Internal/Contributor docs for the Qt SDK. <b>Note:</b> These are NOT official API docs; those are found <a href='https://doc.qt.io/'>here</a>.
No Matches
QOpenGLWindowPrivate Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for QOpenGLWindowPrivate:
+ Collaboration diagram for QOpenGLWindowPrivate:

Public Member Functions

 QOpenGLWindowPrivate (QOpenGLContext *shareContext, QOpenGLWindow::UpdateBehavior updateBehavior)
 ~QOpenGLWindowPrivate ()
void bindFBO ()
void initialize ()
void beginPaint (const QRegion &region) override
void endPaint () override
void flush (const QRegion &region) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from QPaintDeviceWindowPrivate
 QPaintDeviceWindowPrivate ()
 ~QPaintDeviceWindowPrivate () override
virtual void handleResizeEvent ()
bool paint (const QRegion &region)
void doFlush (const QRegion &region)
void handleUpdateEvent ()
void markWindowAsDirty ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QWindowPrivate
 QWindowPrivate ()
 ~QWindowPrivate () override
void init (QWindow *parent, QScreen *targetScreen=nullptr)
void setCursor (const QCursor *c=nullptr)
bool applyCursor ()
QPoint globalPosition () const
QWindowtopLevelWindow (QWindow::AncestorMode mode=QWindow::IncludeTransients) const
virtual QWindoweventReceiver ()
virtual QPalette windowPalette () const
virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
void updateVisibility ()
void _q_clearAlert ()
void updateSiblingPosition (SiblingPosition)
bool windowRecreationRequired (QScreen *newScreen) const
void create (bool recursive)
void destroy ()
void setTopLevelScreen (QScreen *newScreen, bool recreate)
void connectToScreen (QScreen *topLevelScreen)
void disconnectFromScreen ()
void emitScreenChangedRecursion (QScreen *newScreen)
QScreenscreenForGeometry (const QRect &rect) const
void setTransientParent (QWindow *parent)
virtual void clearFocusObject ()
virtual void setFocusToTarget (FocusTarget, Qt::FocusReason)
virtual QRectF closestAcceptableGeometry (const QRectF &rect) const
void setMinOrMaxSize (QSize *oldSizeMember, const QSize &size, qxp::function_ref< void()> funcWidthChanged, qxp::function_ref< void()> funcHeightChanged)
virtual void processSafeAreaMarginsChanged ()
virtual bool participatesInLastWindowClosed () const
virtual bool treatAsVisible () const
const QWindowforwardToPopup (QEvent *event, const QWindow *activePopupOnPress)
bool isPopup () const
void setAutomaticPositionAndResizeEnabled (bool a)
bool updateDevicePixelRatio ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
void ensureExtraData ()
 QObjectPrivate (int version=QObjectPrivateVersion)
virtual ~QObjectPrivate ()
void deleteChildren ()
void clearBindingStorage ()
void checkForIncompatibleLibraryVersion (int version) const
void setParent_helper (QObject *)
void moveToThread_helper ()
void setThreadData_helper (QThreadData *currentData, QThreadData *targetData, QBindingStatus *status)
QObjectList receiverList (const char *signal) const
void ensureConnectionData ()
void addConnection (int signal, Connection *c)
int signalIndex (const char *signalName, const QMetaObject **meta=nullptr) const
bool isSignalConnected (uint signalIdx, bool checkDeclarative=true) const
bool maybeSignalConnected (uint signalIndex) const
bool isDeclarativeSignalConnected (uint signalIdx) const
void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
void reinitBindingStorageAfterThreadMove ()
virtual std::string flagsForDumping () const
virtual void writeToDebugStream (QDebug &) const
QtPrivate::QPropertyAdaptorSlotObjectgetPropertyAdaptorSlotObject (const QMetaProperty &property)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectData
 QObjectData ()=default
virtual ~QObjectData ()=0
QMetaObjectdynamicMetaObject () const

Static Public Member Functions

static QOpenGLWindowPrivateget (QOpenGLWindow *w)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QWindowPrivate
static QWindowPrivateget (QWindow *window)
static Qt::WindowState effectiveState (Qt::WindowStates)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
static bool removeConnection (Connection *c)
static QObjectPrivateget (QObject *o)
static const QObjectPrivateget (const QObject *o)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
template<typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
static bool disconnect (const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func1 >::Object *sender, Func1 signal, const typename QtPrivate::FunctionPointer< Func2 >::Object *receiverPrivate, Func2 slot)
static QMetaObject::Connection connectImpl (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, void **slot, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, int type, const int *types, const QMetaObject *senderMetaObject)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type)
static QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj, Qt::ConnectionType type)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, void **slot)
static bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, int signal_index, const QObject *receiver, void **slot)

