Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
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1// Copyright 2017 The PDFium Authors
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
10#include <stdint.h>
12#include <vector>
15 uint32_t dwAlign;
16 float fTabstops;
18 bool operator<(const XFA_TABSTOPS& that) const {
19 return fTabstops < that.fTabstops;
20 }
24 public:
28 void Append(uint32_t dwAlign, float fTabstops);
29 void RemoveAll();
30 void Reset();
32 int32_t m_iTabIndex = -1;
33 bool m_bHasTabstops = false;
34 float m_fTabWidth = 0.0f;
35 float m_fLeft = 0.0f;
Definition cfx_css.h:48
Definition cfx_css.h:62
Definition cfx_css.h:40
CFX_XMLElement * ToXMLElement(CFX_XMLNode *pNode)
const CFX_XMLText * ToXMLText(const CFX_XMLNode *pNode)
Definition cfx_xmltext.h:42
static bool DrawString(CFX_RenderDevice *device, FX_ARGB color, const RetainPtr< CFGAS_GEFont > &pFont, pdfium::span< TextCharPos > pCharPos, float fFontSize, const CFX_Matrix &matrix)
int32_t GetHorizontalScale() const
int32_t GetFontSize() const
int32_t GetCharCount() const
int32_t GetStartPos() const
const CFGAS_TextUserData * GetUserData() const
int32_t GetVerticalScale() const
int32_t GetBidiLevel() const
WideString GetString() const
int32_t GetWidth() const
void SetMarginWidth(const CFX_CSSRect &rect)
const CFX_CSSLength & GetTextIndent() const
const CFX_CSSRect * GetMarginWidth() const
CFX_CSSTextAlign GetTextAlign() const
const CFX_CSSRect * GetPaddingWidth() const
float GetValue() const
Definition cfx_css.h:116
CFX_CSSLength & Set(CFX_CSSLengthUnit eUnit, float fValue)
Definition cfx_css.h:108
CFX_CSSLength right
Definition cfx_css.h:151
CFX_CSSLength top
Definition cfx_css.h:150
CFX_CSSLength bottom
Definition cfx_css.h:152
CFX_CSSLength left
Definition cfx_css.h:149
void AppendLine(const CFX_PointF &pt1, const CFX_PointF &pt2)
Definition cfx_path.cpp:297
FX_RECT GetOuterRect() const
float right() const
bool SetClip_Rect(const FX_RECT &pRect)
bool DrawPath(const CFX_Path &path, const CFX_Matrix *pObject2Device, const CFX_GraphStateData *pGraphState, uint32_t fill_color, uint32_t stroke_color, const CFX_FillRenderOptions &fill_options)
void RestoreState(bool bKeepSaved)
WideString GetLocalTagName() const
WideString GetAttribute(const WideString &name) const
virtual Type GetType() const =0
const WideString & GetText() const
Definition cfx_xmltext.h:25
float GetMarginLeft()
Definition cxfa_para.cpp:73
float GetTextIndent()
Definition cxfa_para.cpp:89
float GetSpaceAbove()
Definition cxfa_para.cpp:81
float GetMarginRight()
Definition cxfa_para.cpp:77
XFA_AttributeValue GetHorizontalAlign()
Definition cxfa_para.cpp:57
XFA_AttributeValue GetVerticalAlign()
Definition cxfa_para.cpp:63
float GetSpaceBelow()
Definition cxfa_para.cpp:85
float StartLayout(float fWidth)
WideString GetLinkURLAtPoint(const CFX_PointF &point)
CFX_SizeF CalcSize(const CFX_SizeF &minSize, const CFX_SizeF &maxSize)
bool DrawString(CFX_RenderDevice *pFxDevice, const CFX_Matrix &mtDoc2Device, const CFX_RectF &rtClip, size_t szBlockIndex)
float DoLayout(float fTextHeight)
float DoSplitLayout(size_t szBlockIndex, float fCalcHeight, float fTextHeight)
float Layout(const CFX_SizeF &size)
void ItemBlocks(const CFX_RectF &rtText, size_t szBlockIndex)
void SetDecls(std::vector< const CFX_CSSDeclaration * > &&decl)
void SetDisplay(CFX_CSSDisplay eDisplay)
void SetParentStyle(RetainPtr< const CFX_CSSComputedStyle > style)
RetainPtr< const CFX_CSSComputedStyle > GetParentStyle() const
CFX_CSSDisplay GetDisplay() const
const std::vector< const CFX_CSSDeclaration * > & GetDecls() const
int32_t GetUnderline(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
float GetFontSize(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
float GetTabInterval(const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
bool GetTabstops(const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle, CXFA_TextTabstopsContext *pTabstopContext)
bool IsParsed() const
Context * GetParseContextFromMap(const CFX_XMLNode *pXMLNode)
XFA_AttributeValue GetUnderlinePeriod(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
XFA_AttributeValue GetVAlign(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider) const
int32_t CountTabs(const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
float GetBaseline(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
virtual ~CXFA_TextParser()
float GetLineHeight(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle, bool bFirst, float fVerScale) const
bool TagValidate(const WideString &str) const
int32_t GetHorScale(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle, const CFX_XMLNode *pXMLNode) const
RetainPtr< CFX_CSSComputedStyle > CreateRootStyle(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider)
bool IsSpaceRun(const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
RetainPtr< CFGAS_GEFont > GetFont(CXFA_FFDoc *doc, CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
int32_t GetLinethrough(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
void DoParse(const CFX_XMLNode *pXMLContainer, CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider)
FX_ARGB GetColor(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
int32_t GetVerScale(CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_CSSComputedStyle *pStyle) const
absl::optional< WideString > GetEmbeddedObj(const CXFA_TextProvider *pTextProvider, const CFX_XMLNode *pXMLNode)
void Trace(cppgc::Visitor *visitor) const
RetainPtr< CFX_CSSComputedStyle > ComputeStyle(const CFX_XMLNode *pXMLNode, RetainPtr< const CFX_CSSComputedStyle > pParentStyle)
void Append(uint32_t dwAlign, float fTabstops)
std::vector< XFA_TABSTOPS > m_tabstops
WideString(wchar_t ch)
static WideString Format(const wchar_t *pFormat,...)
WideString & operator=(WideString &&that) noexcept
WideString & operator+=(wchar_t ch)
bool IsEmpty() const
Definition widestring.h:118
WideString & operator=(const WideString &that)
CharType Back() const
Definition widestring.h:152
bool EqualsASCII(ByteStringView that) const
Definition widestring.h:216
Definition fxfa_basic.h:60
Definition heap.h:32
Definition heap.h:12
bool operator<(const XFA_TABSTOPS &that) const