, CMYK or HSL.

\value Rgb \value Hsv \value Cmyk \value Hsl \value ExtendedRgb \value Invalid

See also
spec(), convertTo()

Definition at line 35 of file qcolor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QColor() [1/10]

QColor::QColor ( )

Constructs an invalid color with the RGB value (0, 0, 0).

An invalid color is a color that is not properly set up for the underlying window system.

The alpha value of an invalid color is unspecified.

See also

Definition at line 38 of file qcolor.h.

◆ QColor() [2/10]

QColor::QColor ( Qt::GlobalColor color)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Constructs a new color with a color value of color.

See also
isValid(), {QColor#Predefined Colors}{Predefined Colors}

Definition at line 653 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ QColor() [3/10]

QColor::QColor ( int r,
int g,
int b,
int a = 255 )

Constructs a color with the RGB value r, g, b, and the alpha-channel (transparency) value of a.

The color is left invalid if any of the arguments are invalid.

See also
setRgba(), isValid()

Definition at line 41 of file qcolor.h.

◆ QColor() [4/10]

QColor::QColor ( QRgb color)

Constructs a color with the value color.

The alpha component is ignored and set to solid.

See also
fromRgb(), isValid()

Definition at line 728 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ QColor() [5/10]

QColor::QColor ( QRgba64 rgba64)

Constructs a color with the value rgba64.

See also

Definition at line 746 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ QColor() [6/10]

QColor::QColor ( const QString & name)

Constructs a named color in the same way as setNamedColor() using the given name.

The color is left invalid if the name cannot be parsed.

See also
setNamedColor(), name(), isValid()

Definition at line 279 of file qcolor.h.

◆ QColor() [7/10]

QColor::QColor ( QStringView name)

Definition at line 276 of file qcolor.h.

◆ QColor() [8/10]

QColor::QColor ( const char * name)

Constructs a named color in the same way as setNamedColor() using the given name.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
setNamedColor(), name(), isValid()

Definition at line 282 of file qcolor.h.

◆ QColor() [9/10]

QColor::QColor ( QLatin1StringView name)

Constructs a named color in the same way as setNamedColor() using the given name.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

See also
setNamedColor(), name(), isValid()

Definition at line 273 of file qcolor.h.

◆ QColor() [10/10]

QColor::QColor ( Spec spec)

Constructs a color with the given spec.

This function is primarily present to avoid that QColor::Invalid becomes a valid color by accident.

Definition at line 760 of file qcolor.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ alpha()

int QColor::alpha ( ) const

Returns the alpha color component of this color.

See also
setAlpha(), alphaF(), {QColor#Alpha-Blended Drawing}{Alpha-Blended Drawing}

Definition at line 1464 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ alphaF()

float QColor::alphaF ( ) const

Returns the alpha color component of this color.

See also
setAlphaF(), alpha(), {QColor#Alpha-Blended Drawing}{Alpha-Blended Drawing}

Definition at line 1495 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ black()

int QColor::black ( ) const

Returns the black color component of this color.

See also
blackF(), getCmyk(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1949 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ blackF()

float QColor::blackF ( ) const

Returns the black color component of this color.

See also
black(), getCmykF(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1997 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ blue()

int QColor::blue ( ) const

Returns the blue color component of this color.

See also
setBlue(), blueF(), getRgb()

Definition at line 1581 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ blueF()

float QColor::blueF ( ) const

Returns the blue color component of this color.

See also
setBlueF(), blue(), getRgbF()

Definition at line 1673 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ colorNames()

QStringList QColor::colorNames ( )

Returns a QStringList containing the color names Qt knows about.

See also
{QColor#Predefined Colors}{Predefined Colors}

Definition at line 1000 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ convertTo()

QColor QColor::convertTo ( QColor::Spec colorSpec) const

Creates a copy of this color in the format specified by colorSpec.

See also
spec(), toCmyk(), toHsv(), toRgb(), isValid()

Definition at line 2334 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ cyan()

int QColor::cyan ( ) const

Returns the cyan color component of this color.

See also
cyanF(), getCmyk(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1912 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ cyanF()

float QColor::cyanF ( ) const

Returns the cyan color component of this color.

See also
cyan(), getCmykF(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1961 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ darker()

QColor QColor::darker ( int factor = 200) const

Returns a darker (or lighter) color, but does not change this object.

If the factor is greater than 100, this functions returns a darker color. Setting factor to 300 returns a color that has one-third the brightness. If the factor is less than 100, the return color is lighter, but we recommend using the lighter() function for this purpose. If the factor is 0 or negative, the return value is unspecified.

The function converts the current color to HSV, divides the value (V) component by factor and converts the color back to it's original color spec.

See also
lighter(), isValid()

Definition at line 2855 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromCmyk()

QColor QColor::fromCmyk ( int c,
int m,
int y,
int k,
int a = 255 )

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given CMYK color values: c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


All the values must be in the range 0-255.

See also
toCmyk(), fromCmykF(), isValid(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 2739 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromCmykF()

QColor QColor::fromCmykF ( float c,
float m,
float y,
float k,
float a = 1.0 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given CMYK color values: c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


All the values must be in the range 0.0-1.0.

See also
toCmyk(), fromCmyk(), isValid(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 2771 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromHsl()

QColor QColor::fromHsl ( int h,
int s,
int l,
int a = 255 )

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the HSV color values, h (hue), s (saturation), l (lightness), and a (alpha-channel, i.e. transparency).

The value of s, l, and a must all be in the range 0-255; the value of h must be in the range 0-359.

See also
toHsl(), fromHslF(), isValid(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 2560 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromHslF()

QColor QColor::fromHslF ( float h,
float s,
float l,
float a = 1.0 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the HSV color values, h (hue), s (saturation), l (lightness), and a (alpha-channel, i.e. transparency).

All the values must be in the range 0.0-1.0.

See also
toHsl(), fromHsl(), isValid(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 2592 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromHsv()

QColor QColor::fromHsv ( int h,
int s,
int v,
int a = 255 )

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the HSV color values, h (hue), s (saturation), v (value), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


The value of s, v, and a must all be in the range 0-255; the value of h must be in the range 0-359.

See also
toHsv(), fromHsvF(), isValid(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 2497 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromHsvF()

QColor QColor::fromHsvF ( float h,
float s,
float v,
float a = 1.0 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the HSV color values, h (hue), s (saturation), v (value), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


All the values must be in the range 0.0-1.0.

See also
toHsv(), fromHsv(), isValid(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 2528 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromRgb() [1/2]

QColor QColor::fromRgb ( int r,
int g,
int b,
int a = 255 )

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the RGB color values, r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


All the values must be in the range 0-255.

See also
toRgb(), fromRgba64(), fromRgbF(), isValid()

Definition at line 2397 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromRgb() [2/2]

QColor QColor::fromRgb ( QRgb rgb)

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given QRgb value rgb.

The alpha component of rgb is ignored (i.e. it is automatically set to 255), use the fromRgba() function to include the alpha-channel specified by the given QRgb value.

See also
fromRgba(), fromRgbF(), toRgb(), isValid()

Definition at line 2367 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromRgba()

QColor QColor::fromRgba ( QRgb rgba)

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given QRgb value rgba.

Unlike the fromRgb() function, the alpha-channel specified by the given QRgb value is included.

See also
fromRgb(), fromRgba64(), isValid()

Definition at line 2383 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromRgba64() [1/2]

QColor QColor::fromRgba64 ( QRgba64 rgba64)

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the given QRgba64 value rgba64.

See also
fromRgb(), fromRgbF(), toRgb(), isValid()

Definition at line 2480 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromRgba64() [2/2]

QColor QColor::fromRgba64 ( ushort r,
ushort g,
ushort b,
ushort a = USHRT_MAX )

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the RGBA64 color values, r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha-channel, i.e. transparency).

See also
fromRgb(), fromRgbF(), toRgb(), isValid()

Definition at line 2465 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromRgbF()

QColor QColor::fromRgbF ( float r,
float g,
float b,
float a = 1.0 )

Static convenience function that returns a QColor constructed from the RGB color values, r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


The alpha value must be in the range 0.0-1.0. If any of the other values are outside the range of 0.0-1.0 the color model will be set as ExtendedRgb.

See also
fromRgb(), fromRgba64(), toRgb(), isValid()

Definition at line 2425 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ fromString()

QColor QColor::fromString ( QAnyStringView name)

Returns an RGB QColor parsed from name, which may be in one of these formats:


  • RGB (each of R, G, and B is a single hex digit)
  • #AARRGGBB (Since 5.2)
  • A name from the list of colors defined in the list of \l{https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html#ColorKeywords}{SVG color keyword names} provided by the World Wide Web Consortium; for example, "steelblue" or "gainsboro". These color names work on all platforms. Note that these color names are not the same as defined by the Qt::GlobalColor enums, e.g. "green" and Qt::green does not refer to the same color.
  • transparent - representing the absence of a color. \endlist

Returns an invalid color if name cannot be parsed.

See also

Definition at line 978 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getCmyk()

void QColor::getCmyk ( int * c,
int * m,
int * y,
int * k,
int * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by c, m, y, k, and a, to the cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's CMYK value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the cyan(), magenta(), yellow(), black() and alpha() functions.

See also
setCmyk(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 2624 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getCmykF()

void QColor::getCmykF ( float * c,
float * m,
float * y,
float * k,
float * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by c, m, y, k, and a, to the cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's CMYK value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the cyanF(), magentaF(), yellowF(), blackF() and alphaF() functions.

See also
setCmykF(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 2653 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getHsl()

void QColor::getHsl ( int * h,
int * s,
int * l,
int * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by h, s, l, and a, to the hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's HSL value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the hslHue(), hslSaturation(), lightness() and alpha() functions.

See also
getHslF(), setHsl(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 1155 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getHslF()

void QColor::getHslF ( float * h,
float * s,
float * l,
float * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by h, s, l, and a, to the hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's HSL value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the hslHueF(), hslSaturationF(), lightnessF() and alphaF() functions.

See also
getHsl(), setHslF(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 1125 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getHsv()

void QColor::getHsv ( int * h,
int * s,
int * v,
int * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by h, s, v, and a, to the hue, saturation, value, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's HSV value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the hue(), saturation(), value() and alpha() functions.

See also
setHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1043 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getHsvF()

void QColor::getHsvF ( float * h,
float * s,
float * v,
float * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by h, s, v, and a, to the hue, saturation, value, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's HSV value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the hueF(), saturationF(), valueF() and alphaF() functions.

See also
setHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1015 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getRgb()

void QColor::getRgb ( int * r,
int * g,
int * b,
int * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by r, g, b, and a, to the red, green, blue, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's RGB value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the red(), green(), blue() and alpha() functions.

See also
rgb(), setRgb()

Definition at line 1285 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ getRgbF()

void QColor::getRgbF ( float * r,
float * g,
float * b,
float * a = nullptr ) const

Sets the contents pointed to by r, g, b, and a, to the red, green, blue, and alpha-channel (transparency) components of the color's RGB value.

These components can be retrieved individually using the redF(), greenF(), blueF() and alphaF() functions.

See also
rgb(), setRgb()

Definition at line 1250 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ green()

int QColor::green ( ) const

Returns the green color component of this color.

See also
setGreen(), greenF(), getRgb()

Definition at line 1553 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ greenF()

float QColor::greenF ( ) const

Returns the green color component of this color.

See also
setGreenF(), green(), getRgbF()

Definition at line 1641 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hslHue()

int QColor::hslHue ( ) const

Returns the HSL hue color component of this color.

See also
hslHueF(), hsvHue(), getHsl(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 1830 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hslHueF()

float QColor::hslHueF ( ) const

Returns the HSL hue color component of this color.

See also
hslHue(), hsvHueF(), getHslF()

Definition at line 1872 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hslSaturation()

int QColor::hslSaturation ( ) const

Returns the HSL saturation color component of this color.

See also
hslSaturationF(), hsvSaturation(), getHsl(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 1844 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hslSaturationF()

float QColor::hslSaturationF ( ) const

Returns the HSL saturation color component of this color.

See also
hslSaturation(), hsvSaturationF(), getHslF(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 1886 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hsvHue()

int QColor::hsvHue ( ) const

Returns the HSV hue color component of this color.

See also
hueF(), hslHue(), getHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1716 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hsvHueF()

float QColor::hsvHueF ( ) const

Returns the hue color component of this color.

See also
hue(), hslHueF(), getHsvF(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1779 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hsvSaturation()

int QColor::hsvSaturation ( ) const

Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.

See also
saturationF(), hslSaturation(), getHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1742 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hsvSaturationF()

float QColor::hsvSaturationF ( ) const

Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.

See also
saturation(), hslSaturationF(), getHsvF(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1804 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hue()

int QColor::hue ( ) const

Returns the HSV hue color component of this color.

The color is implicitly converted to HSV.

See also
hsvHue(), hslHue(), hueF(), getHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1706 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ hueF()

float QColor::hueF ( ) const

Returns the HSV hue color component of this color.

The color is implicitly converted to HSV.

See also
hsvHueF(), hslHueF(), hue(), getHsvF(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1768 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ isValid()

bool QColor::isValid ( ) const

Returns true if the color is valid; otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 285 of file qcolor.h.

◆ isValidColorName()

bool QColor::isValidColorName ( QAnyStringView name)

Returns true if the name is a valid color name and can be used to construct a valid QColor object, otherwise returns false.

It uses the same algorithm used in fromString().

See also

Definition at line 948 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ lighter()

QColor QColor::lighter ( int factor = 150) const

Returns a lighter (or darker) color, but does not change this object.

If the factor is greater than 100, this functions returns a lighter color. Setting factor to 150 returns a color that is 50% brighter. If the factor is less than 100, the return color is darker, but we recommend using the darker() function for this purpose. If the factor is 0 or negative, the return value is unspecified.

The function converts the current color to HSV, multiplies the value (V) component by factor and converts the color back to it's original color spec.

See also
darker(), isValid()

Definition at line 2810 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ lightness()

int QColor::lightness ( ) const

Returns the lightness color component of this color.

See also
lightnessF(), getHsl()

Definition at line 1858 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ lightnessF()

float QColor::lightnessF ( ) const

Returns the lightness color component of this color.

See also
value(), getHslF()

Definition at line 1900 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ magenta()

int QColor::magenta ( ) const

Returns the magenta color component of this color.

See also
magentaF(), getCmyk(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1924 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ magentaF()

float QColor::magentaF ( ) const

Returns the magenta color component of this color.

See also
magenta(), getCmykF(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1973 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ name()

QString QColor::name ( NameFormat format = HexRgb) const

Returns the name of the color in the specified format.

See also
fromString(), NameFormat

Definition at line 832 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ operator QVariant()

QColor::operator QVariant ( ) const

Returns the color as a QVariant.

Definition at line 2920 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ operator!=()

bool QColor::operator!= ( const QColor & color) const

Returns true if this color has different color specification or component values from color; otherwise returns false.

ExtendedRgb and Rgb specifications are considered matching in this context.

See also

Definition at line 2913 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ operator=()

QColor & QColor::operator= ( Qt::GlobalColor color)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. Assigns a copy of color and returns a reference to this color.

Definition at line 2872 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ operator==()

bool QColor::operator== ( const QColor & color) const

Returns true if this color has the same color specification and component values as color; otherwise returns false.

ExtendedRgb and Rgb specifications are considered matching in this context.

See also

Definition at line 2885 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ red()

int QColor::red ( ) const

Returns the red color component of this color.

See also
setRed(), redF(), getRgb()

Definition at line 1526 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ redF()

float QColor::redF ( ) const

Returns the red color component of this color.

See also
setRedF(), red(), getRgbF()

Definition at line 1609 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ rgb()

QRgb QColor::rgb ( ) const

Returns the RGB value of the color.

The alpha value is opaque.

See also
getRgb(), rgba()

Definition at line 1437 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ rgba()

QRgb QColor::rgba ( ) const

Returns the RGB value of the color, including its alpha.

For an invalid color, the alpha value of the returned color is unspecified.

See also
setRgba(), rgb(), rgba64()

Definition at line 1374 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ rgba64()

QRgba64 QColor::rgba64 ( ) const

Returns the RGB64 value of the color, including its alpha.

For an invalid color, the alpha value of the returned color is unspecified.

See also
setRgba64(), rgba(), rgb()

Definition at line 1406 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ saturation()

int QColor::saturation ( ) const

Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.

The color is implicitly converted to HSV.

See also
hsvSaturation(), hslSaturation(), saturationF(), getHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1732 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ saturationF()

float QColor::saturationF ( ) const

Returns the HSV saturation color component of this color.

The color is implicitly converted to HSV.

See also
hsvSaturationF(), hslSaturationF(), saturation(), getHsvF(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1794 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setAlpha()

void QColor::setAlpha ( int alpha)

Sets the alpha of this color to alpha.

Integer alpha is specified in the range 0-255.

See also
alpha(), alphaF(), {QColor#Alpha-Blended Drawing}{Alpha-Blended Drawing}

Definition at line 1479 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setAlphaF()

void QColor::setAlphaF ( float alpha)

Sets the alpha of this color to alpha.

float alpha is specified in the range 0.0-1.0.

See also
alphaF(), alpha(), {QColor#Alpha-Blended Drawing}{Alpha-Blended Drawing}

Definition at line 1509 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setBlue()

void QColor::setBlue ( int blue)

Sets the blue color component of this color to blue.

Integer components are specified in the range 0-255.

See also
blue(), blueF(), setRgb()

Definition at line 1595 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setBlueF()

void QColor::setBlueF ( float blue)

Sets the blue color component of this color to blue.

If blue lies outside the 0.0-1.0 range, the color model will be changed to ExtendedRgb.

See also
blueF(), blue(), setRgbF()

Definition at line 1688 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setCmyk()

void QColor::setCmyk ( int c,
int m,
int y,
int k,
int a = 255 )

Sets the color to CMYK values, c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


All the values must be in the range 0-255.

See also
getCmyk(), setCmykF(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 2680 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setCmykF()

void QColor::setCmykF ( float c,
float m,
float y,
float k,
float a = 1.0 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Sets the color to CMYK values, c (cyan), m (magenta), y (yellow), k (black), and a (alpha-channel, i.e.


All the values must be in the range 0.0-1.0.

See also
getCmykF(), setCmyk(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 2710 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setGreen()

void QColor::setGreen ( int green)

Sets the green color component of this color to green.

Integer components are specified in the range 0-255.

See also
green(), greenF(), setRgb()

Definition at line 1566 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setGreenF()

void QColor::setGreenF ( float green)

Sets the green color component of this color to green.

If green lies outside the 0.0-1.0 range, the color model will be changed to ExtendedRgb.

See also
greenF(), green(), setRgbF()

Definition at line 1658 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setHsl()

void QColor::setHsl ( int h,
int s,
int l,
int a = 255 )

Sets a HSL color value; h is the hue, s is the saturation, l is the lightness and a is the alpha component of the HSL color.

The saturation, value and alpha-channel values must be in the range 0-255, and the hue value must be greater than -1.

See also
getHsl(), setHslF()

Definition at line 1213 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setHslF()

void QColor::setHslF ( float h,
float s,
float l,
float a = 1.0 )

Sets a HSL color lightness; h is the hue, s is the saturation, l is the lightness and a is the alpha component of the HSL color.

All the values must be in the range 0.0-1.0.

See also
getHslF(), setHsl()

Definition at line 1183 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setHsv()

void QColor::setHsv ( int h,
int s,
int v,
int a = 255 )

Sets a HSV color value; h is the hue, s is the saturation, v is the value and a is the alpha component of the HSV color.

The saturation, value and alpha-channel values must be in the range 0-255, and the hue value must be greater than -1.

See also
getHsv(), setHsvF(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1097 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setHsvF()

void QColor::setHsvF ( float h,
float s,
float v,
float a = 1.0 )

Sets a HSV color value; h is the hue, s is the saturation, v is the value and a is the alpha component of the HSV color.

All the values must be in the range 0.0-1.0.

See also
getHsvF(), setHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1069 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setRed()

void QColor::setRed ( int red)

Sets the red color component of this color to red.

Integer components are specified in the range 0-255.

See also
red(), redF(), setRgb()

Definition at line 1539 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setRedF()

void QColor::setRedF ( float red)

Sets the red color component of this color to red.

If red lies outside the 0.0-1.0 range, the color model will be changed to ExtendedRgb.

See also
redF(), red(), setRgbF()

Definition at line 1626 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setRgb() [1/2]

void QColor::setRgb ( int r,
int g,
int b,
int a = 255 )

Sets the RGB value to r, g, b and the alpha value to a.

All the values must be in the range 0-255.

See also
rgb(), getRgb(), setRgbF()

Definition at line 1348 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setRgb() [2/2]

void QColor::setRgb ( QRgb rgb)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.Sets the RGB value to rgb.

The alpha value is set to opaque.

Definition at line 1449 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setRgba()

void QColor::setRgba ( QRgb rgba)

Sets the RGB value to rgba, including its alpha.

See also
rgba(), rgb(), setRgba64()

Definition at line 1386 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setRgba64()

void QColor::setRgba64 ( QRgba64 rgba)

Sets the RGB64 value to rgba, including its alpha.

See also
setRgba(), rgba64()

Definition at line 1420 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ setRgbF()

void QColor::setRgbF ( float r,
float g,
float b,
float a = 1.0 )

Sets the color channels of this color to r (red), g (green), b (blue) and a (alpha, transparency).

The alpha value must be in the range 0.0-1.0. If any of the other values are outside the range of 0.0-1.0 the color model will be set as ExtendedRgb.

See also
rgb(), getRgbF(), setRgb()

Definition at line 1315 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ spec()

Spec QColor::spec ( ) const

Returns how the color was specified.

See also
Spec, convertTo()

Definition at line 75 of file qcolor.h.

◆ toCmyk()

QColor QColor::toCmyk ( ) const

Creates and returns a CMYK QColor based on this color.

See also
fromCmyk(), convertTo(), isValid(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 2293 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ toExtendedRgb()

QColor QColor::toExtendedRgb ( ) const

Create and returns an extended RGB QColor based on this color.

See also
toRgb, convertTo()

Definition at line 2010 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ toHsl()

QColor QColor::toHsl ( ) const

Creates and returns an HSL QColor based on this color.

See also
fromHsl(), convertTo(), isValid(), {QColor#The HSL Color Model}{The HSL Color Model}

Definition at line 2237 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ toHsv()

QColor QColor::toHsv ( ) const

Creates and returns an HSV QColor based on this color.

See also
fromHsv(), convertTo(), isValid(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 2186 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ toRgb()

QColor QColor::toRgb ( ) const

Create and returns an RGB QColor based on this color.

See also
fromRgb(), convertTo(), isValid()

Definition at line 2033 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ value()

int QColor::value ( ) const

Returns the value color component of this color.

See also
valueF(), getHsv(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1754 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ valueF()

float QColor::valueF ( ) const

Returns the value color component of this color.

See also
value(), getHsvF(), {QColor#The HSV Color Model}{The HSV Color Model}

Definition at line 1816 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ yellow()

int QColor::yellow ( ) const

Returns the yellow color component of this color.

See also
yellowF(), getCmyk(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1936 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ yellowF()

float QColor::yellowF ( ) const

Returns the yellow color component of this color.

See also
yellow(), getCmykF(), {QColor#The CMYK Color Model}{The CMYK Color Model}

Definition at line 1985 of file qcolor.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator<<

Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & stream,
const QColor & color )

Writes the color to the stream.

See also
{Serializing Qt Data Types}

Definition at line 2975 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ operator>>

Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & stream,
QColor & color )

Reads the color from the stream.

See also
{Serializing Qt Data Types}

Definition at line 3011 of file qcolor.cpp.

◆ qAlpha()

int qAlpha ( QRgb rgba)

Returns the alpha component of the ARGB quadruplet rgba.

See also
qRgb(), QColor::alpha()

Definition at line 27 of file qrgb.h.

◆ qBlue()

int qBlue ( QRgb rgb)

Returns the blue component of the ARGB quadruplet rgb.

See also
qRgb(), QColor::blue()

Definition at line 24 of file qrgb.h.

◆ QColormap

friend class QColormap

Definition at line 259 of file qcolor.h.

◆ qGray() [1/2]

int qGray ( int r,
int g,
int b )

Returns a gray value (0 to 255) from the (r, g, b) triplet.

The gray value is calculated using the formula (r * 11 + g * 16 + b * 5)/32.

Definition at line 36 of file qrgb.h.

◆ qGray() [2/2]

int qGray ( QRgb rgb)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Returns a gray value (0 to 255) from the given ARGB quadruplet rgb.

The gray value is calculated using the formula (R * 11 + G * 16 + B * 5)/32; the alpha-channel is ignored.

Definition at line 39 of file qrgb.h.

References qBlue(), qGray(), qGreen(), and qRed().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qGreen()

int qGreen ( QRgb rgb)

Returns the green component of the ARGB quadruplet rgb.

See also
qRgb(), QColor::green()

Definition at line 21 of file qrgb.h.

◆ qPremultiply()

QRgb qPremultiply ( QRgb rgb)

Converts an unpremultiplied ARGB quadruplet rgb into a premultiplied ARGB quadruplet.

See also

Definition at line 45 of file qrgb.h.

References qAlpha().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ qRed()

int qRed ( QRgb rgb)

Returns the red component of the ARGB quadruplet rgb.

See also
qRgb(), QColor::red()

Definition at line 18 of file qrgb.h.

◆ QRgb()


An ARGB quadruplet on the format #AARRGGBB, equivalent to an unsigned int.

The type also holds a value for the alpha-channel. The default alpha channel is ff, i.e opaque. For more information, see the \l{QColor#Alpha-Blended Drawing}{Alpha-Blended Drawing} section.

Here are some examples of how QRgb values can be created:

const QRgb rgb1 = 0x88112233;
const QRgb rgb2 = QColor("red").rgb();
const QRgb rgb3 = qRgb(qRed(rgb1), qGreen(rgb2), qBlue(rgb2));
const QRgb rgb4 = qRgba(qRed(rgb1), qGreen(rgb2), qBlue(rgb2), qAlpha(rgb1));
See also
qRgb(), qRgba(), QColor::rgb(), QColor::rgba()

Definition at line 13 of file qrgb.h.

◆ qRgb()

QRgb qRgb ( int r,
int g,
int b )

Returns the ARGB quadruplet (255, {r}, {g}, {b}).

See also
qRgba(), qRed(), qGreen(), qBlue(), qAlpha()

Definition at line 30 of file qrgb.h.

◆ qRgba()

QRgb qRgba ( int r,
int g,
int b,
int a )

Returns the ARGB quadruplet ({a}, {r}, {g}, {b}).

See also
qRgb(), qRed(), qGreen(), qBlue(), qAlpha()

Definition at line 33 of file qrgb.h.

◆ qUnpremultiply()

QRgb qUnpremultiply ( QRgb rgb)

Converts a premultiplied ARGB quadruplet rgb into an unpremultiplied ARGB quadruplet.

See also

Definition at line 60 of file qrgb.h.

References qAlpha(), qBlue(), qGreen(), and qRed().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

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