Public Attributes

QOpenGLWindow::UpdateBehavior updateBehavior
bool hasFboBlit
QScopedPointer< QOpenGLContextcontext
QScopedPointer< QOpenGLFramebufferObjectfbo
QScopedPointer< QOpenGLWindowPaintDevicepaintDevice
QOpenGLTextureBlitter blitter
QColor backgroundColor
QScopedPointer< QOffscreenSurfaceoffscreenSurface
- Public Attributes inherited from QWindowPrivate
QWindow::SurfaceType surfaceType = QWindow::RasterSurface
Qt::WindowFlags windowFlags = Qt::Window
QWindowparentWindow = nullptr
QPlatformWindowplatformWindow = nullptr
bool visible = false
bool visibilityOnDestroy = false
bool exposed = false
bool inClose = false
QSurfaceFormat requestedFormat
QString windowTitle
QString windowFilePath
QIcon windowIcon
QRect geometry
qreal devicePixelRatio = 1.0
Qt::WindowStates windowState = Qt::WindowNoState
QWindow::Visibility visibility = QWindow::Hidden
bool resizeEventPending = true
bool receivedExpose = false
PositionPolicy positionPolicy = WindowFrameExclusive
bool positionAutomatic = true
bool resizeAutomatic = true
Qt::ScreenOrientation contentOrientation = Qt::PrimaryOrientation
qreal opacity = 1
QRegion mask
QSize minimumSize = {0, 0}
QSize baseSize
QSize sizeIncrement
Qt::WindowModality modality = Qt::NonModal
bool blockedByModalWindow = false
bool updateRequestPending = false
bool transientParentPropertySet = false
QPointer< QWindowtransientParent
QPointer< QScreentopLevelScreen
QCursor cursor = {Qt::ArrowCursor}
bool hasCursor = false
QElapsedTimer lastComposeTime
- Public Attributes inherited from QObjectPrivate
QAtomicPointer< QThreadDatathreadData
QAtomicPointer< ConnectionDataconnections
union { 
   QObject *   currentChildBeingDeleted 
   QAbstractDeclarativeData *   declarativeData 
QAtomicPointer< QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountDatasharedRefcount
- Public Attributes inherited from QObjectData
QObjectList children
uint isWidget: 1
uint blockSig: 1
uint wasDeleted: 1
uint isDeletingChildren: 1
uint sendChildEvents: 1
uint receiveChildEvents: 1
uint isWindow: 1
uint deleteLaterCalled: 1
uint isQuickItem: 1
uint willBeWidget: 1
uint wasWidget: 1
uint receiveParentEvents: 1
uint unused: 20
QAtomicInt postedEvents
QBindingStorage bindingStorage

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QWindowPrivate
enum  PositionPolicy { WindowFrameInclusive , WindowFrameExclusive }
enum  SiblingPosition { PositionTop , PositionBottom }
enum class  FocusTarget {
  First , Last , Current , Next ,
- Public Types inherited from QObjectPrivate
typedef void(* StaticMetaCallFunction) (QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **)
using ConnectionDataPointer = QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<ConnectionData>

Detailed Description

Definition at line 154 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QOpenGLWindowPrivate()

QOpenGLWindowPrivate::QOpenGLWindowPrivate ( QOpenGLContext * shareContext,
QOpenGLWindow::UpdateBehavior updateBehavior )

Definition at line 158 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

References qt_gl_global_share_context(), and shareContext.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~QOpenGLWindowPrivate()

QOpenGLWindowPrivate::~QOpenGLWindowPrivate ( )

Definition at line 189 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

References blitter, QOpenGLTextureBlitter::destroy(), fbo, paintDevice, and QScopedPointer< T, Cleanup >::reset().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ beginPaint()

◆ bindFBO()

void QOpenGLWindowPrivate::bindFBO ( )

Definition at line 306 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

References QOpenGLFramebufferObject::bind(), QOpenGLFramebufferObject::bindDefault(), fbo, QOpenGLWindow::NoPartialUpdate, and updateBehavior.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ endPaint()

◆ flush()

void QOpenGLWindowPrivate::flush ( const QRegion & region)

Reimplemented from QPaintDeviceWindowPrivate.

Definition at line 314 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

References context, emit, Q_UNUSED, and QOpenGLContext::swapBuffers().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get()

static QOpenGLWindowPrivate * QOpenGLWindowPrivate::get ( QOpenGLWindow * w)

Definition at line 169 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by QOpenGLWindowPaintDevice::ensureActiveTarget().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initialize()

void QOpenGLWindowPrivate::initialize ( )

Definition at line 201 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

References context, QOpenGLContext::create(), hasFboBlit, QOpenGLFramebufferObject::hasOpenGLFramebufferBlit(), QOpenGLContext::makeCurrent(), paintDevice, QOpenGLWindow::PartialUpdateBlit, qWarning, QScopedPointer< T, Cleanup >::reset(), QOpenGLContext::setFormat(), QOpenGLContext::setShareContext(), shareContext, and updateBehavior.

Referenced by beginPaint().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ backgroundColor

QColor QOpenGLWindowPrivate::backgroundColor

Definition at line 185 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

◆ blitter

QOpenGLTextureBlitter QOpenGLWindowPrivate::blitter

Definition at line 184 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by ~QOpenGLWindowPrivate(), and endPaint().

◆ context

QScopedPointer<QOpenGLContext> QOpenGLWindowPrivate::context

Definition at line 180 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by beginPaint(), endPaint(), flush(), and initialize().

◆ fbo

QScopedPointer<QOpenGLFramebufferObject> QOpenGLWindowPrivate::fbo

Definition at line 182 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by ~QOpenGLWindowPrivate(), beginPaint(), bindFBO(), and endPaint().

◆ hasFboBlit

bool QOpenGLWindowPrivate::hasFboBlit

Definition at line 179 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by endPaint(), and initialize().

◆ offscreenSurface

QScopedPointer<QOffscreenSurface> QOpenGLWindowPrivate::offscreenSurface

Definition at line 186 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

◆ paintDevice

QScopedPointer<QOpenGLWindowPaintDevice> QOpenGLWindowPrivate::paintDevice

Definition at line 183 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by ~QOpenGLWindowPrivate(), beginPaint(), and initialize().

◆ shareContext

QOpenGLContext* QOpenGLWindowPrivate::shareContext

Definition at line 181 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by QOpenGLWindowPrivate(), and initialize().

◆ updateBehavior

QOpenGLWindow::UpdateBehavior QOpenGLWindowPrivate::updateBehavior

Definition at line 178 of file qopenglwindow.cpp.

Referenced by beginPaint(), bindFBO(), endPaint(), and initialize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: