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Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. Note: These are NOT official API docs; those are found at https://doc.qt.io/
The QPlainTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display plain text. More...
#include <qplaintextedit.h>
Public Types | |
enum | LineWrapMode { NoWrap , WidgetWidth } |
\value NoWrap \value WidgetWidth More... | |
Public Slots | |
void | setPlainText (const QString &text) |
Changes the text of the text edit to the string text. | |
void | cut () |
Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the text edit. | |
void | copy () |
Copies any selected text to the clipboard. | |
void | paste () |
Pastes the text from the clipboard into the text edit at the current cursor position. | |
void | undo () |
Undoes the last operation. | |
void | redo () |
Redoes the last operation. | |
void | clear () |
Deletes all the text in the text edit. | |
void | selectAll () |
Selects all text. | |
void | insertPlainText (const QString &text) |
Convenience slot that inserts text at the current cursor position. | |
void | appendPlainText (const QString &text) |
Appends a new paragraph with text to the end of the text edit. | |
void | appendHtml (const QString &html) |
Appends a new paragraph with html to the end of the text edit. | |
void | centerCursor () |
Scrolls the document in order to center the cursor vertically. | |
void | zoomIn (int range=1) |
\reimp | |
void | zoomOut (int range=1) |
Zooms out on the text by making the base font size range points smaller and recalculating all font sizes to be the new size. | |
Signals | |
void | textChanged () |
This signal is emitted whenever the document's content changes; for example, when text is inserted or deleted, or when formatting is applied. | |
void | undoAvailable (bool b) |
This signal is emitted whenever undo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false). | |
void | redoAvailable (bool b) |
This signal is emitted whenever redo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false). | |
void | copyAvailable (bool b) |
This signal is emitted when text is selected or de-selected in the text edit. | |
void | selectionChanged () |
This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes. | |
void | cursorPositionChanged () |
This signal is emitted whenever the position of the cursor changed. | |
void | updateRequest (const QRect &rect, int dy) |
This signal is emitted when the text document needs an update of the specified rect. | |
void | blockCountChanged (int newBlockCount) |
This signal is emitted whenever the block count changes. | |
void | modificationChanged (bool) |
This signal is emitted whenever the content of the document changes in a way that affects the modification state. | |
Public Member Functions | |
QPlainTextEdit (QWidget *parent=nullptr) | |
Constructs an empty QPlainTextEdit with parent parent. | |
QPlainTextEdit (const QString &text, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | |
Constructs a QPlainTextEdit with parent parent. | |
virtual | ~QPlainTextEdit () |
Destructor. | |
void | setDocument (QTextDocument *document) |
Makes document the new document of the text editor. | |
QTextDocument * | document () const |
Returns a pointer to the underlying document. | |
void | setPlaceholderText (const QString &placeholderText) |
QString | placeholderText () const |
void | setTextCursor (const QTextCursor &cursor) |
Sets the visible cursor. | |
QTextCursor | textCursor () const |
Returns a copy of the QTextCursor that represents the currently visible cursor. | |
bool | isReadOnly () const |
void | setReadOnly (bool ro) |
void | setTextInteractionFlags (Qt::TextInteractionFlags flags) |
Qt::TextInteractionFlags | textInteractionFlags () const |
void | mergeCurrentCharFormat (const QTextCharFormat &modifier) |
Merges the properties specified in modifier into the current character format by calling QTextCursor::mergeCharFormat on the editor's cursor. | |
void | setCurrentCharFormat (const QTextCharFormat &format) |
Sets the char format that is be used when inserting new text to format by calling QTextCursor::setCharFormat() on the editor's cursor. | |
QTextCharFormat | currentCharFormat () const |
Returns the char format that is used when inserting new text. | |
bool | tabChangesFocus () const |
void | setTabChangesFocus (bool b) |
void | setDocumentTitle (const QString &title) |
QString | documentTitle () const |
bool | isUndoRedoEnabled () const |
void | setUndoRedoEnabled (bool enable) |
void | setMaximumBlockCount (int maximum) |
int | maximumBlockCount () const |
LineWrapMode | lineWrapMode () const |
void | setLineWrapMode (LineWrapMode mode) |
QTextOption::WrapMode | wordWrapMode () const |
the mode QPlainTextEdit will use when wrapping text by words | |
void | setWordWrapMode (QTextOption::WrapMode policy) |
void | setBackgroundVisible (bool visible) |
bool | backgroundVisible () const |
void | setCenterOnScroll (bool enabled) |
bool | centerOnScroll () const |
bool | find (const QString &exp, QTextDocument::FindFlags options=QTextDocument::FindFlags()) |
Finds the next occurrence of the string, exp, using the given options. | |
QString | toPlainText () const |
Returns the text of the text edit as plain text. | |
void | ensureCursorVisible () |
Ensures that the cursor is visible by scrolling the text edit if necessary. | |
virtual QVariant | loadResource (int type, const QUrl &name) |
Loads the resource specified by the given type and name. | |
QMenu * | createStandardContextMenu () |
This function creates the standard context menu which is shown when the user clicks on the text edit with the right mouse button. | |
QMenu * | createStandardContextMenu (const QPoint &position) |
QTextCursor | cursorForPosition (const QPoint &pos) const |
returns a QTextCursor at position pos (in viewport coordinates). | |
QRect | cursorRect (const QTextCursor &cursor) const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor. | |
QRect | cursorRect () const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor of the text edit. | |
QString | anchorAt (const QPoint &pos) const |
Returns the reference of the anchor at position pos, or an empty string if no anchor exists at that point. | |
bool | overwriteMode () const |
void | setOverwriteMode (bool overwrite) |
qreal | tabStopDistance () const |
void | setTabStopDistance (qreal distance) |
int | cursorWidth () const |
void | setCursorWidth (int width) |
void | setExtraSelections (const QList< QTextEdit::ExtraSelection > &selections) |
This function allows temporarily marking certain regions in the document with a given color, specified as selections. | |
QList< QTextEdit::ExtraSelection > | extraSelections () const |
Returns previously set extra selections. | |
void | moveCursor (QTextCursor::MoveOperation operation, QTextCursor::MoveMode mode=QTextCursor::MoveAnchor) |
Moves the cursor by performing the given operation. | |
bool | canPaste () const |
Returns whether text can be pasted from the clipboard into the textedit. | |
void | print (QPagedPaintDevice *printer) const |
Convenience function to print the text edit's document to the given printer. | |
int | blockCount () const |
QVariant | inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery property) const override |
\reimp | |
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant | inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery query, QVariant argument) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual bool | event (QEvent *e) override |
virtual void | timerEvent (QTimerEvent *e) override |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | paintEvent (QPaintEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual bool | focusNextPrevChild (bool next) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *e) override |
Shows the standard context menu created with createStandardContextMenu(). | |
virtual void | focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | showEvent (QShowEvent *) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | changeEvent (QEvent *e) override |
\reimp | |
virtual QMimeData * | createMimeDataFromSelection () const |
This function returns a new MIME data object to represent the contents of the text edit's current selection. | |
virtual bool | canInsertFromMimeData (const QMimeData *source) const |
This function returns true if the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, can be decoded and inserted into the document. | |
virtual void | insertFromMimeData (const QMimeData *source) |
This function inserts the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, into the text edit at the current cursor position. | |
virtual void | inputMethodEvent (QInputMethodEvent *) override |
\reimp | |
QPlainTextEdit (QPlainTextEditPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent) | |
virtual void | scrollContentsBy (int dx, int dy) override |
\reimp | |
virtual void | doSetTextCursor (const QTextCursor &cursor) |
QTextBlock | firstVisibleBlock () const |
Returns the first visible block. | |
QPointF | contentOffset () const |
Returns the content's origin in viewport coordinates. | |
QRectF | blockBoundingRect (const QTextBlock &block) const |
Returns the bounding rectangle of the text block in the block's own coordinates. | |
QRectF | blockBoundingGeometry (const QTextBlock &block) const |
Returns the bounding rectangle of the text block in content coordinates. | |
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext | getPaintContext () const |
Returns the paint context for the viewport(), useful only when reimplementing paintEvent(). | |
void | zoomInF (float range) |
Properties | |
bool | tabChangesFocus |
whether \uicontrol Tab changes focus or is accepted as input | |
QString | documentTitle |
the title of the document parsed from the text. | |
bool | undoRedoEnabled |
whether undo and redo are enabled | |
LineWrapMode | lineWrapMode |
the line wrap mode | |
bool | readOnly |
whether the text edit is read-only | |
QString | plainText |
This property gets and sets the plain text editor's contents. | |
bool | overwriteMode |
whether text entered by the user will overwrite existing text | |
qreal | tabStopDistance |
the tab stop distance in pixels | |
int | cursorWidth |
This property specifies the width of the cursor in pixels. | |
Qt::TextInteractionFlags | textInteractionFlags |
Specifies how the label should interact with user input if it displays text. | |
int | blockCount |
the number of text blocks in the document. | |
int | maximumBlockCount |
the limit for blocks in the document. | |
bool | backgroundVisible |
whether the palette background is visible outside the document area | |
bool | centerOnScroll |
whether the cursor should be centered on screen | |
QString | placeholderText |
the editor placeholder text | |
Friends | |
class | QPlainTextEditControl |
The QPlainTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display plain text.
\inmodule QtWidgets
Definition at line 29 of file qplaintextedit.h.
\value NoWrap \value WidgetWidth
Enumerator | |
NoWrap | |
WidgetWidth |
Definition at line 51 of file qplaintextedit.h.
explicit |
Constructs an empty QPlainTextEdit with parent parent.
Definition at line 1222 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Constructs a QPlainTextEdit with parent parent.
The text edit will display the plain text text.
Definition at line 1243 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 1254 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 1232 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Returns the reference of the anchor at position pos, or an empty string if no anchor exists at that point.
Definition at line 1376 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Appends a new paragraph with html to the end of the text edit.
Definition at line 3067 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Appends a new paragraph with text to the end of the text edit.
Definition at line 3055 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
bool QPlainTextEdit::backgroundVisible | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2829 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
protected |
Returns the bounding rectangle of the text block in content coordinates.
Translate the rectangle with the contentOffset() to get visual coordinates on the viewport.
Definition at line 3149 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
protected |
Returns the bounding rectangle of the text block in the block's own coordinates.
Definition at line 3160 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
int QPlainTextEdit::blockCount | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 3173 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the block count changes.
The new block count is passed in newBlockCount.
protectedvirtual |
This function returns true
if the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, can be decoded and inserted into the document.
It is called for example when during a drag operation the mouse enters this widget and it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to accept the drag.
Definition at line 2570 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
bool QPlainTextEdit::canPaste | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether text can be pasted from the clipboard into the textedit.
Definition at line 2714 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Scrolls the document in order to center the cursor vertically.
Definition at line 3106 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
bool QPlainTextEdit::centerOnScroll | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2861 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Definition at line 2290 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Deletes all the text in the text edit.
Notes: \list
Definition at line 1483 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
protected |
Returns the content's origin in viewport coordinates.
The origin of the content of a plain text edit is always the top left corner of the first visible text block. The content offset is different from (0,0) when the text has been scrolled horizontally, or when the first visible block has been scrolled partially off the screen, i.e. the visible text does not start with the first line of the first visible block, or when the first visible block is the very first block and the editor displays a margin.
Definition at line 3136 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Shows the standard context menu created with createStandardContextMenu().
If you do not want the text edit to have a context menu, you can set its \l contextMenuPolicy to Qt::NoContextMenu. If you want to customize the context menu, reimplement this function. If you want to extend the standard context menu, reimplement this function, call createStandardContextMenu() and extend the menu returned.
Information about the event is passed in the event object.
Definition at line 2118 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Copies any selected text to the clipboard.
Definition at line 1444 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted when text is selected or de-selected in the text edit.
When text is selected this signal will be emitted with yes set to true. If no text has been selected or if the selected text is de-selected this signal is emitted with yes set to false.
If yes is true then copy() can be used to copy the selection to the clipboard. If yes is false then copy() does nothing.
protectedvirtual |
This function returns a new MIME data object to represent the contents of the text edit's current selection.
It is called when the selection needs to be encapsulated into a new QMimeData object; for example, when a drag and drop operation is started, or when data is copied to the clipboard.
If you reimplement this function, note that the ownership of the returned QMimeData object is passed to the caller. The selection can be retrieved by using the textCursor() function.
Definition at line 2558 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QMenu * QPlainTextEdit::createStandardContextMenu | ( | ) |
This function creates the standard context menu which is shown when the user clicks on the text edit with the right mouse button.
It is called from the default contextMenuEvent() handler. The popup menu's ownership is transferred to the caller.
We recommend that you use the createStandardContextMenu(QPoint) version instead which will enable the actions that are sensitive to where the user clicked.
Definition at line 2387 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Definition at line 2403 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QTextCharFormat QPlainTextEdit::currentCharFormat | ( | ) | const |
Returns the char format that is used when inserting new text.
Definition at line 2673 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QTextCursor QPlainTextEdit::cursorForPosition | ( | const QPoint & | pos | ) | const |
returns a QTextCursor at position pos (in viewport coordinates).
Definition at line 2413 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the position of the cursor changed.
QRect QPlainTextEdit::cursorRect | ( | ) | const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor of the text edit.
Definition at line 2438 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QRect QPlainTextEdit::cursorRect | ( | const QTextCursor & | cursor | ) | const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor.
Definition at line 2423 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
int QPlainTextEdit::cursorWidth | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2509 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the text edit.
If there is no selected text nothing happens.
Definition at line 1432 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QTextDocument * QPlainTextEdit::document | ( | ) | const |
Returns a pointer to the underlying document.
Definition at line 1305 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 85 of file qplaintextedit.h.
protectedvirtual |
This provides a hook for subclasses to intercept cursor changes.
Definition at line 1353 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::ensureCursorVisible | ( | ) |
Ensures that the cursor is visible by scrolling the text edit if necessary.
Definition at line 3095 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1505 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QList< QTextEdit::ExtraSelection > QPlainTextEdit::extraSelections | ( | ) | const |
Returns previously set extra selections.
Definition at line 2542 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
bool QPlainTextEdit::find | ( | const QString & | exp, |
QTextDocument::FindFlags | options = QTextDocument::FindFlags() ) |
Finds the next occurrence of the string, exp, using the given options.
Returns true
if exp was found and changes the cursor to select the match; otherwise returns false
Finds the next occurrence, matching the regular expression, exp, using the given options.
Returns true
if a match was found and changes the cursor to select the match; otherwise returns false
Definition at line 2883 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
protected |
Returns the first visible block.
Definition at line 3117 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2257 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2094 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2269 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
protected |
Returns the paint context for the viewport(), useful only when reimplementing paintEvent().
Definition at line 3181 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2170 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
override |
Definition at line 2199 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QVariant QPlainTextEdit::inputMethodQuery | ( | Qt::InputMethodQuery | query, |
QVariant | argument ) const |
Definition at line 2206 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
This function inserts the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, into the text edit at the current cursor position.
It is called whenever text is inserted as the result of a clipboard paste operation, or when the text edit accepts data from a drag and drop operation.
Definition at line 2583 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Convenience slot that inserts text at the current cursor position.
It is equivalent to
Definition at line 2689 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
bool QPlainTextEdit::isReadOnly | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2599 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 88 of file qplaintextedit.h.
Definition at line 1646 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Definition at line 1793 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QPlainTextEdit::LineWrapMode QPlainTextEdit::lineWrapMode | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2773 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Loads the resource specified by the given type and name.
This function is an extension of QTextDocument::loadResource().
Definition at line 1831 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 95 of file qplaintextedit.h.
void QPlainTextEdit::mergeCurrentCharFormat | ( | const QTextCharFormat & | modifier | ) |
Merges the properties specified in modifier into the current character format by calling QTextCursor::mergeCharFormat on the editor's cursor.
If the editor has a selection then the properties of modifier are directly applied to the selection.
Definition at line 2652 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the content of the document changes in a way that affects the modification state.
If changed is true, the document has been modified; otherwise it is false.
For example, calling setModified(false) on a document and then inserting text causes the signal to get emitted. If you undo that operation, causing the document to return to its original unmodified state, the signal will get emitted again.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2086 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2051 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2039 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2070 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::moveCursor | ( | QTextCursor::MoveOperation | operation, |
QTextCursor::MoveMode | mode = QTextCursor::MoveAnchor ) |
Moves the cursor by performing the given operation.
If mode is QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, the cursor selects the text it moves over. This is the same effect that the user achieves when they hold down the Shift key and move the cursor with the cursor keys.
Definition at line 2705 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
bool QPlainTextEdit::overwriteMode | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2461 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1886 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Pastes the text from the clipboard into the text edit at the current cursor position.
If there is no text in the clipboard nothing happens.
To change the behavior of this function, i.e. to modify what QPlainTextEdit can paste and how it is being pasted, reimplement the virtual canInsertFromMimeData() and insertFromMimeData() functions.
Definition at line 1464 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
QString QPlainTextEdit::placeholderText | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1333 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::print | ( | QPagedPaintDevice * | printer | ) | const |
Convenience function to print the text edit's document to the given printer.
This is equivalent to calling the print method on the document directly except that this function also supports QPrinter::Selection as print range.
Definition at line 2728 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Redoes the last operation.
If there is no operation to redo, i.e. there is no redo step in the undo/redo history, nothing happens.
Definition at line 1405 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever redo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false).
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1840 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2191 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Selects all text.
Definition at line 1497 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.
void QPlainTextEdit::setBackgroundVisible | ( | bool | visible | ) |
Definition at line 2835 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setCenterOnScroll | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Definition at line 2867 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setCurrentCharFormat | ( | const QTextCharFormat & | format | ) |
Sets the char format that is be used when inserting new text to format by calling QTextCursor::setCharFormat() on the editor's cursor.
If the editor has a selection then the char format is directly applied to the selection.
Definition at line 2664 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setCursorWidth | ( | int | width | ) |
Definition at line 2515 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setDocument | ( | QTextDocument * | document | ) |
Makes document the new document of the text editor.
The parent QObject of the provided document remains the owner of the object. If the current document is a child of the text editor, then it is deleted.
The document must have a document layout that inherits QPlainTextDocumentLayout (see QTextDocument::setDocumentLayout()).
Definition at line 1275 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Definition at line 83 of file qplaintextedit.h.
void QPlainTextEdit::setExtraSelections | ( | const QList< QTextEdit::ExtraSelection > & | selections | ) |
This function allows temporarily marking certain regions in the document with a given color, specified as selections.
This can be useful for example in a programming editor to mark a whole line of text with a given background color to indicate the existence of a breakpoint.
Definition at line 2531 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setLineWrapMode | ( | LineWrapMode | mode | ) |
Definition at line 2779 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 93 of file qplaintextedit.h.
void QPlainTextEdit::setOverwriteMode | ( | bool | overwrite | ) |
Definition at line 2467 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Definition at line 1324 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Changes the text of the text edit to the string text.
Any previous text is removed.
text is interpreted as plain text.
Notes: \list
Definition at line 1630 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setReadOnly | ( | bool | ro | ) |
Definition at line 2605 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setTabChangesFocus | ( | bool | b | ) |
Definition at line 2750 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Definition at line 2493 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setTextCursor | ( | const QTextCursor & | cursor | ) |
Sets the visible cursor.
Definition at line 1342 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
void QPlainTextEdit::setTextInteractionFlags | ( | Qt::TextInteractionFlags | flags | ) |
Definition at line 2632 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 90 of file qplaintextedit.h.
void QPlainTextEdit::setWordWrapMode | ( | QTextOption::WrapMode | policy | ) |
Definition at line 2806 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2278 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
bool QPlainTextEdit::tabChangesFocus | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2744 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
qreal QPlainTextEdit::tabStopDistance | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2487 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the document's content changes; for example, when text is inserted or deleted, or when formatting is applied.
QTextCursor QPlainTextEdit::textCursor | ( | ) | const |
Returns a copy of the QTextCursor that represents the currently visible cursor.
Note that changes on the returned cursor do not affect QPlainTextEdit's cursor; use setTextCursor() to update the visible cursor.
Definition at line 1364 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
Qt::TextInteractionFlags QPlainTextEdit::textInteractionFlags | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2638 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1570 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
inline |
Returns the text of the text edit as plain text.
Definition at line 116 of file qplaintextedit.h.
slot |
Undoes the last operation.
If there is no operation to undo, i.e. there is no undo step in the undo/redo history, nothing happens.
Definition at line 1399 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever undo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false).
This signal is emitted when the text document needs an update of the specified rect.
If the text is scrolled, rect will cover the entire viewport area. If the text is scrolled vertically, dy carries the amount of pixels the viewport was scrolled.
The purpose of the signal is to support extra widgets in plain text edit subclasses that e.g. show line numbers, breakpoints, or other extra information.
QTextOption::WrapMode QPlainTextEdit::wordWrapMode | ( | ) | const |
the mode QPlainTextEdit will use when wrapping text by words
By default, this property is set to QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere.
Definition at line 2800 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Zooms in on the text by making the base font size range points larger and recalculating all font sizes to be the new size. This does not change the size of any images.
Definition at line 2345 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
protected |
Definition at line 2365 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
slot |
Zooms out on the text by making the base font size range points smaller and recalculating all font sizes to be the new size.
This does not change the size of any images.
Definition at line 2357 of file qplaintextedit.cpp.
friend |
Definition at line 244 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
whether the palette background is visible outside the document area
If set to true, the plain text edit paints the palette background on the viewport area not covered by the text document. Otherwise, if set to false, it won't. The feature makes it possible for the user to visually distinguish between the area of the document, painted with the base color of the palette, and the empty area not covered by any document.
The default is false.
Definition at line 47 of file qplaintextedit.h.
read |
the number of text blocks in the document.
By default, in an empty document, this property contains a value of 1.
Definition at line 45 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
whether the cursor should be centered on screen
If set to true, the plain text edit scrolls the document vertically to make the cursor visible at the center of the viewport. This also allows the text edit to scroll below the end of the document. Otherwise, if set to false, the plain text edit scrolls the smallest amount possible to ensure the cursor is visible. The same algorithm is applied to any new line appended through appendPlainText().
The default is false.
Definition at line 48 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
This property specifies the width of the cursor in pixels.
The default value is 1.
Definition at line 42 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
the title of the document parsed from the text.
By default, this property contains an empty string.
Definition at line 34 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
the line wrap mode
The default mode is WidgetWidth which causes words to be wrapped at the right edge of the text edit. Wrapping occurs at whitespace, keeping whole words intact. If you want wrapping to occur within words use setWordWrapMode().
Definition at line 36 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
the limit for blocks in the document.
Specifies the maximum number of blocks the document may have. If there are more blocks in the document that specified with this property blocks are removed from the beginning of the document.
A negative or zero value specifies that the document may contain an unlimited amount of blocks.
The default value is 0.
Note that setting this property will apply the limit immediately to the document contents. Setting this property also disables the undo redo history.
Definition at line 46 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
whether text entered by the user will overwrite existing text
As with many text editors, the plain text editor widget can be configured to insert or overwrite existing text with new text entered by the user.
If this property is true
, existing text is overwritten, character-for-character by new text; otherwise, text is inserted at the cursor position, displacing existing text.
By default, this property is false
(new text does not overwrite existing text).
Definition at line 40 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
the editor placeholder text
Setting this property makes the editor display a grayed-out placeholder text as long as the document() is empty.
By default, this property contains an empty string.
Definition at line 49 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
This property gets and sets the plain text editor's contents.
The previous contents are removed and undo/redo history is reset when this property is set. currentCharFormat() is also reset, unless textCursor() is already at the beginning of the document.
By default, for an editor with no contents, this property contains an empty string.
Definition at line 39 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
whether the text edit is read-only
In a read-only text edit the user can only navigate through the text and select text; modifying the text is not possible.
This property's default is false.
Definition at line 38 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
whether \uicontrol Tab changes focus or is accepted as input
In some occasions text edits should not allow the user to input tabulators or change indentation using the \uicontrol Tab key, as this breaks the focus chain. The default is false.
Definition at line 33 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
the tab stop distance in pixels
By default, this property contains a value of 80 pixels.
Do not set a value less than the \l {QFontMetrics::}{horizontalAdvance()} of the QChar::VisualTabCharacter character, otherwise the tab-character will be drawn incompletely.
Definition at line 41 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
Specifies how the label should interact with user input if it displays text.
If the flags contain either Qt::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard or Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard then the focus policy is also automatically set to Qt::ClickFocus.
The default value depends on whether the QPlainTextEdit is read-only or editable.
Definition at line 43 of file qplaintextedit.h.
readwrite |
whether undo and redo are enabled
Users are only able to undo or redo actions if this property is true, and if there is an action that can be undone (or redone).
By default, this property is true
Definition at line 35 of file qplaintextedit.h.