Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
qrhigles2.cpp File Reference


#include "qrhigles2_p.h"
#include <QOffscreenSurface>
#include <QOpenGLContext>
#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qopenglextensions_p.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qopenglprogrambinarycache_p.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qwindow_p.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformopenglcontext.h>
#include <qmath.h>
+ Include dependency graph for qrhigles2.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  QGles2PipelineCacheDataHeader
struct  CommandBufferExecTrackedState


#define GL_BGRA   0x80E1
 \variable QRhiGles2NativeHandles::context
#define GL_R8   0x8229
#define GL_RG8   0x822B
#define GL_RG   0x8227
#define GL_R16   0x822A
#define GL_RG16   0x822C
#define GL_RED   0x1903
#define GL_RGBA8   0x8058
#define GL_RGBA32F   0x8814
#define GL_RGBA16F   0x881A
#define GL_R16F   0x822D
#define GL_R32F   0x822E
#define GL_HALF_FLOAT   0x140B
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16   0x81A5
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24   0x81A6
#define GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8   0x8CAD
#define GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV   0x8DAD
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8   0x84FA
#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX   0x1901
#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX8   0x8D48
#define GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8   0x88F0
#define GL_DEPTH_STENCIL   0x84F9
#define GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS   0x8824
#define GL_MAX_SAMPLES   0x8D57
#define GL_READ_ONLY   0x88B8
#define GL_WRITE_ONLY   0x88B9
#define GL_READ_WRITE   0x88BA
#define GL_COMPUTE_SHADER   0x91B9
#define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000002
#define GL_UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000004
#define GL_BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000200
#define GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT   0x00002000
#define GL_TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000008
#define GL_PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000080
#define GL_TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000100
#define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000400
#define GL_POINT_SPRITE   0x8861
#define GL_MAP_READ_BIT   0x0001
#define GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT   0x0002
#define GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE   0x9100
#define GL_CONTEXT_LOST   0x0507
#define GL_TEXTURE_3D   0x806F
#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R   0x8072
#define GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY   0x8C1A
#define GL_RGB10_A2   0x8059
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV   0x8368
#define GL_PATCH_VERTICES   0x8E72
#define GL_LINE   0x1B01
#define GL_FILL   0x1B02
#define GL_PATCHES   0x000E
#define GL_BACK_LEFT   0x0402
#define GL_BACK_RIGHT   0x0403
#define GL_TEXTURE_1D   0x0DE0
#define GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY   0x8C18
#define GL_TIMESTAMP   0x8E28
#define GL_QUERY_RESULT   0x8866
#define GL_BUFFER   0x82E0
#define GL_PROGRAM   0x82E2


static QSurfacecurrentSurfaceForCurrentContext (QOpenGLContext *ctx)
static GLenum toGlCompressedTextureFormat (QRhiTexture::Format format, QRhiTexture::Flags flags)
static void toGlTextureFormat (QRhiTexture::Format format, const QRhiGles2::Caps &caps, GLenum *glintformat, GLenum *glsizedintformat, GLenum *glformat, GLenum *gltype)
static void addBoundaryCommand (QGles2CommandBuffer *cbD, QGles2CommandBuffer::Command::Cmd type, GLuint tsQuery=0)
static bool bufferAccessIsWrite (QGles2Buffer::Access access)
static bool textureAccessIsWrite (QGles2Texture::Access access)
static GLbitfield barriersForBuffer ()
static GLbitfield barriersForTexture ()
static GLenum toGlTopology (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Topology t)
static GLenum toGlCullMode (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::CullMode c)
static GLenum toGlFrontFace (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::FrontFace f)
static GLenum toGlBlendFactor (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::BlendFactor f)
static GLenum toGlBlendOp (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::BlendOp op)
static GLenum toGlCompareOp (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::CompareOp op)
static GLenum toGlStencilOp (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::StencilOp op)
static GLenum toGlPolygonMode (QRhiGraphicsPipeline::PolygonMode mode)
static GLenum toGlMinFilter (QRhiSampler::Filter f, QRhiSampler::Filter m)
static GLenum toGlMagFilter (QRhiSampler::Filter f)
static GLenum toGlWrapMode (QRhiSampler::AddressMode m)
static GLenum toGlTextureCompareFunc (QRhiSampler::CompareOp op)
static QGles2Buffer::Access toGlAccess (QRhiPassResourceTracker::BufferAccess access)
static QRhiPassResourceTracker::UsageState toPassTrackerUsageState (const QGles2Buffer::UsageState &bufUsage)
static QGles2Texture::Access toGlAccess (QRhiPassResourceTracker::TextureAccess access)
static QRhiPassResourceTracker::UsageState toPassTrackerUsageState (const QGles2Texture::UsageState &texUsage)
static void bindVertexIndexBufferWithStateReset (CommandBufferExecTrackedState *state, QOpenGLExtensions *f, GLenum target, GLuint buffer)
template<typename T >
static void qrhi_std140_to_packed (T *dst, int vecSize, int elemCount, const void *src)
template<typename T >
void qrhigl_accumulateComputeResource (T *writtenResources, QRhiResource *resource, QRhiShaderResourceBinding::Type bindingType, int loadTypeVal, int storeTypeVal, int loadStoreTypeVal)
static GLenum toGlShaderType (QRhiShaderStage::Type type)
 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC (QOpenGLProgramBinaryCache, qrhi_programBinaryCache)
static QShader::Stage toShaderStage (QRhiShaderStage::Type type)
static bool isGraphicsStage (const QRhiShaderStage &shaderStage)

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 348 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_BACK_LEFT   0x0402

Definition at line 496 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer().


#define GL_BACK_RIGHT   0x0403

Definition at line 500 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer().


#define GL_BGRA   0x80E1

\variable QRhiGles2NativeHandles::context

Definition at line 156 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_BUFFER   0x82E0

Definition at line 532 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000200

Definition at line 320 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForBuffer().



Definition at line 276 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_COMPUTE_SHADER   0x91B9

Definition at line 304 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlShaderType().


#define GL_CONTEXT_LOST   0x0507

Definition at line 396 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8   0x88F0

Definition at line 240 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8   0x8CAD

Definition at line 220 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16   0x81A5

Definition at line 208 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24   0x81A6

Definition at line 212 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().



Definition at line 216 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_DEPTH_STENCIL   0x84F9

Definition at line 248 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().



Definition at line 244 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 264 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000002

Definition at line 312 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForBuffer().


#define GL_FILL   0x1B02

Definition at line 484 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlPolygonMode().


#define GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV   0x8DAD

Definition at line 224 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000400

Definition at line 344 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForTexture().



Definition at line 256 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 492 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlShaderType().


#define GL_HALF_FLOAT   0x140B

Definition at line 204 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_LINE   0x1B01

Definition at line 480 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlPolygonMode().


#define GL_MAP_READ_BIT   0x0001

Definition at line 360 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT   0x0002

Definition at line 364 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 428 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 384 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 380 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 388 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS   0x8824

Definition at line 268 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 436 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 444 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_MAX_SAMPLES   0x8D57

Definition at line 284 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 456 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 460 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 464 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 516 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 432 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 440 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 404 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_PATCH_VERTICES   0x8E72

Definition at line 476 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_PATCHES   0x000E

Definition at line 488 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTopology().


#define GL_PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000080

Definition at line 336 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForTexture().


#define GL_POINT_SPRITE   0x8861

Definition at line 356 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 252 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_PROGRAM   0x82E2

Definition at line 536 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 400 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_QUERY_RESULT   0x8866

Definition at line 524 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 528 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

◆ GL_R16

#define GL_R16   0x822A

Definition at line 172 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().

◆ GL_R16F

#define GL_R16F   0x822D

Definition at line 196 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().

◆ GL_R32F

#define GL_R32F   0x822E

Definition at line 200 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().

◆ GL_R8

#define GL_R8   0x8229

Definition at line 160 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().



Definition at line 260 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_READ_ONLY   0x88B8

Definition at line 292 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_READ_WRITE   0x88BA

Definition at line 300 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



#define GL_RG   0x8227

Definition at line 168 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().

◆ GL_RG16

#define GL_RG16   0x822C

Definition at line 176 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().

◆ GL_RG8

#define GL_RG8   0x822B

Definition at line 164 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().

◆ GL_RGB10_A2

#define GL_RGB10_A2   0x8059

Definition at line 448 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_RGBA16F   0x881A

Definition at line 192 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().


#define GL_RGBA32F   0x8814

Definition at line 188 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().




Definition at line 332 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForTexture().


#define GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT   0x00002000

Definition at line 324 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForBuffer().



Definition at line 288 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX   0x1901


#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX8   0x8D48

Definition at line 236 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 468 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlShaderType().



Definition at line 472 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlShaderType().


#define GL_TEXTURE_1D   0x0DE0

Definition at line 504 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer(), and QGles2Texture::prepareCreate().


#define GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY   0x8C18

Definition at line 508 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY   0x8C1A

Definition at line 424 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE   0x9100

Definition at line 368 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 372 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_TEXTURE_3D   0x806F

Definition at line 412 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 280 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 272 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 392 of file qrhigles2.cpp.



Definition at line 376 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000008

Definition at line 328 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForTexture().



Definition at line 420 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000100

Definition at line 340 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForTexture().


#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R   0x8072

Definition at line 416 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_TIMESTAMP   0x8E28

Definition at line 520 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT   0x00000004

Definition at line 316 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForBuffer().



Definition at line 408 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8   0x84FA

Definition at line 228 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().

◆ GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV

#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV   0x8368

Definition at line 452 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by toGlTextureFormat().



Definition at line 308 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Referenced by barriersForBuffer().



Definition at line 352 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


#define GL_WRITE_ONLY   0x88B9

Definition at line 296 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ addBoundaryCommand()

static void addBoundaryCommand ( QGles2CommandBuffer * cbD,
QGles2CommandBuffer::Command::Cmd type,
GLuint tsQuery = 0 )

Definition at line 2053 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QGles2CommandBuffer::Command::args, QGles2CommandBuffer::Command::BeginFrame, QGles2CommandBuffer::Command::cmd, QGles2CommandBuffer::commands, and QGles2CommandBuffer::Command::EndFrame.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::beginFrame(), QRhiGles2::beginOffscreenFrame(), QRhiGles2::endExternal(), QRhiGles2::endFrame(), and QRhiGles2::endOffscreenFrame().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ barriersForBuffer()

static GLbitfield barriersForBuffer ( )

Definition at line 2285 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer(), and QRhiGles2::trackedBufferBarrier().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ barriersForTexture()

static GLbitfield barriersForTexture ( )

Definition at line 2294 of file qrhigles2.cpp.


Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer(), and QRhiGles2::trackedImageBarrier().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bindVertexIndexBufferWithStateReset()

static void bindVertexIndexBufferWithStateReset ( CommandBufferExecTrackedState * state,
QOpenGLExtensions * f,
GLenum target,
GLuint buffer )

Definition at line 2974 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References state.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bufferAccessIsWrite()

static bool bufferAccessIsWrite ( QGles2Buffer::Access access)

Definition at line 2270 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QGles2Buffer::AccessStorageReadWrite, QGles2Buffer::AccessStorageWrite, and QGles2Buffer::AccessUpdate.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer(), and QRhiGles2::trackedBufferBarrier().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ currentSurfaceForCurrentContext()

static QSurface * currentSurfaceForCurrentContext ( QOpenGLContext * ctx)

Definition at line 603 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QOpenGLContext::currentContext(), and QSurface::Window.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::ensureContext().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isGraphicsStage()

static bool isGraphicsStage ( const QRhiShaderStage & shaderStage)

Definition at line 6277 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiShaderStage::Fragment, QRhiShaderStage::Geometry, QRhiShaderStage::TessellationControl, QRhiShaderStage::TessellationEvaluation, QRhiShaderStage::type(), and QRhiShaderStage::Vertex.

Referenced by QGles2GraphicsPipeline::create().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:


Q_GLOBAL_STATIC ( QOpenGLProgramBinaryCache ,
qrhi_programBinaryCache  )

◆ qrhi_std140_to_packed()

template<typename T >
static void qrhi_std140_to_packed ( T * dst,
int vecSize,
int elemCount,
const void * src )

Definition at line 3986 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References i, and j.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::bindShaderResources().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ qrhigl_accumulateComputeResource()

template<typename T >
void qrhigl_accumulateComputeResource ( T * writtenResources,
QRhiResource * resource,
QRhiShaderResourceBinding::Type bindingType,
int loadTypeVal,
int storeTypeVal,
int loadStoreTypeVal )

Definition at line 4759 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References it, QGles2CommandBuffer::ComputePassState::Read, and QGles2CommandBuffer::ComputePassState::Write.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::dispatch().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ textureAccessIsWrite()

static bool textureAccessIsWrite ( QGles2Texture::Access access)

Definition at line 2277 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QGles2Texture::AccessFramebuffer, QGles2Texture::AccessStorageReadWrite, QGles2Texture::AccessStorageWrite, and QGles2Texture::AccessUpdate.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer(), and QRhiGles2::trackedImageBarrier().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlAccess() [1/2]

◆ toGlAccess() [2/2]

◆ toGlBlendFactor()

◆ toGlBlendOp()

static GLenum toGlBlendOp ( QRhiGraphicsPipeline::BlendOp op)

Definition at line 2723 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Add, GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT, GL_MAX, GL_MIN, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Max, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Min, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::ReverseSubtract, and QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Subtract.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeBindGraphicsPipeline().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlCompareOp()

static GLenum toGlCompareOp ( QRhiGraphicsPipeline::CompareOp op)

Definition at line 2741 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Always, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Equal, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Greater, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::GreaterOrEqual, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Less, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::LessOrEqual, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Never, and QRhiGraphicsPipeline::NotEqual.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeBindGraphicsPipeline(), and QRhiGles2::executeCommandBuffer().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlCompressedTextureFormat()

◆ toGlCullMode()

static GLenum toGlCullMode ( QRhiGraphicsPipeline::CullMode c)

Definition at line 2655 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Back, and QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Front.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeBindGraphicsPipeline().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlFrontFace()

static GLenum toGlFrontFace ( QRhiGraphicsPipeline::FrontFace f)

Definition at line 2667 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiGraphicsPipeline::CCW, and QRhiGraphicsPipeline::CW.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeBindGraphicsPipeline().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlMagFilter()

static GLenum toGlMagFilter ( QRhiSampler::Filter f)

Definition at line 2819 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiSampler::Linear, and QRhiSampler::Nearest.

Referenced by QGles2Sampler::create().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlMinFilter()

static GLenum toGlMinFilter ( QRhiSampler::Filter f,
QRhiSampler::Filter m )

Definition at line 2801 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiSampler::Linear, QRhiSampler::Nearest, and QRhiSampler::None.

Referenced by QGles2Sampler::create().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlPolygonMode()

static GLenum toGlPolygonMode ( QRhiGraphicsPipeline::PolygonMode mode)

Definition at line 2789 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Fill, GL_FILL, GL_LINE, and QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Line.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::executeBindGraphicsPipeline().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlShaderType()

static GLenum toGlShaderType ( QRhiShaderStage::Type type)

Definition at line 4854 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiShaderStage::Compute, QRhiShaderStage::Fragment, QRhiShaderStage::Geometry, GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, QRhiShaderStage::TessellationControl, QRhiShaderStage::TessellationEvaluation, and QRhiShaderStage::Vertex.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::compileShader().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlStencilOp()

static GLenum toGlStencilOp ( QRhiGraphicsPipeline::StencilOp op)

◆ toGlTextureCompareFunc()

static GLenum toGlTextureCompareFunc ( QRhiSampler::CompareOp op)

Definition at line 2845 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiSampler::Always, QRhiSampler::Equal, QRhiSampler::Greater, QRhiSampler::GreaterOrEqual, QRhiSampler::Less, QRhiSampler::LessOrEqual, QRhiSampler::Never, and QRhiSampler::NotEqual.

Referenced by QGles2Sampler::create().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlTextureFormat()

◆ toGlTopology()

static GLenum toGlTopology ( QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Topology t)

Definition at line 2633 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References GL_PATCHES, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Lines, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::LineStrip, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Patches, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Points, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::TriangleFan, QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Triangles, and QRhiGraphicsPipeline::TriangleStrip.

Referenced by QGles2GraphicsPipeline::create().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toGlWrapMode()

static GLenum toGlWrapMode ( QRhiSampler::AddressMode m)

Definition at line 2831 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, QRhiSampler::Mirror, and QRhiSampler::Repeat.

Referenced by QGles2Sampler::create().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toPassTrackerUsageState() [1/2]

static QRhiPassResourceTracker::UsageState toPassTrackerUsageState ( const QGles2Buffer::UsageState & bufUsage)

Definition at line 2891 of file qrhigles2.cpp.

References QRhiPassResourceTracker::UsageState::access, QRhiPassResourceTracker::UsageState::layout, and QRhiPassResourceTracker::UsageState::stage.

Referenced by QRhiGles2::trackedRegisterBuffer(), QRhiVulkan::trackedRegisterBuffer(), QRhiGles2::trackedRegisterTexture(), and QRhiVulkan::trackedRegisterTexture().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toPassTrackerUsageState() [2/2]

◆ toShaderStage()