Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
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QWindowSystemInterface Class Reference

The QWindowSystemInterface provides an event queue for the QPA platform. More...

#include <qwindowsysteminterface.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for QWindowSystemInterface:


struct  AsynchronousDelivery
struct  DefaultDelivery
struct  SynchronousDelivery
struct  TouchPoint

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleMouseEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, Qt::MouseButtons state, Qt::MouseButton button, QEvent::Type type, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier, Qt::MouseEventSource source=Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleMouseEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointingDevice *device, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, Qt::MouseButtons state, Qt::MouseButton button, QEvent::Type type, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier, Qt::MouseEventSource source=Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleMouseEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, Qt::MouseButtons state, Qt::MouseButton button, QEvent::Type type, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier, Qt::MouseEventSource source=Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleMouseEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, Qt::MouseButtons state, Qt::MouseButton button, QEvent::Type type, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier, Qt::MouseEventSource source=Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
static bool handleShortcutEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, int k, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods, quint32 nativeScanCode, quint32 nativeVirtualKey, quint32 nativeModifiers, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleKeyEvent (QWindow *window, QEvent::Type t, int k, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleKeyEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, QEvent::Type t, int k, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
static bool handleExtendedKeyEvent (QWindow *window, QEvent::Type type, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, quint32 nativeScanCode, quint32 nativeVirtualKey, quint32 nativeModifiers, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
static bool handleExtendedKeyEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, QEvent::Type type, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, quint32 nativeScanCode, quint32 nativeVirtualKey, quint32 nativeModifiers, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
static bool handleExtendedKeyEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QInputDevice *device, QEvent::Type type, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, quint32 nativeScanCode, quint32 nativeVirtualKey, quint32 nativeModifiers, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
static bool handleWheelEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, QPoint pixelDelta, QPoint angleDelta, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier, Qt::ScrollPhase phase=Qt::NoScrollPhase, Qt::MouseEventSource source=Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized)
static bool handleWheelEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, QPoint pixelDelta, QPoint angleDelta, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier, Qt::ScrollPhase phase=Qt::NoScrollPhase, Qt::MouseEventSource source=Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized, bool inverted=false)
static bool handleWheelEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, QPoint pixelDelta, QPoint angleDelta, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier, Qt::ScrollPhase phase=Qt::NoScrollPhase, Qt::MouseEventSource source=Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized, bool inverted=false)
static void registerInputDevice (const QInputDevice *device)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleTouchEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointingDevice *device, const QList< struct TouchPoint > &points, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleTouchEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, const QList< struct TouchPoint > &points, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleTouchCancelEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointingDevice *device, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleTouchCancelEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods=Qt::NoModifier)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleGeometryChange (QWindow *window, const QRect &newRect)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleExposeEvent (QWindow *window, const QRegion &region)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handlePaintEvent (QWindow *window, const QRegion &region)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleCloseEvent (QWindow *window)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleEnterEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointF &local=QPointF(), const QPointF &global=QPointF())
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleLeaveEvent (QWindow *window)
static void handleEnterLeaveEvent (QWindow *enter, QWindow *leave, const QPointF &local=QPointF(), const QPointF &global=QPointF())
 This method can be used to ensure leave and enter events are both in queue when moving from one QWindow to another.
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleFocusWindowChanged (QWindow *window, Qt::FocusReason r=Qt::OtherFocusReason)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleWindowStateChanged (QWindow *window, Qt::WindowStates newState, int oldState=-1)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleWindowScreenChanged (QWindow *window, QScreen *newScreen)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleWindowDevicePixelRatioChanged (QWindow *window)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleSafeAreaMarginsChanged (QWindow *window)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleApplicationStateChanged (Qt::ApplicationState newState, bool forcePropagate=false)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleApplicationTermination ()
static bool handleNativeEvent (QWindow *window, const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, qintptr *result)
 Passes a native event identified by eventType to the window.
static void handleScreenAdded (QPlatformScreen *screen, bool isPrimary=false)
 Should be called by the implementation whenever a new screen is added.
static void handleScreenRemoved (QPlatformScreen *screen)
 Should be called by the implementation whenever a screen is removed.
static void handlePrimaryScreenChanged (QPlatformScreen *newPrimary)
 Should be called whenever the primary screen changes.
static void handleScreenOrientationChange (QScreen *screen, Qt::ScreenOrientation newOrientation)
static void handleScreenGeometryChange (QScreen *screen, const QRect &newGeometry, const QRect &newAvailableGeometry)
static void handleScreenLogicalDotsPerInchChange (QScreen *screen, qreal newDpiX, qreal newDpiY)
static void handleScreenRefreshRateChange (QScreen *screen, qreal newRefreshRate)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void handleThemeChange (QWindow *window=nullptr)
static void handleFileOpenEvent (const QString &fileName)
static void handleFileOpenEvent (const QUrl &url)
static bool handleTabletEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal rotation, int z, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
static bool handleTabletEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointingDevice *device, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal rotation, int z, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
static bool handleTabletEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, int device, int pointerType, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal rotation, int z, qint64 uid, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
static bool handleTabletEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, int device, int pointerType, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal rotation, int z, qint64 uid, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
static bool handleTabletEnterLeaveProximityEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, bool inProximity, const QPointF &local=QPointF(), const QPointF &global=QPointF(), Qt::MouseButtons buttons={}, qreal xTilt=0, qreal yTilt=0, qreal tangentialPressure=0, qreal rotation=0, int z=0, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
static bool handleTabletEnterLeaveProximityEvent (QWindow *window, const QPointingDevice *device, bool inProximity, const QPointF &local=QPointF(), const QPointF &global=QPointF(), Qt::MouseButtons buttons={}, qreal xTilt=0, qreal yTilt=0, qreal tangentialPressure=0, qreal rotation=0, int z=0, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
static bool handleTabletEnterProximityEvent (ulong timestamp, int deviceType, int pointerType, qint64 uid)
static void handleTabletEnterProximityEvent (int deviceType, int pointerType, qint64 uid)
static bool handleTabletLeaveProximityEvent (ulong timestamp, int deviceType, int pointerType, qint64 uid)
static void handleTabletLeaveProximityEvent (int deviceType, int pointerType, qint64 uid)
static bool handleGestureEvent (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, Qt::NativeGestureType type, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, int fingerCount=0)
static bool handleGestureEventWithRealValue (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, Qt::NativeGestureType type, qreal value, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, int fingerCount=2)
static bool handleGestureEventWithValueAndDelta (QWindow *window, ulong timestamp, const QPointingDevice *device, Qt::NativeGestureType type, qreal value, const QPointF &delta, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, int fingerCount=2)
static void handlePlatformPanelEvent (QWindow *window)
template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool handleContextMenuEvent (QWindow *window, bool mouseTriggered, const QPoint &pos, const QPoint &globalPos, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
static bool sendWindowSystemEvents (QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags)
static void setSynchronousWindowSystemEvents (bool enable)
static bool flushWindowSystemEvents (QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags=QEventLoop::AllEvents)
 Make Qt Gui process all events on the event queue immediately.
static void deferredFlushWindowSystemEvents (QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags)
static int windowSystemEventsQueued ()
static bool nonUserInputEventsQueued ()

Detailed Description

The QWindowSystemInterface provides an event queue for the QPA platform.



The platform plugins call the various functions to notify about events. The events are queued until sendWindowSystemEvents() is called by the event dispatcher.

Definition at line 35 of file qwindowsysteminterface.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ deferredFlushWindowSystemEvents()

void QWindowSystemInterface::deferredFlushWindowSystemEvents ( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags)

Definition at line 1087 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ flushWindowSystemEvents()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::flushWindowSystemEvents ( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags = QEventLoop::AllEvents)

Make Qt Gui process all events on the event queue immediately.

Return the accepted state for the last event on the queue.

Definition at line 1063 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleApplicationStateChanged()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleApplicationStateChanged ( Qt::ApplicationState newState,
bool forcePropagate = false )

◆ handleApplicationTermination()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleApplicationTermination ( )

◆ handleCloseEvent()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleCloseEvent ( QWindow * window)

◆ handleContextMenuEvent()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleContextMenuEvent ( QWindow * window,
bool mouseTriggered,
const QPoint & pos,
const QPoint & globalPos,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )

◆ handleEnterEvent()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleEnterEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointF & local = QPointF(),
const QPointF & global = QPointF() )

◆ handleEnterLeaveEvent()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleEnterLeaveEvent ( QWindow * enter,
QWindow * leave,
const QPointF & local = QPointF(),
const QPointF & global = QPointF() )

This method can be used to ensure leave and enter events are both in queue when moving from one QWindow to another.

This allows QWindow subclasses to check for a queued enter event when handling the leave event (QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::peekWindowSystemEvent) to determine where mouse went and act accordingly. E.g. QWidgetWindow needs to know if mouse cursor moves between windows in same window hierarchy.

Definition at line 237 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleExposeEvent()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleExposeEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QRegion & region )

◆ handleExtendedKeyEvent() [1/3]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleExtendedKeyEvent ( QWindow * window,
QEvent::Type type,
int key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers,
quint32 nativeScanCode,
quint32 nativeVirtualKey,
quint32 nativeModifiers,
const QString & text = QString(),
bool autorep = false,
ushort count = 1 )

Definition at line 476 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleExtendedKeyEvent() [2/3]

static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleExtendedKeyEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QInputDevice * device,
QEvent::Type type,
int key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers,
quint32 nativeScanCode,
quint32 nativeVirtualKey,
quint32 nativeModifiers,
const QString & text = QString(),
bool autorep = false,
ushort count = 1 )

◆ handleExtendedKeyEvent() [3/3]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleExtendedKeyEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
QEvent::Type type,
int key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers,
quint32 nativeScanCode,
quint32 nativeVirtualKey,
quint32 nativeModifiers,
const QString & text = QString(),
bool autorep = false,
ushort count = 1 )

Definition at line 487 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleFileOpenEvent() [1/2]

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleFileOpenEvent ( const QString & fileName)

Definition at line 873 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleFileOpenEvent() [2/2]

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleFileOpenEvent ( const QUrl & url)

Definition at line 879 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleFocusWindowChanged()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleFocusWindowChanged ( QWindow * window,
Qt::FocusReason r = Qt::OtherFocusReason )

◆ handleGeometryChange()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleGeometryChange ( QWindow * window,
const QRect & newRect )

◆ handleGestureEvent()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleGestureEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
Qt::NativeGestureType type,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
int fingerCount = 0 )

Definition at line 1000 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleGestureEventWithRealValue()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleGestureEventWithRealValue ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
Qt::NativeGestureType type,
qreal value,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
int fingerCount = 2 )

Definition at line 1006 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleGestureEventWithValueAndDelta()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleGestureEventWithValueAndDelta ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
Qt::NativeGestureType type,
qreal value,
const QPointF & delta,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
int fingerCount = 2 )

Definition at line 1012 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleKeyEvent() [1/2]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleKeyEvent ( QWindow * window,
QEvent::Type t,
int k,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods,
const QString & text = QString(),
bool autorep = false,
ushort count = 1 )

◆ handleKeyEvent() [2/2]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleKeyEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
QEvent::Type t,
int k,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods,
const QString & text = QString(),
bool autorep = false,
ushort count = 1 )

◆ handleLeaveEvent()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleLeaveEvent ( QWindow * window)

◆ handleMouseEvent() [1/4]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
Qt::MouseButtons state,
Qt::MouseButton button,
QEvent::Type type,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier,
Qt::MouseEventSource source = Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized )

◆ handleMouseEvent() [2/4]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointingDevice * device,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
Qt::MouseButtons state,
Qt::MouseButton button,
QEvent::Type type,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier,
Qt::MouseEventSource source = Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized )

◆ handleMouseEvent() [3/4]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
Qt::MouseButtons state,
Qt::MouseButton button,
QEvent::Type type,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier,
Qt::MouseEventSource source = Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized )

◆ handleMouseEvent() [4/4]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
Qt::MouseButtons state,
Qt::MouseButton button,
QEvent::Type type,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier,
Qt::MouseEventSource source = Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized )

◆ handleNativeEvent()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleNativeEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QByteArray & eventType,
void * message,
qintptr * result )

Passes a native event identified by eventType to the window.

This function can only be called from the GUI thread.

Definition at line 868 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handlePaintEvent()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handlePaintEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QRegion & region )

◆ handlePlatformPanelEvent()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handlePlatformPanelEvent ( QWindow * window)

Definition at line 1024 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handlePrimaryScreenChanged()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handlePrimaryScreenChanged ( QPlatformScreen * newPrimary)

Should be called whenever the primary screen changes.

When the screen specified as primary changes, this method will notify QGuiApplication and emit the QGuiApplication::primaryScreenChanged signal.

Definition at line 790 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleSafeAreaMarginsChanged()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleSafeAreaMarginsChanged ( QWindow * window)

◆ handleScreenAdded()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenAdded ( QPlatformScreen * platformScreen,
bool isPrimary = false )

Should be called by the implementation whenever a new screen is added.

The first screen added will be the primary screen, used for default-created windows, GL contexts, and other resources unless otherwise specified.

This adds the screen to QGuiApplication::screens(), and emits the QGuiApplication::screenAdded() signal.

The screen should be deleted by calling QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRemoved().

Definition at line 713 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleScreenGeometryChange()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenGeometryChange ( QScreen * screen,
const QRect & newGeometry,
const QRect & newAvailableGeometry )

Definition at line 807 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleScreenLogicalDotsPerInchChange()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenLogicalDotsPerInchChange ( QScreen * screen,
qreal newDpiX,
qreal newDpiY )

Definition at line 814 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleScreenOrientationChange()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenOrientationChange ( QScreen * screen,
Qt::ScreenOrientation newOrientation )

Definition at line 802 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleScreenRefreshRateChange()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRefreshRateChange ( QScreen * screen,
qreal newRefreshRate )

Definition at line 826 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleScreenRemoved()

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRemoved ( QPlatformScreen * platformScreen)

Should be called by the implementation whenever a screen is removed.

This removes the screen from QGuiApplication::screens(), and deletes it.

Failing to call this and manually deleting the QPlatformScreen instead may lead to a crash due to a pure virtual call.

Definition at line 740 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleShortcutEvent()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleShortcutEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
int k,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods,
quint32 nativeScanCode,
quint32 nativeVirtualKey,
quint32 nativeModifiers,
const QString & text = QString(),
bool autorep = false,
ushort count = 1 )

Definition at line 422 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEnterLeaveProximityEvent() [1/2]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEnterLeaveProximityEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointingDevice * device,
bool inProximity,
const QPointF & local = QPointF(),
const QPointF & global = QPointF(),
Qt::MouseButtons buttons = {},
qreal xTilt = 0,
qreal yTilt = 0,
qreal tangentialPressure = 0,
qreal rotation = 0,
int z = 0,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier )

Definition at line 958 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEnterLeaveProximityEvent() [2/2]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEnterLeaveProximityEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
bool inProximity,
const QPointF & local = QPointF(),
const QPointF & global = QPointF(),
Qt::MouseButtons buttons = {},
qreal xTilt = 0,
qreal yTilt = 0,
qreal tangentialPressure = 0,
qreal rotation = 0,
int z = 0,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier )

Definition at line 937 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEnterProximityEvent() [1/2]

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEnterProximityEvent ( int deviceType,
int pointerType,
qint64 uid )

Definition at line 979 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEnterProximityEvent() [2/2]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEnterProximityEvent ( ulong timestamp,
int deviceType,
int pointerType,
qint64 uid )

Definition at line 971 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEvent() [1/4]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
int device,
int pointerType,
Qt::MouseButtons buttons,
qreal pressure,
qreal xTilt,
qreal yTilt,
qreal tangentialPressure,
qreal rotation,
int z,
qint64 uid,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier )

Definition at line 927 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEvent() [2/4]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointingDevice * device,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
Qt::MouseButtons buttons,
qreal pressure,
qreal xTilt,
qreal yTilt,
qreal tangentialPressure,
qreal rotation,
int z,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier )

Definition at line 904 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEvent() [3/4]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
int device,
int pointerType,
Qt::MouseButtons buttons,
qreal pressure,
qreal xTilt,
qreal yTilt,
qreal tangentialPressure,
qreal rotation,
int z,
qint64 uid,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier )

Definition at line 916 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletEvent() [4/4]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
Qt::MouseButtons buttons,
qreal pressure,
qreal xTilt,
qreal yTilt,
qreal tangentialPressure,
qreal rotation,
int z,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier )

Definition at line 890 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletLeaveProximityEvent() [1/2]

void QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletLeaveProximityEvent ( int deviceType,
int pointerType,
qint64 uid )

Definition at line 993 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleTabletLeaveProximityEvent() [2/2]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletLeaveProximityEvent ( ulong timestamp,
int deviceType,
int pointerType,
qint64 uid )

Definition at line 985 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleThemeChange()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleThemeChange ( QWindow * window = nullptr)

◆ handleTouchCancelEvent() [1/2]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchCancelEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointingDevice * device,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier )

◆ handleTouchCancelEvent() [2/2]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchCancelEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier )

◆ handleTouchEvent() [1/2]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointingDevice * device,
const QList< struct TouchPoint > & points,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier )

◆ handleTouchEvent() [2/2]

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
const QList< struct TouchPoint > & points,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier )

◆ handleWheelEvent() [1/3]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent ( QWindow * window,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
QPoint pixelDelta,
QPoint angleDelta,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier,
Qt::ScrollPhase phase = Qt::NoScrollPhase,
Qt::MouseEventSource source = Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized )

Definition at line 498 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleWheelEvent() [2/3]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
QPoint pixelDelta,
QPoint angleDelta,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier,
Qt::ScrollPhase phase = Qt::NoScrollPhase,
Qt::MouseEventSource source = Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized,
bool inverted = false )

Definition at line 504 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleWheelEvent() [3/3]

bool QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent ( QWindow * window,
ulong timestamp,
const QPointingDevice * device,
const QPointF & local,
const QPointF & global,
QPoint pixelDelta,
QPoint angleDelta,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = Qt::NoModifier,
Qt::ScrollPhase phase = Qt::NoScrollPhase,
Qt::MouseEventSource source = Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized,
bool inverted = false )

Definition at line 511 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ handleWindowDevicePixelRatioChanged()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowDevicePixelRatioChanged ( QWindow * window)

◆ handleWindowScreenChanged()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowScreenChanged ( QWindow * window,
QScreen * newScreen )

◆ handleWindowStateChanged()

template<typename Delivery = QWindowSystemInterface::DefaultDelivery>
static void QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowStateChanged ( QWindow * window,
Qt::WindowStates newState,
int oldState = -1 )

◆ nonUserInputEventsQueued()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::nonUserInputEventsQueued ( )

Definition at line 1138 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ registerInputDevice()

void QWindowSystemInterface::registerInputDevice ( const QInputDevice * device)

Register a new input device.

It is expected that every platform plugin will discover available input devices at startup, and whenever a new device is plugged in, if possible. If that's not possible, then it at least must call this function before sending an event whose QInputEvent::source() is this device.

When a device is unplugged, the platform plugin should destroy the corresponding QInputDevice instance. There is no unregisterInputDevice() function, because it's enough for the destructor to call QInputDevicePrivate::unregisterDevice(); while other parts of Qt can connect to the QObject::destroyed() signal to be notified when a device is unplugged or otherwise destroyed.

Definition at line 577 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ sendWindowSystemEvents()

bool QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents ( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags)

Definition at line 1096 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ setSynchronousWindowSystemEvents()

void QWindowSystemInterface::setSynchronousWindowSystemEvents ( bool enable)

Definition at line 1128 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

◆ windowSystemEventsQueued()

int QWindowSystemInterface::windowSystemEventsQueued ( )

Definition at line 1133 of file qwindowsysteminterface.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: