Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
No Matches
QGraphicsScenePrivate Class Reference

#include <qgraphicsscene_p.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QGraphicsScenePrivate:
+ Collaboration diagram for QGraphicsScenePrivate:


struct  UpdatedRectsCmp

Public Member Functions

 QGraphicsScenePrivate ()
void init ()
void _q_emitUpdated ()
void registerTopLevelItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
void unregisterTopLevelItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
void _q_updateLater ()
void _q_polishItems ()
void _q_processDirtyItems ()
void setScenePosItemEnabled (QGraphicsItem *item, bool enabled)
void registerScenePosItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
void unregisterScenePosItem (QGraphicsItem *item)
void _q_updateScenePosDescendants ()
void removeItemHelper (QGraphicsItem *item)
void setActivePanelHelper (QGraphicsItem *item, bool duringActivationEvent)
void setFocusItemHelper (QGraphicsItem *item, Qt::FocusReason focusReason, bool emitFocusChanged=true)
void addPopup (QGraphicsWidget *widget)
void removePopup (QGraphicsWidget *widget, bool itemIsDying=false)
void grabMouse (QGraphicsItem *item, bool implicit=false)
void ungrabMouse (QGraphicsItem *item, bool itemIsDying=false)
void clearMouseGrabber ()
void grabKeyboard (QGraphicsItem *item)
void ungrabKeyboard (QGraphicsItem *item, bool itemIsDying=false)
void clearKeyboardGrabber ()
void enableMouseTrackingOnViews ()
QList< QGraphicsItem * > itemsAtPosition (const QPoint &screenPos, const QPointF &scenePos, QWidget *widget) const
 Returns all items for the screen position in event.
void storeMouseButtonsForMouseGrabber (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
void addView (QGraphicsView *view)
void removeView (QGraphicsView *view)
void installSceneEventFilter (QGraphicsItem *watched, QGraphicsItem *filter)
void removeSceneEventFilter (QGraphicsItem *watched, QGraphicsItem *filter)
bool filterDescendantEvent (QGraphicsItem *item, QEvent *event)
bool filterEvent (QGraphicsItem *item, QEvent *event)
bool sendEvent (QGraphicsItem *item, QEvent *event)
bool dispatchHoverEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *hoverEvent)
 This event handler, for event hoverEvent, can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive hover enter events.
bool itemAcceptsHoverEvents_helper (const QGraphicsItem *item) const
void leaveScene (QWidget *viewport)
void cloneDragDropEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *dest, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *source)
void sendDragDropEvent (QGraphicsItem *item, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *dragDropEvent)
void sendHoverEvent (QEvent::Type type, QGraphicsItem *item, QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *hoverEvent)
void sendMouseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
void mousePressEventHandler (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
QGraphicsWidgetwindowForItem (const QGraphicsItem *item) const
void drawItemHelper (QGraphicsItem *item, QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget, bool painterStateProtection)
void drawItems (QPainter *painter, const QTransform *const viewTransform, QRegion *exposedRegion, QWidget *widget)
void drawSubtreeRecursive (QGraphicsItem *item, QPainter *painter, const QTransform *const, QRegion *exposedRegion, QWidget *widget, qreal parentOpacity=qreal(1.0), const QTransform *const effectTransform=nullptr)
void draw (QGraphicsItem *, QPainter *, const QTransform *const, const QTransform *const, QRegion *, QWidget *, qreal, const QTransform *const, bool, bool)
void markDirty (QGraphicsItem *item, const QRectF &rect=QRectF(), bool invalidateChildren=false, bool force=false, bool ignoreOpacity=false, bool removingItemFromScene=false, bool updateBoundingRect=false)
void processDirtyItemsRecursive (QGraphicsItem *item, bool dirtyAncestorContainsChildren=false, qreal parentOpacity=qreal(1.0))
void resetDirtyItem (QGraphicsItem *item, bool recursive=false)
void ensureSortedTopLevelItems ()
void ensureSequentialTopLevelSiblingIndexes ()
void setFont_helper (const QFont &font)
void resolveFont ()
void updateFont (const QFont &font)
void setPalette_helper (const QPalette &palette)
void resolvePalette ()
void updatePalette (const QPalette &palette)
int findClosestTouchPointId (const QPointF &scenePos)
void touchEventHandler (QTouchEvent *touchEvent)
bool sendTouchBeginEvent (QGraphicsItem *item, QTouchEvent *touchEvent)
void enableTouchEventsOnViews ()
void gestureEventHandler (QGestureEvent *event)
void gestureTargetsAtHotSpots (const QSet< QGesture * > &gestures, Qt::GestureFlag flag, QHash< QGraphicsObject *, QSet< QGesture * > > *targets, QSet< QGraphicsObject * > *itemsSet=nullptr, QSet< QGesture * > *normal=nullptr, QSet< QGesture * > *conflicts=nullptr)
void cancelGesturesForChildren (QGesture *original)
void grabGesture (QGraphicsItem *, Qt::GestureType gesture)
void ungrabGesture (QGraphicsItem *, Qt::GestureType gesture)
void updateInputMethodSensitivityInViews ()
void enterModal (QGraphicsItem *item, QGraphicsItem::PanelModality panelModality=QGraphicsItem::NonModal)
void leaveModal (QGraphicsItem *item)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
void ensureExtraData ()
void setObjectNameWithoutBindings (const QString &name)
 QObjectPrivate (decltype(QObjectPrivateVersion) version=QObjectPrivateVersion)
virtual ~QObjectPrivate ()
void deleteChildren ()
void clearBindingStorage ()
void setParent_helper (QObject *)
void moveToThread_helper ()
void setThreadData_helper (QThreadData *currentData, QThreadData *targetData, QBindingStatus *status)
QObjectList receiverList (const char *signal) const
void ensureConnectionData ()
void addConnection (int signal, Connection *c)
int signalIndex (const char *signalName, const QMetaObject **meta=nullptr) const
bool isSignalConnected (uint signalIdx, bool checkDeclarative=true) const
bool maybeSignalConnected (uint signalIndex) const
bool isDeclarativeSignalConnected (uint signalIdx) const
void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
void reinitBindingStorageAfterThreadMove ()
virtual std::string flagsForDumping () const
virtual void writeToDebugStream (QDebug &) const
QtPrivate::QPropertyAdaptorSlotObjectgetPropertyAdaptorSlotObject (const QMetaProperty &property)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectData
 QObjectData ()=default
virtual ~QObjectData ()=0
const QMetaObjectdynamicMetaObject () const

Static Public Member Functions

static QGraphicsScenePrivateget (QGraphicsScene *q)
static void updateTouchPointsForItem (QGraphicsItem *item, QTouchEvent *touchEvent)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
static bool removeConnection (Connection *c)
static QObjectPrivateget (QObject *o)
static const QObjectPrivateget (const QObject *o)
template<typename Func1, typename Func2>
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<typename Func1, typename Func2>
static bool disconnect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot)
static QMetaObject::Connection connectImpl (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, void **slot, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, int type, const int *types, const QMetaObject *senderMetaObject)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, void **slot)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, void **slot)

Public Attributes

int changedSignalIndex
int processDirtyItemsIndex
int polishItemsIndex
QGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod indexMethod
int lastItemCount
QRectF sceneRect
quint32 hasSceneRect: 1
quint32 dirtyGrowingItemsBoundingRect: 1
quint32 updateAll: 1
quint32 calledEmitUpdated: 1
quint32 processDirtyItemsEmitted: 1
quint32 needSortTopLevelItems: 1
quint32 holesInTopLevelSiblingIndex: 1
quint32 topLevelSequentialOrdering: 1
quint32 scenePosDescendantsUpdatePending: 1
quint32 stickyFocus: 1
quint32 hasFocus: 1
quint32 lastMouseGrabberItemHasImplicitMouseGrab: 1
quint32 allItemsIgnoreHoverEvents: 1
quint32 allItemsUseDefaultCursor: 1
quint32 painterStateProtection: 1
quint32 sortCacheEnabled: 1
quint32 allItemsIgnoreTouchEvents: 1
quint32 focusOnTouch: 1
quint32 padding: 14
qreal minimumRenderSize
QRectF growingItemsBoundingRect
std::set< QRectF, UpdatedRectsCmpupdatedRects
QPainterPath selectionArea
int selectionChanging
QSet< QGraphicsItem * > selectedItems
QList< QGraphicsItem * > unpolishedItems
QList< QGraphicsItem * > topLevelItems
QHash< QGraphicsItem *, QPointFmovingItemsInitialPositions
QSet< QGraphicsItem * > scenePosItems
QBrush backgroundBrush
QBrush foregroundBrush
quint32 rectAdjust
int activationRefCount
int childExplicitActivation
QList< QGraphicsWidget * > popupWidgets
QList< QGraphicsItem * > mouseGrabberItems
QList< QGraphicsItem * > keyboardGrabberItems
Qt::DropAction lastDropAction
QList< QGraphicsItem * > cachedItemsUnderMouse
QList< QGraphicsItem * > hoverItems
QPointF lastSceneMousePos
QMap< Qt::MouseButton, QPointFmouseGrabberButtonDownPos
QMap< Qt::MouseButton, QPointFmouseGrabberButtonDownScenePos
QMap< Qt::MouseButton, QPointmouseGrabberButtonDownScreenPos
QList< QGraphicsView * > views
QMultiMap< QGraphicsItem *, QGraphicsItem * > sceneEventFilters
QFont font
QPalette palette
QStyleOptionGraphicsItem styleOptionTmp
QMap< int, QEventPointsceneCurrentTouchPoints
QMap< int, QGraphicsItem * > itemForTouchPointId
QList< QGraphicsObject * > cachedTargetItems
QHash< QGraphicsObject *, QSet< QGesture * > > cachedItemGestures
QHash< QGraphicsObject *, QSet< QGesture * > > cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures
QHash< QGesture *, QGraphicsObject * > gestureTargets
QHash< Qt::GestureType, int > grabbedGestures
QList< QGraphicsItem * > modalPanels
- Public Attributes inherited from QObjectPrivate
QAtomicPointer< QThreadDatathreadData
QAtomicPointer< ConnectionDataconnections
union { 
   QObject *   currentChildBeingDeleted 
   QAbstractDeclarativeData *   declarativeData 
QAtomicPointer< QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountDatasharedRefcount
- Public Attributes inherited from QObjectData
QObjectList children
uint isWidget: 1
uint blockSig: 1
uint wasDeleted: 1
uint isDeletingChildren: 1
uint sendChildEvents: 1
uint receiveChildEvents: 1
uint isWindow: 1
uint deleteLaterCalled: 1
uint isQuickItem: 1
uint willBeWidget: 1
uint wasWidget: 1
uint receiveParentEvents: 1
uint unused: 20
QAtomicInt postedEvents
QBindingStorage bindingStorage

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QObjectPrivate
typedef void(* StaticMetaCallFunction) (QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **)
using ConnectionDataPointer = QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<ConnectionData>

Detailed Description

Definition at line 47 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QGraphicsScenePrivate()

QGraphicsScenePrivate::QGraphicsScenePrivate ( )

Definition at line 247 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _q_emitUpdated()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::_q_emitUpdated ( )

Definition at line 314 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ _q_polishItems()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::_q_polishItems ( )

Definition at line 407 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ _q_processDirtyItems()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::_q_processDirtyItems ( )

Definition at line 444 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ _q_updateLater()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::_q_updateLater ( )

◆ _q_updateScenePosDescendants()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::_q_updateScenePosDescendants ( )

Definition at line 523 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ addPopup()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::addPopup ( QGraphicsWidget * widget)

Definition at line 865 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ addView()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::addView ( QGraphicsView * view)

Definition at line 5792 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ cancelGesturesForChildren()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::cancelGesturesForChildren ( QGesture * original)

Definition at line 6428 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ clearKeyboardGrabber()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::clearKeyboardGrabber ( )

Definition at line 1076 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ clearMouseGrabber()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::clearMouseGrabber ( )

Definition at line 1005 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ cloneDragDropEvent()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::cloneDragDropEvent ( QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent * dest,
QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent * source )

Definition at line 1231 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ dispatchHoverEvent()

bool QGraphicsScenePrivate::dispatchHoverEvent ( QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent * hoverEvent)

This event handler, for event hoverEvent, can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive hover enter events.

The default implementation forwards the event to the topmost visible item that accepts hover events at the scene position from the event.

Note: See items() for a definition of which items are considered visible by this function.

See also
QGraphicsItem::hoverEvent(), QGraphicsItem::setAcceptHoverEvents()

Definition at line 3762 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ draw()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::draw ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QPainter * painter,
const QTransform * const viewTransform,
const QTransform * const transformPtr,
QRegion * exposedRegion,
QWidget * widget,
qreal opacity,
const QTransform * const effectTransform,
bool wasDirtyParentSceneTransform,
bool drawItem )

Definition at line 4789 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ drawItemHelper()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawItemHelper ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QPainter * painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * option,
QWidget * widget,
bool painterStateProtection )

Draws items directly, or using cache.

Definition at line 4303 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ drawItems()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawItems ( QPainter * painter,
const QTransform *const viewTransform,
QRegion * exposedRegion,
QWidget * widget )

Definition at line 4609 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ drawSubtreeRecursive()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::drawSubtreeRecursive ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QPainter * painter,
const QTransform * const viewTransform,
QRegion * exposedRegion,
QWidget * widget,
qreal parentOpacity = qreal(1.0),
const QTransform *const effectTransform = nullptr )

Definition at line 4628 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ enableMouseTrackingOnViews()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::enableMouseTrackingOnViews ( )

Definition at line 1082 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ enableTouchEventsOnViews()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::enableTouchEventsOnViews ( )

Definition at line 6029 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ ensureSequentialTopLevelSiblingIndexes()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::ensureSequentialTopLevelSiblingIndexes ( )

Ensures that the list of toplevels is sorted by insertion order, and that the siblingIndexes are packed (no gaps), and start at 0.

This function is almost identical to


Definition at line 1479 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ ensureSortedTopLevelItems()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::ensureSortedTopLevelItems ( )

Definition at line 253 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ enterModal()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::enterModal ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QGraphicsItem::PanelModality panelModality = QGraphicsItem::NonModal )

Definition at line 6041 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ filterDescendantEvent()

bool QGraphicsScenePrivate::filterDescendantEvent ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QEvent * event )

Definition at line 1158 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ filterEvent()

bool QGraphicsScenePrivate::filterEvent ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QEvent * event )

Definition at line 1176 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ findClosestTouchPointId()

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::findClosestTouchPointId ( const QPointF & scenePos)

Definition at line 5818 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ gestureEventHandler()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler ( QGestureEvent * event)

Definition at line 6181 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ gestureTargetsAtHotSpots()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureTargetsAtHotSpots ( const QSet< QGesture * > & gestures,
Qt::GestureFlag flag,
QHash< QGraphicsObject *, QSet< QGesture * > > * targets,
QSet< QGraphicsObject * > * itemsSet = nullptr,
QSet< QGesture * > * normal = nullptr,
QSet< QGesture * > * conflicts = nullptr )

Definition at line 6134 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ get()

QGraphicsScenePrivate * QGraphicsScenePrivate::get ( QGraphicsScene * q)

Definition at line 309 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ grabGesture()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::grabGesture ( QGraphicsItem * ,
Qt::GestureType gesture )

Definition at line 6512 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ grabKeyboard()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::grabKeyboard ( QGraphicsItem * item)

Definition at line 1015 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ grabMouse()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::grabMouse ( QGraphicsItem * item,
bool implicit = false )

Definition at line 915 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ init()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::init ( )

Definition at line 291 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ installSceneEventFilter()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::installSceneEventFilter ( QGraphicsItem * watched,
QGraphicsItem * filter )

Definition at line 1132 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ itemAcceptsHoverEvents_helper()

bool QGraphicsScenePrivate::itemAcceptsHoverEvents_helper ( const QGraphicsItem * item) const

Definition at line 3744 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ itemsAtPosition()

QList< QGraphicsItem * > QGraphicsScenePrivate::itemsAtPosition ( const QPoint & screenPos,
const QPointF & scenePos,
QWidget * widget ) const

Returns all items for the screen position in event.

Definition at line 1091 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ leaveModal()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::leaveModal ( QGraphicsItem * item)

Definition at line 6102 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ leaveScene()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::leaveScene ( QWidget * viewport)

Handles all actions necessary to clean up the scene when the mouse leaves the view.

Definition at line 3839 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ markDirty()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::markDirty ( QGraphicsItem * item,
const QRectF & rect = QRectF(),
bool invalidateChildren = false,
bool force = false,
bool ignoreOpacity = false,
bool removingItemFromScene = false,
bool updateBoundingRect = false )

Definition at line 4914 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ mousePressEventHandler()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::mousePressEventHandler ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * mouseEvent)

Definition at line 1308 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ processDirtyItemsRecursive()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::processDirtyItemsRecursive ( QGraphicsItem * item,
bool dirtyAncestorContainsChildren = false,
qreal parentOpacity = qreal(1.0) )

Definition at line 5049 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ registerScenePosItem()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::registerScenePosItem ( QGraphicsItem * item)

Definition at line 505 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ registerTopLevelItem()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::registerTopLevelItem ( QGraphicsItem * item)

This function is almost identical to QGraphicsItemPrivate::addChild().

Definition at line 375 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ removeItemHelper()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::removeItemHelper ( QGraphicsItem * item)

Schedules an item for removal. This function leaves some stale indexes around in the BSP tree if called from the item's destructor; these will be cleaned up the next time someone triggers purgeRemovedItems().

Note: This function might get called from QGraphicsItem's destructor. item is being destroyed, so we cannot call any pure virtual functions on it (such as boundingRect()). Also, it is unnecessary to update the item's own state in any way.

Definition at line 547 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ removePopup()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::removePopup ( QGraphicsWidget * widget,
bool itemIsDying = false )

Remove widget from the popup list. Important notes:

widget is guaranteed to be in the list of popups, but it might not be the last entry; you can hide any item in the pop list before the others, and this must cause all later mouse grabbers to lose the grab.

Definition at line 891 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ removeSceneEventFilter()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::removeSceneEventFilter ( QGraphicsItem * watched,
QGraphicsItem * filter )

Definition at line 1140 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ removeView()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::removeView ( QGraphicsView * view)

Definition at line 5802 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ resetDirtyItem()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::resetDirtyItem ( QGraphicsItem * item,
bool recursive = false )

Definition at line 218 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ resolveFont()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::resolveFont ( )

Resolve the scene's font against the application font, and propagate the changes too all items in the scene.

Definition at line 1512 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ resolvePalette()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::resolvePalette ( )

Resolve the scene's palette against the application palette, and propagate the changes too all items in the scene.

Definition at line 1569 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ sendDragDropEvent()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::sendDragDropEvent ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent * dragDropEvent )

Definition at line 1250 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ sendEvent()

bool QGraphicsScenePrivate::sendEvent ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QEvent * event )

This is the final dispatch point for any events from the scene to the item. It filters the event first - if the filter returns true, the event is considered to have been eaten by the filter, and is therefore stopped (the default filter returns false). Then/otherwise, if the item is enabled, the event is sent; otherwise it is stopped.

Definition at line 1201 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ sendHoverEvent()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::sendHoverEvent ( QEvent::Type type,
QGraphicsItem * item,
QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent * hoverEvent )

Definition at line 1260 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ sendMouseEvent()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::sendMouseEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * mouseEvent)

Definition at line 1279 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ sendTouchBeginEvent()

bool QGraphicsScenePrivate::sendTouchBeginEvent ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QTouchEvent * touchEvent )

Definition at line 5957 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ setActivePanelHelper()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setActivePanelHelper ( QGraphicsItem * item,
bool duringActivationEvent )

Definition at line 709 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ setFocusItemHelper()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setFocusItemHelper ( QGraphicsItem * item,
Qt::FocusReason focusReason,
bool emitFocusChanged = true )

emitFocusChanged needs to be false when focus passes from one item to another through setActivePanel(); i.e. when activation passes from one panel to another, to avoid getting two focusChanged() emissions; one focusChanged(0, lastFocus), then one focusChanged(newFocus, 0). Instead setActivePanel() emits the signal once itself: focusChanged(newFocus, oldFocus).

Definition at line 799 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ setFont_helper()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setFont_helper ( const QFont & font)

Set the font and propagate the changes if the font is different from the current font.

Definition at line 1499 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ setPalette_helper()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setPalette_helper ( const QPalette & palette)

Set the palette and propagate the changes if the palette is different from the current palette.

Definition at line 1556 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ setScenePosItemEnabled()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setScenePosItemEnabled ( QGraphicsItem * item,
bool enabled )

Definition at line 489 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ storeMouseButtonsForMouseGrabber()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::storeMouseButtonsForMouseGrabber ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)

Definition at line 1116 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ touchEventHandler()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::touchEventHandler ( QTouchEvent * touchEvent)

Definition at line 5832 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ ungrabGesture()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::ungrabGesture ( QGraphicsItem * item,
Qt::GestureType gesture )

Definition at line 6521 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ ungrabKeyboard()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::ungrabKeyboard ( QGraphicsItem * item,
bool itemIsDying = false )

Definition at line 1043 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ ungrabMouse()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::ungrabMouse ( QGraphicsItem * item,
bool itemIsDying = false )

Definition at line 958 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ unregisterScenePosItem()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::unregisterScenePosItem ( QGraphicsItem * item)

Definition at line 514 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ unregisterTopLevelItem()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::unregisterTopLevelItem ( QGraphicsItem * item)

This function is almost identical to QGraphicsItemPrivate::removeChild().

Definition at line 388 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ updateFont()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::updateFont ( const QFont & font)

Update the font, and whether or not it has changed, reresolve all fonts in the scene.

Definition at line 1526 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ updateInputMethodSensitivityInViews()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::updateInputMethodSensitivityInViews ( )

Definition at line 6035 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ updatePalette()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::updatePalette ( const QPalette & palette)

Update the palette, and whether or not it has changed, reresolve all palettes in the scene.

Definition at line 1583 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ updateTouchPointsForItem()

void QGraphicsScenePrivate::updateTouchPointsForItem ( QGraphicsItem * item,
QTouchEvent * touchEvent )

Definition at line 5807 of file qgraphicsscene.cpp.

◆ windowForItem()

QGraphicsWidget * QGraphicsScenePrivate::windowForItem ( const QGraphicsItem * item) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ activationRefCount

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::activationRefCount

Definition at line 138 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ activePanel

QGraphicsItem* QGraphicsScenePrivate::activePanel

Definition at line 136 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ allItemsIgnoreHoverEvents

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::allItemsIgnoreHoverEvents

Definition at line 79 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ allItemsIgnoreTouchEvents

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::allItemsIgnoreTouchEvents

Definition at line 83 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ allItemsUseDefaultCursor

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::allItemsUseDefaultCursor

Definition at line 80 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ backgroundBrush

QBrush QGraphicsScenePrivate::backgroundBrush

Definition at line 128 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures

QHash<QGraphicsObject *, QSet<QGesture *> > QGraphicsScenePrivate::cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures

Definition at line 287 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ cachedItemGestures

QHash<QGraphicsObject *, QSet<QGesture *> > QGraphicsScenePrivate::cachedItemGestures

Definition at line 286 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ cachedItemsUnderMouse

QList<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::cachedItemsUnderMouse

Definition at line 162 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ cachedTargetItems

QList<QGraphicsObject *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::cachedTargetItems

Definition at line 284 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ calledEmitUpdated

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::calledEmitUpdated

Definition at line 70 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ changedSignalIndex

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::changedSignalIndex

Definition at line 56 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ childExplicitActivation

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::childExplicitActivation

Definition at line 139 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ dirtyGrowingItemsBoundingRect

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::dirtyGrowingItemsBoundingRect

Definition at line 68 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ dragDropItem

QGraphicsItem* QGraphicsScenePrivate::dragDropItem

Definition at line 159 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ enterWidget

QGraphicsWidget* QGraphicsScenePrivate::enterWidget

Definition at line 160 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ focusItem

QGraphicsItem* QGraphicsScenePrivate::focusItem

Definition at line 132 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ focusOnTouch

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::focusOnTouch

Definition at line 84 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ font

QFont QGraphicsScenePrivate::font

Definition at line 265 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ foregroundBrush

QBrush QGraphicsScenePrivate::foregroundBrush

Definition at line 129 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ gestureTargets

QHash<QGesture *, QGraphicsObject *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureTargets

Definition at line 288 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ grabbedGestures

QHash<Qt::GestureType, int> QGraphicsScenePrivate::grabbedGestures

Definition at line 289 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ growingItemsBoundingRect

QRectF QGraphicsScenePrivate::growingItemsBoundingRect

Definition at line 89 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ hasFocus

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::hasFocus

Definition at line 77 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ hasSceneRect

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::hasSceneRect

Definition at line 67 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ holesInTopLevelSiblingIndex

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::holesInTopLevelSiblingIndex

Definition at line 73 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ hoverItems

QList<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::hoverItems

Definition at line 163 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ index

QGraphicsSceneIndex* QGraphicsScenePrivate::index

Definition at line 61 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ indexMethod

QGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod QGraphicsScenePrivate::indexMethod

Definition at line 60 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ itemForTouchPointId

QMap<int, QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::itemForTouchPointId

Definition at line 277 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ keyboardGrabberItems

QList<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::keyboardGrabberItems

Definition at line 154 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ lastActivePanel

QGraphicsItem* QGraphicsScenePrivate::lastActivePanel

Definition at line 137 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ lastDropAction

Qt::DropAction QGraphicsScenePrivate::lastDropAction

Definition at line 161 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ lastFocusItem

QGraphicsItem* QGraphicsScenePrivate::lastFocusItem

Definition at line 133 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ lastItemCount

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::lastItemCount

Definition at line 63 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ lastMouseGrabberItem

QGraphicsItem* QGraphicsScenePrivate::lastMouseGrabberItem

Definition at line 148 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ lastMouseGrabberItemHasImplicitMouseGrab

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::lastMouseGrabberItemHasImplicitMouseGrab

Definition at line 78 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ lastSceneMousePos

QPointF QGraphicsScenePrivate::lastSceneMousePos

Definition at line 164 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ minimumRenderSize

qreal QGraphicsScenePrivate::minimumRenderSize

Definition at line 87 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ modalPanels

QList<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::modalPanels

Definition at line 304 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ mouseGrabberButtonDownPos

QMap<Qt::MouseButton, QPointF> QGraphicsScenePrivate::mouseGrabberButtonDownPos

Definition at line 166 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ mouseGrabberButtonDownScenePos

QMap<Qt::MouseButton, QPointF> QGraphicsScenePrivate::mouseGrabberButtonDownScenePos

Definition at line 167 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ mouseGrabberButtonDownScreenPos

QMap<Qt::MouseButton, QPoint> QGraphicsScenePrivate::mouseGrabberButtonDownScreenPos

Definition at line 168 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ mouseGrabberItems

QList<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::mouseGrabberItems

Definition at line 149 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ movingItemsInitialPositions

QHash<QGraphicsItem *, QPointF> QGraphicsScenePrivate::movingItemsInitialPositions

Definition at line 112 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ needSortTopLevelItems

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::needSortTopLevelItems

Definition at line 72 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ padding

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::padding

Definition at line 85 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ painterStateProtection

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::painterStateProtection

Definition at line 81 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ palette

QPalette QGraphicsScenePrivate::palette

Definition at line 269 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ passiveFocusItem

QGraphicsItem* QGraphicsScenePrivate::passiveFocusItem

Definition at line 134 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ polishItemsIndex

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::polishItemsIndex

Definition at line 58 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ popupWidgets

QList<QGraphicsWidget *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::popupWidgets

Definition at line 144 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ processDirtyItemsEmitted

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::processDirtyItemsEmitted

Definition at line 71 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ processDirtyItemsIndex

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::processDirtyItemsIndex

Definition at line 57 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ rectAdjust

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::rectAdjust

Definition at line 131 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ sceneCurrentTouchPoints

QMap<int, QEventPoint> QGraphicsScenePrivate::sceneCurrentTouchPoints

Definition at line 276 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ sceneEventFilters

QMultiMap<QGraphicsItem *, QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::sceneEventFilters

Definition at line 178 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ scenePosDescendantsUpdatePending

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::scenePosDescendantsUpdatePending

Definition at line 75 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ scenePosItems

QSet<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::scenePosItems

Definition at line 120 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ sceneRect

QRectF QGraphicsScenePrivate::sceneRect

Definition at line 65 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ selectedItems

QSet<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::selectedItems

Definition at line 108 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ selectionArea

QPainterPath QGraphicsScenePrivate::selectionArea

Definition at line 106 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ selectionChanging

int QGraphicsScenePrivate::selectionChanging

Definition at line 107 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ sortCacheEnabled

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::sortCacheEnabled

Definition at line 82 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ stickyFocus

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::stickyFocus

Definition at line 76 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ style

QStyle* QGraphicsScenePrivate::style

Definition at line 264 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ styleOptionTmp

QStyleOptionGraphicsItem QGraphicsScenePrivate::styleOptionTmp

Definition at line 274 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ tabFocusFirst

QGraphicsWidget* QGraphicsScenePrivate::tabFocusFirst

Definition at line 135 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ topLevelItems

QList<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::topLevelItems

Definition at line 110 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ topLevelSequentialOrdering

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::topLevelSequentialOrdering

Definition at line 74 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ unpolishedItems

QList<QGraphicsItem *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::unpolishedItems

Definition at line 109 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ updateAll

quint32 QGraphicsScenePrivate::updateAll

Definition at line 69 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ updatedRects

std::set<QRectF, UpdatedRectsCmp> QGraphicsScenePrivate::updatedRects

Definition at line 104 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

◆ views

QList<QGraphicsView *> QGraphicsScenePrivate::views

Definition at line 174 of file qgraphicsscene_p.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: